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Infested Protoss
Feb 1 2009, 9:01 pm
By: Black Knight  

Feb 11 2009, 11:43 pm Lord Malvanis Post #21

And they can produce infested dragoons because Dragoons are more like suits than robots, if you ever payed attention to dragoon fenix they are basically zealots surviving in a mech suit. And one reason infested protoss would be bad is because if the zerg advanced enough they could have (cough) infested mothership (cough)


Feb 11 2009, 11:54 pm Lt.Church Post #22

an infested mothership would require multiple operators to fly it, moreso than it requires to fly a battlecruiser. if you follow logic and or starcraft canon youd notice.


Feb 12 2009, 1:40 am Black Knight Post #23

Oh yes if you read lore about 'Immortals" the dragoon shrine WAS infested by the zerg


Feb 12 2009, 1:50 am UnholyUrine Post #24

There's already "corrupted" air units... so you can forget the Infested mothership o.o

oh man.. if the Corrupted air units can work as a unit by itself.. moveable.. and able to change its properties in SCUMedit, that'd be sweet :P


Feb 13 2009, 1:19 pm Sie_Sayoka Post #25

If they do make any infested protoss units I would think that they would be for storyline purposes only, to build upon durans storyline. I do not think that protoss would be easily infested or hybridized, (which is why duran required terran assistance) partly because all protoss belong to the khala (with the exception of the dark templar which explains as to why razsagal was infested)


Feb 13 2009, 3:51 pm Lt.Church Post #26

i unno if you have the knownledge to infest youd probably be able to gain the knownledge how to sever connections to the khala; from captured dark templar of course XD.


Feb 14 2009, 12:59 am Sie_Sayoka Post #27

Dark Templar do not know how to sever the connection to the khala, they didnt join it and were outcasted.


Feb 14 2009, 1:27 am Lt.Church Post #28

i didnt say they did but by studying something similiar to something else but thats lacking someone the others arent aka a connection to the khala, you should be able to learn what TO sever. its like looking at a duck with three legs and a duck with two, by looking at them genetically you would be able to find why theres another leg. therefore you could then genetically make a three legged duck assuming you had the technology or sheer intelligence.


Feb 14 2009, 3:09 am ClansAreForGays Post #29

I always felt that you should only be able to make as many goons, for as many zealots/templar you lost. Would have been a much better game mechanic.

Feb 14 2009, 3:32 am Lt.Church Post #30

CAFG thatd assume the fight your fighting is the only protoss fight happening in the galaxy, which is obviously false.


Feb 16 2009, 8:28 pm Lord Malvanis Post #31

Now that I think about it there is supposed to be an infested protoss / zerg protoss hybrid because theres a hidden protoss mission on Brood war that plays you as zeratul going through multiple terrain buildings that have hybrids.
If you don't believe that download the advisor soundpack and listen to the transmissions, its there.


Feb 17 2009, 1:28 am Sie_Sayoka Post #32

Everyone already knows about that ;o


Feb 17 2009, 3:12 am Lord Malvanis Post #33

Alright then Sayoka, Show me one post other than mine that has talked about it.


Feb 17 2009, 3:38 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #34

Just here for the activity... well not really

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Syphon doesn't read b4 he posts.

Anyways, has there been any leaked concept art? More than anything I want SC2 because I want to see wtf was in Duarn's test tube, this is bullshit.
Quote from Grand_dracolich
I think the Infested Protoss units were removed because story-wise, they'd be too powerful, and they're supposed to be hard to infest (otherwise, they'd've done it a long time ago).

It'd also steal the thunder of Duran's experiments. The bonus mission set everyone up for these super-powerful hybrids, then, for no apparant reason, those hybrids are in melee mode and aren't anything special.

Saving Sie a few clicks.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

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