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**Mini-Game Party REMASTERED**
Jan 12 2009, 11:42 pm
By: MillenniumArmy
Pages: < 1 2 3 4 514 >

Jan 14 2009, 1:12 am MillenniumArmy Post #41

84 is mad bombers...? Burrowing won't help you in that one.


Jan 14 2009, 1:29 am Falkoner Post #42

Oh, well, it's the one where you're all zerglings and the archons slowly spawn and try to kill you, top left arena.


Jan 14 2009, 2:04 am MillenniumArmy Post #43

Ah that one. Actually, I may have to trash that one. It's not really working out to how i like or want it to be...


Jan 14 2009, 2:28 am konflikt Post #44

w00t!! cant wait =D


Jan 14 2009, 7:29 am MillenniumArmy Post #45

Alright guys.

This is my final edit. FINALv2.0

Please download and play this one if you've gotten the previous ones. All known bugs, glitches, exploits, etc should be cleared by now. Oh and also, this version I've replaced #82 Switcharoo with a different and better mini-game so check it out ;)


Jan 14 2009, 7:34 am Demented Shaman Post #46

We should form a group of testers that will just play this again and again. One hardcore day of testing and bug finding :P


Jan 14 2009, 8:31 am LokiArexon Post #47

Man, I *really* want to see how you did some of these triggers. Like, the one where you have to avoid the firebats and you constantly move around... how did you do that one? There's several others I'd like to see too... I wish there was a way you could release an unmodifiable but not "protected" map :/


Jan 14 2009, 8:58 am Demented Shaman Post #48

Quote from LokiArexon
Man, I *really* want to see how you did some of these triggers. Like, the one where you have to avoid the firebats and you constantly move around... how did you do that one? There's several others I'd like to see too... I wish there was a way you could release an unmodifiable but not "protected" map :/
I haven't played that minigame, but assuming I'm correct in my assumption of what its like then its probably junkyard dog roaming firebats and a singe location constantly centered on your unit. When a firebat enters that location it means your unit is touching it as well.


Jan 14 2009, 9:45 am MillenniumArmy Post #49

I believe you are talking about the #33 Earthquake (now renamed Dizzy) Dodge. Yeah, it's simply junk yard dogged, and as for the screen shaking, i had eight burrowed zerglings owned by player 9 and for every trigger cycle all players would be center viewed on one of those zerglings. And then a location on top of each player's zealot which'll detect when a firebat touches him.


Jan 14 2009, 10:54 am USS Cane Post #50

Bug: In the Run & Burrow using ling (not sure the name of the mini game) mutalisk killed me near wall and my flag didnt apear and it spammed constantly "unit implacable flag" and my ling didnt come back at all after that : p

Bug: in "Ultra Torture" ultralisks may atack each other if you click A+ left click, same in probe rape and few other games, you can just shoot others which i though was unfair

Other then that i believe the map is one of the best I seen in starcraft whatsoever and im really hardcore sc player so yeah, respect

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 14 2009, 12:52 pm by USS Cane.


Jan 14 2009, 4:20 pm payne Post #51


Hot potato: remove placement of mines
I often use the tactic of placing mines in front of a flag, give vision to that player and give him the vulture, it makes him lose a bit of time sometimes :O

Goliath Track: try to fix the fact that JunkY AI isn't perfect and it would also make in sort that 2nd from top and 2nd from bottom are the best
Spin of death: try to make us know where it'll start. it's very annoying for noobs to not play this because they got pwned at the very start :O
Hot chix, ugly chix: Maybe make the players spawn a bit later so they can't rush into the middle to get points easily?
Blown Away: maybe make it so that we do not get relayed by scourges? Make scourges explode in a larger radius to give the player the time to move a bit at least?
12 man survival: Firebats and SCV CAN attack the other players :O
Basket Shooting, Archers, Nydus Canal Launchers and Canons: We can move the launched missile to hit a target MUCH more easier.
Bound race: it doesn't always save your position once you've past the 2nd bound and when you die, you restart at the very start :(

EDIT: Oh and please, next version, remove the underscores ('_') from the filename and the "FINALv2 to let only "Mini-Game Party.scx"; it's much better ^^

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 14 2009, 4:30 pm by payne.


Jan 14 2009, 7:16 pm MePHiStO_IS_GoD Post #52

I think the one with the Wraiths that you have to trace with the scourges. Sometimes you can just mvoe directly to the flag without dying as appose to actually tracing them. Maybe it's intentional or you've already fixed it but Other then that the map seems to work fine


Jan 14 2009, 7:28 pm MillenniumArmy Post #53

Quote from USS Cane
Bug: In the Run & Burrow using ling (not sure the name of the mini game) mutalisk killed me near wall and my flag didnt apear and it spammed constantly "unit implacable flag" and my ling didnt come back at all after that : p

Bug: in "Ultra Torture" ultralisks may atack each other if you click A+ left click, same in probe rape and few other games, you can just shoot others which i though was unfair

Other then that i believe the map is one of the best I seen in starcraft whatsoever and im really hardcore sc player so yeah, respect
The Burrow and Run... well I'll see about that

And all those games like Ultra torture, Probe rape, etc I've tried every single way to prevent them from attacking each other (forced allianced with hyper trigs on) but for some reason it seems as though it wont register for this particular map. Ultra Torture, even though u can attack each other it takes no damage off. Probe rape... well I guess there isn't much you can do but I'd think u'd be more busy running away from archons... but I'll see if I really need to make these changes later

Quote from payne
Hot potato: remove placement of mines
I often use the tactic of placing mines in front of a flag, give vision to that player and give him the vulture, it makes him lose a bit of time sometimes :O

Goliath Track: try to fix the fact that JunkY AI isn't perfect and it would also make in sort that 2nd from top and 2nd from bottom are the best
Spin of death: try to make us know where it'll start. it's very annoying for noobs to not play this because they got pwned at the very start :O
Hot chix, ugly chix: Maybe make the players spawn a bit later so they can't rush into the middle to get points easily?
Blown Away: maybe make it so that we do not get relayed by scourges? Make scourges explode in a larger radius to give the player the time to move a bit at least?
12 man survival: Firebats and SCV CAN attack the other players :O
Basket Shooting, Archers, Nydus Canal Launchers and Canons: We can move the launched missile to hit a target MUCH more easier.
Bound race: it doesn't always save your position once you've past the 2nd bound and when you die, you restart at the very start :(

EDIT: Oh and please, next version, remove the underscores ('_') from the filename and the "FINALv2 to let only "Mini-Game Party.scx"; it's much better ^^
For hot potato and all those other games involving vultures, mines were never suppose to be there
Goliath tracks, not sure if you played it in FINALv2.0 but I changed the track design a bit, see for yourself.
Spin of death: also in FINALv2.0 i made the initial wait time for the bomb(crystal) much longer.
Hot chicks ugly chicks: i never really bother with this, could be a good strategic move :P. But most of the time the people end up unintentionally picking up ugly chicks.
Blown away I think is perfectly fine :P
12 man survival, refer to my comment about forced alliance above.

Quote from MePHiStO_IS_GoD
I think the one with the Wraiths that you have to trace with the scourges. Sometimes you can just mvoe directly to the flag without dying as appose to actually tracing them. Maybe it's intentional or you've already fixed it but Other then that the map seems to work fine
It's intentional. If the wraith crosses its own path, just take the shortest route. As far as I was


Jan 14 2009, 7:38 pm Vi3t-X Post #54

Its all about strategy. If you kill them off, you win faster. Logic. :omfg:


Jan 14 2009, 8:51 pm payne Post #55


Okay, found some errors ^^

The one where you have a tongue and you must siege to launch it: it says in the text that you'll have a Sci.V. but in fact, it's a Wraith.
Capture Flag: In an older version, the zealot would follow you, now, you must only dodge the 5 or so moving one and the other ones, you must really suck to get caught by them. Please make them attack you?
Nydus Canal: There are places where you can hide your ovie and get hit by only like 25% of the scourges that should have touched you (near the creep colonies). (Yes we can aim at the exterior, but it sucks for the noobs that do not know this)
When you choose a game, it would run. Then, if you choose again the same game, it'll run a random game and if you choose it once again, it just won't work. I don't know if it's intentional.

And just like that: you said you would do some "Game Packs", if ever you want one, I can form you one ^^
Also, you should make it so we get to choose between 4 modes at start (besides of #wins): P1 choose 'em all, each player choose alternatively, always random and the winner of the previous mini-game choose.


Jan 14 2009, 10:00 pm MillenniumArmy Post #56

Yea, typo in that tongue one :P

Wait, for the Flag capture one, do the zealots attack you at all? It seems to work fine for me... But just now someone told me that when he was playing the "Lurker dance" game the enemies wouldn't attack... but not when we played it... so I'm trying to see if there's some internal kink after playing certain games that I have to fix.

Nydus canal one is fine. I made it with the intention of people having to shoot on the exteriors just so that it could bypass those ovie hiding spots, but i guess some people just don't realize it...

And yea the choosing game one is fine. You can only play each game once as my triggers and switch combinations say. If you pick a game but you've already played it via randomization then it'll simply pick a different random game. But if you pick a game and play it and then try to pick it again, it won't work because I didn't preserve those triggers (so they only work once).

I was indeed thinking about the choose between 4 modes but after much thinking I think the only other plausible options are: P1 pick only, or just random all the way through. I don't like the winner picks because he might pick only the ones hes good at or something. And if you never are able to win, you'll never get to pick.


Jan 14 2009, 10:41 pm hinoatashi Post #57

Quote from LokiArexon
Can someone please link to me or explain what "rush" is... I don't know if I've tried it yet and I'd like to see.

Rush is a map made by Tuxedo-Templar. It's a pretty awesome action rpg map that uses the defiler dark swarm gunner system.


Jan 14 2009, 11:42 pm BlackWolf99 Post #58

woo go millenium
i heart ur map xD


Jan 15 2009, 12:14 am payne Post #59


So, will you implement the "modes" for the next version?
And the Game Packs?
And lemme laugh @ "WTF?" mini-game xD


Jan 15 2009, 3:15 am UnholyUrine Post #60

Three new glitches found:

1. in Women-go-round... If i get two units at the same time and also WIN at the same time, i have a leftover unit at the top left arena (which u probably used to trigger stuff ;) )
2. Bumper Balls.. the units wouldn't move for sm reason..... even tho they were attackable..
3. Luker Dance.. lurkers wouldn't burrow.. were they allied to civs?


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