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Obama or McCain?
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Jul 4 2008, 6:22 am
By: MillenniumArmy
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Who would you pick?
Who would you pick?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Obama 100
McCain 26
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Poll has 126 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Nov 28 2008, 4:53 pm RISKED911 Post #701

If the conservatives did'nt bring in so much dept, then McCain would became president. Tax and spend liberals give us a surplus, and the conservatives barely tax, leaving little money for the government.

This might have been already said, but I'm too lazy to look through this topic.

Nov 29 2008, 1:49 am Echo Post #702

Go do some research and learn to spell. Bill Clinton was the root of our national debt and the only fault that Bush had was that he didn't predict this with his administration and try to prevent it.


Nov 29 2008, 4:56 am Vi3t-X Post #703

Having Obama as the President of the United States to (most) of the population is great.

There is no reason not to dislike him for any reason - yet. When he assumes office in January, he will make decisions which we can judge him on.

Now, for the more important things... The media took Obama's story, and raised it into an uproar. With all these people finally going "LOL WE GOTZ A BLK PRZDNT GUIZE", he won the election. But with such high expectations and standards the media setup for him, he likely will crash and burn, because he just can't keep up to what the Media has claimed to be "A Historical Event". One dumb move, and he's gone. Infact, to word it better, if everything doesn't go PERFECTLY, you should not see him be re-elected (unless of course, there is a less shitty candidate).


Nov 29 2008, 7:25 pm RISKED911 Post #704

All we can donow is just wait and see what happens during the rest of Bush's reign of president. I can't wait until January. I just hope nothing bad happens to Obama.


Nov 29 2008, 8:02 pm WoAHorde Post #705

Quote from Echo
Go do some research and learn to spell. Bill Clinton was the root of our national debt and the only fault that Bush had was that he didn't predict this with his administration and try to prevent it.

How does cutting taxes and raising spending reduce/prevent the national debt? Clinton had higher taxes and responsible spending, and if his policies had been continued we could've been riding a projected trillion dollar surplus.

The root of the national debt goes all the way back to when the country was founded. The United States owed money to its soldiers, allies, and other sources since the Revolutionary War, and it has never been repaid. The debt has massively ballooned 3 times: WW2, the Reagan/Bush Era, and the current George Bush.


Nov 29 2008, 9:48 pm Centreri Post #706

Relatively ancient and inactive

Echo, show me the research that says that Clinton was the cause. I hate Clinton for geopolitical reasons (as always), but he was pretty good money-wise. Of course, he got into power right as the only major competitor fell (RIP Commies :P), so it's perfectly possible that he was crap but didn't need to spend money on arms, which saved him from going down as an idiot in the books.

A few more arms supremacists in the White House (like Reagan :D) and the debt'll go through the roof. I was kind of disappointed when Obama won - McCain sounded rather hilarious.


Nov 29 2008, 11:18 pm Kellimus Post #707

Quote from Echo
Go do some research and learn to spell. Bill Clinton was the root of our national debt and the only fault that Bush had was that he didn't predict this with his administration and try to prevent it.

Burdon of Proof is on you pal. And I honestly don't see how creating a surplus is being the root of our 'national debt' but I guess whatever floats that boat in there they call a brain :)

Still would love to hear your proof though.


Nov 30 2008, 12:03 am RISKED911 Post #708

I see taxing is a sort of a good thing.

While others see it as a bad thing. And those others are running our country the first day it became U.S.A., because of the Revolutionary War, we started with a huge dept that we couldn't get out of, and right now its come back to haunt generations.

I hope things don't go out of hand of taxing either...


Dec 1 2008, 10:25 pm Centreri Post #709

Relatively ancient and inactive

Yes, taxation is a damn good thing, and no, it won't get out of hand. That's not how you get out of debt. It's how you really, really piss people off and make them vote for the other party next time around.

Debt is always a part of a country - the thing about the US is how much goes into useless spending, so it keeps increasing. Most countries stay in debt at least a bit to keep some money on-hand as rainy day money in case something goes wrong instead of being completely debt-free. The US has taken this to the extreme. I have no idea where they got the $700,000,000,000 from.

The thing I hate about these politics is that sometimes a country needs to go through some hard times to emerge for the better. This democracy crap stuff (I dun' care!) makes such changes much harder to implement because it pretty much guarantees that the party who put it into motion won't be liked, and the party that comes into power next will get the credit.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Dec 1 2008, 10:57 pm by Centreri.


Dec 23 2008, 4:08 am Kellimus Post #710

Quote from Centreri
Yes, taxation is a damn good thing, and no, it won't get out of hand. That's not how you get out of debt. It's how you really, really piss people off and make them vote for the other party next time around.

Debt is always a part of a country - the thing about the US is how much goes into useless spending, so it keeps increasing. Most countries stay in debt at least a bit to keep some money on-hand as rainy day money in case something goes wrong instead of being completely debt-free. The US has taken this to the extreme. I have no idea where they got the $700,000,000,000 from.

The thing I hate about these politics is that sometimes a country needs to go through some hard times to emerge for the better. This democracy crap stuff (I dun' care!) makes such changes much harder to implement because it pretty much guarantees that the party who put it into motion won't be liked, and the party that comes into power next will get the credit.


If you're open-minded, and can do some simple research, you'll plainly see that.


Dec 23 2008, 4:41 am ClansAreForGays Post #711

Kellimus, if you really cared about and believed this whole government is evil business you talk you wouldn't hesitate to provide a link your self further our 'open minds' or at the least back up your claim.

Dec 23 2008, 5:09 am Kellimus Post #712

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Kellimus, if you really cared about and believed this whole government is evil business you talk you wouldn't hesitate to provide a link your self further our 'open minds' or at the least back up your claim.

You can't provide links to reason and logic.

I'll give you examples of why I believe the United States Federal Reserve is fooling the whole world with its Economy:

Look at the top of ANY American Dollar bill, what do you see? Federal Reserve Note. Now lets get into Economics. What does a Note mean in Economics? A form of debt. Such as a Bank Note, a Student Loan Note, a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE (which is in big bold words on top of every American dollar bill)

Now this is where the Federal Reserve fools the American people.

You 'work hard' for your money, right? Well, its not really YOUR money. Its the money that the Federal Reserve has given to you in the form of your Federal Reserve Note. That is a Note in your possession, stating that you are $N in debt (be it $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100,) to the government.

Now this is where it gets even more dirty.

The Federal Reserve is TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of dollars in debt yet it continues to pump $$$ out on a daily basis and they continue to print money out on a daily basis.

How is it possible to create money with nothing? How is there something of worth to print out, when there is a DEFICIT?

The United States of America and its Federal Reserve have created an Economy reliant on lies, manipulation and Debt. We are a debt driven society, what do most people pay with now? Credit. What is credit? Just another form of an IOU, a PROMISSORY NOTE. You have your Credit that is charged to your name/account that is eventually 'payed' off, correct?

What is it payed off with since the Federal Reserve is the one that issues you your 'money' from their Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is TRILLIONS of dollars in DEBT?

Now i'd love to provide links but I just can't provide any that I feel don't wreak of 'conspiracy theory'

Now if you take a look at the reason i believe the Federal Reserve is fooling the world with an open-mind, you'll see that its very possible that I'm correct, and plausible as well because of the current situation of the Global Economy of the World. I'm not saying i'm speaking the truth. Through my perceptions my reality has come to include that the Federal Reserve and the International Bankers are evil.

Now this reality is not the same as other's realities as we've come to find out. But my reality has been shaped by others, just as yours has as well.

I'm not saying I'm right, i'm just saying think about this with an open mind and try to think outside the box at possible realities of the world.


Dec 23 2008, 6:04 am MasterJohnny Post #713

I think you should retake econ

many economists recommend deficit spending in order to moderate or end a recession, especially a severe one. When the economy has high unemployment, an increase in government purchases creates a market for business output, creating income and encouraging increases in consumer spending, which creates further increases in the demand for business output.

I am a Mathematician

Dec 23 2008, 6:54 am Kellimus Post #714

Quote from MasterJohnny
I think you should retake econ

many economists recommend deficit spending in order to moderate or end a recession, especially a severe one. When the economy has high unemployment, an increase in government purchases creates a market for business output, creating income and encouraging increases in consumer spending, which creates further increases in the demand for business output.

You failed to get the point of my post, thanks for sharing :D


Dec 24 2008, 11:18 pm WoAHorde Post #715

Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Centreri
Yes, taxation is a damn good thing, and no, it won't get out of hand. That's not how you get out of debt. It's how you really, really piss people off and make them vote for the other party next time around.

Debt is always a part of a country - the thing about the US is how much goes into useless spending, so it keeps increasing. Most countries stay in debt at least a bit to keep some money on-hand as rainy day money in case something goes wrong instead of being completely debt-free. The US has taken this to the extreme. I have no idea where they got the $700,000,000,000 from.

The thing I hate about these politics is that sometimes a country needs to go through some hard times to emerge for the better. This democracy crap stuff (I dun' care!) makes such changes much harder to implement because it pretty much guarantees that the party who put it into motion won't be liked, and the party that comes into power next will get the credit.


If you're open-minded, and can do some simple research, you'll plainly see that.

I've done some research into the debt. It does have a history and is remarkably accurate going back all the way to our Revolutionary War. The debt mostly comes from the Republican Presidents of the past 40 years and World War II.

Tell me, how do you lie about a 10.7 trillion dollar debt?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 25 2008, 2:08 am by WoAHorde.


Dec 25 2008, 1:55 am Centreri Post #716

Relatively ancient and inactive

Err.. Horde? That was about the $700 billion bailout thing. The debt itself is $10.7 trillion.


Dec 25 2008, 2:09 am WoAHorde Post #717

They came up with the number 700 billion because they believed that would be an adequate amount of funds to cover the costs of the assets. Unfortunatly, the money is not going where it is supposed to...

Thanks for the correction, fixed.


Dec 28 2008, 10:17 pm Kellimus Post #718

Quote from WoAHorde
Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Centreri
Yes, taxation is a damn good thing, and no, it won't get out of hand. That's not how you get out of debt. It's how you really, really piss people off and make them vote for the other party next time around.

Debt is always a part of a country - the thing about the US is how much goes into useless spending, so it keeps increasing. Most countries stay in debt at least a bit to keep some money on-hand as rainy day money in case something goes wrong instead of being completely debt-free. The US has taken this to the extreme. I have no idea where they got the $700,000,000,000 from.

The thing I hate about these politics is that sometimes a country needs to go through some hard times to emerge for the better. This democracy crap stuff (I dun' care!) makes such changes much harder to implement because it pretty much guarantees that the party who put it into motion won't be liked, and the party that comes into power next will get the credit.


If you're open-minded, and can do some simple research, you'll plainly see that.

I've done some research into the debt. It does have a history and is remarkably accurate going back all the way to our Revolutionary War. The debt mostly comes from the Republican Presidents of the past 40 years and World War II.

Tell me, how do you lie about a 10.7 trillion dollar debt?

The same way anyone would lie about it?

Its not a matter of lying about it, its a matter of fooling people into thinking that a Debt Economy is a legit economy that can flourish.

Do you know of any other country in the world that survives off of Debt?

I sure don't.


Jan 3 2009, 1:59 pm SilentAlfa Post #719

Its not a matter of lying about it, its a matter of fooling people into thinking that a Debt Economy is a legit economy that can flourish.

Yes, it's an economy where all the money is debt owed by the government. The value of a dollar derives from the world's perception of how well our economy is doing. There are no lies about this, it's a fact that there is nothing backing up our money except the collective production of people in this country and trust that our economy will remain powerful. The currency system cannot collapse as long as people are willing to accept the currency, and nobody's going to stop taking dollars anytime soon. Hence, the "debt economy" is viable.

Jan 3 2009, 11:28 pm Kellimus Post #720

Quote from SilentAlfa
Its not a matter of lying about it, its a matter of fooling people into thinking that a Debt Economy is a legit economy that can flourish.

Yes, it's an economy where all the money is debt owed by the government. The value of a dollar derives from the world's perception of how well our economy is doing. There are no lies about this, it's a fact that there is nothing backing up our money except the collective production of people in this country and trust that our economy will remain powerful. The currency system cannot collapse as long as people are willing to accept the currency, and nobody's going to stop taking dollars anytime soon. Hence, the "debt economy" is viable.

Are you really that ignorant to as what's happening with the current situation of the United States Economy as we speak?

We're in another depression, our stock market is crashing.. All because of lies, deceit, and our reliance Corporate Entities and their Stock Holdings.

Are you seriously that oblivious as to what's happening right now as I'm typing???


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