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Esponeo, mad with power?
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Sep 18 2007, 10:49 pm
By: Falkoner
Pages: < 1 « 3 4 5 6 >

Sep 21 2007, 2:57 am Esponeo Post #81

Shmidley is the primary name I use. I switched to Salacious(U) while I was in (U) and used that name on SEN. I was then Desperado on SEN for some reason. Right now I'm using Esponeo on here, AIM, and Xbox Live.

I don't know why you only posted the end of that conversation. The beginning was much funnier and would have been a much greater attack on my character. Here you go:

Esponeo (7:16:11 PM): Do you have friends
Felagund (7:16:22 PM): sure
Esponeo (7:16:29 PM): There are a lot of aggressive idiots on SEN.
Felagund (7:16:35 PM): yep
Esponeo (7:16:36 PM): I've always considered you a passive idiot.
Esponeo (7:16:44 PM): Like, the things you say are so mind boggling dumb.
Felagund (7:16:51 PM): ya
Felagund (7:20:26 PM): i try to be pretty dismissive with online people
Felagund (7:24:53 PM): like if you actually believed i'm a passive idiot, then there'd be no reason to keep on telling me that
Felagund (7:28:54 PM): but hey, at least i fool everyone else
Esponeo (8:55:20 PM): See
Esponeo (8:55:28 PM): I assumed no one could possibly be that stupid and that you are full of shit
Esponeo (8:55:33 PM): But you start topics
Esponeo (8:55:36 PM): stating total bs
Felagund (9:14:43 PM): like what?
Esponeo (9:21:54 PM): Apparently I just imagined that.
Esponeo (9:22:02 PM): I cannot find the topic I seem to remember reading.
Felagund (9:22:10 PM): what was it about?
Esponeo (9:22:16 PM): I don't remember.
Felagund (9:22:31 PM): you'll forgive me if i can't help you out
Esponeo (9:22:42 PM): Never.
Felagund (9:22:57 PM): well it's still your problem
Esponeo (9:25:20 PM):

Although the part where you admitted to pretending to be an idiot to piss people off on SEN might redeem me. I'm continually amazed by how pathetic some people are. I am not the type of person to say anything to anyone in private that I would not willingly say in a public setting or to anyone's face.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 21 2007, 3:03 am by Esponeo.


Sep 21 2007, 3:53 am mikelat Post #82

You guys are making this topic far more personal than it has to be.


Sep 21 2007, 4:16 am Esponeo Post #83

You guys are making this topic far more personal than it has to be.

Does it really matter? This whole topic is a joke. When IP decides on who to use for moderators he definitely isn't going to make any decisions based on what Falkoner or anyone else thinks. He's going to (presumably) base his decision on what he knows about people and what they have done. I think my actions during my brief moderation period speak louder than any words could.


Sep 21 2007, 4:19 am Sael Post #84

See, the thing is I closed your window numerous times, and Trillian doesn't keep a log for people not on my buddy list. Definitely though, I think my conversation was laced with a bit of sarcasm. Besides, I never admitted to pretending to be an idiot or any rubbish along those lines. It'd be great if people didn't make baseless claims, but what else is the internet good for? :-_-:


Sep 21 2007, 6:22 am mikelat Post #85

Quote from Esponeo
You guys are making this topic far more personal than it has to be.

Does it really matter? This whole topic is a joke. When IP decides on who to use for moderators he definitely isn't going to make any decisions based on what Falkoner or anyone else thinks. He's going to (presumably) base his decision on what he knows about people and what they have done. I think my actions during my brief moderation period speak louder than any words could.
My only problem right now is that every topic that even has the slightest bit to do with unprotection right now seems to turn into an all out protection vs unprotection flame war. ATM I won't be moderating because IP is still nailing down the bugs and features, however eventually I'll come down on these problems that you guys are telling us.

We don't want to have to moderate the moderators. As it stands now you were threatening to delete my posts "if you had the ability" simply because I was discussing site policy and your posting of those IM logs didn't exactly help justify your rational position. You seem to want to use your moderator abilities to silence those you disagree with and use them to get back at people who make arguments that challenge yours. Yes, your actions during your brief moderation period do actually speak louder than any words would.


Sep 21 2007, 6:26 am Twitch Post #86

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Quote from Esponeo
You guys are making this topic far more personal than it has to be.

Does it really matter? This whole topic is a joke. When IP decides on who to use for moderators he definitely isn't going to make any decisions based on what Falkoner or anyone else thinks. He's going to (presumably) base his decision on what he knows about people and what they have done. I think my actions during my brief moderation period speak louder than any words could.
My only problem right now is that every topic that even has the slightest bit to do with unprotection right now seems to turn into an all out protection vs unprotection flame war. ATM I won't be moderating because IP is still nailing down the bugs and features, however eventually I'll come down on these problems that you guys are telling us.

We don't want to have to moderate the moderators. As it stands now you were threatening to delete my posts "if you had the ability" simply because I was discussing site policy and your posting of those IM logs didn't exactly help justify your rational position. You seem to want to use your moderator abilities to silence those you disagree with and use them to get back at people who make arguments that challenge yours. Yes, your actions during your brief moderation period do actually speak louder than any words would.
Hasn't that been what people been saying about him :P.


Sep 21 2007, 6:34 am mikelat Post #87

Quote from Twitch
Hasn't that been what people been saying about him :P.
Yes, I have been reading, and experienced it first hand myself. That should help out.


Sep 21 2007, 3:25 pm Esponeo Post #88

We don't want to have to moderate the moderators. As it stands now you were threatening to delete my posts "if you had the ability" simply because I was discussing site policy
My only problem right now is that every topic that even has the slightest bit to do with unprotection right now seems to turn into an all out protection vs unprotection flame war. ATM I won't be moderating because IP is still nailing down the bugs and features, however eventually I'll come down on these problems that you guys are telling us.
Gee, you'd "come down" on those problems too? You were the one who started the entire protection vs. unprotection debate in this topic. That is why I said I wished I could just delete your post. Now you are trying to say you wish you were a moderate too so you could stop the exact same thing? Please, I really want you to explain that one to me.

You seem to want to use your moderator abilities to silence those you disagree with and use them to get back at people who make arguments that challenge yours.
Clearly, that is what my actions show.</sarcasm> I think you're beginning to lose focus on what is a "hypothetical" situation and what actually happened. Let me spell it all out for you:

1) I deleted a shitload of posts in the MMA forums that had incorrect information.
2) Many people get very angry that I deleted their posts.
3) Falkoner believes the reasoning for my deleting one of his posts is because he talked about OSMAP, despite the fact that I did not delete the dozens of other posts that mentioned it.
4) Big discussion ensues about my ability to moderate.
5) Yoshi posts some scathing rhetoric about unprotection vs. protection in a topic that has nothing to do with such a thing.
6) I state my wishes to delete his post, since it was off-topic and threw us for a huge loop, which Yoshi now appears to think was a mistake that i somehow not his fault(?)
7) More discussion, Falkoner shows back up despite claiming he was going to quit.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 21 2007, 3:41 pm by Esponeo.


Sep 21 2007, 3:32 pm mikelat Post #89

Gee, you'd "come down" on those problems too? You were the one who started the entire protection vs. unprotection debate in this topic. That is why I said I wished I could just delete your post. Now you are trying to say you wish you were a moderate too so you could stop the exact same thing? Please, I really want you to explain that one to me.
Sure. I started that topic to get everybodies word in before actually nailing down a solid policy that most people can agree with instead of what I agree with. I don't wish I was a moderator, I am one. The only reason I am not moderating right now, is because IP asked me not to until he fixes the glitches.


Sep 21 2007, 3:35 pm Clokr_ Post #90

Quote from Esponeo
1) I deleted a shitload of posts in the MMA forums that had incorrect information.
2) Many people get very angry that I deleted their posts.

If a post has incorrect information you just have to point it out, not to delete it...


Sep 21 2007, 3:47 pm Esponeo Post #91

If a post has incorrect information you just have to point it out, not to delete it...
That really is the only point worthy of discussion in this topic. My thinking is to delete blatantly incorrect help, so that no one is confused or distracted by it. Deleting the posts is also meant as discouragement for people so they do not continue to post false information. Pointing out that people are wrong rarely happens, and when it does, they do not listen. The only way to resolve the issue I can see is for moderators to remove the offending posts. This may not be a sound policy in all forums, but in the Map Making Assistance forum, where serious map making help should be taking place, there is no room for people posting clearly incorrect information.

I should hope that all the administrators can come to agree with me on this.


Sep 21 2007, 4:12 pm Kellimus Post #92

Note: My replies are in multi-color because the multi-quote is broken.

Edit: Rawr I hate errors!

Quote from Esponeo
If protection is "by design the corruption of a map", why do you support it?
Certain persons did not want other persons editing their maps. Luckily for them, StarCraft and StarEdit open maps in entirely different ways. This allowed them to corrupt their maps so that they would be unable to be opened in StarEdit but could still be opened in StarCraft.

I support the moral right of map makers to corrupt their maps so that not just anyone can edit them. What I do not support however, is people giving bad advice on the Map Making Assistance forums. Telling someone to use a protector in order to fix a string problem is not very sound advice. There are many better ways to do so. It is not that I do not support 'corruption' aka 'protection', it is that 'corruption' should only be done to finished copies of maps, not working versions of maps. My aim in the MAA forum is to remove any bad advice, period.

"As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway."
That screams out ABUSE more so than I've ever seen anyone at SeN with power act...

You're absolutely right. I have too much pride to let Yoshi's statements go without responding to them, and since I could not delete them I chose to type a response. It may not be the most mature approach.

You say SeN has a strict policy with copyright infringement...
I'm not referring to copyright infringement, I'm referring to their policy against cracking open maps.

The name of OSMAP is ironic anyways... "Open Source" Map? Falkoner, do you truly think that OSMAP is "Open Source"?
Do you know what OpenGL is? Open Graphics Library.
Now lets think with some brains for once... Do you have to "brute force" anything to get the Open Graphics Library? No.
Its just a bunch of C++ code to access kick ass stuff from your Graphics Card.
Now what do you do when you use OSMAP? Brute force" your way into someones map.
That's not "Open Source", that's the equivelent of Piracy.
How do you think Pirates get the things to work? By CRACKING them.
Which is what you do: Crack maps.

Quoted for truth.

This discussion is complicated by the fact that as anyone who knows me is aware, I do not support cracking open maps. I can see now there is nothing I can say to convince Falkoner that even though I do not support such things, they had nothing to do with my decision to delete his post.

Thanks for clarifying :)

Quote from Shocko
Grow up, OSMAP rocks, you never had the right to protect maps anyways, if you did, then StarEdit would of had ability to protect your maps.

You are a flat out bad moderator, you've deleted like 4 of my posts without reason, costing me an apparent 40 minerals, which though may not be incredibly a lot, it's hard to get to 0 minerals, let alone with you deleting posts for no reason.

Hey Shocko: Just leave, no one wants you here :D

Anyways, keep opinions out of debate Shocko.

Opinions != Fact.

Quote from cheeze
Wait. Kellimus. You are so cool. For some strange reason, I never even thought of that argument! Now... can we make OSMAP not suck by making it in Java or C++? :}

Cool? I'm far from cool :D

And disregard the other thread (about protection vs unprotection) where I said C++ stuff, I was pwnt by Clokr_ :D[/color]

Quote from Falkoner
SeN is really going downhill again in my opinion, mainly based on moderation and bad policies, this is the last post I am going to make unless the site realizes its errors and fixes them, I would love to be a part of SeN's community and help newer mappers with their maps, but if I can't help them because I am oppressed from telling them how to fix errors just because a few members don't like the method that is used to fix the problem. Basically, I'm done posting, in fact, I'm done even checking this website, bye peeps!

SeN is going downhill "again" because someone who has way more say than you in anything SC related (Sala has been around since I have been, and that's when the game came out), deleted REDICULOUS posts that resulted in the termination of someones creation?

You are really stupid.

Helping new mappers, is by telling them how to corrupt their map beyond repair?

"Oh, better backup your map"
"Cause I said to"

God you're retarded. Maybe if you would have explained into more detail what you were doing and for why, you wouldn't have had your shit deleted. But since you posted UNRELIABLE AND USELESS INFORMATION, a moderator simply did his job by getting rid of the trash.

Are you still going to bitch and whine at them when they do their job if everyone here is posting UNRELIABLE AND USELESS INFORMATION like you do?

You are not opressed, you dumb-ass. If you was opressed, you wouldn't even be able to bitch about being opressed, so you fail. And you really should stfu about being "opressed" cause you know NOTHING of opression.

I could go into detail about how I was "opressed" when I used to view v4, but there is no point in doing so because its the past, and I WASN'T OPRESSED.

God you're retarded.

Now. You can FIX ERRORS without the use of CRACKING UTILITIES, smart one. You don't have to go through and use OSMAP to "change strings" (Which I don't even understand why you would want to edit strings without SCM Toolkit or something like that... Maybe because I haven't made a map for like two years *shrugs*) like you say you do, there are other programs to do it.

What errors Falkoner? The errors that we (I mean SeN administration, not me and my turd in my pocket) don't tolorate immature bull-shit childish remarks on something THAT COULD fry a computer (worse case scenerio, of course)?? Just because you think something will work correctly, doesn't mean it will (And it has been shown that it doesn't work), so quit being such an arrogant fool.

Just because someone has a different opinion than you, its a problem?

I hope you get shot :) The world doesn't need ignorant little punk ass kids like you.

Admin/Mod: Warn me or something, that's way too much flame for me to get away with..

Quote from Felagund
He's just another sensationalist:

[21:44] Esponeo's SN (E): See
[21:44] *** Auto-response sent to E: Errrm, I may be doing something, then again I may be doing nothing.
[21:44] E: I assumed no one could possibly be that stupid and that you are full of shit
[21:44] E: But you start topics
[21:44] E: stating total bs
[22:03] Me: like what?

Wasn't he Salacious(U) at one point in time? He keeps on changing screen names, but he's the only one who messages me about once a month ( +1 week ) to tell me how stupid I am.

Damn he changes my name more than I do :P

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Quote from Esponeo
You guys are making this topic far more personal than it has to be.

Does it really matter? This whole topic is a joke. When IP decides on who to use for moderators he definitely isn't going to make any decisions based on what Falkoner or anyone else thinks. He's going to (presumably) base his decision on what he knows about people and what they have done. I think my actions during my brief moderation period speak louder than any words could.
My only problem right now is that every topic that even has the slightest bit to do with unprotection right now seems to turn into an all out protection vs unprotection flame war. ATM I won't be moderating because IP is still nailing down the bugs and features, however eventually I'll come down on these problems that you guys are telling us.

We don't want to have to moderate the moderators. As it stands now you were threatening to delete my posts "if you had the ability" simply because I was discussing site policy and your posting of those IM logs didn't exactly help justify your rational position. You seem to want to use your moderator abilities to silence those you disagree with and use them to get back at people who make arguments that challenge yours. Yes, your actions during your brief moderation period do actually speak louder than any words would.

Wait wait wait wait..... You do the same thing, Mike.

Oh, and you even lie about it when MSN logs are shown.

Lying and hypocricy isn't good, Yoshi.

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Gee, you'd "come down" on those problems too? You were the one who started the entire protection vs. unprotection debate in this topic. That is why I said I wished I could just delete your post. Now you are trying to say you wish you were a moderate too so you could stop the exact same thing? Please, I really want you to explain that one to me.
Sure. I started that topic to get everybodies word in before actually nailing down a solid policy that most people can agree with instead of what I agree with. I don't wish I was a moderator, I am one. The only reason I am not moderating right now, is because IP asked me not to until he fixes the glitches.

And if you're admin/mod again, you just proved to the whole Map Making community that you're a liar, and a hypocrite.

Whatever happened to "I'm through with SeN because I'm doing Latova and always will be"?

Really Mike, I'm pretty sure there are people that you are "friends" with, that are sick of your flip-flop anticts of jumping back and forth, and saying one thing and doing another.

Stick with your "Latova" that is going to "make you lots of money", like you told everyone it would when you started programming it, instead of comming back and being part of a community you've specifically said you don't want to be a part of.

Many times at that.

But whateva, I have no say cause I'm just the local asshole :)

Quote from Esponeo
If a post has incorrect information you just have to point it out, not to delete it...
That really is the only point worthy of discussion in this topic. My thinking is to delete blatantly incorrect help, so that no one is confused or distracted by it. Deleting the posts is also meant as discouragement for people so they do not continue to post false information. Pointing out that people are wrong rarely happens, and when it does, they do not listen. The only way to resolve the issue I can see is for moderators to remove the offending posts. This may not be a sound policy in all forums, but in the Map Making Assistance forum, where serious map making help should be taking place, there is no room for people posting clearly incorrect information.

I should hope that all the administrators can come to agree with me on this.

And I agree with you 100%.

What happened to me back in v4?

I was banned.

Because everyone finally got sick of me not listening.

They used your exact thought process too, Clokr_

Have I still listened? No. I'm still a flaming asshole :D

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Sep 21 2007, 4:41 pm by Kellimus.


Sep 21 2007, 4:29 pm mikelat Post #93

You didn't red textize your post to me :( It's okay, im a good speed reader.

And if you're admin/mod again, you just proved to the whole Map Making community that you're a liar, and a hypocrite.
I don't think I've lied about anything, I don't think I'm a hypocrite either. IP saw I was having problems and offered me my job back here, I accepted.

Whatever happened to "I'm through with SeN because I'm doing Latova and always will be"?
I missed the map making community to tell you the truth. I'm pretty much dedicated my coding time to Latova for now, but I still want to help run a map making site.

Really Mike, I'm pretty sure there are people that you are "friends" with, that are sick of your flip-flop anticts of jumping back and forth, and saying one thing and doing another.
True, I'm not perfect. Me and IP sorted out our differences and agreed that petty arguments and fighting was retarded and a waste of both our times. So we're through with that now.

Stick with your "Latova" that is going to "make you lots of money", like you told everyone it would when you started programming it, instead of comming back and being part of a community you've specifically said you don't want to be a part of.
I was intending to charge for licenses on the software in very early development. That has since changed (about a year or so ago), obviously you don't know so I'll tell you. Latova is now GPL, meaning its free and open source forever.

By the way, I don't know when my life and my own personal choices became open for you to judge and pick apart. So I'd appreciate it if you mind your own business in the future, thanks.


Sep 21 2007, 4:40 pm Kellimus Post #94

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
You didn't red textize your post to me :( It's okay, im a good speed reader.

And if you're admin/mod again, you just proved to the whole Map Making community that you're a liar, and a hypocrite.
I don't think I've lied about anything, I don't think I'm a hypocrite either. IP saw I was having problems and offered me my job back here, I accepted.

Whatever happened to "I'm through with SeN because I'm doing Latova and always will be"?
I missed the map making community to tell you the truth. I'm pretty much dedicated my coding time to Latova for now, but I still want to help run a map making site.

Really Mike, I'm pretty sure there are people that you are "friends" with, that are sick of your flip-flop anticts of jumping back and forth, and saying one thing and doing another.
True, I'm not perfect. Me and IP sorted out our differences and agreed that petty arguments and fighting was retarded and a waste of both our times. So we're through with that now.

Stick with your "Latova" that is going to "make you lots of money", like you told everyone it would when you started programming it, instead of comming back and being part of a community you've specifically said you don't want to be a part of.
I was intending to charge for licenses on the software in very early development. That has since changed (about a year or so ago), obviously you don't know so I'll tell you. Latova is now GPL, meaning its free and open source forever.

By the way, I don't know when my life and my own personal choices became open for you to judge and pick apart. So I'd appreciate it if you mind your own business in the future, thanks.

Having problems? With what, the fact that Latova didn't/doesn't work how you wanted it to?

There you go again, comming up with excuses when you've been caught in a lie. Like you always do Mike.

How many times have you left SeN and have come back? Three? Four? Five? How IS THAT NOT HYPOCRICY, when the reasons you left were many?

What excuses have you come up with to come back here, after telling everyone THE LAST TIME YOU LEFT, you were never comming back? "I miss the map making community"

If that's the case, don't try to say you're not a hypocrite or a liar. Because you did/have changed what you said.

That's right, that's hypocricy. That's also lying.

If you cannot see how your actions (leaving "SeN forever", Programming Latova and now making it "open-source", making excuses for leaving then comming back) have caused the two, then man, you're highly unintelligent (which you have proven me wrong in other situations)

Isn't that what SeN is all about (talking shit and taking shit), and that's one of the reasons you left? Do you fail to remember the things you told me on MSN about how you hate most of SeN and want nothing to do with them?

Then when I have a come back to provide to my point, you have your cronies take my MSN logs that I spent two hours on, trying to erase all references to your contact information (I messed up and didn't go through and take out the top most reference), so I could show everyone what you were saying about them behind your back?

You're right. Your life and personal choices really aren't for me to judge or attack. But when you come back to something that you "hated sooooo much" and try to write yourself off as a "good member" and role-model because you "created SeN", that's fucking rediculous.

In all honesty, you shouldn't even be here! By your logic that is.

Oh wait, your logic includes hypocricy and lies, forgot about that :)


Sep 21 2007, 4:51 pm mikelat Post #95

Right now you're referring to things I've done in the past. I did a lot of dumb things in the past, I know I did and I don't do them anymore and I moved on.

The things I say in 3 year old instant messenger logs does not reflect on the person I am today. I did do talking behind people's backs, I did say bad stuff about SEN and other people, and I did leave a few times. Chances are I'll probably leave again sometime in the future. Hell, I'm not lying about anything. I know what I've done and what I will probably eventually do.

By the way if you want to continue this conversation lets do it over Instant Messenger (aim: latovasoftware) so we don't have to fill the forums with your own personal problems with me.


Sep 21 2007, 4:59 pm Kellimus Post #96

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Right now you're referring to things I've done in the past. I did a lot of dumb things in the past, I know I did and I don't do them anymore and I moved on.

The things I say in 3 year old instant messenger logs does not reflect on the person I am today. I did do talking behind people's backs, I did say bad stuff about SEN and other people, and I did leave a few times. Chances are I'll probably leave again sometime in the future. Hell, I'm not lying about anything. I know what I've done and what I will probably eventually do.

By the way if you want to continue this conversation lets do it over Instant Messenger (aim: latovasoftware) so we don't have to fill the forums with your own personal problems with me.

Three year old messenger logs?

I haven't even known you for three years.

And I would love to IM you, but I don't have internet anymore. I'm also currently workin in my class as well. I just come here with the spare time I have (mixed with boredom)

But I do see your point now.

But I will still have anger towards you for lying to SeN to make me look like a liar.


Sep 21 2007, 4:59 pm Clokr_ Post #97

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Right now you're referring to things I've done in the past. I did a lot of dumb things in the past, I know I did and I don't do them anymore and I moved on.

The things I say in 3 year old instant messenger logs does not reflect on the person I am today. I did do talking behind people's backs, I did say bad stuff about SEN and other people, and I did leave a few times. Chances are I'll probably leave again sometime in the future. Hell, I'm not lying about anything. I know what I've done and what I will probably eventually do.

By the way if you want to continue this conversation lets do it over Instant Messenger (aim: latovasoftware) so we don't have to fill the forums with your own personal problems with me.

Yoshi has something called carisma, and that's enough to get all of us to love him :P

No, really, I just think you're confusing lying with changing his mind.


Sep 21 2007, 4:59 pm Esponeo Post #98

Kellimus you have a way of making me wonder why I even bother trying to talk logically to any of these people. It isn't like I even need to, I got a lot of support for my actions from a lot of highly respected people. I really need to stop caring what people like Yoshi or Falkoner think.

Argh, my greatest weakness!


Sep 21 2007, 5:02 pm mikelat Post #99

I don't hide or deny my dumb mistakes of the past, I just don't talk about them since the subject rarely comes up, and I'd like to think I've learned from them too. You can PM me too if you really want to keep talking about this if you don't have interwebs at home.


Sep 21 2007, 5:05 pm Esponeo Post #100

I don't hide or deny my dumb mistakes of the past, I just don't talk about them. You can PM me too if you really want to keep talking about this if you don't have interwebs at home.
It is hilarious how you say that exact same thing every year, as if the next year will be any different.


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