Staredit Network > Forums > Portal News > Topic: Mar Sara
Mar Sara
Jul 24 2008, 11:11 pm
By: KrayZee  

Jul 24 2008, 11:11 pm KrayZee Post #1

Click here

* Population: 80,000+ terrans, unknown zerg
* Allegiance: Kel-Morian
* Diameter/Gravity: 9265 km, 1.09 standard
* Axial Tilt/Climate: 13.5 degrees, +/- 34 Centigrade, very low humidity
* Geography/Major Settlements: 18 small dust seas, 28 upland regions (17 volcanic), 12 major settlements (destroyed), 86 mining outposts, 12 refineries
* Moon(s): 2 -- Pyramus, Thisby (gray, medium size, >2000 km dia)
* Dominant Terrain Classification: Wasteland/mountain/desert
* Dominant Life Forms: Human -- Kel-Morian Combine/Terran Dominion
* Indigenous Life Forms: None/zerg infestation (minor)
* Imports: Mining equipment, personnel, food, water
* Exports: Refined minerals, unrefined ore, vespene gas, terrazine gas, scrap salvage

The Sara system was initially catalogued by freelance prospectors and colonized by an expedition from Tarsonis several years later. Mar Sara formed the eighth of the thirteen core colonies of the Terran Confederacy. The Sara system was unusual for having two habitable planets, but Mar Sara was always a backwater colony compared to the more prosperous Chau Sara.

Mar Sara was one of the first planets to be infested by the zerg when they appeared in terran space. It was also the first planet on which the Confederates fought the advancing Swarm to any significant extent, although most of the actual fighting was done by local militia forces.

Colonel Edmund Duke, commanding officer of the Confederate fleet in the system, subsequently arrested militia forces for fighting for their homes. These prisoners were later released by a rebel group called the Sons of Korhal. The rebels' leader was Arcturus Mengsk.

The Sons of Korhal helped evacuate Mar Sara after the Confederates abandoned it entirely. They also liberated secret information from a Confederacy research facility on Mar Sara called the Jacobs Installation. This information revealed that the Confederacy had known about the imminent arrival of the zerg and had been experimenting with captured specimens. It is believed the Confederacy deliberately sacrificed the planet in order to test a secret weapon that incited the zerg invasion.

To keep the infestation from spreading further, a protoss fleet under the command of Executor Tassadar incinerated Mar Sara from orbit, just as it had with Mar Sara's sister planet, Chau Sara.

After Mar Sara's incineration by the protoss, the Sara system seemed to have little left to offer the terran race. The subsequent collapse of the Confederacy left the system entirely abandoned. Nevertheless, prospectors from the Kel-Morian Combine found that minerals on Mar Sara had acquired unique properties due to the protoss bombardment. Shortly thereafter, the Kel-Morian Combine staked a claim to mining and salvage rights over the Sara system. Independent and indentured contractors soon began strip-mining both planets of their resources.

The Terran Dominion has recently shown a renewed interest in the Sara system and established several outposts there. The Kel-Morian Combine claims that these outposts have been established at the Combine's invitation due to security issues with piracy and mining camp revolts. There have also been reports of zerg sightings on the planet. It is believed that these organisms reinfested the desolate world some time after the protoss bombardment.

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Jul 25 2008, 3:19 am Symmetry Post #2

Dungeon Master

The mattress is amazing. Very nice detail.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jul 25 2008, 3:57 am Demented Shaman Post #3

Looks like a nice place to go on vacation.


Jul 25 2008, 4:21 am Heegu Post #4

Civilian vechiles <3


Jul 25 2008, 5:00 am LoveLess Post #5

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Sexy Doodads... Want to touch... Yet cant... So far...


Jul 25 2008, 5:52 am Falkoner Post #6

Omgosh, that looks so friggin' sweet! I can't wait to make an RPG for it...


Jul 25 2008, 11:54 am MadZombie Post #7

tonka trucks,port-o-pottys, and civs with guns....


Jul 25 2008, 1:55 pm Xx.Doom.xX Post #8

Holy shit doodads are epic. Makes me want to get this game now. :D


Jul 25 2008, 3:52 pm KrayZee Post #9

I'm still expecting to see Protoss Civilians and the Xel'Naga race along with the Hybrid. We all seen plenty of Xel'Naga structures though.


Jul 25 2008, 4:00 pm MadZombie Post #10

xel'naga structures...liek wut? >>


Jul 25 2008, 4:40 pm SiN Post #11

i wonder if you can interact with the civilians around those doodads.


Jul 25 2008, 5:05 pm MadZombie Post #12

id think so, if they said you cant do things like destroy certain rock formatons and such and i think those are the actual civilian units...not like some random critters...actually im wondering when are they going to show the new critters :D. Also i wonder what effects do they give when they die o.-


Jul 25 2008, 5:38 pm KrayZee Post #13

Quote from name:Dr.Zombeh
xel'naga structures...liek wut? >>
Have you not heard of Xel'Naga structures representing as neutral buildings giving advantages in multiplayer? Other than that, they play a large role in StarCraft II this time.


Jul 25 2008, 5:56 pm MadZombie Post #14

Quote from KrayZee
I'm still expecting to see Protoss Civilians and the Xel'Naga race along with the Hybrid. We all seen plenty of Xel'Naga structures though.
I have not seen any though... are they in the videos or something?...or was that not QFT? :]


Jul 25 2008, 6:05 pm KrayZee Post #15

There's one, and it is very fucking obvious. Stop making what is so simple to find out, feel so fucking complicated for you to understand that you can easily do for yourself.


Jul 25 2008, 10:15 pm The Great Yam Post #16

I see we will have a doodad returning from Starcraft: Brood War:


Jul 26 2008, 2:15 am KrayZee Post #17

Quote from The Great Yam
I see we will have a doodad returning from Starcraft: Brood War:

I noticed that too, I just didn't bother to compare. ;)


Jul 27 2008, 3:56 pm Symmetry Post #18

Dungeon Master

Quote from KrayZee
There's one, and it is very fucking obvious. Stop making what is so simple to find out, feel so fucking complicated for you to understand that you can easily do for yourself.

How do you know it's not just a doodad?

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jul 27 2008, 6:39 pm Joker47 Post #19

How do you know it's not just a doodad?
I thought the same thing... but then I decided: Why would they have an epic battle over a cool looking doodad?


Jul 27 2008, 6:44 pm pneumatic Post #20

Hahaha, I think that's a Protoss dancer in the hologram on top of the bar...


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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