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Grand Theft Auto IV
May 2 2008, 9:33 pm
By: lil-Inferno
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May 11 2008, 5:11 pm JordanN Post #61

Quote from lil-Inferno
My mother gave a final answer. The moment you've all been waiting for (Not really) : NO!

I guess I'll never have the 10/10 goodness. It's not like I don't know what sex is anyway ;) .

Then do what, every manly man does in order to get their way...

Steal it :D


May 11 2008, 8:31 pm Echo Post #62

I don't understand why you people are comparing SC to GTA4. If anything compare it to the precessors. I played it at my friend's house and I think it is 200% better. It is more realistic but I don't get to free ride anymore and crash into people without caution.


May 12 2008, 12:33 pm Paravin. Post #63

Quote from Doodle77
Quote from Paravin.
I hope it will be on Steam when it comes to the PC.
I hope it won't. Steam is such shit.

Yes, but, sadly, it's the only way I can get many games.


May 14 2008, 12:16 am Fisty Post #64

Quote from Echo
I don't understand why you people are comparing SC to GTA4. If anything compare it to the precessors. I played it at my friend's house and I think it is 200% better. It is more realistic but I don't get to free ride anymore and crash into people without caution.
They FINNALY decided to incorporate that? :::D All the more reason to get it nao.


May 14 2008, 2:39 am Joshgt2 Post #65

I honestly don't like this game and would rather play San Andreas...


May 24 2008, 3:20 am marxel Post #66

Sure, I would play it ... if it had a PC version :<_<:
I wish I had a gaming console other than my old NES and SNES.


May 24 2008, 1:55 pm Xx.Doom.xX Post #67

Sandbox games don't interest me a WHOLE lot.

Well, some do. But GTA just looks like crime. Which can be fun to an extent, but I would probably not buy it. I played it yesterday at my friend's house, it's only meh. I love how Niko says "Fuck him" though. Lmao.

Give me shooters kthnxbai

EDIT: marxel, please give me all of your NES and SNES games, I would like to improve my collection. :bleh:


Jun 3 2008, 5:56 pm Riney Post #68

Thigh high affectionado

I bought GTA IV the day it came out.

Anyone wanna plai some Multiplayer? >:D

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jun 6 2008, 12:05 am Fisty Post #69

I must say I am impressed by this game, not only is the realism upped significantly, but so is the graphics! I am only displeased by how hard it is to manual aim a gun (half holding the left trigger, doesn't help you that much in epic firefights where you get excited and pull the trigger in).


Jun 7 2008, 10:00 pm Riney Post #70

Thigh high affectionado

I have no problem with Maunal aim, in fact im better with it then Auto aim, cuase I aim for parts that arent behind cover, and heads ;D

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jun 8 2008, 6:12 pm Crimson Magnum Post #71


Quote from name:Dark_Marine
I bought GTA IV the day it came out.

Anyone wanna plai some Multiplayer? >:D
Sure, do you have xbox live?


Jun 9 2008, 12:10 am Fisty Post #72

Quote from name:Dark_Marine
I have no problem with Maunal aim, in fact im better with it then Auto aim, cuase I aim for parts that arent behind cover, and heads ;D
Auto Aim + dragging the reticle up a bit = instant kill (I always use a pistol to pull this one off).


Jun 10 2008, 6:12 pm RIVE Post #73

Just Here For The Pie

You ever notice in all the games starting with GTAIII and there on after all have a helicopter in the top left panel on box art covers?

Also, if you look at Vice City next to IV you notice that the concepts for a majority of the images are similar.


Jun 10 2008, 7:38 pm Fisty Post #74

Quote from RIVE
You ever notice in all the games starting with GTAIII and there on after all have a helicopter in the top left panel on box art covers?

Also, if you look at Vice City next to IV you notice that the concepts for a majority of the images are similar.

Wow...Guess they really like that concept.


Jun 10 2008, 8:09 pm Atlos Post #75

Ok so I just beat the story. Was a pretty good game overall although I have some complains:

- The story was too dramatic
- The auto aim system SUCKED HORRIBLY, it made easy firefights incredibly hard...
- The auto aim system also made some fights incredibly easy because you can lock on to targets not in view
- The whole friends system is repetitive and annoying/boring
- The game AI sucks (I was just about to finish a finish, all I had to do was get on my motor cycle and drive back. I press Y while facing the motorcycle and Niko runs across the street to steal a taxi which then raises my wanted and gets me killed...)

Other than that I had fun though. :) Still deciding if I want to try and get 100%.


Jun 10 2008, 8:26 pm RIVE Post #76

Just Here For The Pie

Quote from name:Urmom(U)
- The game AI sucks (I was just about to finish a finish, all I had to do was get on my motor cycle and drive back. I press Y while facing the motorcycle and Niko runs across the street to steal a taxi which then raises my wanted and gets me killed...)

Oh, gawd, I know...
You might have had the camera at an awkward angle because that's what it was for me.


Jun 11 2008, 12:11 am Fisty Post #77

Quote from name:Urmom(U)
- The whole friends system is repetitive and annoying/boring
I basically tell all my friends to fuck off every time they call me, they just don't seem to get the message...Either way I can't agree nor disagree with that (since I also only take my gf to a restaurant or ignore her


Jul 1 2008, 3:36 pm gam_crazy Post #78

I just beat GTA yesterday, it was fun, like all the others, of course it has no comparison to SC


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