Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: EUD (Editor) Help about couple of questions
EUD (Editor) Help about couple of questions
Feb 17 2024, 3:49 pm
By: MobMob  

Feb 17 2024, 3:49 pm MobMob Post #1

Hello everyone!

I am currently using EUD Editor 3 to create some EUD map for the first time, and I need some help to figure out solutions for:

(1) How to modify the default maximum energy 250 to something else? For example, 1000.
(2) Could I reuse the statistic panel of game reply mode in EUD map? Basically, I want to have a custom UI panel on my EUD map to show some data (e.g. each player's kills, resources, points, units etc.)
(3) How to modify the default behavior of stim pack? I want it costs energy - use without enough energy will trigger warning just like other spells in game, and also want to modify its health cost from 10 to something else like 100 (hp under 100 cannot use it with warning, just like default behavior), also I want to disable the stim pack sound.
(4) How to make the Healing and Defensive Matrix can be cast on unit itself?
(5) Any way I can create and show a custom dialog in game, something like right now when game is defeated or victory? Preferably with Yes and No two buttons for players to click.
(6) How can I modify a specific unit's max hp instead of modifying the whole unit type? For example, player 1 has marine of max hp = 100 while player 2 has marine of max hp = 200. I know we can use totally two different unit types to simulate, but I wonder do we have any direct solution?

Thank you all!


Feb 19 2024, 3:27 am kgh829 Post #2

(1) Impossible. Increasing mana recovery rate instead of mana capacity is a more realistic approach.

(2) Impossible. Today's EUD cannot access grp, iscript, save data. It is possible with older versions (1.16), but it is very difficult.

(3) Stimpack isn't a skill, so it doesn't consume mana. Increasing mana cost won't change anything. You can't change the sound either. Creating a completely new skill similar to Stimpack is a more realistic approach.

(4) You can create an invisible dummy unit, then use StructOffset to cast the skill and then remove it.

(5) Same reason as (3)

(6) Impossible.

:prof: I'm not an EUD expert, so there might be better ways, but if you're playing the remastered version, I'm confident that numbers (2), (5), and (6) are impossible.


Feb 20 2024, 8:40 am NudeRaider Post #3

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

To add to that, for the "impossible" things you could probably do it relatively easily with modding. But you were asking in the UMS forum, so that's why you got these responses. If you want, I can move your topic to modding.

Feb 20 2024, 8:51 am MobMob Post #4

Quote from kgh829
(4) You can create an invisible dummy unit, then use StructOffset to cast the skill and then remove it.

Thank you for your kind response and help!

Would you mind to explain this part?

Basically what I want to achieve is, have a Defensive Matrix button on unit button set just like default one, but when user hit the button or use hotkey, then user DO NOT need to choose a target but the unit itself get Defensive Matrix immediately - so it's self-cast.

There is one problem I encountered - how to detect if a specific button of button set of a given unit is clicked or not? I searched the EUD database, there is indeed some way to detect user keyboard event, so hotkey issue can be resolved, but how about button click?

I understand the invisible dummy unit to cast defensive matrix this part, thank you :)


Feb 20 2024, 8:53 am MobMob Post #5

Quote from NudeRaider
To add to that, for the "impossible" things you could probably do it relatively easily with modding. But you were asking in the UMS forum, so that's why you got these responses. If you want, I can move your topic to modding.

Thank you, but I indeed ask for UMS not mod because I want to play my EUD map with online players.

I got some old 1.08 EUD map, and what I asked are all achieved in that map, so based on people's reply, I guess it's due to remaster version officially removed lots of access to make EUD map more safer?


Feb 20 2024, 12:45 pm kgh829 Post #6

Quote from MobMob
Quote from kgh829
(4) You can create an invisible dummy unit, then use StructOffset to cast the skill and then remove it.

Thank you for your kind response and help!

Would you mind to explain this part?

Basically what I want to achieve is, have a Defensive Matrix button on unit button set just like default one, but when user hit the button or use hotkey, then user DO NOT need to choose a target but the unit itself get Defensive Matrix immediately - so it's self-cast.

There is one problem I encountered - how to detect if a specific button of button set of a given unit is clicked or not? I searched the EUD database, there is indeed some way to detect user keyboard event, so hotkey issue can be resolved, but how about button click?

I understand the invisible dummy unit to cast defensive matrix this part, thank you :)

Use build/production queues.

I'm an EUD2 user, and if you also have experience with EUD2, you can also use the Import feature in TE of EUD3 to load TETools, allowing you to use functions from EUD2.

Simply call the [BuildCheck], [BuildReset], and [COrderUnit] functions.

When using this, The queue caster should return as a pointer (ptr), and the dummy caster actually using the skill should return as extended player data (epd).

Sorry for not being much help. :sadwalk:


Feb 20 2024, 2:15 pm MobMob Post #7

Quote from kgh829
Simply call the [BuildCheck], [BuildReset], and [COrderUnit] functions.

Searched GitHub repo, I see what you meant. So instead of detecting a button of button set is clicked or not, just use the event of building unit to simulate the generic button click event.

I will try that, thank you for the kind help, much appreciate it!

However, I feel it will be better for us to have a direct way to detect the clicked button index (0-8).


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