Major Update: Touhou Shooting 12 UFO
Version: v1.00 RELEASE
Changelog:Major Changes:- Menu UI has been added list available features and mode. This includes 6 options listed as "Story Mode" "Extra Stage" "Practice Mode" "Perfect Mode" "Map Info" and "Pacifist Mode"
Game-Mode Descriptions
[Story Mode] - The standard game displayed in the demo. Contains 6 Bosses/Stages and you can choose between 4 difficulties (Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic)
Extra Stage - Bonus Stage containing a returning Kogasa (Stage 2 Boss) as the Mid-stage boss. She has 0 Non-Spells and 3 Spell Cards. Defeating Kogasa results in the main Extra Stage Boss named Nue Houjuu. She has 8 Non-Spells and 10 Spell Cards. You are required to beat 'Story Mode' on normal or harder difficulty.
Practice Mode - Pick between Stages 1 - 6 and be granted infinite lives in the process.
Perfect Mode - Challenge bonus where you have 0 lives. If you are playing with others, dead allies will still revive upon beating a Spell Card.
Map Info - Displays basic rules and some UI info. Also displays creator of the map (Hey, that's me!)
Pacifist Mode - Disables you shot. Now you can't damage the enemy and you must simply survive the timer. Beware, you will NOT be awarded points for surviving spell cards unless they are Survival spells.
- Stages are now replayable any number of times regardless of winning or losing. Difficulty can be adjusted when reselecting your desired mode too.
- Upon your team losing all lives, you will now "Game Over" and be sent to the starting UI Menu (This is NOT a defeat condition and you can rechoose your mode without having to rehost the game).
- Completing the Extra Stage will now beat the game and give victory.
- Player 1 is now required (player that interacts with the Starting Menu UI)
Other Changes:- The main used bullet hitboxes have been slightly reduced about 15%. Zerg Scourge and Protoss Observers remain the same size visually but their "collision" and hitbox are now smaller. This also means its easier to dodge them. (Does not apply to other bullets)
- Player collision has been reduced by about 99%. This means you can now stack players on top of each other and should no longer have body blocking issues.
- Animation errors on some lasers have been fixed.
- The boss will now have a "Number" left of their healthbar. This displays the number of lives they have remaining (or Health bars remaining). This number will instantly increment down the moment a spell card is beaten.
- Certain attacks have had their attacks changed.
Kogasa Tatara (Stage 2 Boss)
- Non-Spell 1: Has increased bullet density
- Spell Card 1: Has increased bullet density
- Spell Card 3: Bullets created by Scouts now spawn slightly more frequently
Minamitsu Murasa (Stage 4 Boss)
- Non-Spells 1 - 3: Moderately increased bullet density
- Spell Card 3: Slightly increased bullet density from center bullets
- Spell Card 4: Increased bullet density. Murasa now has 99% reduced collision meaning she can always teleport on the player's location (and literally on top of them)
Shou Toramaru (Stage 5 Boss)
- Spell Card 2: Now scales with difficulty. Easy Mode fires 1 aimed observer occasionally (less than normal mode), Normal mode fires 1 aimed observer at regular intervals. Hard remains unchanged. Lunatic slightly increased rate of 3 spread-aimed observers fire and the rate of which Laser walls appear.
Byakuren Hijiri (Stage 6 Boss)
- Spell Card 1: Reworked. Now instead spams large waves of scourge and observer bullets. These waves alternate between scourge and observer waves. Essentially: 20 Observers on easy over 1 second, then 20 scourge on normal over 1 second, then 20 observers on hard over 1 second, and then 20 scourge on lunatic over 1 second. This repeats 2 more times before there is roughly a 4 second break. Lower difficulties will have 1 second breaks on the instances where the higher difficulties send bullets.
- Spell Card 3: Bugfix where some units would briefly move the incorrection direction making a wavy path instead of a quarter circle path.
- Spell Card 5: Changes to some difficulties. Normal remains unchanged (spawns 1 observer per dash), Hard now spawns 2 observers per dash instead of 1, and Lunatic now spawns 3 observers per dash instead of 2. (Authors Note: Normal and Hard were actually the same difficulty. This was because Hard and lunatic was suppose to dash 100% faster but the trigger never worked and was subsequently removed now)
- Lives count has been reduced. Points no longer give lives to ally players and only give the rewarded player +1 life instead of 2.
- Probably other changes not mentioned and don't remember. Whoops!
New Screenshots:
Additional Info:
Extra Stage versus Nue - If you are not on Pacifist mode, she has abilities which spawn "UFOs" (ghosts). These are actually killable requiring ~20 hits each. These units are temporary but will fire bullets at you so you can choose to kill the UFOs or target Nue instead. The UFOs will always take priority fire over Nue, but your shot will still fire upwards (this means you will hit UFOs below Nue, but not ones above her). Alternatively, your "back" or downward "shot" does NOT target UFOs but can still hit the boss (Nue).
Thanks for playing!
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2023, 6:11 pm by TheHappy115.