Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Starcraft Campaign: Reversed
Starcraft Campaign: Reversed
Jun 29 2021, 2:18 am
By: TheHappy115  

Jun 29 2021, 2:18 am TheHappy115 Post #1

Starcraft: Reversed


Hello, my Battlenet Username is: Happy115 (also go by Itsthatguy or a mixture of the two names). I am a new
to staredit and was self-taught on how to use the Starcraft Campaign Editor. Over many years I learned more
about how to use it and eventually switched over to learn SCM_Draft2 recently. I hope you enjoy the maps
included. You can download the entirety of the SC Original Campaign through github or through StarEdit.
All maps have now been released, both Original and Broodwar versions that will be done.

Due to some popularity, I added a new link to download if you don't want to download individually. If you are otherwise nervous of "strange links," you can instead download it here on StarEdit.

Google Drive Download link:

Starcraft Reverse is a campaign series inspired from MindHawk's Reverse Wings of Liberty Campaign.
The series includes 27 maps, excluding the Hero Missions. Maps will involve an AI seeking to perform the
Campaign's normal object with you as the player gaining control of one of the opponent's attempting to stop
the controlled AI.

This campaign is NOT meant to be taken seriously. I figured since I enjoyed the SC2 reversed so much and I know
how to edit maps, I'd give it a shot at reversing the missions. The mission briefings are not meant to be
taken seriously nor the missions. Ordering of missions to be played are NOT important either. Feel free to
try any mission you think you be interesting reversed. Some missions have some experimentation too with
slightly (or moderate) modifications (this includes multiple races of enemies if there are different races
of heroes the AI control, such as Raynor and Tassadar together).

Difficulty is roughly the same difficulty as "Brutal" from Starcraft 2. Mission difficulty also does not
scale with the mission progressions as some missions may be harder than others.
Most of the Original Starcraft Missions will be fairly difficult and since the AI needs to be "somewhat" threatening,
their attacks also reflect that (especially when you have an AI ally.). For this reason, most mission AIs will be set
to Difficult or Insane difficult as they are some of the only scripts that can deal with an ally AI (even on easy
difficulty). Also as I've never used EUD triggers and this was meant as a fast project, most missions are "simply"
reversed and have minor modifications. The strong AIs also break if they do not have access to "strong" tier units.
For this reason, most (if not all) tech structures will be available in most missions

Broodwar Version: This version is different. While the difficulty of the Original Campaign is close to Brutal, the
Broodwar Reverse Campaign is much more lenient on the difficult. It will still have a couple missions that are difficult
but the overall difficult of the missions will be much more lax. More details in the Broodwar section below.

The Total File Size for all 27 Maps is: 115 MB
Note: Hero maps will NOT be reversed in this series.

Maps Include:

- 27 Missions
- AI Allies and Enemies
- Specialized AI attacks to perform an objective (escort, carrying item, etc.)
- Modified Mission Briefings (Briefings have been modified to somewhat give a "feel" for the objective)
- EUD Triggers. In some cases (while rare), some Heroes will actively attack you (with modified stats) and will retreat when below a specified health to heal.
- Cheese? Probably.

Note: The Original Campaign doesn't have to much changed with it besides reversing sides and the AI starting with more stuff (while you start with less. This is due to the fact that in the normal campaign, starting units are often enough to just straight up kill you if they sent everything immediately).

Other Things:
- It is suggested to run these maps on Starcraft: Broodwar versus the original. This is because it was self-tested on the Expansion and some maps (while few) use Broodwar Assets such as Dark Templar.
- There may be minor bugs that exist and may not be fixed (I.E. it is possible to stall Kerrigan in Mission 5 with floating structures in Mission 5 and prevent her from starting the revolt to begin with. Up to you if you want to do it).
- All the missions have been tested ~2 times in full with multiple minor tests. However, changes that occurred after (such as getting rid of unused files) have happened and may cause bugs. Let me know if you find any!
- Some missions have drastically different objectives or design changes (Terran Mission 6, General Duke's Norad II has an entire operating base instead of a few bunkers).
- EUD Triggers will break saves. As a result, the following scenarios/missions, you may be unable to save: Terran Scenarios 9/10, Zerg Scenarios
6/8, and Protoss Scenarios 4/7.

Broodwar Campaign Reversed:
Note: The Broodwar Reversed series only contains the Protoss Campaign and Terran Campaigns
This mission will consist of 23 total missions (with Terran 2/7 and Zerg 1 and Bonus being skipped).
Only the protoss broodwar missions will contain EUD triggers (Missions 4 and 5). This is due to design decisions made during the Terran and Zerg Broodwar missions (makes easier to modify the triggers as well as allowing saves for those missions). However, I didn't want to change the previous ones.
The github version for the Broodwar Reverse Campaign is also available in the same github link

About the Broodwar Reverse Campaign:
1) The Protoss Campaign is has similar objects to the Original Reverse Campaign. It is also the only Reverse Campaign features all missions including the No-Build Missions (as I found them the easiest to deal with).
2) The Terran Campaign has the most "options" allow you to choose options as well as giving you time for things. The difficulty is lower in this series with the exception of 1 or 2 missions.
3) The Zerg Campaign is the most "unique" of the missions. This is the Reverse Campaign with the MOST time spent on it. While the end objective is still the same, it is done slightly different than the other missions (whether its survive then attack, take out strategic bases, or destroying bases to escort heroes).
Total File Size: 124.721 MB (239.721 MB if you include Original and Broodwar together)

Screen Shots:


Use Staredit to download the missions 1 by 1. The description links to the next mission.
Staredit Download:

Download over github. Unzip the contents and move them to the correct location.
Github Download:

Google Drive Download link:

Screen Shots:

Special Thanks:
MindHawk - Inspiration for the idea (SC2: WoL Campaign Reversed Series)

ViC Brigade - He is the developer of the Coop Campaign. Due to difficulty of finding the
campaign maps and starting features, I used the starting template of the Coop maps and
modified them into single player and modified the triggers from there.

6/29/21 - v1.01
- Terran Maps 1 - 8 have had the "Area Town" script removed as to prevent construction of command center as a priority. (Other maps shouldn't have this issue)
- Reduced Terran AI difficulty scaling for 1 or more AIs on maps: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- (May need extra testing) Fixed ally creating friendly command center in your base in Mission 5 and Zerg drones mining in your base in Mission 6.
7/17/2021 - v1.02
- Added Resources to Player 3 AI in Terran Mission 6. This should allow Duke's forces to build units now.
7/20/2021 - v1.10
- Changed starting structure (Command Center / Nexus / Hatchery) location in various missions to be located closer to minerals and gas geysers for more efficient mining.
- Added Drones, Probes, and SCVs in various missions as well.
- Added or deleted very minor cluster of units in various missions.
- Terran Mission 9: Zerg starting upgrades are now 2/2 down from 3/3. Their initial attack wave should also be slightly smaller.
- Terran Mission 10: Terran AI now has less starting production facilities. Their defensive structures are also now located inside their base (versus outside of it).
- Zerg Mission 6: Reduced difficulty of 1 of the Zerg AI from Insane to Difficult.
- Zerg Mission 8: Increased Red Zerg AI's starting Tech levels. Decreased Purple Zerg AI's starting Hatchery count. Removed a AI town script for Purple Zerg.
- Zerg Mission 9 and 10: Reduced difficulty of 1 of the Zerg AIs from Insane to Difficult.
- Protoss Mission 2 and 3: Player now starts with 1 more hatchery.
- Protoss Mission 4: Expanded low ground location south of starting Base. It is now also a natural that can be expanded to.
- Protoss Mission 5: Tassadar's stats have been increased making him harder to kill and dealing slightly more damage.
- Protoss Mission 8: Added an expansion east of Main mining base on the low ground.
- Protoss Mission 9: Both brown and white start with an extra hatchery. Red Zerg has more sunken colonies added in the top middle of the map.
- Protoss Mission 10: Modified terrain near starting mineral clusters in Player's Main base for more freedom to add hatcheries near the mineral clusters for maximum mining. Also added a few starting units for Brown Terran and Yellow Protoss.
1/10/22 - v2.10
- BW Reverse Series completed
- BW Protoss Mission 2: Protoss AIs are all Blue now. Changed Difficulty from Insane to "Custom" and now must gather resources to build units. AI now immediately attacks after Hydralisk Surprise attack and the later attack is delayed more and has different set of units (and amount). Added additional ally sunken colonies to compensate. Player now starts with 1 drone. 2 Expansions were added near the Protoss base (inside it) to give the custom AI places to gain more resources. Carriers and Arbiters are disabled. Disabled Greater Spire since it doesn't do anything. Disabled Ultralisk since can't created Ultralisk Cavern.
- BW Protoss Mission 3: Protoss AIs are all Blue now. Red Protoss Difficulty changed from Insane to Easy and now starts with preplaced structures. Stargate attacks are changed. Now attacks with multiple scouts instead of just immediately attacking upon creating one. Additionally, there are 4 different attack points they can attack from. Stargate attack waves become larger over time (up to a maximum). Can now send 1 Carrier in place of 3 scouts in said attack wave (in later attacks).
- BW Protoss Mission 6: Protoss and Zerg enemy AIs difficulty changed from Insane to Difficult. Yellow Zerg is now White colored. White Protoss now gains a stargate later. Yellow Zerg gains Spawning Pool, Spire, and Ultralisk Cavern. Attack Waves from White Protoss and Yellow Zerg are now initially smaller and are combined together (Both Zerg and Protoss), gather on one side and either attack Orange or Brown Zerg randomly. These waves grow with each attack (up to a maximum amount)
- BW Protoss Mission 7: Blue Protoss AI Difficulty changed from Insane to Custom. Now uses resources and generates a small amount of free minerals and gas per second. Fixed alliance issues so units no longer stop attacking a targeted friendly unit (ally or your own) after 1 second. Also make Red Protoss ally to Aldaris instead of making him an enemy.

Post has been edited 33 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2023, 3:37 am by TheHappy115.


Jun 29 2021, 3:39 pm C(a)HeK Post #2

Why 2 CC?

Double CC everywhere lol
Area town not must setup with other script in one location so cancel the AI script area town there.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 29 2021, 4:07 pm by C(a)HeK.

Hello everyone, friends. You can call me Alexander. :)
Additional Story Series creator
Maps & Info -
Videos -

Jun 30 2021, 12:12 am Luigi Post #3

In God I trust.

Hello TheHappy115.
SC1 campaigns with reversed roles sound very interesting to play.
I have the original SC1 maps from Pronogo. I'll provide you a link from MEGA. There is everything you need.

I'm the creator of StarCraft Adventures.
For Spanish version "Aventuras de StarCraft":
Aventuras de StarCraft (blog)

Jun 30 2021, 5:50 pm Zincoshine Post #4

Quote from TheHappy115
Due to difficulty of finding the
campaign maps and starting features, I used the starting template of the Coop maps and
modified them into single player and modified the triggers from there.

Uh, it's right here:


Jun 30 2021, 9:31 pm TheHappy115 Post #5

Quote from Zincoshine
Quote from TheHappy115
Due to difficulty of finding the
campaign maps and starting features, I used the starting template of the Coop maps and
modified them into single player and modified the triggers from there.

Uh, it's right here:

Sorry, I may have created a misunderstanding. I decided I wouldn't try too hard to find the original campaign and I was primarily looking for files within the actual files of Starcraft themselves. In terms of searching online, I probably could of found some but I have a bit of issues with trusting sites/links I don't recognize as I've had issues with viruses in the past and I am not entirely familiar with the website links. Regardless, I already had the coop-maps download from roughly ~5+ years ago so I figured I'd just use them instead of doing research and in-depth look online. I haven't really been a member of StarEdit either or really downloading custom files eithers (with exclusion of a few maps such as SpellSword RPG).
I do already have all the required files I need to complete the campaign (and the Original Mission are already done and uploaded).


Jul 18 2021, 4:33 am TheHappy115 Post #6

Terran Mission 6 has had a fix to allow player 3 AI (Duke's forces) to build units (lacked resources). This change is only on StarEdit at the moment.

I hope those who have tried the campaign are enjoying it. I am currently working on the Broodwar Reverse Missions and Protoss Missions 1 - 4 are done. Once the Broodwar Protoss Missions are done, I will add them to the list.

Note: I will do some "hero" like missions due to them not being installation tileset. I find those missions easier to "reverse" and do. I will mention if any is skipped (Terran Mission 7 is currently only one planned to be skipped so far).


Jul 18 2021, 9:35 pm Zincoshine Post #7

I've finally gotten around to playing this. Well at least episode I so far. This is clearly a campaign in the same vein as the bob levels and not something to take seriously. It goes very well with the cartooned skin in starcraft remastered.

In episode I There are two missions in particular that have some problems (beyond the normal) though, the first and last mission. In the first mission it's just impossible to stop the enemy from spawning 10 marines fast enough. I tried three times and ultimately had to skip that mission. I think you need to provide the player with one more drone at the start. As for the last mission, I found that dealing with two simultaneous terran insane AIs was just too much to handle. I'm not really sure there is a way to win this map. I had to skip this as well. Finally, I have to mention that the gameplay for "scenario 5" in episode I was astoundingly good. I had so much fun on that map.

I'm looking forward to playing episode II and III in the coming days :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2021, 9:40 pm by Zincoshine.


Jul 18 2021, 10:42 pm TheHappy115 Post #8

Quote from Zincoshine
I've finally gotten around to playing this. Well at least episode I so far. This is clearly a campaign in the same vein as the bob levels and not something to take seriously. It goes very well with the cartooned skin in starcraft remastered.

In episode I There are two missions in particular that have some problems (beyond the normal) though, the first and last mission. In the first mission it's just impossible to stop the enemy from spawning 10 marines fast enough. I tried three times and ultimately had to skip that mission. I think you need to provide the player with one more drone at the start. As for the last mission, I found that dealing with two simultaneous terran insane AIs was just too much to handle. I'm not really sure there is a way to win this map. I had to skip this as well. Finally, I have to mention that the gameplay for "scenario 5" in episode I was astoundingly good. I had so much fun on that map.

I'm looking forward to playing episode II and III in the coming days :)

Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking about toning down the AI difficulty myself (however, I noticed the AI has difficulty killing each other if the waves aren't large enough). I'm unsure whether you downloaded when it first came out or after the fact (as originally there were 2 insane Terran AIs, and I toned them down to 1 Insane Terran AI and 1 Difficult). I do make sure to test each map and personally beat them myself before moving on to the next map (however the difficulty is fairly high compared to standard starcraft PvE).

I found the hardest missions to be: Terran Mission 7 (pre-nerfed), Protoss Mission 8, and Protoss Mission 10 (final mission).
I will mention though that Mission 1 was buffed (due to removing AI script to make an extra CC at start), and Mission 10 was one of the only Missions in the Terran series that wasn't nerfed. I'll take a look and update it if I notice anything abnormal in difficulty. I may also post 2 other version of this reverse series (1 with modifier for harder challenge, and 1 with easier AI ruleset)

However, those will probably be in the distance future as I'm currently working on the Expansion Missions first.
Thank you!


Jul 20 2021, 8:32 am Zincoshine Post #9

I have now finished playing through Episode II

I had pretty much the same experience as with episode I. Fun and silly macro gameplay but a few missions that could not be completed for various reasons:

- "Scenario 1" was just too hard. It is impossible to muster a defence fast enough before the enemy AI sends massive waves of hydralisks at you.
- "Scenario 6" is partially corrupted. It is not possible to save or restart on this mission and hence it is unplayable. My guess is that you accidentally left in room for a second player and starcraft thinks the map is multiplayer or something.
- "Scenario 8" is skipped because I just can't click fast enough to handle everything that is going on, same problem as the original map which I was never able to complete without cheats either.

Oh there is a big problem with scenario 9 (and maybe 10) in that corsairs and dark templar can be warped. This just makes the already silly plot completely nonsensical.


Jul 20 2021, 2:37 pm Zincoshine Post #10

I began to play episode III but I decided to stop after being less than impressed with your mapwork here, in particular with the player-controlled zerg bases. For some reason, you got really lazy when converting these maps for your campaign and you made no effort to make sure the starting base is acceptable or not. In most missions the hatchery/hive/lair is too far away from the starting resource or vice versa. Scenario 2 is especially absurd, why is there a sunken colony in the middle of nowhere? Why is there a spore colony where a hatchery is supposed to be? Why is the spawning pool at the front lines of the base? Having to waste time destroying my own structures is not fun at all. having to put a hatchery next to each geyser or mineral in the starting base is not fun. I had to make THREE for the starting base in Scenario 3!

I'll try out episode III when and if you put more effort into it.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 20 2021, 2:51 pm by Zincoshine.


Jul 20 2021, 11:05 pm TheHappy115 Post #11

Quote from Zincoshine
I began to play episode III but I decided to stop after being less than impressed with your mapwork here, in particular with the player-controlled zerg bases. For some reason, you got really lazy when converting these maps for your campaign and you made no effort to make sure the starting base is acceptable or not. In most missions the hatchery/hive/lair is too far away from the starting resource or vice versa. Scenario 2 is especially absurd, why is there a sunken colony in the middle of nowhere? Why is there a spore colony where a hatchery is supposed to be? Why is the spawning pool at the front lines of the base? Having to waste time destroying my own structures is not fun at all. having to put a hatchery next to each geyser or mineral in the starting base is not fun. I had to make THREE for the starting base in Scenario 3!

I'll try out episode III when and if you put more effort into it.

Sorry to hear about that. I'll look into having the structures replaced into better locations for more optimal mining. The reasoning behind this is due to the fact that I often try not to rearrange structures and leave them in their original state (with the exception of deleting starting units and some natural defense so you can't instantly kill the cpu). I'll try to see if I can rearrange the structures in a more "acceptable" spot so that they don't disturb mining operations.

Side Note: After reviewing the maps and the positions, I found out that Episode 3 Mission 3, the Red Zerg AI has 2 Spawning Pools for some reason and since I generally don't delete lower tech structures, there are two in the reverse one as well.

Edit: I changed the starting location for many of the map's primary structure to be closer to minerals/geyser or vice versa. This should hopefully cause less frustration in terms of mining efficiently. It is interesting though since CPUs generally don't need money, Blizzard always placed their structures in terrible mining locations. In some missions, I also added more workers too. Both of these combine should make missions slightly easier overall due to higher income rates.
Check the changelog in this forum for basic details. The StarEdit scenarios will have more details on what was changed.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 21 2021, 1:49 am by TheHappy115.


Jul 22 2021, 10:48 am Zincoshine Post #12

Nice update... I will be playing the following in the coming days and reevaluating the campaign according to my experience with V1.1:

- Episode I scenario 1
- Episode I Scenario 10
- Episode II Scenario 1
- Episode II Scenario 6
- Episode III Scenario 2 -> 10

- Unfortunately, Episode II Scenario 6 is still corrupt. I am unable to save while playing. Try converting this into a SCX map and see if that fixes the problem.
- Why did you make Terran 02, Terran 9, Zerg 9 and Zerg 10 easier? They weren't too hard before. I was able to beat them without too much trouble. The maps may be too easy now.
- You also made Zerg 7 too hard by giving the orange zerg some guardians. The guardians make it impossible to take the yellow zerg base early enough to mount an assault on purple before purple gets out of control. You should have left this map as it was.
- oh owww, Episode 1 mission 10 became corrupt after you edited it, can play it but can't save. OK, try converting this as well into an SCX to fix the corruption problem.
- Episode I scenario 1 is OK now :)
- Episode II scenario 1 is OK now :)
- Episode III scenario 2 is better now :)
- Episode III scenario 3 is better now :)

And that's all the comments I'll be making. I haven't seen the other maps. I'll post a general summary of my experience with episode III when I finish playing it.

Post has been edited 20 time(s), last time on Jul 22 2021, 9:00 pm by Zincoshine.


Jul 23 2021, 6:49 am TheHappy115 Post #13

Quote from Zincoshine
- Unfortunately, Episode II Scenario 6 is still corrupt. I am unable to save while playing. Try converting this into a SCX map and see if that fixes the problem.
- oh owww, Episode 1 mission 10 became corrupt after you edited it, can play it but can't save. OK, try converting this as well into an SCX to fix the corruption problem.

I am unsure because I am new to "EUD Triggers" but I noticed that the issues with the missions corruptions both contain EUD (extended unit death) triggers. I have no idea if UEDs cause issues with saving but a couple of missions have this feature. This is mainly to "encourage" the AI to use a hero unit in some cases. I didn't use it often, but I figured it may give a "unique" spin on some maps that may be more linear.

What do these EUD's do?
Generally, I use them to detect a "heroes" health so I can order them when to "teleport" to safety and have them be actively usable.
Example: Terran Mission 10 - The Hero BC (which replaces Raynor, called the Thunder Child) has a EUD which detects when it falls below 50% health. When it does, it teleports back to its "safe" zone where it restores ~10 health per trigger cycle (which should be ~2 seconds). Once it detects its full health, it will attack towards the Ion Cannon again.

Missions with EUD:
Terran Mission 9 & 10 (Kerrigan, Hero BC/Thunder Bird)
Zerg Mission 6 & 8 (Kerrigan)
Protoss Mission 4 & 7 (Tassadar/Raynor, Tassadar/Fenix/Zeratul)

These triggers most likely won't cause an issue in Terran Mission 9 due to the EUD trigger resulting in the unit's death (I assume it clears the memory since the associated unit died so no corruption occurs?), as well as Zerg Mission 8 since Kerrigan only triggers the EUD on the last escort (she will personally attempt to stop the last DT escort and will teleport away when low health. Assuming she runs away, you probably successfully escorted the DT anyways, beating the mission).

Sadly, this means if it is EUDs, I wouldn't be able to fix this issue with "saving" as it probably doesn't store the EUD triggers correctly after they have been used. (This may cause issues in future broodwar missions, as I have currently used them in Episode IV, scenarios 4 and 5).

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 23 2021, 7:29 am by TheHappy115.


Jul 23 2021, 7:25 am Zincoshine Post #14

Quote from TheHappy115
both contain EUD (extended unit death) triggers.
They contain what!? Yes, this is without a doubt the reason. And yes, I noticed it with protoss mission 4, I had to skip it although I was waiting until later to tell you.

Maybe don't use EUDs? :P


Jul 23 2021, 8:11 am TheHappy115 Post #15

Sadly, EUDs are something I do plan to keep in so it may cause issues for you down the road. However, they only corrupt the save file, not the actual game itself right? (I have heard issues with it against Macs)


Jul 23 2021, 10:52 am Nekron Post #16

EUDs should disable saving altogether afaik

Jul 23 2021, 12:21 pm Zincoshine Post #17

Yeah that's exactly what is happening Nekron. I initially assumed the disabled saving was due to some kind of map corruption, I didn't know it could be caused by EUDs.


Jul 23 2021, 7:51 pm Zincoshine Post #18

OK I finished playing episode III

I've got just a few more things to say

I was, unfortunately, unable to play Scenario 4 and 7 due to EUDs making saving impossible. Aside from that I had a lot of fun with the other missions even though I was not able to win Scenario 8 and 10. Going against 4 insane AI opponents in Scenario 10 ultimately proved impossible but I did have a lot of fun trying though! Looks like my insane AI red zerg ally had a ton of fun too for a while, especially when insane white and yellow were diverting troops to try and stop my expansion into geyser valley, giving red zerg the spotlight as it tried to take down white's base.

Also, thanks to your support of the campaign in recent days, it has managed to get a recommendation on my campaign list, especially for those with the cartooned skin for starcraft. :) However, I'm archiving your older versions of Terran 2, Terran 9, Zerg 7, Zerg 9, and Zerg 10 as they were better before the most recent changes.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 23 2021, 7:58 pm by Zincoshine.


Jul 30 2021, 5:40 am Bruce Post #19

Thank you for the campaign. You wrote there are 27 maps and indeed that number is correct, but somehow I noticed some map are not there, such as:
-scenario (4).scm is not there in the Terran Campaign
-scenario (5).scm is not there in the Zerg Campaign
-scenario (6).scm is not there in the Protoss Campaign
It jumps to the next number. Do you plan to release these maps at a later stage?

Also the read me file "" from the package from Github cannot be read (at least on my computer"), is the "md" file extension right?


Jul 30 2021, 7:20 am Zincoshine Post #20

Hey Bruce, I'm not the developer but I can explain the numbering:

The number is based on the order of the campaign in starcraft, For example Scenario 4 in the terran campaign represents the 4th mission in Episode I of Starcraft.

The reason why the three maps you mentioned are not included is because all three are installation maps, micro missions. There is simply no viable way to do a reverse version of such maps that would be fun. For example, Scenario 4 in the terran campaign is the jacobs installation mission where you go with raynor and 11 other units exploring around the map and looking for the data disk. There's just no way to make this fun in reverse.


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