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Map Showcase Rules
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Apr 27 2010, 6:23 am
By: Devourer  

Apr 27 2010, 6:23 am Devourer Post #1


Map Showcase Rules

1. Title your topic appropriately.
Make sure your title includes the name of your map. Simple enough.

2. Keep your original post organized and informative.
A simple mish-mosh of unorganized information can be confusing. The more organized your post looks, the better your production will look. Include some basic information about your map(s). What makes your map so special? We'd like to know before trying it out!

3. Include the completed map or the exact name in and on which gateways it is hosted.
This is a must, must, must. If we can't find your map, we have nothing to comment on. This should be self-explanatory.

4. Keep posts relevant.
Map makers will always love praise of their work, but simply saying "Awesome map!" is unnecessary as a response. If you're going to give a map criticism, add some depth to it. If you really liked it, state what you liked about it. If you happened to dislike it, perhaps state why and include suggestions. Any simple two or three word praises would be more suitable in a PM to the map maker.

5. No flaming.
I cannot stress this one enough. More often than not we find posts in threads from people who just want to bash a map or the map's creator. This is unacceptable. We're all for constructive criticism, but simply patronizing someone is out of the question. People take their creations very personally and often any attacks against them or the work leads to a very defensive argument that is really uncalled for. This rule should be simple enough. Let's keep the arguing to a minimum.

6. Try not to double-post.
This should be self-explanatory: limit the double-posting, which means don't post twice in a thread without a reply by someone else in between. Unless you're reviving a thread that's been dead for weeks or there has been a lack of activity in your thread for days, keep the double-posting to a minimum. If you recently updated something in your map and want to mention it in your thread, use the "Edit" button for your last post.

For now, these should be suitable. I'll add more in the future if need be.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 21 2011, 11:39 am by Ahli. Reason: updated information for bnet2

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[2024-9-11. : 6:47 pm]
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[2024-9-11. : 5:22 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
this might be a bit of a downer, but none of these were actually bangers :/
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: hottest take of 2024 right there
2014, actually
[2024-9-11. : 1:44 pm]
Vrael -- or maybe 'for now' I always seem to want to revisit and find better wordings
[2024-9-11. : 1:43 pm]
Vrael -- done now :)
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