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[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
zsnakezz -- dota 2 normally lasts longer
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
Jack -- it's like...platinum equivalent I guess that's terrible attitude-wise
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
Jack -- nah high gold's alright, or the dota equivalent
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
Jack -- so's ordinary dota
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
jjf28 -- huh, i found it the opposite way on LoL, at least from the low silver to high gold transition
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
Jack -- AD is alright at lower levels
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
zsnakezz -- people give up 90% of the time
[2014-12-15. : 4:53 am]
zsnakezz -- dont play ability draft then
[2014-12-15. : 4:52 am]
Jack -- I don't know if it holds true all the way to the top, but at the rank I'm now playing, people basically give up after the first death.
[2014-12-15. : 4:52 am]
Jack -- An interesting thing I've discovered, playing dota2. The higher in skill you get, the more toxic the players
[2014-12-15. : 4:52 am]
zsnakezz -- kelsooo!
[2014-12-15. : 4:51 am]
jjf28 -- "what kind of father doesn't love the guy who's nailing his daughter" #kelsologic
[2014-12-15. : 4:50 am]
zsnakezz -- after giving it the love stick
[2014-12-15. : 4:50 am]
zsnakezz -- and play my map hyperion 2
[2014-12-15. : 4:50 am]
zsnakezz -- give the moose your love stick
[2014-12-15. : 4:49 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- One more upgrade and I'll be more lady than you can handle!
[2014-12-15. : 4:47 am]
jjf28 -- "you can call me control"
[2014-12-15. : 4:45 am]
KrayZee -- I mean ma'am.
[2014-12-15. : 4:44 am]
KrayZee -- Thats a great story, mister, please tell another!
[2014-12-15. : 4:35 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- And, kids, that is why you stay out of the mountains and even more importantly avoid moose.
[2014-12-15. : 4:34 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- And then we would break in to song and dance.
[2014-12-15. : 4:34 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- The mother would be like "forgive my misconception, but shown by your affection you can't be so bad and I'm really glad you have found my lad!"
[2014-12-15. : 4:33 am]
jjf28 -- :kame:
[2014-12-15. : 4:33 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- and the mother moose would be so pleased!
[2014-12-15. : 4:33 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- or you mean just sort of run up to it and try to give it a hug
[2014-12-15. : 4:33 am]
jjf28 -- the smart thing to do would be start threatening it loudly and wave around a stick till the mother comes
[2014-12-15. : 4:32 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Although I immediately turned around and left.
[2014-12-15. : 4:31 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- one time I walked in to a clearing in the mountains and even saw some babby moose
[2014-12-15. : 4:31 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- there's moose near where I live :D I see them sometimes
[2014-12-15. : 4:30 am]
jjf28 -- you're China!
[2014-12-15. : 4:30 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I bet they don't even have necks
[2014-12-15. : 4:27 am]
Moose -- ... They have long antlers.
[2014-12-15. : 4:27 am]
Moose -- You know what they say about moose with long necks. :teach:
[2014-12-15. : 4:22 am]
jjf28 -- Astoundingly long..... neck, you have one
[2014-12-15. : 4:15 am]
jjf28 -- :moose: Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
[2014-12-15. : 4:15 am]
Moose -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: oh no i'm terribly short
Not where it counts :teach:
[2014-12-15. : 4:14 am]
Moose -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: KrayZee :lock: jjf28 32+1+15?
:lock: KrayZee
KrayZee shouted: jjf28 :lock: Mini Moose 2707
[2014-12-15. : 4:14 am]
jjf28 -- oh no i'm terribly short
[2014-12-15. : 4:14 am]
jjf28 -- KrayZee
KrayZee shouted: jjf28 :lock: Mini Moose 2707
:lock: jjf28
jjf28 shouted: Mini Moose 2707 :lock: Mini Moose 2707 just imagine if we had shout-ception
[2014-12-15. : 4:12 am]
KrayZee -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: Mini Moose 2707 :lock: Mini Moose 2707 just imagine if we had shout-ception
:lock: Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
[2014-12-15. : 4:11 am]
jjf28 -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
:lock: Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
just imagine if we had shout-ception
[2014-12-15. : 4:11 am]
Moose -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
:lock: jjf28
jjf28 shouted: jjf28 :lock: jjf28
[2014-12-15. : 4:05 am]
jjf28 -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: KrayZee :lock: KrayZee
:lock: jjf28
jjf28 shouted: KrayZee :lock: KrayZee
[2014-12-15. : 4:05 am]
jjf28 -- KrayZee
KrayZee shouted: :wob:
:lock: KrayZee
KrayZee shouted: :wob:
[2014-12-15. : 4:04 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Let's just stick to a = a++;
[2014-12-15. : 4:04 am]
KrayZee -- :wob:
[2014-12-15. : 4:04 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- resetting c gives a = 49 and b = 48 as it should.
[2014-12-15. : 4:03 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- c is incrementing and not decrementing, so it has different inputs
[2014-12-15. : 4:02 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- oh, wait, disregard. I see the problem
[2014-12-15. : 4:01 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- it seems to be, because a = 5; b = (--a * c) + (a++ / (c++ ^ ~a)); a == 5, but if I then do a = (--a * c) + (a++ / (c++ ^ ~a)); then b != a
[2014-12-15. : 4:01 am]
jjf28 -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: it won't let me do --a++ :(
[2014-12-15. : 4:01 am]
Moose -- Oh, I don't know if that is undefined in C
[2014-12-15. : 4:00 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- it won't let me do --a++ :(
[2014-12-15. : 4:00 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Except I was doing that as C
[2014-12-15. : 4:00 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I do.
[2014-12-15. : 3:59 am]
Moose -- Then you'll love C++ :D
[2014-12-15. : 3:59 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I love undefined behavior!
[2014-12-15. : 3:59 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Neat. Because putting b = that followed by a = that, a is different than if the b statement isn't there even though after the b statement a remains unchanged xD
[2014-12-15. : 3:58 am]
Moose -- You are in undefined behavior territory, for C++ anyway.
[2014-12-15. : 3:58 am]
Moose -- On your compiler on your machine it does!
[2014-12-15. : 3:57 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- xD Cool. a = that gives a different result than b = that
[2014-12-15. : 3:55 am]
Moose -- I can go for some of those.
[2014-12-15. : 3:55 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- actually, for more fun make that a=
[2014-12-15. : 3:54 am]
jjf28 -- :D
[2014-12-15. : 3:54 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- or something fun like, say, b = (--a * c) + (a++ / (c++ ^ ~a));?
[2014-12-15. : 3:54 am]
jjf28 -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: what about like someArray[ptr++] = 0? Or, even better, *someArray++ = 0?
I'm afraid I'd have to round up some of the more radical SEN members to duct tape you to a tree somewhere
[2014-12-15. : 3:52 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- what about like someArray[ptr++] = 0? Or, even better, *someArray++ = 0?
[2014-12-15. : 3:50 am]
jjf28 -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: Roy If not to use in statements, then what is the point?
he means don't do: int i = j++; // or at least i assume so
[2014-12-15. : 3:48 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Roy
Roy shouted: If you include anything other than the increment in a single statement, shame on you.
If not to use in statements, then what is the point?
[2014-12-15. : 2:23 am]
Moose -- Neither of you would like me, though Roy would hate me much less often.

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