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Diablo 2 Characters
Jul 23 2008, 9:31 pm
By: JamaL  

Jul 23 2008, 9:31 pm JamaL Post #1

I have always played Diablo II on (Closed) and some of my family that play Diablo are coming over for a week with their characters: the thing is, they have single-player characters.

My question is this: is there a program or just a way to take my character's D2S files off of so I can play them on Single Player or LAN?

I know this sounds idiotic, and I don't believe it to be possible -- however, asking certainly won't hurt.

I've already scoured the web for anything resembling the aforementioned sought-after program, but I haven't come up with anything. I've noticed that the map files from my characters are saved in my Diablo II folder, just not the .d2s..

Is anybody smarter than I am in this issue?

EDIT: This should probably go into Games. My bad.


Jul 23 2008, 11:01 pm EzDay281 Post #2

I do recall some program existing for recording character data into a singleplayer copy... but I can't remember anything more about it, and I never tried it.
Personally, I'd suggest just getting Hero Editor and, optionally, UdieToo, then recreating your builds as closely as possible there ( you'd need a mod, however, if you're using any ladder-only runewords ) .


Jul 24 2008, 12:33 am JamaL Post #3

Quote from EzDay281
( you'd need a mod, however, if you're using any ladder-only runewords ) .

Ah, forgot about that. I guess I'll just have to make my own Single Player character (unless anybody can post a link to a character recorder).


Jul 24 2008, 9:37 am Praetor Post #4

layin' in the cut

Just recreate your character stat for stat and gear for gear with Horadric Editor. you can add any ability or socket amount you want to gear with it, thus emulating runewords.

this too shall pass

Jul 28 2008, 7:40 pm Joshgt2 Post #5

You can do nothing with Close characters... The best thing, make a single player character, download Hero Editor, install hero editor, and begin editing your characters like there is no tomorrow...


Jul 28 2008, 8:16 pm JamaL Post #6

Quote from Joshgt2
You can do nothing with Close characters... The best thing, make a single player character, download Hero Editor, install hero editor, and begin editing your characters like there is no tomorrow...

I'd say thanks, but two other people have already told me the same thing.

Unless somebody can tell me about a .d2s grabbing program, this topic can be closed.


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Vrael -- :)
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