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Will there be a SCII expansion?
Mar 23 2008, 1:06 pm
By: JordanN  

Mar 23 2008, 1:06 pm JordanN Post #1

Or will everything be included and possibly the last starcraft game?


Mar 23 2008, 1:35 pm Heegu Post #2

Why would Blizzard cancel an opportunity to get even more cash?


Mar 23 2008, 7:26 pm rockz Post #3

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Quote from JordanN
Or will everything be included and possibly the last starcraft game?
Yes, Blizzard hates making people pay two times as much, when they can get the game to you for cheaper.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Apr 18 2008, 2:21 am Stormwolf Post #4

Are you crazy!?! Blizzard is probly gonna end it with a possibility for more, then make another expansion to earn more money, then either another EXP or possibly SCIII :D

Blizzard will probly do anything for MULAH!!!!!



Apr 18 2008, 3:15 am Vi3t-X Post #5

...Or. Blizzard develops expansion packs for all of its games beginning with warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness. Ever since then, every game that has been released by Blizzard has an expansion pack - both to expand lore, and to implement further game features that were "purposely left out"


May 2 2008, 6:01 am KrayZee Post #6

Well, there's already an expansion sets for WarCraft II, Diablo II, StarCraft, WarCraft III, and World of WarCraft. It all depends whether or not if StarCraft II is successful or by popular demand, if it is, then there should be an expansion set.


May 2 2008, 6:02 am Vi3t-X Post #7

What will it be named?

Starcraft: Kerrigan's Demise
Starcraft2: Rebirth of the Swarm
Starcraft: NO U.


May 2 2008, 6:14 am KrayZee Post #8

If only the United Earth Directorate were the last faction to play with, then I'll be happy. I hate how Blizzard attempts to make evil lose in vanilla, then win in expansion set. Humanity basically failed in WarCraft III, especially since Jaina fled the Humans from Lordaeron to Kalimdor and months after the battle against Archimonde, her father, Admiral Proudmoore (From WarCraft II), has died. Blizzard keeps making humans described as failures. Though the UED Expeditionary Force was a small fleet that almost successfully took control of the Koprulu Sector, I'd love to see them to win and keep peace and pact with Jim Raynor and the Protoss and so on.


May 3 2008, 2:14 am Vi3t-X Post #9

The ending of StarCraft was epic. I actually felt sorry and sad for the loss of Tassadar (luckilly he has a protege by the name of Doodan). It shows the true might of how noble and powerful the protoss race truly is.

Brood War(s) centers around after Aiur was decimated. Even with such a significant victory, their home was ruined. It shows how such an epic race could be brought down to it's knees by an apocalypic invasion (RESIDENT EVIL MUCH?)

As for the humans being failures, you have to admit it is all true. Humans always have faults. We are not perfect. We strive to achieve and yet we fail, then learn from our mistakes. My guess is that the United Earth Directorate returns in the expansion pack of StarCraft II to at last, end the failure of the Terrans with their massive fleet, genuine tacticts and salvaged equipment. Mengsk is imprisioned and/or executed, Raynor is given his honourable rank back, Fenix is revived by the Xel'Naga, everyone is richer for the experience...

Don't ya just love happy endings? *Sniff*


May 3 2008, 4:50 pm KrayZee Post #10

You know, DuGalle was actually multitasking. Protecting the the Overmind at Char, the Psi Disruptor at Braxis and the conquered city of Augustgrad in Korhal. With all three of them destroyed one by one focused by Kerrigan along with the help of Raynor, Mengsk and Fenix. If only Raynor, Mengsk and Fenix didn't help Kerrigan, the United Earth Directorate will be completely victorious on the Koprulu Sector. The only things left to deal with is to pacify the Protoss, take control both of the Umojan Protectorate and the Kel-Morian Combine. And for the Confederacy, they're absorbed to the United Earth Directorate fleet according to the first mission of the Terran Brood War Campaign.

And lastly, any Pirate Militias.


May 3 2008, 5:23 pm Demented Shaman Post #11

Terran is the best race.

The only reason they sucked in the campaign was because they didn't have Boxer controlling them.


May 3 2008, 6:56 pm Number08 Post #12

isnt' it obvious
lol just look at world of warcraft


May 24 2008, 1:37 am Not a Username Post #13

Quote from name:devilesk
Terran is the best race.

The only reason they sucked in the campaign was because they didn't have Boxer controlling them.

Do you mean Starcraft 1 or 2?
In Starcraft 2, they're insanely overpowered. Try a combo of Vikings and Banshees, with some Cobras on the ground.
Oh, right; if I'm being stupid, notify me prolifically so I can learn to keep my mouth shut.


May 24 2008, 3:21 am chuiu Post #14

Quote from Not a Username
Quote from name:devilesk
Terran is the best race.

The only reason they sucked in the campaign was because they didn't have Boxer controlling them.

Do you mean Starcraft 1 or 2?
In Starcraft 2, they're insanely overpowered. Try a combo of Vikings and Banshees, with some Cobras on the ground.
Oh, right; if I'm being stupid, notify me prolifically so I can learn to keep my mouth shut.
You are. Why would he be talking about SC2's campaign when he obviously hasn't played it yet. When its not even completed.


May 24 2008, 5:21 am Corbo Post #15


What would happen if blizzard decided to merge games? as in a general expansion pack set for all of their games and bring some Diablo II stuff to SCII and WCIII and SCII to WCIII and Diablo II.

That would be so weird :P Just imagine yourself playing SCII on space platform and suddenly an orc comes out :P

fuck you all

May 24 2008, 6:28 am FatalException Post #16

That orc would get totally pwned. Axes and leather < gauss rifles and powered suits.


May 25 2008, 1:58 am SiN Post #17

well not if there was a tauren marine by its side.

I have a really strong feeling that raynor will come face to face with Kerrigan in sc2. (promise - and hopefully a foreshadow - from the end of bw)


May 25 2008, 11:08 pm FatalException Post #18

Quote from SiN
well not if there was a tauren marine by its side.

I have a really strong feeling that raynor will come face to face with Kerrigan in sc2. (promise - and hopefully a foreshadow - from the end of bw)
Oh, definitely. He'll cry, and be sad, and he'll be like, "Why, baby?" And she'll be like, "I LIKE WHAT I AM. HA HA HA." And then Jim will cry some more and kill her.

Or pull out that secret serum from SC64 that uninfests and jab her with it, and they'll be happy and make many baby. :P


May 26 2008, 2:22 am MadZombie Post #19

Quote from Corbo
What would happen if blizzard decided to merge games? as in a general expansion pack set for all of their games and bring some Diablo II stuff to SCII and WCIII and SCII to WCIII and Diablo II.

That would be so weird :P Just imagine yourself playing SCII on space platform and suddenly an orc comes out :P
Sooper blizzard bros SUPREME


May 27 2008, 12:58 am LoveLess Post #20

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

StarCraft 2: Rise of the Xel'Naga


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