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Pen spinning
Mar 1 2008, 12:22 am
By: who
Pages: 1 2 3 >
do you pen spin
do you pen spin
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Yes 15
No 10
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Poll has 25 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Mar 1 2008, 12:22 am who Post #1

just wondering. -.-
I do it a lot during class


Mar 1 2008, 12:53 am blacklight28 Post #2

I accidently voted before selecting an answer but yes I do spin. I spin by habit lol. I can spin it 1 time around easily and 1 and 1/2 times pretty easily with some pens/pencils. Occasionally I spin it 2 times around. Major skillage...


Mar 1 2008, 3:26 am Vi3t-X Post #3

I would if I could: Youtube Instructional Video?


Mar 1 2008, 12:18 pm lil-Inferno Post #4

Just here for the pie

I wish I knew what pen spinning was, but I bet I do it.

EDIT: I found out what it was, and I do it occasionally.

Mar 1 2008, 12:22 pm who Post #5

well, there are more tricks than the thumbaround.
i can do charge, thumbaround, shadow, sonic, and devil's sonic (sometimes)


Mar 1 2008, 1:07 pm lil-Inferno Post #6

Just here for the pie

Crazy Japanese Pen Spinners!

Mar 1 2008, 1:56 pm JordanN Post #7

Quote from lil-Inferno
Crazy Japanese Pen Spinners!
Wow, those people have no lives, at all.

Anyways this topic is spam much.


Mar 1 2008, 7:00 pm FatalException Post #8

Quote from JordanN
Quote from lil-Inferno
Crazy Japanese Pen Spinners!
Wow, those people have no lives, at all.

Anyways this topic is spam much.
Not any less spam than what frazz is doing in Count-up.


Mar 1 2008, 8:14 pm MillenniumArmy Post #9

I pen spin. Around my thumb, and between my index and middle fingers. I just recently learned the latter.


Mar 1 2008, 8:43 pm Greenclaw Post #10

I don't usually pen spin, instead I usually chew on them.


Mar 1 2008, 9:01 pm ClansAreForGays Post #11

I do this thing where I drop it from a foot above onto my index finger, which makes it do a backwards somersault, and sometimes I can catch it right and do it again.

Mar 1 2008, 9:07 pm Corbo Post #12


I draw.

fuck you all

Mar 1 2008, 11:19 pm frazz Post #13

Quote from FatalException
Quote from JordanN
Quote from lil-Inferno
Crazy Japanese Pen Spinners!
Wow, those people have no lives, at all.

Anyways this topic is spam much.
Not any less spam than what frazz is doing in Count-up.
Hey, I come here to lurk, just minding my own business and I get this junk? At least my spam is political spam. Like a Unabomber.


Mar 1 2008, 11:50 pm Doodan Post #14

Indeed I do. I will now be learning cooler techniques, lol.


Mar 2 2008, 2:41 am Rantent Post #15

The spinning where you flick it between your thumb and forefingers is stupid, I much prefer rolling along my fingers (like in pirates of the Caribbean, where Johnny Dep's a skeleton.)

I normally do that for the first two fingers, then bring it back with my thumb, and rotate it in a figure-eight movement using my thumb and index finger.
Rather hard to explain, but when it is done right it looks like a rotation on the xz plane, then a rotation on the yz plane, then a rotation on the xy plane. Must be done fast, and people will say "how did you do that, I cannot even comprehend the movements!?"


Mar 2 2008, 3:29 am who Post #16

you mean infinity?
some kids at my school just spam that trick all day; it's irritating

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 2 2008, 12:36 pm by someone09.


Mar 2 2008, 5:56 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #17

Quote from JordanN
Quote from lil-Inferno
Crazy Japanese Pen Spinners!
Wow, those people have no lives, at all.

Anyways this topic is spam much.

I wish I could, I really do. I've tried, and I just can't do it. All my friends can, though. :(


Mar 2 2008, 6:53 pm Nintendo_Confed Post #18

Has anyone noticed that the Japanese dedicate their time to developing wierd abilities?


Mar 2 2008, 7:34 pm FatalException Post #19

Quote from Corbo
I draw.

Quote from Nintendo_Confed
Has anyone noticed that the Japanese dedicate their time to developing wierd abilities?
If by weird, you mean AWESOME! :lol:


Mar 2 2008, 7:37 pm frazz Post #20

Ninja Warrior!


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