Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Custom Maps > Topic: OMFG THE ZERGLINGS ALWAYS MORE!!!
May 1 2010, 1:05 pm
By: Zuraneru  

May 1 2010, 1:05 pm Zuraneru Post #1

I bet many of you remember this old funny map from SC1: many zerglings are spawning and trying to kill you! You start from scratch, having a main and several workers. Stacked minerals and vespines for fast income!
Do not lose all your army and buildings, else you are defeated! Survive all levels (I didn't even mange to win level two in singleplayer, haha) to win.
Yet, 10 levels are implemented, might add features and further levels in the near future.
Two players only! Enjoy!

Edit: Now its more difficulty width chocke but better income and now its for 4 Player GL & HF

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on May 19 2010, 11:02 am by Zuraneru.


May 6 2010, 8:09 am onekrana Post #2

Completed it solo.
Walled off the choke with 2 planetary fortresses with 3 more build behind them with 1 hex of space for SCVs to repair on (Used 8, likely could have used less) with the building armor upgrade planetary fortresses have 5 armor and zerglings deal 5 damage per hit... so yeah...


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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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