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Mother birth to a snake baby
Nov 15 2007, 10:43 pm
By: JordanN  

Nov 15 2007, 10:43 pm JordanN Post #1

You've seen that stupid dumb ugly duck baby. And the horse baby. And lets not forget the monkey baby, but a snake?! Well here it is. The disease is called the harlequin defect which is really painful.

also heres a bonus.


Nov 16 2007, 6:37 am WoAHorde Post #2

Jordan found his birth footage.


Nov 16 2007, 8:39 pm JordanN Post #3

Quote from WoAHorde
Jordan found his birth footage.
The closest would have to be a pig. Please try not again.


Nov 17 2007, 8:21 pm FatalException Post #4

Really doesn't look like a snake to me, and I already saw the first one, but it was "proof that aliens exist."

Those babies wouldn't look out of place in Half-Life.


Nov 17 2007, 10:50 pm InsolubleFluff Post #5

That was MESSED.
Those eyes were mother fucking scary and it kinda looked like it had scales and is it just me or did it have black talon like toes?


Nov 17 2007, 11:04 pm EzDay281 Post #6

is it just me or did it have black talon like toes?
Um, well, since you said 'like,' that means it can be both. =P
They are vaguely more like 'black talons' than most toes in a sense ( they're darker than most? ) , but whether or not they're enough "more like," to be significant, depends on who you ask.
Gogo read. My brother pointed me towards this article for no reason some long time ago.


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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