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More on the Quotes Database!
May 2 2009, 5:02 am
By: Corbo
Pages: < 1 2 3 >

May 21 2009, 9:35 pm Riney Post #21

Thigh high affectionado

Con quesooooooooo!

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

May 22 2009, 3:38 am Corbo Post #22


Kay, 3 was all I needed. You'll be PM'd soon with more details. Thanks gais.

fuck you all

May 27 2009, 5:10 pm Corbo Post #23


I need people to help me re submit all of the quotes to the new script.
To avoid doubling quotes I'm going to be splitting them up into parts.
Volunteers shall be heavily considered into getting administration of the future Quotes DB.
Volunteers should also submit every single quote no matter if they like it or not. Each quote will pass through another process of re-aprooving in the new DB.
You may take as many parts as you wish. It doesn't matter the order of the parts, what matters is that no part repeats itself.
Once you volunteer you'll be provided with the new script link to start submitting the quotes, you will consequently become a beta tester as well.
Here are the parts:

Part # : Part Range : Assigned to
Part 1 : Quotes 0 to 66 : Corbo
Part 2 : Quotes 67 to 134 : lil-inferno
Part 3 : Quotes 135 to 201 : marxel
Part 4 : Quotes 202 to 268 : Corbo
Part 5 : Quotes 269 to 336 : Corbo
Part 6 : Quotes 337 to 404 : FlyingHat
Part 7 : Quotes 405 to 472 : FlyingHat
Part 8 : Quotes 473 to 539 : Corbo
Part 9 : Quotes 540 to 606 : FlyingHat
Part 10 : Quotes 607 to 677: Corbo
Tons of quotes still pending before release. Shouldn't take long now since they're all submitted.

Remember that the QDB is for you!

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jun 5 2009, 11:27 pm by Corbo.

fuck you all

May 27 2009, 9:37 pm lil-Inferno Post #24

Just here for the pie

I'd like to re-submit a few parts, as I'm an avid quote database viewer :hurr:.

I guess I can do part one for simplicity :D.

May 28 2009, 4:24 am Corbo Post #25



Anyone else? There still 9 slots and I know more people than just inferno read the QDB :P

fuck you all

May 29 2009, 1:45 am marxel Post #26



Jun 2 2009, 12:44 am Vi3t-X Post #27

I want my supreme rank back. Or at least some recognition. :P


Jun 2 2009, 12:54 am Corbo Post #28


Psh, I bet you didn't even try it ;o

Anyway, I'm just waiting for all the quotes to be submitted to launch the new script since the new script is done now.

fuck you all

Jun 2 2009, 1:05 am Vi3t-X Post #29

I tested out SC codes and the Ars3gice bugs. They're functional. :P
Also random testing here and there.


Jun 2 2009, 1:29 am Corbo Post #30


Quote from Vi3t-X
I tested out SC codes and the Ars3gice bugs. They're functional. :P
Also random testing here and there.
Oh, you were the one that submitted Ars3gice?
I lol'd at someone actually trying that :P

fuck you all

Jun 2 2009, 1:39 am Vi3t-X Post #31

Create an account by that name, and try to see if it bugs. :P


Jun 2 2009, 1:41 pm marxel Post #32

Quote from Vi3t-X
I want my supreme rank back. Or at least some recognition. :P

You'll have to re-earn that by volunteering, again! LIKE I DID :lol:


Jun 4 2009, 2:17 am Mr.Camo Post #33

I'm surprised that my infamous one isn't in that.


Jun 4 2009, 3:33 am Corbo Post #34


OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!11one ITS MR.CAMO BAN NOW!!!eleven

fuck you all

Jun 6 2009, 5:45 am Corbo Post #35


Double post:

I am proud to bring you (after a short while) the new quotes DB!

I've been working on this new script that fully incorporates to latova and uses a real actual database (MySQL).
It is far more powerful, allows me to do much more things and better management for quotes, of course.

Look at these adds I've made to help you familiarize with the new features:

You'll see below the changes I made, the features I added. I tried to compile every single change/feature but I'm pretty sure I'm missing something.
This update is huge and I'm satisfied with the results, I'm very happy and I hope you also like the changes.
I'm probably going to be doing a bit more stuff on this weekend, fix minor design issues and some lay outs over here and there. I also want to upgrade the search plug ins for vista, firefox and ie and also RSS feeds, I've checked the RSS feeds and doesn't look that hard to code and it's weird enough to motivate me to try it. If you guys want them I can force make me code them ;o
Also please note that I had helpers to re submit all of the quotes again so don't get all mad if you submitted one quote and the submitter doesn't say your name. There was no possible way to know who submitted what with the old DB.

I'd like to thank marxel, viet and DM for beta testing and stuff and I'd like to thank even more marxel, lil-inferno, Phobos and FlyingHat for helping me re submit all of the quotes again. I'd like to specificly thank even more FlyingHat for being my submitting slave this afternoon and help me submit the remaining 450+ quotes in just a few hours and helping me accept them. FlyingHat will be keeping his Manager status.
Also, people wishing to apply for QDB Managers can start applying now. I'll be posting the fill in form soon

Overall I'd like you to tell me what do you think, report issues and suggest more stuff to add. I might do something about it, who knows :P
Hope you guys like it.

+ You can now customize the quote image as you wish for use as your own signature or use it in your site.
+ You can change the quote text color. r=# defines red, g=# defines green and b=# defines blue. Must be an (r,g,b) color and remember to separate them with ;
+ You can now make the image link to just one quote. If you looove one quote, you can just set id=# so the image displays only the quote of that ID.
+ You can combine both customizations for ultimate hax
+ The Quote DB now uses a MySQL database
+ Changes in the latova module for the QDB
+ Searchs now return paged results
+ "Read all" now returns paged results
+ If logged in in corboland the submit automatically gets user data for use as "submitter" and links to their profiles
+ There's now two modes of viewing quotes, the "basic" with just the quote, id and author (if any) and the advanced view accesible by clicking the quote id in the basic view. You can also randomize advanced view by just deleting the id=# from the adress bar.
+ Submit automatically gets the submitted date for use in the advanced view
+ You can now RATE quotes! Access the advanced view of a quote and rate it by selecting the desired rate and clicking "Vote". This will also provide number of votes, the average voting in case it isn't obvious in a rating script.
+ Admin CP, Quotes DB Managers can access easy tools for accepting/ignoring quotes by just accessing the CP. Super Managers also can delete quotes in the advanced view
+ The random image now displays the ID of the quote in case you want to look it up and rate it or whatever
+ You can access the advanced view of each quote via search, by clicking the ID just like in the basic view.
+ You can link to specific quotes in both, basic and advanced by just using id=#. You can also link to searchs by adding sq=$ (after do=result) you can also link to an specific page.

Issues known so far:
+ Minor paging issues, if the results are exactly 9 or a multiple of 10 it will create an extra page that displays nothing really. (Don't know how to fix :P)
+ Some laying out issues, Vote! and some Admin links seem to not be buttons (they aren't but I still don't wanna confuse people)

Want to do:
+ Commenting, for knowing a bit more on the quote background and context
+ Favouriting quotes (For corboland logged in users)
+ "Mark for edit" button. Supposed to mark a quote for edit due to missformatting such as a reversed quote, weird times, flipped quotes and so on.
+ Bring back the Plug ins, Firefox, IE and Vista searchs
+ Code RSS feeds, I've checked and doesn't look that hard.
+ Probably code a statistics page? Really superfluous, though.

Fill In Form

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 6 2009, 5:53 am by Corbo.

fuck you all

Jun 6 2009, 2:52 pm FlyingHat Post #36



Jun 17 2009, 1:45 am Hug A Zergling Post #37

Quote from FlyingHat
*a zergling*


Oct 3 2009, 3:30 am Corbo Post #38



So I brought back the QDB after it being removed and me fighting for it and getting suspended because of fighting for my ideals (right...).

Anyway, all I can give you guys right now is an image that just cuts quotes when the max size of sen siggy is met. Enjoy your cut quotes! and it's really not my fault. The quotes DB has always been random and will never change being random.

Now, the reason of why I necro'd this is because I haven't taken care of the QDB as I should have. I basically haven't accepted any quotes ever since I updated the script (thanks for your work QDBMans!) and I had time to spare right now and decided to go through the QDB! There's so many quotes I had never before seen and we're like at 200 more quotes from getting over 1000. There's dirty quotes with the silly shoutbox format:
User -- oh hai guys these -- totally mess up the rest of the quotes in the db!

So I'll be working on purging that and making an edit feture for QDBMans! that will allow them to edit quotes before accepting (I expect them to actually do it).

BUT! The REAL reason why I necro'd this is because I will have a few time to spare these next week and probably a bit of the next one and I'd like to get some more feedback on the QDB, what does it currently need and what would you like to see? So basically I took care of the QDB as one does for a bastard child and I'd like to give it more features for you guys :hurr:

This is what I have so far from people that have randomly contacted me:

+On submit reverse quote, basically, shoutbox quotes are reversed (read from bot to top) which is annoying since almost all the quotes are read from top to bot. So I'd work on something like a checkbox for QDBMans! That they would check before accepting a quote and it would automatically reverse the order of the quote.
+Edit feature, for QDBMans! to edit out --s and other meaningless things like time or stupid MSN names that no one knows who they are.
+Mark for deletion/editing, This will be a feature for users, they'd check a box or click a link and the quote will be marked with a flag for deletion or editing. I'd probably throw in a "reason" box too. So for example if you think quote 760 sucks and is not funny you'd enter that in the reason and that it should be deleted.
+Rating script, I need to fix the rating script so that you cannot spam click it to rig the voting. I already know how to fix this, I am just lazy.
+Bring back conversations, for really long quotes or conversations that deserve to have a space in the QDB.
+Add search and back in some places
+Custom search, Ability to search for submitted date, top rating? anything else?
+Your suggestion here!

For me: (ignore this if you wish)
+Results Outputed, After doing some other scripts in Latova I found out a better way to output results, I'll work on updating that. (partialy done, corbo you must do it on view all!) Done! QDB search and read all should be faster as it doesn't have superfluous code on it!

I'd really like if you guys could help me out here and also provide some motivation. Plus I'd like to start a debate on wether I should bring back conversations or not.

P.S. When I said brought back, I meant to sen as a random siggy. The QDB has always been accesible at

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2009, 4:47 am by Corbo.

fuck you all

Feb 11 2010, 8:36 pm Corbo Post #39



Just thought I should let you know that if you wanted to use the Quotes DB in your siggy but didn't feel like changing cause your signature image is too cool, that not problem now!

At the end of the quotes db image renderer just add ;url=urloftheimageyouwantasbackground.


Normal QDB link;do=image
Link with your picture as a background:;do=image;url=

Necro'd cause a new topic would be stupid. Also, remember you can still change the color of your font, and that now, by default, the font has a slight shadow if you haven't noticed.
Also, you can use this out of SEN too, the script grabs the width and height of the image you tell it to load. You can do bigger or smaller images.
Hope you enjoy!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2010, 8:56 pm by Corbo.

fuck you all

Feb 11 2010, 8:50 pm Riney Post #40

Thigh high affectionado


.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

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[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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