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Your weirdest Pet peeves
Oct 15 2007, 10:04 pm
By: MillenniumArmy
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Nov 3 2007, 6:20 am Kow Post #81

Quote from FatalException
Being in photos. Having pictures taken of me. People (girls) trying to get pictures with me. I DON'T WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN, GET OVER IT. :/
Pics or it's not true.


Nov 3 2007, 8:35 pm Fire_Kame Post #82

wth is starcraft

Quote from MillenniumArmy

Quote from Kow
Baby doll. :P

I hope you both die. :(

Nov 3 2007, 9:22 pm Kow Post #83

Anything you want sweet cheeks ^^


Nov 3 2007, 10:41 pm FatalException Post #84

Quote from Kow
Quote from FatalException
Being in photos. Having pictures taken of me. People (girls) trying to get pictures with me. I DON'T WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN, GET OVER IT. :/
Pics or it's not true.
I think only two are surviving, reason being one was taken for the yearbook and the other was taken by my science teacher... I might be able to get the one that my science teacher took, but that one for yearbook... MUST DESTROY BOTH!! :flamer:
Quote from -_- Kame -_-
Quote from MillenniumArmy

Quote from Kow
Baby doll. :P

I hope you both die. :(
What about me, honeybun? :D


Nov 6 2007, 3:30 am Kow Post #85

When people buy stuff with credit, sign the receipt and then try to hand it back to you rather than setting both the receipt and the pen on the table. It's less akward and easier for me to pick it up than to aim for your hand, and hit. Just set it down, PLEASE!

Now cash on the other hand... hand me that. Don't just set it down.


Nov 7 2007, 5:33 am JordanN Post #86

I hate it when your standing in line and when someone farts they cover there butt with their hand and when you come to happen to shake that hand. Oh gosh. Or when people run out of toilet paper they use their hands. Man those people are nasty.


Nov 7 2007, 6:34 am MillenniumArmy Post #87

Quote from JordanN
I hate it when your standing in line and when someone farts they cover there butt with their hand and when you come to happen to shake that hand. Oh gosh. Or when people run out of toilet paper they use their hands. Man those people are nasty.
Lol I use to hold my hand over my butt when I fart and then use it as my "weapon" ;)

My parents told me these stories how a long long time ago back in Taiwan or some other Asian country, in the public restrooms they didn't have toilet paper. Instead they had this huge rope suspended in midair in the middle of the bathroom and you use that rope to clean your butt after taking a shit. Lol


Nov 7 2007, 10:28 pm Fire_Kame Post #88

wth is starcraft

Quote from Kow
When people buy stuff with credit, sign the receipt and then try to hand it back to you rather than setting both the receipt and the pen on the table. It's less akward and easier for me to pick it up than to aim for your hand, and hit. Just set it down, PLEASE!

Now cash on the other hand... hand me that. Don't just set it down.

I hate in when people buy most things with credit at my store. A refill is 45 cents (before tax, that is,) its you SEriOUSLY not have the two quarters in your pocket? Or when people freak out because I can't accept 100 dollar bills. Honestly, I only have on hand fives and ones, do you want 90 bucks back in fives and ones? -.-

I hear you Kow, I hear you.

Nov 8 2007, 3:01 am Kow Post #89

Credit at my store is easy. "Swipe here, or let me do it. Sign this receipt. Take this other receipt" Yay!


Nov 8 2007, 4:06 am MillenniumArmy Post #90

I hate in when people buy most things with credit at my store. A refill is 45 cents (before tax, that is,) its you SEriOUSLY not have the two quarters in your pocket? Or when people freak out because I can't accept 100 dollar bills. Honestly, I only have on hand fives and ones, do you want 90 bucks back in fives and ones? -.-
Lol I use to buy 50 cent candies or gums with my credit card all the time ^^

A couple more:
- People that pee without lifting the toilet seat. Omfg this annoys the shit out of me. I don't want to have to wipe the urine off the toilet seats before my butt can get comfortable. Even if those toilet seats have that hole in the front where you can supposedly pee without lifting the seat, people still do not have 100% control over their little johns and spray some yellow liquid drops here and there. Please, how fucking hard is it to lift the toilet seat everytime you need to go number one??!?
- Back when I worked as a cashier in a grocery store, when people hand me coupons and when I try to scan them they don't work. When I look compare the coupon with the matched item, it turns out that they got the wrong item. I tell the customers that but they're like, "What? But this coupon was right next to that item in the aisles! It has to be it!" Dude people, just because a coupon is lying within the vicinity of an item doesn't mean they automatically go together; try reading the coupons first. There are hundreds of different of items on the shelves so you can't just say that "Oh, item X is placed closest to this coupon. Therefore, this coupon goes with item X!" The coupons tell you exactly what items they are applicable for, it aint that hard to read it and definately aint that hard to find that item. So usually when I tell people this, they are like "Ok whatever" and not use the coupon, but then there are some stubborn ones who would demand to see a manager, so when I call the manager and tell him/her that "this customer got the wrong item and-" but then I get interrupted by the customer "Oh nonono, I got the right item. The computer and the coupon are the ones that are wrong!" Seriously omg...


Nov 8 2007, 4:11 am Kow Post #91

I usually take any coupons if it's close. Like today, had coupon for buy 1 coke get coke zero free but they jsut got 2 cokes, so I'm like meh, and voided out the 2nd coke and took the coupon. Makes no difference to me, but I work at a convenience store, so I have more leeway in purchases etc.


Nov 8 2007, 4:20 am FatalException Post #92

Speaking of convenience stores, I don't like it when the wife of the owner of the one I go to for my unhealthy food and drink needs is running it. She just always seems so depressed and she never says anything...


Nov 8 2007, 4:30 am Kow Post #93

Fat people and their camel toes. >.>


Nov 8 2007, 7:10 am Rantent Post #94

- Bread thats wider then the knife I use to cut it with. You can never get a perfect slice!
- People that assume I have a cell phone. I am personally offended by the devices.
- A dookie left unflushed in the toilet.
- People who complain about personal problems.
- When electronic devices are left unattended, especially those that make noise. (When you go to bed, turn off the TV!)
- People that j-walk when its pitch black out, when they wear dark clothes. (And other general idiots)
- Bums that preach. (Like they're real experts...)
- When people don't clean up after themselves because "someone else is bound to be paid to do it for them"
- Never finding a $1.00 burger. (They say they are, but when you get there, its $1.15 or some lame price!)
- Not enough pylons. (AAHG! ZERG RUSH!)


Nov 9 2007, 2:24 am JordanN Post #95

Quote from MillenniumArmy
Quote from JordanN
I hate it when your standing in line and when someone farts they cover there butt with their hand and when you come to happen to shake that hand. Oh gosh. Or when people run out of toilet paper they use their hands. Man those people are nasty.
Lol I use to hold my hand over my butt when I fart and then use it as my "weapon" ;)

My parents told me these stories how a long long time ago back in Taiwan or some other Asian country, in the public restrooms they didn't have toilet paper. Instead they had this huge rope suspended in midair in the middle of the bathroom and you use that rope to clean your butt after taking a shit. Lol

Funny story I also remember in some other place that also didnt use toilet paper but instead told you to use your hand. Then you would put your hand in this machine that washes it off. A prankster modified the machine so instead of getting your hand wash a hammer slams against it making you put the shit covered hand into your mouth.


Nov 9 2007, 3:05 am MillenniumArmy Post #96

Quote from Rantent
- Bread thats wider then the knife I use to cut it with. You can never get a perfect slice!
- People that assume I have a cell phone. I am personally offended by the devices.
- A dookie left unflushed in the toilet.
- People who complain about personal problems.
- When electronic devices are left unattended, especially those that make noise. (When you go to bed, turn off the TV!)
- People that j-walk when its pitch black out, when they wear dark clothes. (And other general idiots)
- Bums that preach. (Like they're real experts...)
- When people don't clean up after themselves because "someone else is bound to be paid to do it for them"
- Never finding a $1.00 burger. (They say they are, but when you get there, its $1.15 or some lame price!)
- Not enough pylons. (AAHG! ZERG RUSH!)
Let me buy u a thick bread. But before I do that, can I have your number? I'll call you on ur cellphone k? I also left a dookie unflushed in your restroom because someone is bound to clean up after me. And boy, I have so many personal problems, I feel like sharing it all with you. For some reason I always forget to shut off my alarm clock at 5AM in the morning; I'm just too lazy to turn it off sometimes. Yes it annoys the shit out of people but hey it's not my problem. Wait, why am I even up at that time? Oh it's because that's when I go jaywalking and all with a black shirt on. Meanwhile, I also have my bible out and i've been telling everyone to believe in God or else they will go burn in hell. But you know, all that work really makes me hungry, but I can't find any $1.00 burgers anywhere. You think you can help me find one? You must construct for there is no pylons!


Nov 9 2007, 5:07 am FatalException Post #97

Having lead out on a mechanical pencil when I'm not writing. Whenever I stop writing, I push the lead back in.


Nov 9 2007, 5:16 am Kow Post #98

I do that too.


Nov 9 2007, 5:53 am Echo Post #99

I hate people who hates Christians because they call them ignorant when they're also ignorant thinking all Christians are the same.
I also hate white people trying to act black.


Nov 9 2007, 1:52 pm Kow Post #100

I wear cargo pants. The kind with pockets to the right of the knee along the leg. I hate when I have stuff, say coins or small children, in them and I try to run. Same with bookbags, I hate running with those too.


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[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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