Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: Halloween
Nov 1 2007, 3:21 am
By: Neptune  

Nov 1 2007, 3:21 am Neptune Post #1

Halloween, the most frightful night of the year.
When you hear your door bell, lock your doors and stay inside.
The ghouls ringing your door bells are the ones you should fear!

Hundreds and thousands in packs, swarming your street.
And who could forget that unforgettable tormented cry of “Trick or Treat?!”.

The crunching of leaves are of those passing through your lawn.
And they have no intentions of leaving, even after your candy is gone!

Marching up to your porch and straight to your door...
Quick turn off all your lights and duck to the floor!

Though they might seem cute on Halloween night,
When you least expect it they‘ll give you a good fright!

It’s nice to have a bit of extra leftovers...
But after the point of 4 O’clock,
They would have cleared out your entire block!

Be strong, for it only comes once a year.
But also beware...
Because we are all entitled to one last scare!

Happy Halloween guys form Bioject!


Nov 1 2007, 3:45 am JordanN Post #2

Halloween Sucks.

Well at least this year no one came to my doorstep. Guess the old paintball gun scared them off eh?
But to be fair I'll provide my reason from before.
Quote from JordanN
Halloween sucks. Some immature holiday where kids dress up as their favourite pokemon and go bangin on peoples doors demanding for candy. There so annoying. And worst of all the day before that its devils night where people bomb eggs at houses.

I think holidays should be put to an end, there useless and their sac religious.
+ the candy can be contaminated with liquid cyanide injected from a needle


Nov 1 2007, 4:15 am Neptune Post #3

The old paintball gun, yep that'll do the trick ;D


Nov 1 2007, 7:16 am blacklight28 Post #4

Quote from JordanN
Halloween Sucks.

Well at least this year no one came to my doorstep. Guess the old paintball gun scared them off eh?
But to be fair I'll provide my reason from before.
Quote from JordanN
Halloween sucks. Some immature holiday where kids dress up as their favourite pokemon and go bangin on peoples doors demanding for candy. There so annoying. And worst of all the day before that its devils night where people bomb eggs at houses.

I think holidays should be put to an end, there useless and their sac religious.
+ the candy can be contaminated with liquid cyanide injected from a needle

Wow, holidays comes from the words, "holy days" and there's different holidays for different religions sometimes. And dude, you're just being a jerk, the kids are just doing what other people do and they're not demanding for candy and they're not dressing up as their favorite pokemon, I know a senior in high school that went trick or treating.


Nov 1 2007, 9:58 pm Kellimus Post #5

Quote from blacklight28
Quote from JordanN
Halloween Sucks.

Well at least this year no one came to my doorstep. Guess the old paintball gun scared them off eh?
But to be fair I'll provide my reason from before.
Quote from JordanN
Halloween sucks. Some immature holiday where kids dress up as their favourite pokemon and go bangin on peoples doors demanding for candy. There so annoying. And worst of all the day before that its devils night where people bomb eggs at houses.

I think holidays should be put to an end, there useless and their sac religious.
+ the candy can be contaminated with liquid cyanide injected from a needle

Wow, holidays comes from the words, "holy days" and there's different holidays for different religions sometimes. And dude, you're just being a jerk, the kids are just doing what other people do and they're not demanding for candy and they're not dressing up as their favorite pokemon, I know a senior in high school that went trick or treating.

Hellz yeah! That would have been me :D

If I wasn't out getting wasted :P

Halloween was actually a pagan ritual if I'm not mistakened...


Nov 1 2007, 10:44 pm JordanN Post #6

History of Halloween.
Begin in early Gaelic rituals then spread to the Romans where they celebrated their pagan traditions of passing of the dead in late october and worshiping some fruit goddess. Then a century after that Christianity (the hypocrite ones) started spreading and they noticed the tradition and made it their own. Replacing worshipping of the dead and fruits to people dressing up in costumes which they believe would scare dark spirits. Then sometime later treats where given out to those who did that.

So see, it is sac religious. Why would such Christians do such a thing. Same thing like Christmas.


Nov 1 2007, 11:16 pm Neptune Post #7

Quote from JordanN
History of Halloween.
Begin in early Gaelic rituals then spread to the Romans where they celebrated their pagan traditions of passing of the dead in late october and worshiping some fruit goddess. Then a century after that Christianity (the hypocrite ones) started spreading and they noticed the tradition and made it their own. Replacing worshipping of the dead and fruits to people dressing up in costumes which they believe would scare dark spirits. Then sometime later treats where given out to those who did that.

So see, it is sac religious. Why would such Christians do such a thing. Same thing like Christmas.

You seem to be one of those silly athiest. Too bad for you the theory of evolution is falling a part.


Nov 1 2007, 11:32 pm JordanN Post #8

Quote from Neptune
Quote from JordanN
History of Halloween.
Begin in early Gaelic rituals then spread to the Romans where they celebrated their pagan traditions of passing of the dead in late october and worshiping some fruit goddess. Then a century after that Christianity (the hypocrite ones) started spreading and they noticed the tradition and made it their own. Replacing worshipping of the dead and fruits to people dressing up in costumes which they believe would scare dark spirits. Then sometime later treats where given out to those who did that.

So see, it is sac religious. Why would such Christians do such a thing. Same thing like Christmas.

You seem to be one of those silly athiest. Too bad for you the theory of evolution is falling a part.

1. Mind using edit next time. Double posting is unnessesary at this site.
2. I'm not an atheist I'm a Jehovah's Witness (in training). :><:


Nov 2 2007, 12:47 am Neptune Post #9

1. Mind using edit next time. Double posting is unnessesary at this site.
2. I'm not an atheist I'm a Jehovah's Witness (in training). :><:[/quote]

1. I'll double post if I'd like.
2. Oops my bad.
3. Stop sending your people to my door. -__-


Nov 2 2007, 2:18 pm Kow Post #10

He used more wood than you do.


Nov 2 2007, 8:38 pm Kellimus Post #11

Quote from dinked
Quote from Neptune
Quote from JordanN
History of Halloween.
Begin in early Gaelic rituals then spread to the Romans where they celebrated their pagan traditions of passing of the dead in late october and worshiping some fruit goddess. Then a century after that Christianity (the hypocrite ones) started spreading and they noticed the tradition and made it their own. Replacing worshipping of the dead and fruits to people dressing up in costumes which they believe would scare dark spirits. Then sometime later treats where given out to those who did that.

So see, it is sac religious. Why would such Christians do such a thing. Same thing like Christmas.

You seem to be one of those silly athiest. Too bad for you the theory of evolution is falling a part.

Got a problem with athiests? ahahhahaa falling a part? right.
go believe in your carpenter jesus that did nothing but use wood.

And btw. no one cares that you're bioject you dont need to put it in every single post you make.
you're not important and its quite annoying

Lol, you're rather funny. You make me giggle. Good logical fallacies :D

Quote from Kow
He used more wood than you do.

Hahaha, burn.


Nov 3 2007, 3:37 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #12

my halloween story:

girls dressed up more slutty than normal in school

i had a homework party at my friends house, and got 3 chemistry problems done

the end


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