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My Freerider Maps
Oct 14 2007, 10:46 pm
By: Fisty
Pages: < 1 « 2 3 4 5 67 >

Oct 25 2007, 12:01 pm Fisty Post #61

oh level 5 i was pretty damn sure was impossible so i kinda died then swam down the hole.

Edit: more like skyrocketed off 4 and went thru the drain. BUT I did get the u beat it sign...then it restarted.
Edit2: I also made it to level 5 without rockettin thru.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2007, 12:08 pm by Deathman101.


Oct 25 2007, 7:40 pm haloman210 Post #62

doode! this is easy! i beat it in 2 trys. oh! and i suck @free rider


Oct 25 2007, 8:57 pm Money Post #63

A screenshot of you beating it please. Movie would be better.


Oct 25 2007, 9:28 pm Fisty Post #64

haloman210 prolly is just lying...

Edit: i just beat it w/o dying. I can't get a screeny though but money it is possible.


Oct 25 2007, 9:47 pm Lakai Post #65

-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,o3,1i 22,4l,22,2p 22,2p,2g,3h 2g,3h,35,2p 35,2p,35,4k 3h,4f,3j,2v 3j,2v,4f,30 5m,4j,4l,2u 4g,4i,3h,4f 3g,3q,45,3q 4o,4g,5r,32 6n,4k,6m,31 7d,4g,7i,30 7i,30,8k,30 8j,4d,7d,4g 9b,4e,9a,32 9a,32,a7,34 a1,4a,99,4a a7,34,a1,4a on,14,h3,1n p6,r,i5,1m pf,9,iu,1o ph,0,j0,1s q2,-11,jo,2a pa,-6,j2,28 pl,-k,ke,1u pp,-1l,lj,28 pn,-e,ka,1m pn,-24,mt,1j o3,1i,pn,-24 qc,1j,rj,-3p rj,-3p,vq,-3p 10q,-5f,107,-5f 107,-5f,vj,-4l vq,-3p,13o,-3p 105,-3q,105,-4l 105,-4l,105,-3o 104,-4l,110,-4l vj,-4l,107,-4l 10v,-4m,11f,-4m 11f,-4m,10q,-5f 12c,-4m,14g,-3h 110,-4l,110,-3n 137,-3p,12k,-59 12k,-59,136,-3q 12h,-52,13k,-3m 12l,-4a,15d,-3f 12p,-41,162,-3l 192,-3o,12v,-3p 12n,-3s,16g,-3o 1at,16,192,-3o 1c0,16,1at,16 1ci,14,1uc,1g 1cl,15,1br,15 1e9,24,1ea,3n 1ea,3n,1fv,3p 1fv,3p,1fu,1t 1io,24,1gv,2i 1gv,2i,1ik,2t 1ik,2t,1h4,3a 1j7,3i,1ju,20 1k9,2r,1jg,2r 1ju,20,1km,3f #

Jump the boarder :)


Oct 25 2007, 11:02 pm Fisty Post #66

that was fun Lakai

and haloman210 your maps really are not fun. No offense but they fail to produce the fun factor to keep me going. Maybe you shud try decorating them more...and giving them a theme.


Oct 25 2007, 11:16 pm Money Post #67

I found Lakai's map to be fun. I made a little modification and jumped around on it. It was simple, but good.


Oct 26 2007, 12:36 am Fisty Post #68

Try doing a double backflip :D


Oct 26 2007, 2:02 am Money Post #69



Oct 26 2007, 2:23 am Fisty Post #70

i know...but there aint no room for anything else.

btw lakai lives in mexico, thats why he used the two borders and started with mexico.


Oct 26 2007, 2:48 am Twitch Post #71

The border map is easy I beat it but the cliff one I can't beat :(.


Oct 26 2007, 3:02 am Twitch Post #72

A simple track I made here you go -2b,-31,-4v,-36 -4v,-36,-48,-5g -4c,-5f,-1t,-5c -1t,-5c,-2b,-31 -6,-5k,-e,-2m -1i,1i,1i,1i 0,-60,k,-2m k,-2m,26,-6d 26,-6d,2l,-2c 1i,1i,7a,4f 4m,-62,48,-3k 48,-3k,60,-3e 5p,-14,38,-1a 4m,-5v,67,-5m 60,-3e,5v,-5u 5p,-3l,5p,-14 7a,4f,cm,7h cm,7h,em,7j em,7j,nj,7g ie,7g,nn,7g sc,32,i9,7i qd,50,m9,7f nj,7g,sc,32 sc,32,125,30 149,15,10t,-5 125,30,151,74 14b,16,17d,69 151,74,17a,a9 17b,64,1bq,6m 17a,a9,1bu,ad 196,1s,195,2m 195,2m,1ah,2t 1ak,1u,192,1u 19a,25,19a,2d 19a,2d,1a6,2e 1a6,2e,19r,23 19r,23,198,26 190,4b,198,5a 198,5a,1dp,5s 1ah,2t,1ak,1u 1av,3k,1as,44 1as,44,1c2,48 1c1,3n,1ap,3n 1cm,23,1c8,3d 1f1,23,1cf,25 1dn,2t,1d0,2s 1d0,2s,1d2,2k 1d2,2k,1dv,2k 1c8,3d,1ek,3i 1c2,48,1c1,3n 1bq,6m,1cq,76 1cq,76,1fk,7b 1bv,ac,1es,ad 1ek,3i,1f1,23 1e0,2t,1dn,2t 1dv,2k,1dv,31 1dp,5s,1eu,4s 1er,ae,1i9,ad 1i8,ad,1ma,8j 1m9,8j,1nc,8i 1md,8g,1nq,8l 1mh,8c,1o9,81 1ml,88,1me,8v 1nc,8i,1s1,8g 1o7,80,1oc,8n 1s1,8g,1um,8g 1um,8g,20v,b5 20v,b5,241,b2 241,b2,238,63 #


Oct 26 2007, 9:33 pm Fisty Post #73

nice double post...

that track was as amusing as a haloman210 map..except MUCH more decorated.

And Cliffs is prolly the hardest i have made so far lolz


Oct 26 2007, 9:56 pm Money Post #74

We should get a subform for freerider and have contests for best original map.

We could have different scenarios, ex cliffs and stuff.

Me and deathman are the leaders, I call it.

Play this:
-1d,32,-1k,-1i -1i,1i,1i,1i 1p,1m,29,1d 29,1d,2l,19 2k,19,39,v 3o,h,49,-5 49,-5,4p,-k 39,v,3o,h 4p,-k,5c,-v 5s,-v,63,-10 63,-10,64,2e 5a,-u,5t,-15 5t,-15,63,-11 5n,-13,6l,-1j 6l,-1j,62,-12 64,9,77,h 77,h,62,10 64,2b,64,3k 64,3k,7s,3l 67,3i,6i,2v 6j,-1j,75,-1r 6e,9,6m,5 6m,5,6m,c 6m,c,6q,7 6q,b,6v,5 6v,5,6v,d 6v,d,77,b 6i,2v,6k,3b 6k,3b,6m,2r 6m,2r,6s,3f 6s,3f,6t,2t 6t,2t,79,3e 79,3e,7h,2u 7h,2u,7s,3d 7l,3k,ep,3k 96,3k,94,-11 94,-11,bl,-11 93,14,89,1d 89,1d,91,1p 89,1d,89,14 89,14,8f,19 8f,19,8g,10 8g,10,8q,16 8q,16,8q,t 7s,3d,7t,2u 7t,2u,88,3d 88,3d,88,2j 88,2j,8m,3c 8m,3c,8t,2m 8t,2m,91,38 br,-4o,g6,-56 bl,-11,cj,-10 cj,-10,cp,3k cr,p,hl,1t g6,-56,kn,-2r h0,2v,mj,22 kn,-2r,no,-36 ks,3u,rq,53 no,-36,s5,-n r9,7o,12q,4e 12j,4s,184,2d 18k,19,16t,2p 19p,2,185,22 184,2d,18p,25 19j,f,1ed,f 1dl,19,1k9,-2f 1jt,-2k,1o3,-2l 1no,-2d,1ol,-1s 1ol,-1s,1q4,-1o 1q4,-1o,1r6,-23 1r6,-23,1rm,-2h 1sc,-31,1ta,-37 1rm,-2h,1sc,-31 1ta,-37,21u,-57 21u,-57,26r,-58 26o,-1r,265,o 265,o,2dc,m 26r,-58,26p,-24 26p,-44,27g,-4j 27g,-4j,26r,-41 26o,-3f,284,-2p 284,-2p,26q,-34 26p,-26,27r,-2b 27r,-2b,26r,-1v 26n,-27,26o,-1r 293,-be,291,-81 28k,-8e,293,-7u 293,-7u,29g,-8n 2c0,-5f,2bv,-1s 2bv,-5f,2cb,-5f 2bt,-56,2bb,-56 2bb,-56,2bu,-4q 2bt,-48,2b7,-43 2b7,-43,2bt,-3p 2c0,-2b,2bg,-24 2bg,-24,2bq,-23 2bv,-1t,2d4,-1f 2bh,46,2bg,as 2b8,4p,2er,1p 2bg,ar,2bg,dk 2c4,cs,2fi,cm 2da,m,2eq,1s 2dm,u,2fs,r 2fs,r,2el,1l 2en,1n,2ic,3h 2gc,2g,2hf,1q 2hf,1q,2h2,2s 2hk,24,2h7,2q 2ja,a7,2g7,ad 2g7,ad,2ga,dd 2ho,35,2i7,24 2i7,24,2ic,3f 2ic,3f,2il,28 2il,28,2it,3d 2hj,32,2hk,24 2ic,3h,2n6,3i 2ir,3i,2ip,5t 2jo,62,2in,67 2in,67,2in,5s 2in,5s,2k7,5n 2ip,67,2iq,6r 2ip,6h,2jl,6h 2ip,6n,2jl,6u 2iq,3l,2j6,3r 2j6,3r,2iu,44 2iu,44,2jd,48 2jd,48,2j0,4g 2j0,4g,2jo,4o 2jo,4o,2j4,4t 2j4,4t,2jo,4v 2jo,50,2j5,53 2j5,53,2jh,5a 2jh,5a,2j3,5c 2j3,5c,2jl,5j 2o2,b3,2ja,a7 2n4,3j,2nm,3b 2nm,3b,2o0,30 2o0,30,2of,2e 2of,2e,2pg,1c 2o9,2m,2t2,3g 2qn,bu,2o1,b2 2pg,1c,2qo,e 2r0,8,2ru,-e 2ru,-e,2sq,-16 2ql,h,2r4,6 2s1,6o,2sv,2s 2sg,42,2rl,6k 2r9,9l,2s7,59 2td,34,2s3,6l 2re,a1,2rv,6l 2rv,6l,2s8,74 2s8,74,2rs,7d 2rs,7d,2s8,7d 2s8,7d,2rr,7r 2rn,87,2s5,87 2ro,8c,2s4,8d 2rl,8l,2s0,8m 2rh,92,2s2,92 2ri,9b,2rv,9b 2ru,9o,2s8,80 2rg,a2,33h,9i 2re,9n,2ru,9o 2s8,80,2s4,9o 2rf,6l,2r9,9l 2r8,a4,2tb,2g 2um,br,2qk,bu 2sp,-17,2ut,-1f 315,-9,2t9,1i 2t5,11,2ss,1r 2ss,1r,2tq,1k 2sv,2s,302,1c 308,1p,2td,34 2sa,8g,2s8,8q 2sb,93,2s7,9a 2sj,84,2rk,a0 2ut,-1f,32b,-1r 2um,bs,30m,dc 302,1c,308,1p 356,2o,2vs,59 30m,dc,31v,de 31d,d2,30j,d9 329,-1p,32v,-1p 31v,de,338,bl 32n,c8,324,cp 324,cp,31u,cu 31u,cu,31j,d2 31j,d2,31d,d2 32v,-1p,36j,-27 33g,9h,38n,8k 36t,b2,339,bj 32j,c9,32p,c9 37o,1e,357,2o 36t,-1,3a1,-d 39s,b4,36t,b2 3b5,-1u,37h,-4e 381,19,3a4,-d 387,14,37o,1d 3a2,-e,3b5,-1u 3m3,5,3a5,-j 38n,8k,3cg,6r 3c4,98,39s,b4 3cg,6r,3f1,79 3cr,9o,3c4,98 3eq,9t,3cr,9o 3hr,92,3ep,9t 3f1,79,3if,6o 3hs,92,3mf,9e 3hr,92,3j9,8e 3j9,8e,3ke,97 3mf,9e,3m3,5 #2kp,95 2l6,99 2kp,9q 2l4,9r 399,-20 3f7,6e

And then this:
-1d,32,-1k,-1i -1i,1i,1i,1i -1i,1i,1i,1i 1p,1m,29,1d 29,1d,2l,19 2k,19,39,v 1p,1m,29,1d 29,1d,2l,19 2k,19,39,v 3o,h,49,-5 49,-5,4p,-k 3o,h,49,-5 49,-5,4p,-k 39,v,3o,h 39,v,3o,h 4p,-k,5c,-v 5s,-v,63,-10 63,-10,64,2e 5a,-u,5t,-15 5t,-15,63,-11 5n,-13,6l,-1j 64,9,77,h 77,h,62,10 63,-10,64,2e 64,9,77,h 77,h,62,10 64,2b,64,3k 64,2b,64,3k 64,3k,7s,3l 67,3i,6i,2v 64,3k,7s,3l 67,3i,6i,2v 6l,-1j,62,-12 6j,-1j,75,-1r 5n,-13,6l,-1j 6l,-1j,62,-12 6j,-1j,75,-1r 6e,9,6m,5 6m,5,6m,c 6m,c,6q,7 6q,b,6v,5 6i,2v,6k,3b 6k,3b,6m,2r 6m,2r,6s,3f 6s,3f,6t,2t 6t,2t,79,3e 79,3e,7h,2u 96,3k,94,-11 94,-11,bl,-11 96,3k,94,-11 94,-11,bl,-11 93,14,89,1d 89,1d,91,1p 89,1d,89,14 89,14,8f,19 8f,19,8g,10 8g,10,8q,16 7s,3d,7t,2u 7t,2u,88,3d 88,3d,88,2j 88,2j,8m,3c 8m,3c,8t,2m 7h,2u,7s,3d 7l,3k,ep,3k 7l,3k,ep,3k br,-4o,g6,-56 br,-4o,g6,-56 bl,-11,cj,-10 bl,-11,cj,-10 cj,-10,cp,3k cj,-10,cp,3k cr,p,hl,1t cr,p,hl,1t g6,-56,kn,-2r g6,-56,kn,-2r h0,2v,mj,22 h0,2v,mj,22 kn,-2r,no,-36 kn,-2r,no,-36 ks,3u,rq,53 ks,3u,rq,53 no,-36,s5,-n no,-36,s5,-n r9,7o,12q,4e r9,7o,12q,4e 12j,4s,184,2d 12j,4s,184,2d 18k,19,16t,2p 18k,19,16t,2p 19p,2,185,22 19p,2,185,22 184,2d,18p,25 184,2d,18p,25 19j,f,1ed,f 19j,f,1ed,f 1dl,19,1k9,-2f 1dl,19,1k9,-2f 1jt,-2k,1o3,-2l 1jt,-2k,1o3,-2l 1no,-2d,1ol,-1s 1no,-2d,1ol,-1s 1ol,-1s,1q4,-1o 1ol,-1s,1q4,-1o 1q4,-1o,1r6,-23 1r6,-23,1rm,-2h 1q4,-1o,1r6,-23 1r6,-23,1rm,-2h 1sc,-31,1ta,-37 1sc,-31,1ta,-37 1rm,-2h,1sc,-31 1rm,-2h,1sc,-31 1ta,-37,21u,-57 1ta,-37,21u,-57 21u,-57,26r,-58 21u,-57,26r,-58 26o,-1r,265,o 265,o,2dc,m 26o,-1r,265,o 265,o,2dc,m 26r,-58,26p,-24 26r,-58,26p,-24 26p,-44,27g,-4j 27g,-4j,26r,-41 26o,-3f,284,-2p 26p,-44,27g,-4j 27g,-4j,26r,-41 26o,-3f,284,-2p 284,-2p,26q,-34 26p,-26,27r,-2b 293,-be,291,-81 293,-be,291,-81 28k,-8e,293,-7u 293,-7u,29g,-8n 28k,-8e,293,-7u 293,-7u,29g,-8n 284,-2p,26q,-34 2c0,-5f,2bv,-1s 2bv,-5f,2cb,-5f 2bt,-56,2bb,-56 2bb,-56,2bu,-4q 2c0,-5f,2bv,-1s 2bv,-5f,2cb,-5f 2bt,-56,2bb,-56 2bb,-56,2bu,-4q 2bt,-48,2b7,-43 2b7,-43,2bt,-3p 2bt,-48,2b7,-43 2b7,-43,2bt,-3p 2c0,-2b,2bg,-24 2bg,-24,2bq,-23 2bv,-1t,2d4,-1f 2c0,-2b,2bg,-24 2bg,-24,2bq,-23 2bv,-1t,2d4,-1f 2bh,46,2bg,as 2b8,4p,2er,1p 2bh,46,2bg,as 2b8,4p,2er,1p 2bg,ar,2bg,dk 2bg,ar,2bg,dk 2c4,cs,2fi,cm 2c4,cs,2fi,cm 2da,m,2eq,1s 2dm,u,2fs,r 2da,m,2eq,1s 2dm,u,2fs,r 2fs,r,2el,1l 2fs,r,2el,1l 2en,1n,2ic,3h 2en,1n,2ic,3h 2gc,2g,2hf,1q 2hf,1q,2h2,2s 2hk,24,2h7,2q 2gc,2g,2hf,1q 2hf,1q,2h2,2s 2hk,24,2h7,2q 2ja,a7,2g7,ad 2g7,ad,2ga,dd 2ja,a7,2g7,ad 2g7,ad,2ga,dd 2ho,35,2i7,24 2i7,24,2ic,3f 2ic,3f,2il,28 2ic,3h,2n6,3i 2ho,35,2i7,24 2i7,24,2ic,3f 2ir,3i,2ip,5t 2jo,62,2in,67 2in,67,2in,5s 2in,5s,2k7,5n 2ip,67,2iq,6r 2ir,3i,2ip,5t 2jo,62,2in,67 2in,67,2in,5s 2ip,6h,2jl,6h 2ip,6n,2jl,6u 2ip,67,2iq,6r 2ip,6h,2jl,6h 2ip,6n,2jl,6u 2il,28,2it,3d 2il,28,2it,3d 2iq,3l,2j6,3r 2j6,3r,2iu,44 2iu,44,2jd,48 2j0,4g,2jo,4o 2jo,4o,2j4,4t 2j4,4t,2jo,4v 2o2,b3,2ja,a7 2o2,b3,2ja,a7 2ic,3h,2n6,3i 2n4,3j,2nm,3b 2n4,3j,2nm,3b 2nm,3b,2o0,30 2o0,30,2of,2e 2of,2e,2pg,1c 2o9,2m,2t2,3g 2nm,3b,2o0,30 2o0,30,2of,2e 2of,2e,2pg,1c 2o9,2m,2t2,3g 2qn,bu,2o1,b2 2qn,bu,2o1,b2 2pg,1c,2qo,e 2pg,1c,2qo,e 2r0,8,2ru,-e 2ru,-e,2sq,-16 2r0,8,2ru,-e 2ru,-e,2sq,-16 2ql,h,2r4,6 2re,9n,2ru,9 2ql,h,2r4,6 2s1,6o,2sv,2s 2sg,42,2rl,6k 2r9,9l,2s7,59 2s1,6o,2sv,2s 2sg,42,2rl,6k 2r9,9l,2s7,59 2td,34,2s3,6l 2re,a1,2rv,6l 2s8,7d,2rr,7r 2rn,87,2s5,87 2ro,8c,2s4,8d 2rl,8l,2s0,8m 2ru,9o,2s8,80 2rg,a2,33h,9i 2re,a1,2rv,6l 2ru,9o,2s8,80 2um,br,2qk,bu 2sp,-17,2ut,-1f 315,-9,2t9,1i 2t5,11,2ss,1r 2r8,a4,2tb,2g 2ss,1r,2tq,1k 2sv,2s,302,1c 308,1p,2td,34 2rv,6l,2s8,74 2s8,74,2rs,7d 2rs,7d,2s8,7d 2td,34,2s3,6l 2rv,6l,2s8,74 2s8,80,2s4,9o 2sa,8g,2s8,8q 2sb,93,2s7,9a 2sj,84,2rk,a0 2rg,a2,33h,9i 2ut,-1f,32b,-1r 2um,bs,30m,dc 302,1c,308,1p 356,2o,2vs,59 30m,dc,31v,de 31d,d2,30j,d9 329,-1p,32v,-1p 31v,de,338,bl 32n,c8,324,cp 324,cp,31u,cu 31u,cu,31j,d2 31j,d2,31d,d2 32v,-1p,36j,-27 33g,9h,38n,8k 36t,b2,339,bj 32j,c9,32p,c9 37o,1e,357,2o 36t,-1,3a1,-d 39s,b4,36t,b2 3b5,-1u,37h,-4e 381,19,3a4,-d 387,14,37o,1d 3a2,-e,3b5,-1u 3m3,5,3a5,-j 38n,8k,3cg,6r 3c4,98,39s,b4 3cg,6r,3f1,79 3cr,9o,3c4,98 3eq,9t,3cr,9o 3hr,92,3ep,9t 3f1,79,3if,6o 3hs,92,3mf,9e 3hr,92,3j9,8e 3j9,8e,3ke,97 3mf,9e,3m3,5 #2kp,95 2l6,99 2kp,9q 2l4,9r 399,-20

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 26 2007, 10:02 pm by moneylover.


Oct 26 2007, 10:30 pm haloman210 Post #75

-1d,32,-1k,-1i -1i,1i,1i,1i 1p,1m,29,1d 29,1d,2l,19 2k,19,39,v 3o,h,49,-5 49,-5,4p,-k 39,v,3o,h 4p,-k,5c,-v 5s,-v,63,-10 63,-10,64,2e 5a,-u,5t,-15 5t,-15,63,-11 5n,-13,6l,-1j 6l,-1j,62,-12 64,9,77,h 77,h,62,10 64,2b,64,3k 64,3k,7s,3l 67,3i,6i,2v 6j,-1j,75,-1r 6e,9,6m,5 6m,5,6m,c 6m,c,6q,7 6q,b,6v,5 6v,5,6v,d 6v,d,77,b 6i,2v,6k,3b 6k,3b,6m,2r 6m,2r,6s,3f 6s,3f,6t,2t 6t,2t,79,3e 79,3e,7h,2u 7h,2u,7s,3d 96,3k,94,-11 94,-11,bl,-11 93,14,89,1d 89,1d,91,1p 89,1d,89,14 89,14,8f,19 8f,19,8g,10 8g,10,8q,16 8q,16,8q,t 7s,3d,7t,2u 7t,2u,88,3d 88,3d,88,2j 88,2j,8m,3c 8m,3c,8t,2m 8t,2m,91,38 7l,3k,ep,3k br,-4o,g6,-56 bl,-11,cj,-10 cj,-10,cp,3k cr,p,hl,1t g6,-56,kn,-2r h0,2v,mj,22 kn,-2r,no,-36 ks,3u,rq,53 no,-36,s5,-n r9,7o,12q,4e 12j,4s,184,2d 18k,19,16t,2p 19p,2,185,22 184,2d,18p,25 19j,f,1ed,f 1dl,19,1k9,-2f 1jt,-2k,1o3,-2l 1no,-2d,1ol,-1s 1ol,-1s,1q4,-1o 1q4,-1o,1r6,-23 1r6,-23,1rm,-2h 1sc,-31,1ta,-37 1rm,-2h,1sc,-31 1ta,-37,21u,-57 21u,-57,26r,-58 26o,-1r,265,o 265,o,2dc,m 26r,-58,26p,-24 26p,-44,27g,-4j 27g,-4j,26r,-41 26o,-3f,284,-2p 284,-2p,26q,-34 26p,-26,27r,-2b 27r,-2b,26r,-1v 26n,-27,26o,-1r 293,-be,291,-81 28k,-8e,293,-7u 293,-7u,29g,-8n 2bg,g4,28g,g0 28g,g0,28g,ig 28g,ig,2bv,ij 2c0,-5f,2bv,-1s 2bv,-5f,2cb,-5f 2bt,-56,2bb,-56 2bb,-56,2bu,-4q 2bt,-48,2b7,-43 2b7,-43,2bt,-3p 2c0,-2b,2bg,-24 2bg,-24,2bq,-23 2bv,-1t,2d4,-1f 2bh,46,2bg,as 2b8,4p,2er,1p 2bg,ar,2bg,dk 2bf,di,2bh,g3 2bk,ik,2js,ij 2da,m,2eq,1s 2dm,u,2fs,r 2fs,r,2el,1l 2en,1n,2ic,3h 2gc,2g,2hf,1q 2hf,1q,2h2,2s 2hk,24,2h7,2q 2ja,a7,2g7,ad 2g7,ad,2ga,dd 2ga,dc,2gp,fk 2gp,fj,2nd,f5 2ho,35,2i7,24 2i7,24,2ic,3f 2ic,3f,2il,28 2il,28,2it,3d 2n5,3i,2ic,3f 2ir,3i,2ip,5t 2jo,62,2in,67 2in,67,2in,5s 2in,5s,2k7,5n 2ip,67,2iq,6r 2ip,6h,2jl,6h 2ip,6n,2jl,6u 2ip,cd,2ip,dl 2io,ce,2if,ce 2if,ce,2j0,cf 2ig,cb,2ih,c0 2ih,c0,2i8,br 2i8,br,2ic,b9 2ic,b9,2ik,b0 2ik,b0,2j0,b2 2ip,dl,2i8,ev 2ic,db,2j3,db 2id,d3,2j3,d3 2ie,ct,2j4,ct 2if,cn,2j2,cn 2ig,ci,2j3,ci 2ij,cq,2hl,d6 2iq,3l,2j6,3r 2j6,3r,2iu,44 2iu,44,2jd,48 2jd,48,2j0,4g 2j0,4g,2jo,4o 2jo,4o,2j4,4t 2j4,4t,2jo,4v 2jo,50,2j5,53 2j5,53,2jh,5a 2o2,b3,2ja,a7 2j0,cf,2iv,c2 2iv,c2,2j4,br 2j4,br,2j4,bg 2j4,bg,2j1,b3 2ig,c2,2it,c2 2it,c2,2im,cb 2ir,do,2jk,em 2j1,cs,2k6,cr 2jr,ij,2n7,i3 2n4,3j,2nm,3b 2nc,f5,2ro,f2 2n4,i6,2rp,i1 2nm,3b,2o0,30 2o0,30,2of,2e 2of,2e,2pg,1c 2o9,2m,2t2,3g 2o7,bt,2p0,at 2p0,at,2pc,bt 2qn,bu,2o1,b2 2ob,j2,2pj,hm 2pg,1c,2qo,e 2qf,d0,2qe,ek 2r6,cj,2qg,d0 2qg,d0,2t6,d0 2qe,ek,2t8,el 2pj,hm,2rm,j0 2r0,8,2ru,-e 2ru,-e,2sq,-16 2ql,h,2r4,6 2s1,6o,2sv,2s 2sg,42,2rl,6k 2r9,9l,2s7,59 2td,34,2s3,6l 2re,a1,2rv,6l 2rv,6l,2s8,74 2s8,74,2rs,7d 2rs,7d,2s8,7d 2s8,7d,2rr,7r 2rn,87,2s5,87 2ro,8c,2s4,8d 2rl,8l,2s0,8m 2rh,92,2s2,92 2ri,9b,2rv,9b 2ru,9o,2s8,80 2rg,a2,33h,9i 2re,9n,2ru,9o 2s8,80,2s4,9o 2rf,6l,2r9,9l 2r8,a4,2tb,2g 2um,br,2qk,bu 2sp,cj,2r6,cj 2rj,d1,2rj,d8 2s1,cv,2s1,d6 2rg,d8,2s8,d5 2s7,dq,2rj,dq 2rj,dq,2rh,da 2rm,f3,32q,f0 2rp,i1,2vt,j3 2sp,-17,2ut,-1f 315,-9,2t9,1i 2t5,11,2ss,1r 2ss,1r,2tq,1k 2sv,2s,302,1c 308,1p,2td,34 2sa,8g,2s8,8q 2sb,93,2s7,9a 2sj,84,2rk,a0 2t8,el,2t7,d3 2t7,d3,2sp,cj 2s8,d5,2s7,dq 2ut,-1f,32b,-1r 2um,bs,30m,dc 2ts,iu,2um,id 2um,id,2up,j6 302,1c,308,1p 356,2o,2vs,59 30m,dc,31v,de 31d,d2,30j,d9 2vs,j3,34c,hv 329,-1p,32v,-1p 31v,de,338,bl 32n,c8,324,cp 324,cp,31u,cu 31u,cu,31j,d2 31j,d2,31d,d2 32v,-1p,36j,-27 33g,9h,38n,8k 36t,b2,339,bj 32j,c9,32p,c9 32q,f0,338,bl 340,ir,345,ho 37o,1e,357,2o 345,ho,34l,ie 34l,ie,39e,il 36t,-1,3a1,-d 36o,96,377,8e 39s,b4,36t,b2 36q,bn,37d,an 3b5,-1u,37h,-4e 381,19,3a4,-d 387,14,37o,1d 377,8e,382,8v 37d,an,382,bq 3a2,-e,3b5,-1u 3m3,5,3a5,-j 38n,8k,3cg,6r 3c4,98,39s,b4 39e,il,3e6,im 3cg,6r,3f1,79 3cr,9o,3c4,98 3eq,9t,3cr,9o 3hr,92,3ep,9t 3e6,im,3gn,gq 3f1,79,3if,6o 3ev,7s,3fg,6r 3fg,6r,3gu,7e 3hs,92,3mf,9e 3hr,92,3j9,8e 3gn,gq,3ic,hj 3gv,h6,3hc,gm 3hc,gm,3hc,hr 3j9,8e,3ke,97 3ic,hj,3l0,gl 3kv,gm,3oc,go 3l2,ij,3lq,ir 3ks,ia,3mf,im 3kl,i1,3mt,if 3kq,hn,3n6,i6 3mf,9e,3m3,5 3md,h7,3lv,h4 3lv,h4,3lo,h5 3lo,h5,3lg,hd 3lt,hn,3la,is 3lf,hf,3mh,hi 3mh,hi,3md,h7 3o8,go,3ok,gd 3ok,gd,3ov,gr 3ov,gr,3u3,gr 3qb,k0,3t7,gd 3t7,gd,3tv,jp 3u3,gs,42j,h2 42h,c4,443,d4 42j,h2,45f,j9 44b,cn,44p,dg 44p,dg,43g,dc 4f6,hi,45h,c0 45f,j9,48g,kv 469,k1,45b,k2 467,k3,498,k8 498,k8,458,kl 48f,kv,4b6,m3 4b7,m2,4f9,m5 4f9,m5,4f6,hi 4f5,iu,4ek,j1 4ek,j1,4f2,j8 4f2,j8,4ek,jb 4ek,jb,4f2,ji 4f2,ji,4ej,jl 4ej,jl,4f3,ju 4f3,ju,4ef,ju 4f8,k8,4el,ke 4el,ke,4f8,kk 4f8,kk,4ej,kl 4ej,kl,4f2,l3 4f2,l3,4ei,l5 4ei,l5,4eu,le 4eu,le,4ea,lh 4eb,lr,4ev,lv #29v,hj 2kp,95 2l6,99 2kp,9q 2l4,9r 383,i3 399,-20 3f7,6e 4dl,kq 4dh,l5 4dl,ln 4e0,l9 4e0,kt


Oct 26 2007, 10:37 pm haloman210 Post #76

why r u taking my maps and calling them urs?


Oct 27 2007, 1:24 am Fisty Post #77

he isnt...he is saying to try them. No one would take your map anyway, not worth it :lol:

and sorry i have a boycott against haloman210 maps until he can learn to decorate.
on another topic, why do you go faster, jump higher, and a few other things in the second one?


Oct 27 2007, 3:37 am Lakai Post #78

Quote from Deathman101
i know...but there aint no room for anything else.

btw lakai lives in mexico, thats why he used the two borders and started with mexico.

no it was ment to be like your a mexican coming to america :P I know its ez


Oct 27 2007, 3:48 am Lakai Post #79

-1i,1i,1i,1i 1h,1i,8o,1i 7l,1k,9e,1c 8o,1i,f2,1j 8p,1h,9p,q 84,1n,9e,15 7v,1l,9f,18 9p,q,9p,1k ef,1j,eh,n eh,n,fb,l fb,l,s3,b6 f2,1j,f1,23 f1,23,fi,23 fi,23,fj,2n fj,2n,g4,2n g4,2n,g4,33 g4,33,gi,36 gi,36,gi,3j gi,3j,h0,3i h0,3i,h0,40 h0,40,hd,41 hd,41,hd,4g hd,4g,hu,4g hu,4g,hu,51 hu,51,in,51 in,51,in,5g in,5g,j8,5h j8,5h,j9,5u j9,5u,jj,5u jj,5u,jj,67 jj,67,k4,66 k4,66,k4,6i k4,6i,kj,6i kj,6i,kj,6t kj,6t,kr,6u kr,6u,kr,77 kr,77,l5,79 l5,79,l5,7j l5,7j,lg,7k lg,7k,lg,7t lg,7t,ls,7v lr,82,ma,82 ls,81,ln,7t ma,82,m7,8a m7,8a,mp,8b mo,8b,mo,8m mo,8m,n3,8n n3,8n,n3,95 n3,95,ni,95 ni,95,ni,9l ni,9l,o2,9l o2,9l,o1,a4 o1,a4,oi,a4 oi,a4,oj,ak oj,ak,p0,ak p0,ak,p0,ar p0,ar,pf,ar pf,ar,pg,b6 pg,b6,pr,b5 pr,b5,pq,bi pq,bi,q8,bj q8,bj,q8,c0 q8,c0,qn,c3 qn,c3,qn,cf qn,cf,r9,cf r9,cf,r9,cp s3,b6,13p,im r8,cp,ri,cp ri,cp,ri,d2 ri,d2,s6,d2 s6,d2,s6,dg s6,dg,sm,dg sm,dg,sm,du sm,du,ta,du ta,du,ta,ef ta,ef,ts,ef ts,ef,tv,ep tv,ep,uj,es uj,es,ui,fi ui,fi,v2,fi v2,fi,v2,g2 v2,g2,vi,g2 vi,g2,vi,gc vi,gc,102,gd 102,gd,vv,gr vv,gr,10g,gq 10g,gq,10g,ha 10g,ha,110,ha 110,ha,110,hr 110,hr,11c,hr 11c,hr,11b,ib 11b,ib,11t,ig 11t,ig,11q,j0 11q,j0,12e,j0 13o,il,14b,j8 12e,j0,12e,ji 12e,ji,133,jj 133,jj,131,k0 131,k0,1f1,k1 14b,j8,14b,jt #
Big stair - try to manual or nose manual the whole rail :P

-a8,-5t,-cb,-5r -87,-4u,-a8,-5t -61,-4i,-87,-4u -51,-31,-61,-4i -2v,-2b,-51,-31 -2r,-1a,-2v,-2b -19,-6,-2r,-1a -1j,1i,-1m,k -1m,k,-19,-6 4k,6s,-1j,1i -1i,1i,1i,1i 3l,1r,-n,1q -n,1r,24,3p 1i,1i,4f,1i 23,3q,3t,1p 47,1t,2b,45 2c,44,47,62 4f,1i,4k,6s 48,63,47,1t 3t,1p,3f,1r 4h,3l,5k,4v 5k,4v,6f,5c 6f,5c,6t,69 6t,69,81,6o 81,6o,8g,7t 9a,81,9b,74 9j,60,8q,77 8q,77,9b,74 8g,7t,cr,a4 8s,83,9a,81 a7,79,9j,60 9r,86,9r,72 9r,72,a7,79 a1,8k,9r,86 cr,a4,d9,9s d9,9s,e7,9v cq,a3,e6,af e1,a5,e5,aj e7,9v,e7,ad e7,ad,gb,c6 e5,a7,ec,ah e5,a2,e9,ad ga,c4,ib,cv i8,d0,k9,d8 k6,d7,lo,dj jo,mq,lm,ij l6,p0,jo,mq lo,dj,m3,ef m3,ef,lj,fn lj,fn,m8,h4 m8,h4,lm,im nn,q3,l6,p0 o8,i9,nb,ka nb,ka,pg,n8 or,eg,qu,eu og,g2,os,eg oh,g2,o3,h9 o3,h9,o9,id pg,n8,nn,q3 qu,eu,th,eo th,eo,vk,f8 100,og,ut,nc ut,nc,vo,m1 vu,n1,v7,mp vi,f7,10b,g3 10b,g3,vs,hi vs,hi,10k,j4 10j,j3,10r,k6 10q,k4,vn,m4 114,n9,10c,mn 10c,mn,vu,n1 12r,o2,100,og 10g,ng,10n,nl 10n,nl,10a,nq 10a,nq,vu,ng vu,ng,vt,nn vt,nn,10h,ng 12f,mq,125,n5 125,n5,11g,mq 11g,mq,114,n9 13h,gm,18f,il 13h,gm,12v,hh 12v,hh,13a,io 13a,io,12h,kb 12h,k7,12r,o2 12q,n8,12f,mq 18f,il,19m,il 19m,il,1aj,i3 1a1,ja,19m,il 19c,im,19v,if 196,ik,19p,ii 19e,ik,1a1,id 1c0,iu,1a1,ja 1aj,i3,1ce,if 1cl,kj,1am,n1 1am,n1,1an,pj 1al,o7,1b9,o1 1b9,o1,1b9,o9 1b9,o9,1bu,o0 1bq,oq,1bj,p6 1an,pj,1cn,pd 1bk,p4,1bv,p8 1ce,if,1c0,iu 1bu,iv,1cl,kj 1bu,o0,1bu,o7 1bu,o7,1cq,o3 1cq,o3,1cq,oc 1cn,pd,1fb,mt 1cq,ob,1dv,o4 1bv,p8,1cc,oq 1cc,oq,1cc,p3 1cc,p3,1bo,oq 1bu,ou,1bp,p0 1g5,jp,1hp,k5 1g6,jp,1f4,ks 1f4,ks,1fb,mv 1gm,km,1hq,k4 1hn,k3,1hv,k8 1hv,k8,1j0,k1 1j8,ku,1hu,la 1hu,la,1gm,km 1j0,k1,1jm,k5 1jm,k5,1j8,kv 1je,ki,1n6,l6 1n5,l5,1r8,le 1r8,le,1sf,l4 1sl,p8,1qn,q0 1qn,q0,1sn,t4 1sf,l4,1su,lv 1su,lv,1rj,na 1rj,na,1sl,p8 1sm,t3,202,tq 20n,m1,213,l5 213,l5,22p,lm 20o,lv,22l,nf 22l,nf,20u,pf 20u,pf,24c,q1 202,tq,23p,t3 22p,lm,25g,l9 24a,q0,26j,rh 23p,t3,26s,ua 25d,l9,28s,lq 26j,rh,2bu,oq 26s,ua,29n,u5 28s,lq,2cu,lb 29n,u5,2cp,ru 2bt,oo,2ge,lt 2cs,lb,2f5,li 2cm,s0,2j2,mn 2f5,li,2ep,lu 2g9,l8,2f2,li 2ep,lu,2fo,m1 2gd,lt,2g9,l8 2fo,m1,2gd,lt 2hp,no,2io,me 2io,me,2j3,mp 2hi,o3,2i4,n8 2hl,nu,2i7,n5 2hn,np,2i7,n5 2l1,m1,2jt,lt 2jt,lt,2j1,mp 2lh,la,2n9,lv 2lh,l9,2l1,m1 2n8,lv,2sq,m4 2so,m4,31t,lq 2tp,m2,320,ld 2uk,m1,321,kv 2ve,lv,31u,ki 302,lv,31u,jv 30n,ls,321,jb 320,lq,320,ja 31s,lr,32p,lr 32p,lr,32u,gp 32u,gq,38t,gp 33k,k9,33l,i1 33l,i1,34b,j0 34b,j0,33m,k8 38p,m0,32p,lq 34h,k3,34j,i2 34j,i2,35j,i3 35m,k5,34h,k3 34h,j8,350,j8 36n,ek,36o,dn 36o,dn,38v,dq 36v,du,36v,ef 36v,ds,375,ds 375,ds,36v,ds 36v,ds,36v,e3 38t,ek,36n,ek 36v,ef,374,ed 36v,e3,374,e3 35t,k2,35s,i2 35s,i2,36d,j3 36d,j3,371,i3 371,i3,36s,k7 37d,ed,37d,dt 37d,dt,37l,eb 37l,eb,37m,du 37r,eb,37t,du 37t,du,384,dv 384,dv,385,e7 385,e7,37t,ec 37a,k5,37d,i6 37d,i6,385,i8 385,i8,384,k3 384,k3,379,k4 38v,dq,38t,el 38t,gp,38u,ek 38t,gp,38p,m0 #388,g3

Mountain biking demo :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 27 2007, 4:12 am by Lakai.


Oct 27 2007, 7:28 pm Money Post #80

Quote from Deathman101
on another topic, why do you go faster, jump higher, and a few other things in the second one?

Exactly. What you do is take your code and paste it in and then paste it again somewhere in the middle of the other code.


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[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- >:)
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- :)
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- somebody gets it
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- and its not all just numbers in my file screen
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- thank you for your comment though, good to know some people out there tried my map out
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- just kidding
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
[2024-5-31. : 2:36 pm]
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