Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Does The P14 Map Revealer Thing Still Work?
Does The P14 Map Revealer Thing Still Work?
Oct 10 2007, 10:17 pm
By: Joshgt2  

Oct 10 2007, 10:17 pm Joshgt2 Post #1

I was going through the tutorials that were originally on here and I saw about the increased and decreased attack speed one found here. But I saw wondering a couple of things. Does this trick still work with the current patch of StarCraft and how do I give the map revealer to player 14 like it says without using StarForge? (By the way, I don't like StarForge :D)



Oct 10 2007, 10:31 pm Moose Post #2

We live in a society.

I seriously doubt it - the effects of P13+ players tends to change with each patch. Still, there's only one way to find it.

Oct 10 2007, 10:36 pm Joshgt2 Post #3

Ahhhhh great... that means I have to install StarForge... yea well... FOR THE GOOD OF REASEARCH!!!! I will post again or edit this one on what I find out...


Oct 10 2007, 10:38 pm Moose Post #4

We live in a society.

Use SCMDraft. Just type in any number you want for the player selection or in the unit's properties.

Oct 10 2007, 10:45 pm MasterJohnny Post #5


I am a Mathematician

Oct 10 2007, 10:50 pm Joshgt2 Post #6

Here are the results...

P13 Map Revealer has nothing to do with the game speed when being put down first...
P14 Map Revealer makes the game crash as soon as you get it....
P14 Scarab doesn't do anything
P14 Interceptor doesn't do anything...

That sucks because I was going to have a lot of fun with those game speeds... lol


Nov 15 2008, 7:04 pm XShooterX Post #7

actually, their is a way to have fun with the speed.
use P15 Scarab or interceptor to make the game super fast, P20 Scarab/Interceptor will make the terrain all buggy but cool (installation only)
i use SCMDraft 2 for this.


Nov 15 2008, 7:38 pm Devourer Post #8


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Nov 15 2008, 7:38 pm Devourer Post #9


Quote from XShooterX
actually, their is a way to have fun with the speed.
use P15 Scarab or interceptor to make the game super fast, P20 Scarab/Interceptor will make the terrain all buggy but cool (installation only)
i use SCMDraft 2 for this.

any p20 unit, and not installation only

p15 map revealer will the game be "paused" as soon as the revealer animation is over
however; as soon as a death-animation is played over, game crashes
and you dont need starforge

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Nov 15 2008, 8:18 pm Elvang Post #10

This nifty little tool by Farty will double the animation or game speed for your map incase you've already started working on it, works for v1.15.


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Vrael -- :)
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