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Carrying Capacity
Apr 12 2009, 8:00 am
By: Sand Wraith  

Apr 12 2009, 8:00 am Sand Wraith Post #1


I have run a few experiments with Terran Dropships. Theoretically, the below will apply with all transports.
In all of my experiments, the Terran Dropship's have a cargo hold of 16.
I will attach the MPQ file I used to do my testings.
When different types of units are loaded in, the order of loading is the order of the different types of units listed.

All testing was done in SCBWv1.16.1.



Experiment #1

Experiment #2

Experiment #3

Experiment #4




This is the first time I've ever done anything like this. I hope this has contributed to the modding community.

BTW: Move this to Modding Discussion if need be. It might be more useful there. I dunno. Again, first time I've ever done anything like this.

ForTheSwarm was one of the instigators of the experiment, including curiosity and past experiences. We were discussing transports during Mod Night 12. So yeah. Kudos to him? NOWAI. YESWAI. IDUNNOWAI.

Super Dropship.mpq
Hits: 1 Size: 22.31kb

Post has been edited 11 time(s), last time on Apr 12 2009, 8:04 pm by New-.Hydrolisk.

Apr 15 2009, 1:02 am ForTheSwarm Post #2

So basically, one-slot units + over 8 transport slots = fuckups?


Apr 16 2009, 8:58 pm Fyrinite Post #3

It's very simple. You try to shove more than 8 units, doesn't matter their space requirement, into a dropship, you lose the extra ones over 8.

Having more than 8 space taken up makes the status and display functions act unstable at times.


Apr 17 2009, 1:26 am Sand Wraith Post #4


Quote from "DiscipleOfAdun"
It's very simple. You try to shove more than 8 units, doesn't matter their space requirement, into a dropship, you lose the extra ones over 8.
Doesn't that contradict my observations? Maybe I was going insane when I was running my observations, but 4 Siege Tanks checked in... 4 checked out.

BTW: I just tested it again. 4 Tanks in, 4 Tanks out.


It would be a good idea for me to continue testing the status/UI in accordance with 4-Tanks.

Apr 17 2009, 2:34 am MANight Post #5

hes means 8 units total not space/supply wise.


Apr 17 2009, 3:05 am Sand Wraith Post #6


Ah, I see now. I must have read over that. That is unfortunate. 8 two-space units (or 4 four-space units) could be the stable maximum, in that case.

DoA, if you know more on this subject, you should really share it!

Apr 18 2009, 5:11 am MANight Post #7

imo if you want more then 8 space the easiest way to do it is making dropships themselfs loadable. 1 dropship x8 dropships inside x8 space in those dropships would be a 64 spaces ;o


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