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2 computers fighting
Jan 26 2009, 4:09 am
By: TristanOfVP  

Jan 26 2009, 4:09 am TristanOfVP Post #1

Ok this is hard to explain. I have a map where 2 computers fight eachother, one on the left and one on the right and they meet in the middle and fight. My problem is sometimes the right side acts glitch, like it doesn't attack. I have both sides set eachother to enemy and random suicide missions on preserve trigger.

Here is the map, you'll have to play it to see what I'm talking about. I hope someone can help, \ I really want to finish this map because I think it has some potiential.

Any help is appreciated as always, thanks.

BTW this isn't a map jack, my name is Ashlee-Simpson :)

Bridge Warstest.scx
Hits: 2 Size: 121.05kb


Jan 26 2009, 5:03 am Vi3t-X Post #2

Aeon of Strife map I assume?


Jan 26 2009, 6:03 am TristanOfVP Post #3

no, it's a UMS game type map, it's different. You spawn units and try to push their side and take out the spawner.


Jan 26 2009, 9:02 am Ahli Post #4

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

everything works like it should (in my opinion).
but I guess you want to have another effect with the suicide script. it should be more fluid, or?

Atm, all units will stop moving forward, if the computer killed an enemy (their random suicide script target) and they will continue moving when the next trigger cycle starts (script runs again).

How can you make a fluid usage of that script:
1. hypertriggers to increase the reaction time
2. run the script when new orders for the units are needed:
-run the script when an enemy unit died (easiest solution would be to run the script again, if the computer has kill score or razings and reset that score value)
-run the script after a unit spawned to make it attack
-run the script in intervals to repair loss of orders during blocking (not needed with your spawn system)

note that if you run the script all the time using hypertriggers only units with fast attack animations will attack.

Jan 27 2009, 9:28 am TristanOfVP Post #5

Ah, yeah I just changed it from suicide mission to
Order all men at anywhere to patrol to the opposite side, works like a charm.


New question though, sometimes when units are being made the game will just crash. I don't know what is causing this, I gave the units sufficient build time. Any ideas?


Jan 27 2009, 10:09 pm Falkoner Post #6

What units are being made, and what is their build time.


Jan 28 2009, 5:34 am TristanOfVP Post #7

Zerglings seem to crash, and the build time is 20 in SCM Draft2


Jan 28 2009, 7:48 pm Falkoner Post #8

Hmm, it may be because they're Zerg, since the Zerg creation has that animation for their creation, try raising the build time a bit and see if that fixes it.


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