Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Interceptor problem
Interceptor problem
Sep 25 2007, 11:50 pm
By: blacklight28  

Sep 25 2007, 11:50 pm blacklight28 Post #1

Ok so I made a map where an interceptor came out and then junk yard dogged, but then I tried making another map like that and the interceptor won't come out this time!

See if you can find my error.

I couldn't attatch...;8641714;/fileinfo.html


Sep 26 2007, 12:11 am TricksOfDeath Post #2

RoflCeak... P8:Set P7 To Enemy xD forgot the most basic one ^^.


Sep 26 2007, 6:26 am blacklight28 Post #3

I checked that...

EDIT: I even added a trigger to make it so they're enemies and interceptor won't come out. I didn't forget to unally them...


Sep 26 2007, 10:43 am Ahli Post #4

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

you order p8 units constantly to the middle in the game.
start that after the interceptor moved out.

always ordering units == no or less attacks, nearly only movement...

Sep 27 2007, 4:14 am blacklight28 Post #5

I see what you mean but I said patrol and I even fixed it so that once an interceptor is brought to anywhere then they start moving to the center but it still won't work!


Sep 27 2007, 4:21 am Falkoner Post #6

Okay, here's your trigger...


  • Player X
  • Conditions

  • If player X brings at least 1 interceptor to 'Anywhere'
  • Actions

  • Issue AI Script at 'Location': Set Generic Command Point to 'Location to move to'
  • Issue AI Script at 'Location': Patrol to Upper Left Corner
  • Preserve Trigger

  • None.

    Sep 27 2007, 4:29 am blacklight28 Post #7

    Couldn't find the trigger "Patrol to Upper Left Corner" also see if this map will help.


    Sep 27 2007, 4:46 am Falkoner Post #8

    Oh, sorry, it's 'Make These Units Patrol' but the default patrol point is the top left.


    Sep 27 2007, 4:46 am blacklight28 Post #9

    Oh, well that's what I did and the interceptor still didn't come out...


    Sep 27 2007, 4:48 am Falkoner Post #10

    Did the carrier have an interceptor?


    Sep 27 2007, 4:50 am blacklight28 Post #11



    Sep 27 2007, 4:51 am Falkoner Post #12

    Is the interceptor coming out of the carrier? Check it in-game to make sure.


    Sep 27 2007, 5:38 am blacklight28 Post #13

    No, that's my problem, I want the interceptor to come out and Junk Yard Dog, I've done it before on the map I posted before.

    BTW: If that map seems gay and not fun, it was basically my test UMS map.


    Sep 27 2007, 12:31 pm Falkoner Post #14

    If it has an interceptor, an enemy is nearby, and there is not too much lag in the map, it should release its interceptors.


    Sep 27 2007, 9:52 pm blacklight28 Post #15

    But it doesn't!


    Sep 27 2007, 10:01 pm Falkoner Post #16

    Give the carrier to YOU and see if it does it, or if you can even get the interceptor to come out.


    Sep 27 2007, 10:06 pm Demented Shaman Post #17

    Quote from Falkoner
    Did the carrier have an interceptor?

    Quote from blacklight28

    I don't see a hanger action in the map.

    Also I just played the map on Is the black carrier in the center supposed to be releasing interceptors? Because from what I can see, since it's being junkyard dog'd all the time it's not going to be able to attack anything and therefore it won't release interceptors.

    Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 27 2007, 10:11 pm by devilesk.


    Sep 27 2007, 10:13 pm Falkoner Post #18

    Lol, dude, order the interceptor away from the carrier with the AI I said and then give it the JYD AI.


    Sep 27 2007, 10:38 pm blacklight28 Post #19

    Dude, the interceptor won't even come out. I made it so that the units will JYD once the interceptor comes out but first, the interceptor doesn't come out so you'd be thinking the unit's would be sitting there but they stil JYD!


    Sep 27 2007, 11:09 pm Demented Shaman Post #20

    One of the problems it that P7 is set as an enemy for P8. Therefore P8's carrier won't be attacking P7. Therefore no interceptors will come out.

    I checked that...

    EDIT: I even added a trigger to make it so they're enemies and interceptor won't come out. I didn't forget to unally them...
    I don't see that trigger.

    And the carrier is still JYD as soon as the game starts.


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