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Another random question thread!
Dec 22 2008, 12:54 am
By: RoryFenrir  

Dec 22 2008, 3:07 am ForTheSwarm Post #21

You add it into each .grp frame.


Dec 22 2008, 4:13 pm Biophysicist Post #22

You already said that... I was asking how you add it to a frame.

(You mean that little bar that shows how long until the unit finishes morphing, right?)


Dec 22 2008, 4:46 pm ForTheSwarm Post #23

Yeah. You just copy & paste a small progress bar onto each grp. Every 100 or so frames you copy & paste an extra bar in the whole bar. I think you should put it over or on the unit.


Dec 23 2008, 4:04 am RoryFenrir Post #24

ugh, i really need help on my question about the back grounds, im out of ideas...

Again im using this crap program "microsoft picture it", and when i paste the image into it and save i get a result like this (top)
The bottom is when i just had a bmp, then i just renamed it to be .pcx , the result is the bottom image, the color is fine but as you can see its cut off. (the top one isnt cut off and its not cut off when i open it in picture it)

Also how do you fix the text?



Dec 23 2008, 6:33 am RoryFenrir Post #25

alright, i tred converting with rad video tools, and it works now. The text coloring is still off, i thinki know one way to fix but i saw a tutorial on maplantis for it so ill check it out....


Dec 23 2008, 6:38 am poiuy_qwert Post #26

PyMS and ProTRG developer

You might want to check out this.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 23 2008, 6:49 am by poiuy_qwert.

Dec 23 2008, 5:35 pm RoryFenrir Post #27

ya thats what was on maplantis, but i dont know how to do this:

Export the palette from your custom splash screen and import it into the tfont.pcx file (using the matching closest color option; don't keep the palette indexes the same).


Dec 23 2008, 6:01 pm ForTheSwarm Post #28

Use irfanview, export the palette and save it, then add it to the mpq as tfont.pcx.


Jan 1 2009, 9:14 pm RoryFenrir Post #29

Quote from ForTheSwarm
To play it "a gazillion times", either copy "playfram xx" a lot of times (A LOT), or make the Zerg Egg's .grp contain thousands of frames and have the iscript play all of them.

okay, so if i make 1000 frames in the animation i would have to have 1000 playframs in icescript right? or can i do something like: playnextfram (something like that exsist?) then repeat (goto)

if i cant do a loop i might as well not have the 1000 frames in the grp cause i can just copy and past playfram 1, wait 1.... a whole bunch of times....

EDIT: so i tried changing the zbirth grp to egg animations, and i have it repeat in Icescript and i set birth to drone birth in datedit. With my system, the drone being built out of a factory, it doesnt even run the birth GRP... how can i get it to run the brith after its built, (and i want to block movement when the zbirth is happening) and then trun into a normal drone?

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Use irfanview, export the palette and save it, then add it to the mpq as tfont.pcx.
I tried exporting the pallet from the picture, and importing it into the tfont but it didnt do anything... what am i doing wrong?
I also tried adding the .pal file as tfont.pcx and it crashed.

oh and one more thing, is there a GRP for creep? I want to remove all creep but i dont see how, but if there was a grp i could just set all frames to be transparent.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 1 2009, 10:53 pm by RoryFenrir.


Jan 1 2009, 11:33 pm RoryFenrir Post #30

i have another problem, in my mod i only use 3 buildings for zerg (hatchery,lair,hive) and from those i create units and upgrade. Because there is not enough room for both, i put the upgrades in basic zerg buildings (drones dont use) so now i have a submenu for upgrades. When i click on the submenu ingame it crashes. Is there something somewhere that specifies what units use the build menus? Are upgrades not allowed in build menues?


Jan 2 2009, 11:27 pm Hercanic Post #31

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Quote from RoryFenrir
okay, so if i make 1000 frames in the animation i would have to have 1000 playframs in icescript right?
No, it doesn't matter how many frames are in your GRP, so long as the script using it doesn't call for a frame it doesn't have.

Quote from RoryFenrir
or can i do something like: playnextfram (something like that exsist?) then repeat (goto)
No such command exists.

Quote from RoryFenrir
if i cant do a loop i might as well not have the 1000 frames in the grp cause i can just copy and past playfram 1, wait 1.... a whole bunch of times....
If you don't need the egg to be animated, it'll be very simple. If you do, though, then it'll be quite bloated as you can't loop with what you're trying to do, so the entire process must be manually defined. Here's an example of how you could do it without an animation:

    nobrkcodestart         # this ensures the player cannot prematurely end the animation
    setfldirect         0     # this basically sets the animation to only play the specified frame without rotation
    playfram           0x00     # frame set 0
    wait         250     # equivalent to 25 seconds in Normal speed
    wait         250     # add as many of these as you need to get the desired wait time
    wait         250     # do not use more than 255 in a single wait, as that is the max
    wait         5     # this comes to 80 seconds total
    nobrkcodeend         # never forget the ending code of a nobrk, or bad bad things will happen
    goto               Local00     # this can take you to the birthing animation

Quote from RoryFenrir
(and i want to block movement when the zbirth is happening)
Nobrkcode prevents any interruption, save death. This means it will not walk until the animation reaches Nobrkcodeend.

As for the palette issue with your backgrounds, back in the early days of STF I ran into the same kind of problem. Not knowing much about how to solve it editing palettes, I instead opened the original SC background and pasted my background over it, leaving the first few rows of pixels of the original at the top. This ended up working perfectly, minus the slight weirdness at the very top. It's a dirty solution, but it'll work until you figure out how to edit the palette.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 2 2009, 11:33 pm by Hercanic.

Jan 3 2009, 6:03 am RoryFenrir Post #32

okay so i really dont need a seprate GRP for the birth, can i just do the birth/egg code in the init header? If init only runs once, that would work but if it runs constantly it wouldnt. If it runs constatly is there something that i could run only once when its created?

Ya that should work, i guess i didnt paste my backgrounds over the original, which wasnt too smart... Ill try that.

Thanks alot, this is alot of help :)


Jan 4 2009, 12:13 am Hercanic Post #33

STF mod creator, admin, staff

I believe Inuit only runs once, but only testing will show for sure. Most units use Inuit for applying their shadow.

Jan 4 2009, 3:19 pm RoryFenrir Post #34

ya and setting a default frame 0x00 so i think it should work.


Jan 6 2009, 1:06 am RoryFenrir Post #35

alright, so i compiled a GRP with the birth frames but i have more problems now. I put the frame sequecne in the init for birth, but 1. It crashes, 2. this will happen at the very start of a game (when you dont build) so thats bad but i guess i could make another drone that has same button sets and all that to place for melees.

heres my init section, ill attach the GRP too.
(The init is the only modded section)

playfram 391
wait 2
playfram 392
wait 2
playfram 393
wait 2
playfram 394
wait 2
playfram 395
wait 2
playfram 399
wait 2
playfram 400
wait 2
playfram 401
wait 2
playfram 402
wait 2
playfram 403
wait 2
playfram 404
wait 2
playfram 405
wait 2
playfram 406
wait 2
playfram 407
wait 2
#sigorder 4
#lowsprul 319 0 0 # ZergEggSpawn (zerg\zegspawn.grp)

imgul 18 1 3 # DroneShad (zerg\drone.grp)
playfram 0x00 # frame set 0
goto DroneGndAttkToIdle


Jan 8 2009, 12:26 am RoryFenrir Post #36

Alright, ive came to the conclusion that what i really want inst going to be possible. I think what im going to end up having is a button to build larva, (they wont spawn automaticly) and the larva wont move and they will be eggs. (Only not the egg unit) From the larva eggs you will choose what they become, and then they will turn into real eggs and will have the build bar and all the smoothness that they have originally. This will just simplify things, its one extra step that i dont want, but i can live with it. This way its still like being able to lay large numbers of eggs at once, but it will still be a bit different from normal starcraft.

So now that that mess should be solved i have some other questions that should be pretty strait forward!
-Does anybody know a strait forward way to remove creep? Is their a GRP for creep?
-Can you have the menues that builders use on other units? Im trying to put the a zerg menu on a hatchery for upgrades but i get a crash when i click on the submenu. Can only workers use it? Can buildings not? is it matter that its filled with upgrade and tech buttons?

thanks, hopefully this will finish up this topic.


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