Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Projects > Topic: [DEAD] Central Independent Systems Conversion Mod
[DEAD] Central Independent Systems Conversion Mod
Mar 11 2019, 1:29 am
By: razorback9423  

Oct 6 2019, 2:46 pm razorback9423 Post #21

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

While the C.I.S. prepares to invade the Korprulu Sector, the Zerg Hydralisk will gain a new evolution. Coming soon in version 1.5.

Oct 6 2019, 6:04 pm Voyager7456 Post #22

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Will there be other changes to the other races?

Oct 6 2019, 11:23 pm razorback9423 Post #23

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Yes, some minor, some major.

I'll be maintaining the balance of the three races, as well as finish making the entire campaign.

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

Oct 12 2019, 2:38 am razorback9423 Post #24

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Hello all. I am proud to announce you Version 1.5 that will be the biggest update that will be released before the end of the year, but I need your help on creating the aesthetics, as one single person working on this project cannot handle many things alone!

I want you to help out on working on the icons, wireframes, and especially custom AI for melee games. I'll be glad to see some relief on working hard on delivering this amazing update. Let's make StarCraft mods relevant and enjoyable again!

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

Oct 14 2019, 12:14 am razorback9423 Post #25

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Due to the poor reception of the third mission, the entire map will be revised in version 1.5 with better terrain and some changes of behavior to enemy C.I.S. forces. This map will also be a part of the Maporino 2019 contest.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 14 2019, 10:15 am by razorback9423.

Oct 21 2019, 8:58 am razorback9423 Post #26

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

I have bad news to tell you all, Protecates.

Recently, I am developing the biggest update of the mod, Version 1.5. Over the course of the development, I've created a new unit, Zerg Arbalisk, done some more experimental changes to units are being developed, and the campaign is 50% completed. However, there are major obstacles that I cannot resolve them at all.

Here is a list of problems during development, I have devoted more time to my own life on other projects and activities, implementing a StarCraft Remastered version is definitely impossible, and there is no development team working on this mod.

Worst of all, I have experienced a severe AI bug below that always crashes while testing the revised Seizure of Systems mission of the C.I.S. Campaign. It went several revisions with repeated failures and different errors even with aise added. There is nothing I cannot do about this, as I am horrible with programming StarCraft's AI.

To my disappointment caused by these issues, it seems that good things might wait for a very long time. Until a reliable solution has been found, and I have searched for members to help, I hereby indefinitely postpone the development of C.I.S. Conversion Mod Version 1.5, and the entire campaign overall.

Thank you for reading, and supporting this entire mod since it's release back on February 2019. Stay tuned for more mod updates!

[UPDATE]: Closed beta testing of Version 1.5 will still continue, albeit last much longer than intended.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 24 2019, 1:24 am by razorback9423.

Nov 28 2019, 8:16 pm Zincoshine Post #27

Hey, don't give up on this mod, there are people who want to play it :)

100 in 2 months for an unfinished mod is a really good number with the current state of the starcraft community. Should you finish this, I will be reviewing it and you should get way more downloads.

Contactb Pr0nogo, maybe he can help with the AI bug.


Dec 5 2019, 4:04 am razorback9423 Post #28

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Protecates, a new development update is available:

Dec 5 2019, 4:08 am razorback9423 Post #29

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Quote from Zincoshine
Hey, don't give up on this mod, there are people who want to play it :)

100 in 2 months for an unfinished mod is a really good number with the current state of the starcraft community. Should you finish this, I will be reviewing it and you should get way more downloads.

Hello Zincoshine. I will never give up on the development of this mod. Version 1.5 will be released in Q2 2019 or Q3 2019. I hate to say that the development progress is way too slow due to only one person working. If I have the time and confidence to finish version 1.5 I will release it soon enough.

Apr 13 2020, 12:05 am RdeRenato Post #30

I am Renato

Quote from razorback9423
Quote from Zincoshine
Hey, don't give up on this mod, there are people who want to play it :)

100 in 2 months for an unfinished mod is a really good number with the current state of the starcraft community. Should you finish this, I will be reviewing it and you should get way more downloads.

Hello Zincoshine. I will never give up on the development of this mod. Version 1.5 will be released in Q2 2019 or Q3 2019. I hate to say that the development progress is way too slow due to only one person working. If I have the time and confidence to finish version 1.5 I will release it soon enough.

Hey, don't give up on this mod x999999999999999

The premise looks brutal! (I do not promise anything) I will try the mod as soon as I can, it seems to be good.

The only thing that if you could improve a little is the terrain.

It's difficult to attract the attention of the public :drunk: (I am also a ghost)

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Apr 16 2020, 3:18 pm Zincoshine Post #31

Hey Razorback9423, how is the development going? It's been quite a while since I saw any updates. I've currently reached the tier of campaigns your campaign is in for my QA spreadsheet I predict I'll reach your campaign's entry in around 3-4 weeks. At this point though, it seems it won't be done by then so that's sad and I'll have to move your campaign all the way to the end of my spreadsheet and hope it gets finished by the time I'm done with everything else. Still, I do I hope it gets done soon, I'm really eager to play this! :) If there is any way I can help, let me know.


Apr 19 2020, 10:07 am razorback9423 Post #32

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Quote from Zincoshine
Hey Razorback9423, how is the development going? It's been quite a while since I saw any updates. I've currently reached the tier of campaigns your campaign is in for my QA spreadsheet I predict I'll reach your campaign's entry in around 3-4 weeks. At this point though, it seems it won't be done by then so that's sad and I'll have to move your campaign all the way to the end of my spreadsheet and hope it gets finished by the time I'm done with everything else. Still, I do I hope it gets done soon, I'm really eager to play this! :) If there is any way I can help, let me know.

I have good news and bad news.

The bad news:
Due to myself venturing onto other things, engine limitations, unfamiliarity with SCs source code, complicated family issues and gradually decaying interest, work on the campaign has stopped, the C.I.S. Conversion Mod version 1.5 will be cancelled permanently, and this mod will be put on ice until further notice. If this mod hasn't received some updates on development for a year or more, consider this mod to be already dead.

The good news:
I'm planning a major update (version 2.0) that will change almost everything in versions 1.0 to 1.4. The release date for version 2.0 is unknown, but development will start soon. As for the campaign, it will be changed in the next version, but i'm not sure if I'm looking forward to completing this. Please stay tuned for more updates, but on a snail's pace.

This mod has gone so far and is now one year old. Consider this a late birthday celebration.

Apr 26 2020, 1:58 pm Zincoshine Post #33

My recommendation to you now is that you accept the limitations of the starcraft engine and take it easy on the modding, instead shifting focus to the campaign itself. Mods are made and forgotten. Many campaigns have been made over the past 22 years and over 150 campaigns have been archived. Some of these campaigns are the only remnants of an internet age long gone, the only valuable thing left from those days. On the other hands, mods are made and forgotten. There used by a website hosting starcraft mods called infoceptor. Until last November, all the mods that was ever on that website or on the internet before 2010 has been lost and forgotten with the sole exception being the gundam total conversion, and a collection of 10 stardraft mods I still had on a harddrive. The campaign is the more valuable thing here and is the thing you should focus on now. It has tremendous potential and if finished I intend to use my spreadsheet to advertise it. Most importantly to you, it is something that will become a permanent landmark in history. Go finish it :) we're waiting. What you've done so far is already really good.


Apr 27 2020, 12:01 pm Voyager7456 Post #34

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

On the other hands, mods are made and forgotten. There used by a website hosting starcraft mods called infoceptor. Until last November, all the mods that was ever on that website or on the internet before 2010 has been lost and forgotten with the sole exception being the gundam total conversion, and a collection of 10 stardraft mods I still had on a harddrive.
I'm pretty sure I have all the Infoceptor mods lying around.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Apr 27 2020, 3:56 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #35

The Curious

Not sure whence the harsh pronouncement on modding, too. :) Most campaigns are mods to a degree, anyway, because even if they're ramped not up to a "total conversion" / "partial conversion" level they still include original characters which, in turn, require modifications to existing units.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Apr 28 2020, 5:27 pm Zincoshine Post #36

I don't mean to say that modding is bad, actually I quite like campaigns with a lot of modding. The point is though, campaigns hold more value than mods do in the grand scheme of things and a campaign shouldn't be abandoned just because of modding problems.

Quote from Voyager7456
I'm pretty sure I have all the Infoceptor mods lying around.
Oh really... You got the latest version of Yoshicraft even? an upload link would be greatly appreciated.


May 19 2020, 6:56 pm Voyager7456 Post #37

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Sorry, I forgot to post. I don't know if this is the latest version, but this is the version I have:

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

May 26 2020, 5:08 pm Zincoshine Post #38

Oh so that really is the latest one then.... it's the same one I have. Thanks anyway.

How is the campaign going Razorback9423? :)

I'm quickly approaching your entry in my spreadsheet... I guess I'll have to postpone reviewing it.


May 28 2020, 11:09 am razorback9423 Post #39

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Quote from Zincoshine
How is the campaign going Razorback9423? :)

The campaign is put on hold indefinitely until further notice. :(

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

Dec 25 2020, 3:18 am razorback9423 Post #40

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Greetings, Protecates.

As if 2020 has gone even worse, I have very bad news for you all.

I have been experimenting with some changes with the upcoming version 2.0 of the mod over the course of 2020. However, due to engine limits, technical problems, other activities and a lack of manpower, I was forced to improvise. I have been looking for key personnel to help me do important things that I cannot do, like modifying the engine and advanced AI. In reality, it never happened, and never reached out to me at all.

Another factor that shifted me away from this mod is that I have been planning to make a new original game from scratch. Progress has been made, but it is still in pre-alpha stages. Besides, I am transitioning from a StarCraft modder to a rookie game developer. It does not mean I will no longer make mods, but my involvement in the StarCraft modding scene will be reduced to a minimum.

All StarCraft modders come and go because of these factors. Despite the new modding tools made like GPTP and Python Modding Suite, they were outdated, inflexible, unoptimized and unreliable that it wasn't enough to make big interesting modding ideas to StarCraft. It is hard to accept these limitations, but I have to move on.

The Central Independent Systems conversion mod is a mod that I tried to exceed expectations. It's goal and vision is to have a new faction, new units for existing races, fix some imbalances created by the SCBW meta, and even a create small campaign spanning 5 missions. I even made a special Seizure of Systems map for Maporino 2019. Initially, it was a great experience, but in the long term, a failure due to repetitive map design and gimmicky objectives. It doesn't matter to me. For me, it was the biggest StarCraft mod I have ever made, and I am happy to share your different experiences on playing this despite the many aforementioned problems.

I'm gonna make the final decision to this long-troubled project. It is sad to say that, just like all other SCBW mods, the development of the Central Independent Systems conversion mod will be ceased.

It is very disappointing hear this, but don't worry, I'm in a better job right now. The future of the StarCraft modding scene is uncertain, but for my future, I am just done with this project. I apologize for hearing what has come to this, but I am open to share your thoughts. I'm eternally grateful for your ongoing support, and I’ll keep you updated on any and all plans for the future of this mod.

- Razorback

Megacortex is shutting down.

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

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