Windows 7
Oct 28 2008, 5:26 pm
By: dumbducky  

Oct 30 2008, 1:48 am Falkoner Post #21

ahahahahahaahahahahaahahah ahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha
hrm *clears throat* That was humorous. No version of windows has been as good as OS X or Ubuntu.
They have been playing catch-up for years, copying everything they can get their little grubby hands on.

That was actually my intention when I wrote that, they are definitely behind Mac on a user friendliness level.


Oct 30 2008, 3:18 am Praetor Post #22

layin' in the cut

Quote from dumbducky
Fail hard. You drew the swastika that means peace. A Nazi swastika goes the other way, dumbass.
O Rly?

seems you are the failing one....

this too shall pass

Oct 30 2008, 3:31 am Vi3t-X Post #23

Quote from Vi3t-X
Quote from Praetor
Quote from Falkoner
although it looks as if they're pretty much just starting to copy Mac,
ahahahahahaahahahahaahahah ahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha
hrm *clears throat* That was humorous. No version of windows has been as good as OS X or Ubuntu.
They have been playing catch-up for years, copying everything they can get their little grubby hands on.

Also, I have proof that Microsoft is run by Nazis.

Right under our noses all along...
45 degrees off.


Oct 31 2008, 8:24 pm FlyingHat Post #24

I'd have to say Windows 7 is pretty darned impressive.
A great flashy UI, low processor rape, and requirements low enough to run on a PC that's around 4-5 years old.
I'm thinking that Windows 7 is definitely worth my money.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 31 2008, 8:34 pm by FlyingHat.


Nov 1 2008, 3:47 am Twitch Post #25

Quote from dumbducky
Longhorn is Vista's code name. All the "flashy effects" were fully implemented. Whatever source you get your information from is full of bullshit. 512MB cards aren't cheap, and aren't required. The current requirements are 1 Ghz processor and 1GB of RAM. Sinofsky showed a netbook with those specs running Windows 7. It had just booted at 50% memory usage.

@Chiui: So what? It's not a phone OS.
@Viet: Nobody but Microsoft has the latest build shown at PDC. No benchmarks exist.
@Falkoner: Tray icon lets you hide things you don't want to see, like your AV. New icons will probably default to being shown. So you would manually have to hide Quicktime to hide it.

Saw a multitouch demonstration today. It actually looks pretty cool. You can assign your own gestures to specific functions. It actually looks non-gimmicky.

Uhmm I think you are a bit mixed up or I am.

Because not all of the effects were put into Vista due to two things.

1. them saying it would take up to much space and memory.(so they dropped alot of big features)

2. Something about holding it off for further production.(eg going on to be windows 7)

Oh and epic fail Praetor LOL.


Nov 1 2008, 1:37 pm dumbducky Post #26

1. They dropped features, but the desktop environment was not one. So name an effect that took up "to much space and memory".
2. They never canned a feature with the excuse of putting it in a later version of Windows. The closest thing to that was WinFS, which was cancelled, but was partially integrated into other projects. Libraries in 7 are the results of some of the work done with WinFS.


Nov 2 2008, 6:46 am Greo Post #27

Looks like Windows Mojave.


Nov 2 2008, 2:51 pm Forsaken Archer Post #28

Looks like they tried minimizing the taskbar and bloating the shit out of everything else? I don't like. I like my taskbar full of quick links because Start > All Programs > Whatever sucks, even though I categorized it all nicely. I'd like to completely destroy "All programs" and implement it right into the start menu. Actually, I'd like to make the whole start menu it's own taskbar.
And I like my folders just being folders.


Nov 2 2008, 3:42 pm Falkoner Post #29

You know IP, you can drag a folder to the right side of your taskbar and it creates a little link to the folder there, you can even browse through it!


Nov 2 2008, 5:14 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #30

Quote from Falkoner
You know IP, you can drag a folder to the right side of your taskbar and it creates a little link to the folder there, you can even browse through it!
Haha I guarantee you he knows that. I can almost guarantee you that you can't find a single thing you already know about computers that IP doesn't already know. (he's secretly a gov't project of the perfect human, at least that's what wiki told me)

As for everything else, I think if you can't get 512mb and 1gb ram you're really cheep. I think i was walking the other day and I gave a hobo a dollar and he said he only accepts 5's.


Nov 2 2008, 7:17 pm dumbducky Post #31

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
Looks like they tried minimizing the taskbar and bloating the shit out of everything else? I don't like. I like my taskbar full of quick links because Start > All Programs > Whatever sucks, even though I categorized it all nicely. I'd like to completely destroy "All programs" and implement it right into the start menu. Actually, I'd like to make the whole start menu it's own taskbar.
And I like my folders just being folders.
Quick launch bar has been incorporated into the taskbar. If you look at the screenshots, you'll see that some windows on the taskbar aren't tiled. Those are programs not running and can be opened by click on them.


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