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Desert Strike with BW/WC3/SC2 units
Aug 24 2011, 9:05 pm
By: theleo_ua  
Imagine that you are playing this map. Your opinion?
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Aug 24 2011, 9:05 pm theleo_ua Post #1

This map idea is about mix of Castle Fight for WC3 and Desert Strike for SC1.

Lets imagine Desert Strike map (like this for example ) with next races:

SC1 zerg
SC1 protoss
SC1 terran

SC2 zerg
SC2 protoss
SC2 terran
Hybrid (contains of hybrids from SC2 singleplayer and heroes like Kerrigan)

Naga (contains of Naga heroes from WC3 singleplayer, and maybe multiplayer heroes of Human, Orc, Undead and Nightelves).

All SC1 races contains of BW multiplayer units (with BW spells, for example EMP for Science Vessel). All SC2 races (except Hybrid) contains of SC2 multiplayer units. All WC3 races (except Naga) contains of all WC3 multiplayer units, except heroes (only Naga contain Heroes).

The landscape can be like this but with some exceptions: left part of map can be with "WC3 jungle theme", and will have "Castle" as main building of the team. Right part of map can be with "BW desert theme" (like this ), and will have "Desert Fortress" as main building of the team.

Imho best Desret Strike can be with next conditions:

1) Only horizontal battle road (both Fortresses situated on the same horisontal line, like in Nexus Wars). Example here:

2) No upgrades. All upgrades must be immediately researched at the start of the game. The only thing, what human players must do, is to choose correct buildings to build, choose when to build gas (treasure), and choose when to attack enemy by workers and when to nuke (boom). Boom, by the way, should affect half of the map (as in original Desert Strike).

3) Only gas and treasure buldings adding additional income to players. No "Nexus Wars" things like "all buildings give income, but pylons give more income". Also, income rate must be "X minerals per 1 second" (NOT "X mineals per 45 seconds", like in Nexus Wars).

4) No supply limits (like in Nexus Wars). The quantity of spawning units must be unlimited. If you afraid lags - make "1 Zergling x8 power" instead of "8 zerglings", but supply limit is really sux imho.

5) No manual unit control (like heroes in Nexus Wars). The human players must control only their workers, and nothing else! Even cannons must be given to cpu imho (after player built it).

6) Only one battle "road" (like this: ). No additional roads, like in Nexus Wars. And remember step 1: only horizontal roads (no diagonal or vertical ones).

7) No isolated platforms (isolated platform mean that CPU and enemy human's workers cannot attack human's bases). Imho CPU units and enemy human's workers must have possibility to attack enemy base or build cannon near enemy base, because not interesting to play otherwise.

8) CPU units must spawn instead of autobuilding in buldings. If human player have 5 barracks - then 5 marines (or 10 marines, depending on balance conditions) must be spawned exactly at 0:00 timer and exactly near Castle/Fortress (for example behind the Fortress). Human players must NOT to choose WHERE to build - they only must choose WHAT and WHEN to build.

9) The spawn (as we told in step 8) must be for one player at a time. For example when timer goes 0:00 for a first time - units will spawn accordingly to buildings of player 1, when timer goes 0:00 for a second time - units will spawn accordingly to buildings of player 2 and so on. This will make balance, if someone will left the game.

10) SC1 and SC2 races can have spells like "mind control from original Desert Strike", but WC3 races can have spells like "spawn hero, which will cast uber spell when attacked". This heroes of course must be from original WC3 multiplayer.

11) The Hybrid's buildings can be "Dark" ones from SC2 editor (they were for example in 2nd protoss mission in SC2 singleplayer).

12) No silos! No additional buildings! Only one main building per team.

13) No mineral income bonuses for kills! Any unit kills must NOT give any bonuses.

The main questions:

A) Is it possible to add WC3 units to SC2 map? If yes - is it hard, what influence to map size (in MB) and what disadvantages? I mean "full" unit transfer from WC3, even with spells, portraits and sounds.

B) Do you want to play this map? What do you think - will someone else play this map? Will this map become popular?

C) Is it possible to use BW unit sprites in SC2 for "full" unit transfer from SC1 to SC2? What about unit portraits and sounds? Is it possible to handle "BW 2D SMK portraits" in SC2 engine?

D) If you agree with idea about "different SC1 and SC2 races" - what thoughts you have about it? I mean, that most of the units are same, so we can make something like "SC2 protoss will have archon and will not have high templar, and SC1 protoss will not have archon and will have high templar". Or we can dont care of this, and the only difference between SC1 and SC2 races will be "BW-only units like reaver" ans "SC2-only units like colossus". Also the difference between SC1 and SC2 races can be in spells like "mind control 50% of the map" and so on.

Also I think that "SC1" units must be as closer as possible to real BW units, for example Terran Science Vessel must have "defensive matrix, EMP and Irradiate" (of course it can have additional nano-repair spell, which make it useful). Imho easiest way to make this is to use existing spells like "ghost's EMP one" and "battlecruiser's defensive matrix one from SC2 singleplayer".

Another thing - imho SC1 units must even shoot as real BW units, for example SC1 Battlecruiser's attack must be as waith's ground attack (instead of SC2 Battlecruiser's attacks).

Step D is also about WC3 units of course:)

The name of this map can be "Castle Fight vs Desert Strike" or similar.

Questions? Your opinion?

Post has been edited 16 time(s), last time on Aug 28 2011, 11:16 pm by theleo_ua.


Aug 24 2011, 9:49 pm Ahli Post #2

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from name:xboi209
Well first, that's gonna take a shitload of modding and iscripts. You're kinda limited on how many new units you can put in too. Since you're gonna be putting a lot of images and sprites for the new units, it's gonna take a lot of space if you don't compress them. Same for the sound files but since SC can only use .Wav files, your map size can be as big as 50mb if you don't compress them and all
This is sc2, so you failed to read. ^^

Quote from theleo_ua
C) Is it possible to use BW unit sprites in SC2 for "full" unit transfer from SC1 to SC2? What about unit portraits and sounds? Is it possible to handle "BW 2D SMK portraits" in SC2 engine?
No to everything except sounds. Sounds can be transfered to ogg files, if that decreases the file size. SC2 uses m3 models for everything and that is a new model format I think.

Quote from theleo_ua
D) If you agree with idea about "different SC1 and SC2 races" - what thoughts you have about it? I mean, that most of the units are same, so we can make something like "SC2 protoss will have archon and will not have high templar, and SC1 protoss will not have archon and will have high templar". Or we can dont care of this, and the only difference between SC1 and SC2 races will be "BW-only units like reaver" ans "SC2-only units like colossus".
I would add complete races.

Quote from theleo_ua
Another thing - imho SC1 units must even shoot as real BW units, for example SC1 Battlecruiser's attack must be as waith's ground attack (instead of SC2 Battlecruiser's attacks).
That's mostly visual stuff. You can directly transfer weapon speed, range and damage.

Aug 24 2011, 10:24 pm theleo_ua Post #3

Quote from Ahli
SC2 uses m3 models for everything and that is a new model format I think

But is it possible to convert WC3 models to m3?


Aug 24 2011, 10:25 pm iCCup.xboi209 Post #4

lol i assumed it was sc1 because of the first sentence


Aug 24 2011, 10:27 pm theleo_ua Post #5

Quote from name:xboi209
lol i assumed it was sc1 because of the first sentence

Should I rename the topic?


Aug 24 2011, 10:30 pm Jack Post #6

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Yes, it is possible to convert many wc3 models to sc2. In fact, if you put the wc3 models you want converted and their corresponding BLPs, I can convert them for you. It'll take me some time though as I'm rather busy right now.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 24 2011, 10:37 pm theleo_ua Post #7

Quote from Ahli
Quote from theleo_ua
D) If you agree with idea about "different SC1 and SC2 races" - what thoughts you have about it? I mean, that most of the units are same, so we can make something like "SC2 protoss will have archon and will not have high templar, and SC1 protoss will not have archon and will have high templar". Or we can dont care of this, and the only difference between SC1 and SC2 races will be "BW-only units like reaver" ans "SC2-only units like colossus".
I would add complete races.

Updated the post: Also the difference between SC1 and SC2 races can be in spells like "mind control 50% of the map" and so on.

Quote from Jack
Yes, it is possible to convert many wc3 models to sc2.

Good news.

Quote from Jack
I can convert them for you. It'll take me some time though as I'm rather busy right now.

Good news. And thank you very much for this, but now this map is only in "idea stage". If I will decide to make it - I will contact you:)

Also I copied this post to sc2mapster - wanna see their opinion.

Quote from Jack
you want converted and their corresponding BLPs,

Sorry - but what is BLP? What differense between BLP and original DDS textures?


Aug 24 2011, 10:49 pm Jack Post #8

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

BLP is the texture format that WCIII uses; DDS is the texture format SCII uses. I'd have to convert the BLPs and then reapply them.

For the SMK starcraft 1 portraits, you could take a single frame and use it as a static portrait but otherwise you can't convert the portraits. However, there are plenty of sc1 units in SCII, both included with the game and made by mappers.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

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zsnakezz shouted: ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
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[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- >:)
[04:59 am]
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[04:58 am]
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[04:58 am]
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[04:57 am]
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[04:57 am]
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[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
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