Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Kane: A Multiplayer Protoss Campaign
Kane: A Multiplayer Protoss Campaign
Dec 13 2008, 6:54 am
By: LokiArexon  

Dec 13 2008, 6:54 am LokiArexon Post #1

Missions 1-4 with Mission 4 Briefing in 1 Zip File:
Mission 1 Download (Theme - "Traditional Style"):
Mission 2 Download (Theme - "Bound"):
Mission 3 Download (Theme - "Survival"):
Mission 4 Briefing Download (Theme - "Briefing"):
Mission 4 Download (Theme - "Defense + Hero Wars"):

"Kane" features:

Your choice of Singleplayer or Multiplayer UMS campaign style! Play alone or with a friend! The game will automatically rebalance the map based on how many players are present. Missions 1-3 are 1-2 players. Mission 4 is 1-4 players.

INTRODUCTION: Both Kane: Impossible Choices and The Zakat Chronicles occur after Starcraft: Brood Wars, and do not take into account the events of Starcraft 2, since it was originally conceived before that game was announced. Thus, small plot points (Kerrigan killing all the Cerebrates after the end of Brood Wars) will not be parallel between the two stories.


The Nova-IV Incident:
Three years after Kerrigan gained complete control of the Zerg Swarm, she began to cement her mastery of the Koprulu Sector with the creation of three new Cerebrates: Kirin, Kull, and Zakat.

As her power grew, she became more expansive. It was only a matter of time before the Terran and Protoss began to fight back.

The resistance began on the Icy Moon of Nova-IV. In response the death of a colony on the planet, Kerrigan began to annihilate the entire Nova system. She took pains to capture and infest any and all leadersrhip that contested her rule.

Fighting Back:
Realizing the expansionism of Kerrigan posed an imminent threat, the Protoss and Terran forces formed an uneasy alliance, with the two factions rallying around the cutthroat leadership of Thurloga, a Protoss Zealot.

Under Thurloga's leadership, the terrans and protoss managed to capture and convert Cerebrate Kirin, while their main forces assaulted Cerebrate Kull in a desperate and risky two-front assault. The result proved to be a disaster.

The Last War Cry:
Following this failure, Thurloga, the protoss leader of the alliance, vanished leaving the Protoss Faction completely without leadership.

Into this void steps "Lord Finn" -- lower ranked than a executor in the Judicator caste, but due to the rapidly thinning ranks of the Judicators, he now stands as the highest ranking officer by default.

In a last-ditch effort to save his race from extinction, he makes one last war cry to the remaining protoss leaders.

These are Jiinsh, a Dark Templar, and to Kane, a Zealot--both prominent leaders in the Protoss Forces.

Together, they plan to rebuild their forces on Boccob-II, a planet where no major conflicts have been waged, largely due to unusual Crystal Formations on the surface of the planet. When active, these Crystal Formations operate on a four minute cycle, during which time strange effects that change the psionic ability of the Protoss and the behavior of the zerg occur.

Mission 1 begins with Kane being contacted by representatives from a Terran Outpost, begging him for help:

Control over end objectives! Do you kill the terran outpost, or ally with them?

If Kane decides to ally with the Terran forces, in spite of Finn's orders, he will gain vision with them and get two medics, but will not receive additional reinforcements from Geihlar. The Terran Base:

Kane is a powerful warrior, and he may try to attack the menacing Zerg Nydus Canal before reinforcements come for the Zerg:

However, doing so is risky behavior... and death for Kane spells defeat for the player:

Mission 2: The Cave of Crystals

In Mission 2, Jiinsh has detected the source of the emanations from the crystals on the surface of Boccob-II that consistently result in strange results on protoss psionics. As a result, Jiinsh and Kane decide to explore the cavern that is the source of the emanations. In addition to this, Jiinsh attempts to discover the source of Kane's melancholy.

Gameplay for Mission 2: Mixture of Bound and UMS Installation.


The cave is filled with strange spell effects. One attempts to draw Kane toward the lights and destroy him. Click fast to avoid defeat!

The cave is also filled with psionic bombs. Kane and Jiinsh will have a difficult time avoiding these nightmares, embodied in ultralisks:

Mission 3: Verinas Survival

In Mission 3, you take a break from the Protoss as Atai shows Kane a vision of events on Argeth. He sees Verinas and Lee, two ghosts who have escaped the annihilation of the rest of the planet and are attempting to escape.

This Stealth Themed mission will challenge you to avoid enemy units, overlords, and spore colonies as you make your way through the decimated remains of Argeth.

Recoup your strength at a friendly terran base, before making your way to the final stretch.

(1-4 players)
On the fiery, unstable planet of Boccob-II, Kane awakens from his slumber distressed. He emerges from his cave thinking of the humans he saw stranded and in need of help on Argeth.

However, he is soon interrupted by Sirch, an old templar friend, and Lord Finn, who inform him that he cannot go and find Verinas yet, because the Zerg are invading Boccob-II.

Four Nydus Canals have been set up throughout the planet. Before Kane can escape Boccob-II, he must first destroy them and stop the onslaught of Zerg forces.

Defending Boccob-II will require utilizing the full range of his allies' abilities. Unfortunately, the psionic energy, fiery atmosphere, and unstable magnetic field make it impossible for normal Arbiters, Carriers, and Dark Templar to be summoned near the planet's surface.

In response to this, Atai offers his services. First, he makes it so that instead of summoning Carriers from Starports, creating carriers will restore allied shields. Further, creating arbiters will restore energy. Atai releases his will and allows Kane and all his allies access to his recalling ability.

Lord Finn and the House of Reaper have also set up a Type-X Dragoon Factory, which may prove vital in defending against enemy heroes and making the eventual assault against the enemy Nydus Canals.

Finally, Sirch has finished working on a new line of Gas Tank bombs, which will kill all zerg forces in a proximity to the bomb.

Begin mining at however many Nexus you control:

The minimap will show spots partially revealed. These are the locations of the Nydus Canals you need to destroy.

Observers will reveal potential expansions. When playing with 4 players (a full house) these may become important. Air only-expansions have been designed so the CPU can't steal them from players.

In the bottom left corner, Player 1 can buy Tank Bombs (max 1 at a time), and detonate them. These are very effective at killing enemy heroes with a minimum of cost and casualties. Also in the bottom left Player 7 can buy Type-X Hero Dragoons, which will be vital in making the eventual assault against the enemy Nydus Canals. If Player 7 is not in the game, this is given to Player 2. If Player 2 and Player 7 are not in the game, Player 1 will get this as well.

The Will of ATAI, your arbiter hero, cannot move too far away from the caves. Although he can die with no penalty, if you want the free recalls he offers you may want to defend him.

Each player starts with a Starport and Arbiter Bay. Although Scouts and Corsairs can be built normally, Carriers and Arbiters are spells. Buying Carriers will replenish the shields of all allied shields, both units and buildings. Buying Arbiters will replenish all unit energy... the Carrier Spell in particular is so important it may be worth hotkeying your starport right from the bat.

Some Heroes will be vital right from the beginning. Guardians will begin attacking almost immediately in most games. Lord Finn, Player 7's Scout Hero, will be vital in keeping these nuisances at bay and in protecting his Type X Factory. As you can see, he has 800/800 and does over 100 damage to air. Just be careful not to lose him, as his death will spell defeat for player 7.

-Changelog Mission 1:
-The first rush of enemy units is now much easier, and rushes will attack both Kane and Jiinsh at the same time.
-The mission briefing has been changed.
-"Geihlar" is now "Lord Finn"
-Further multiplayer debugging

Changelog Mission 2:
-The edition is now the only one receiving further support.
-Mission Briefing adjusted slightly.
-Defeat triggers have been debugged.
-Added an option to make the Ultralisk level slightly easier.
-Note: Player 1 is always required now.

Changelog for Mission 3:
-Added more powerups
-Fixed other minor glitches.

Changelog for Mission 4 and Mission 4 Briefing:
None yet

Thread Changelog:
-Top post will now always include the most recent version of each map.

Post has been edited 17 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2009, 9:42 am by LokiArexon.


Dec 15 2008, 8:30 pm StrikerX22 Post #2

Well I've never played a multiplayer campaign, and my gf is totally more into co-op than competitive, so i'll be looking into this =P. Question: is the Zakat one also multi?


Dec 15 2008, 8:55 pm Biophysicist Post #3

You have a gf who plays StarCraft? LUCKY.

Grand_Dracholich and I are making a co-op conversion of the main campaign, btw. [/offtopic]

Looks... Interesting. Please more details on the storyline?


Dec 15 2008, 9:13 pm StrikerX22 Post #4

Almost forgot to d/l the file... > >

yeah I had to get my gf to start playing, but she's been through most of the campaign now and getting a tad better at melee now =P (from a noob's perspective anyway). She's more the rpg gamer though, hence co-op being closer to her style. I'd certainly be interested in a co-op main campaign though, especially brood war, being more difficult. > >

And yeah, I think you'd be better off explaining the story a bit more to get more attention...


Dec 16 2008, 7:12 am LokiArexon Post #5

Well, I guess I held off a bit because I didn't want to spoil all the events of the last campaign. But since that campaign was revised so much, a clear description of what happened might help:


The Zerg have been training a new Cerebrate to lead shock troops to gain mastery over the Koprulu Sector. One of the remaining resistance forces to the Swarm was Nova-IV, a harsh icy moon that previously had not been assaulted due to its harsh conditions. The Swarm's new shock troops, under the guidance of Cerebrate Zakat, captured the leader of the Nova-IV forces, General Benedict, at which point Corporal Andrews assumed control over the moon as a stand-in for the Zerg.

In response to this new expansionism, the Terran and Protoss formed a temporary treaty to curb Zerg aggression. First, they successfully turned Cerebrate Kirin, the Cerebrate in charge of many of Kerrigan's research projects. While the Swarm responded to this unexpected coup, they launched a simultaneous assault on Cerebrate Kull, one of Kerrigan's main henchman. Despite this combined assault, Cerebrate Kull managed to hold off the Terran-Protoss assault long enough for the Swarm to reinforce him. In response to this attempt at assassination, Kerrigan annihilated the entirity of the world of Argeth, decimating one of the last bastions of Terran Resistance in the Koprulu Sector.

Shortly after this, Thulera, the leader of the shaky alliance between the Protoss and Terran, vanished. Protoss Leadership thus fell to Lord Geihlar, who called out to all reachable Protoss Forces to assemble on the planet of Boccob-II, so that they could prepare for the impending Wrath of Kerrigan. Of the remaining Protoss Leaders to be reached were Kane and Jiinsh. Although Kane is skeptical of mounting yet another counter-offensive, he goes along with Geihlar for now.

Does that help?

Also some tips for you and your girlfriend: save often, and more than a few early cannons can't hurt.


Dec 16 2008, 9:28 pm StrikerX22 Post #6

I'm sure we'll try a few things, prolly, after her last final tomorrow. But there's something that's been bothering me since last time I posted... it's the name Lord Geihlar. It sounds like something from a women's dime novel. This time, I noticed the connection to "Gei Lord" =P. Or, perhaps, "Lord Geidar." And then you mentioned mounting. Sorry, my mind was already there at that point =P.

If you want that, then that's up to you. Just things I noticed lolz. Names are important. Also, have you ever heard of a protoss with the title "lord"?


Dec 17 2008, 11:17 pm LokiArexon Post #7

For the "Lord" title, I see it as a lesser ranking among the Judicator class. That a "Lord" as opposed to a "Judicator" is in charge of the Protoss at this point should be indicative of how troubled the times are for the Protoss, where they lack the traditional caste structure that makes up their society. You wouldn't have seen any Protoss Leaders with the title of "Lord" thus far because the Judicator caste was never as thin as it is at this point in the story.

I'm still debating how attached I am to Geihlar's name. In fact I think I will change it to "Lord Finn."

Thanks for your comments! And let me know how things work out!


Dec 22 2008, 6:06 am LokiArexon Post #8


Kane Mission 2: The Cave of Crystals.

In Mission 2, Jiinsh has detected the source of the emanations from the crystals on the surface of Boccob-II that consistently result in strange results on protoss psionics. As a result, Jiinsh and Kane decide to explore the cavern that is the source of the emanations. In addition to this, Jiinsh attempts to discover the source of Kane's melancholy.

Gameplay for Mission 2: Mixture of Bound and UMS Installation.

Download Here:


The cave is filled with strange spell effects. One attempts to draw Kane toward the lights and destroy him. Click fast to avoid defeat!

The cave is also filled with psionic bombs. Kane and Jiinsh will have a difficult time avoiding these nightmares, embodied in ultralisks:

-The edition is now the only one receiving further support.
-Mission Briefing adjusted slightly.
-Defeat triggers have been debugged.
-Added an option to make the Ultralisk level slightly easier.
-Note: Player 1 is always required now.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 5 2009, 11:40 pm by LokiArexon.


Dec 23 2008, 3:36 am LokiArexon Post #9

Kane: Impossible Choices
Mission 3: Verinas Survival


In Mission 3, you take a break from the Protoss as Atai shows Kane a vision of events on Argeth. He sees Verinas and Lee, two ghosts who have escaped the annihilation of the rest of the planet and are attempting to escape.

This Stealth Themed mission will challenge you to avoid enemy units, overlords, and spore colonies as you make your way through the decimated remains of Argeth.

Recoup your strength at a friendly terran base, before making your way to the final stretch.

-Added more powerups
-Fixed other minor glitches.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 5 2009, 11:44 pm by LokiArexon.


Dec 31 2008, 7:54 am StrikerX22 Post #10

Well, I've played all 3 missions so far with aphtershox. I gotta be frank... I didn't like em.

The first mission was a bit cruel, but at least we beat it the 2nd time through with a few cannons on the nexus and basically holding out until the comp (and effects) gave up. Yeah. It felt like we were getting punished for playing. Not fun. Briefing was too long too, and we finally skipped. Oh yeah, it didn't appear for player 2.

The second mission... was a bound. We did not play twice. There was an invincible building (power generators I believe) I couldn't get through, and aph died early but didn't cause us to lose.

The third mission... was annoying and like a bound. We did not play thrice.

All missions held something in common. They sound like they're out of a cheap novel, melodramatic and heavily fantasized... You left the realm of science fiction. Also, they weren't fun.

Sorry to be harsh, but really. I don't know what else to say, and I think you should know, so yeah.


Jan 3 2009, 3:03 am LokiArexon Post #11

Hey Striker, thanks for your response. I'm sorry you didn't like it, but I'm glad you gave it a shot. I understand your problem with the first mission was due to the difficulty early on--I think I'm going to pace out the trigger effects there a bit more.

I know about the Defeat bug in the second map. The bug there isn't the invincible buildings--that's supposed to blow up when both of you reach it. The bug is not getting defeat when one of the heroes dies. I'll have to mess with it some more to see what's causing it.

It'll help me a lot if you could let me know a bit more:

In the first mission, did you choose to ally with the terrans or not? It's a bit easier if you don't, since Finn sends reinforcements.

In disliking the second mission, do you dislike most bounds? I can't really deny that it is like a bound, since that's what I was going for. Which level killed the DT, the black hole or the ultralisks?

Not sure what to say about the third mission. I actually included it since that was one of the only maps people liked enough to message me and ask me to continue it. I can only guess it's just not for everyone.

Thank you again for your feedback!


Jan 5 2009, 10:00 am StrikerX22 Post #12

I'm not sure which killed the DT, but I know it was early, and that I didn't directly witness it. I believe it was the ultra section. Yeah I figured the invinc was due to the DT being dead, but I hadn't had that problem thus far, so it seemed odd.

I chose not to help the terrans after fairly swiftly dying the first time around. No real feelings from the "impossible" choice there.

I'm no fan of bounds, but I played bound tourney back in the day. Point is tho, I don't think it belongs in any way shape or form in a campaign. It's like some kiddie game.

3rd mission, granted, I probably didn't play it right, I was jaded, and it resembled a bound still in the minigame aspect enough to make me not want to keep playing after playing the previous two missions.


Jan 5 2009, 2:14 pm Grand_dracolich Post #13

A story-note. After the Brood War, Kerrigan killed all remaining Cerebrates (that she knew about, at least) and made the SC2 Queens, for that function. She wouldn't really have any Cerebrates working for her.


Jan 6 2009, 12:33 am LokiArexon Post #14

I've adjusted the first mission, both debugging it further, adjusting the mission briefing, and making the first rush much less nightmarish.

The second mission I've debugged the death trigger.

Third mission I've fixed a but and added some more powerups.

Fourth mission now exists and should be somewhat playable... still working on the mission briefing to explain what the hell is going on in it.


Sep 21 2021, 10:04 pm Bruce Post #15

All the 4shared links are dead, would it please be possible to re-upload the maps?
Many thanks


Sep 23 2021, 4:46 am Zincoshine Post #16

No need, it's available on the archive. LokiArexon is "Krazy"


Sep 24 2021, 9:54 pm Bruce Post #17

Thank you for this information!


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