Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Mapping Tools > Topic: Tool or mod for bypassing the 1700 unit limit for 1.16.1?
Tool or mod for bypassing the 1700 unit limit for 1.16.1?
Mar 13 2022, 7:18 pm
By: NiceNowIHaveAName  

Mar 13 2022, 7:18 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #1

Hi! I've been looking on the forum to find a tool or a mod for bypassing the 1700 unit limit for 1.16.1, but I can't find anything or maybe it's something that I'm missing. Could you point me to one if it exists?


Mar 13 2022, 9:54 pm Nekron Post #2

Here's one from... neiv, of course -
Doesn't work with most other plugins though

Mar 14 2022, 1:44 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #3

Thank you!

As I have said in this post, there's a trick to run ai_debug along teippi. What I have done to make them run without an issue is I started a new Firegraft project, then I added ai_debug as the first plugin, with teippi following next, and then I saved the project as .exe. Like this:

If you add teippi first and ai_debug second, it won't work. This reminds me of messing out with Doom 2 mods in the same manner.


Mar 14 2022, 1:45 pm Nekron Post #4

I think the debug release of teippi already includes the debug

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2022, 1:56 pm by Nekron.

Mar 14 2022, 1:52 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #5

I just checked, it doesn't. I pressed all keys :bleh:


Mar 14 2022, 1:56 pm Nekron Post #6

You mustve gotten the non-debug one then o_o should be possible to compile debug from github, neiv included some instructions

Mar 14 2022, 2:53 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #7

Yep, you're right, I've gotten the non-debug version. I've been trying to compile it for a couple of minute, but I keep getting errors for both methods, for Visual Studio and python. I'm gonna try on a different machine that uses the latest versions of everything, I hope it'll work.


Mar 14 2022, 6:08 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #8

I got to compile the .qdp file. You were right, this teippi version includes ai_debug. I have gotten one issue, though, right before the creation of the .qdp, I got these warnings in the console:

Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3 Warnings

I managed to fix all the previous errors that occurred before during building, but not this one.

I noticed when I use this .qdp with Firegraft and the run Starcraft, Starcraft keeps hanging from time to time for small maps like Andromeda, with only 200 units. But, if I'm running it with a map that has more than 1000 units, the game starts lagging.
If I'm running it with Chaoslauncher, with more than 1000 units, the game crashes.
This behaviour never happened with before with the previous versions of teippi and ai_debug.

Do you think those warnings introduced the hanging and lagging of the game?

I attached the file below.

teippi debug.qdp
Hits: 0 Size: 4195.5kb


Mar 14 2022, 11:12 pm Nekron Post #9

I found this build stashed away on my hard drive, you can take a look if it's any better; I think lag is expected with the dev release (depending on your machine), though I haven't really run into any with such low unit / sprite numbers as you're mentioning.

Hits: 3 Size: 3327kb

Mar 15 2022, 10:45 am NiceNowIHaveAName Post #10

Thanks! "teippi_dev.qdp" did the trick! It works as expected with both Firegraft and Chaoslauncher.

I tested "teippi debug.qdp" on a PC way way stronger than mine and it happened the same. If the missing "freetype26d.pdb" (I have no idea how to generate it) is not the culprit for the hang/lag, then it's either something wrong with my Visual Studio's settings (which might be, since I'm new to compiling programs) or something might be wrong with the teippi source, or, as you pointed out, the PC.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 15 2022, 10:53 am by NiceNowIHaveAName.


Mar 15 2022, 11:29 am NiceNowIHaveAName Post #11

I suppose if I were to compile the project on the other PC, the results might've been different.


Mar 19 2022, 12:21 pm NiceNowIHaveAName Post #12

I tried to map out all the commands of "teippi debug.qdp" (most of the commands apply to "ai_debug.qdp", as well) based on these 2 files:


I tested the commands out only with "teippi_dev.qdp", though.
There are some commands that I couldn't figure out. You'll find them along the other commands. If you have any idea about how they work, let me know, and I'll adjust the post.

Any of you know why I get "Failed to get ImageSize" below when I'm trying to link to an imgur image?


() - is used for mandatory values
[] - is used for optional values
<> - value type
Example: number, number decimal, number hexadecimal, string
"number" is the same as "number decimal"
"..." - type what's exactly between the quotes without the quotes

The debug info is controlled through console that can be opened with the "~" key.
Some of the commands descriptions was taken from here.
The commands are ordered the same as they are presented in the help prompt:
Failed to get ImageSize ( )

spawn (unit name <string> or hexadecimal_id <number hexadecimal>) (amount <number>) (player_id <number>)
Spawn a specific amount of units for a certain player
spawn probe 10 1 - spawns 10 probes for the player with the id of 1
spawn 3d 10 1 - spawns 10 dark templars for the player with the id of 1

It doesn't work for units that have a 2 word string, for example "dark templar". Instead, you have to use the hexadecimal_id for "dark templar", which is "3d". The hexadecimal_id is derived from the decimal_id of the unit, which for "dark templar" is 61. This 61 value can be found in DatEdit, SCMDraft 2, ChkDraft and some other tools

Every time you use a 2 word string, a suggestion gets printed showing both the name of the unit and its hexadecimal_id

color bg (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets console background color
color bg 255
color bg d1

color text (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets help font color
color text 255
color text d1

color own (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets command font color
color own bb

color border (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets console border color
color border 255

color typo (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets typo font color
color typo 255

color fail (value <number decimal or hexadecimal>)
Sets fail font color
color fail 70

Crashes the game

Exits the game

Same as quit

Clears the console display

tcr (trigger check rate <number>)
I'm not sure what this does, but I think the value it takes is expressed as milliseconds
tcr 100

Same as tcr

I think it exits the game in a different manner than quit

Same as quit

Same as quit

echo (value <string>)
Prints a given string to console
echo am I doing it right?

Show Starcraft's process id

Prints help to console

aiscript count
Prints all the AI scripts on the map, I think

aiscript info (player_id <number>) - the player must be a CPU player
Prints information related to AI scripts
aiscript info 1 - displays information for each AI script player 1 has

gsw (value <number>)
Sets the game to wait *about* (value <number>) milliseconds between frames. Slowest working value is around 150, holding down the + key will go even faster than "gsw 0"
gsw 42 - runs game at the fastest speed

sleep (value <number>)
Freezes the game for an amount of milliseconds
sleep 5000 - freezes the game for 5 seconds

Same as help

Select at least a unit/building (own/enemy/neutral) and type heal to restore its full health

Select at least a unit/building (own/enemy/neutral) and type kill to kill/destroy it

Select a unit/building, not yours, and type "give" (unit's color won't change when it will become yours) for it to become yours

Reveals AI's visibility (perhaps all players' visibility, since I haven't tested it with other human players) under the Fog of War

Select a unit and then type "u" to see options

u ai
Select a CPU's unit and type "u ai"

u flags ["v"]
Select a unit and type the command/s to shows related flags about a unit
u flags
u flags v

u id
Select a unit and type the command to show a unit's id and its lookup_id
Example of results that might get displayed:
Unit id: 9a, lookup id: 0000003e

u ("f"/"find") (lookup_id <number hexadecimal>)
Use the lookup_id value provided by "u id" to find the unit behind the value on the map. Once the command is triggered, it jumps on the map to the unit's location.
The example for for "u id" above has "0000003e" as the lookup_id, hence we can use:
u find 3e
u f 3e

Same as u

Sets your supply to half of a given value
supplymax 600 - sets your supply to 300

Prints to console the game number
It shows different things for, I think, when you're playing alone or when you're in a network game

airegion (player_id <number>) (region code <number hexadecimal>)
Displays the state and the flags that an air region has for a player (I think it has to be CPU player)
Before using airegion, type "show regions" in the console.
airegion 2 c5 - c5 is not the number in the parentheses. See picture:

Failed to get ImageSize ( )

Same as airegion

Select a player's unit/building and type "player" to print the ID of the respective player

Prints your minerals and gas

money (player_id <number>)
Prints a player's minerals and gas

money set (player_id <number>) (minerals <number>) (gas <number>)
Gives a player resources
money set 0 500 1000 - gives 500 minerals and 1000 gas to player 0

Same as money

Select a player's unit and type supply to see that player's supply

supply (player_id <number>)
Type "supply" along with a player's id
supply 0

Prints the frame count

Pauses / unpauses the game

show nothing
Hides any info on the screen related to "show"

show fps
Shows frames per second in the top right side of the screen

show frame
Shows frame count in the top right side of the screen

show regions
Shows the pathfinding regions. Useful with "show ai player (player_id <number>)", which shows extra info for each region

show locations
Draws location borders on the screen

show paths
Draws the paths of the units on the screen

show collision
Draws the collision boxes of the units as a rectangle

show coords
Shows different kinds of coordinates (game, mouse, screen) in the top right side of the screen

show range
Draws an *approximation* of a unit's range as a circle. BW's distance algorithm causes the range to be more of a 12-gon than a circle, so the shown circle is not perfect representation

Failed to get ImageSize ( )


show info
Show different kind of info (units, bullets, sprites, images) in the top right side of the screen

show bullets
Shows bullets on impact as rectangles on the screen. Attack a unit to see it in action

show resareas
Shows the base resource areas, which are locations the AI will be able to expand to

show ai
(Abbreviation sai)
Toggles the main debug output on/off. Shows the request queue of AI players in the top left corner, the AI will always only look at the first request on the queue until it can start working on it, or discard it completely

show ai full
Show all AI info

show ai simple
Turns off "show ai full"

show ai named
Shows named AI

show ai raw
Turns off "show ai named"

show ai units
Abbreviation saiu)
Draws lines from each AI unit to their related location. For workers and buildings the line shows their town, for military it shows the current region they are allocated to, and guards show their home point

show ai guards
(Abbreviation saig)
Shows guard positions, for both alive guards and ones that the AI tries to build

show ai player (player_id <number>)
Abbreviation saip (player id <number>))
Limits debug info to specific player and shows region info of a player. The player_id is 0-based, you can also use "player" command to show what player owns the currently selected unit

show ai player all
Reverts "show ai player (player_id <number>)"

show orders all
Shows the orders of all the units on the map

show orders selected
Shows the orders of the currently selected unit

dc = death counter
Prints this:
dc["?"|";"] <unit name or hex id> [player id, player id, ...]

dc? (unit_name <string> or hex_id <number hex>) (player_id <number>)
Prints the death counter of a unit for a specific player

dc; (unit_name <string> or hex_id <number hex>) (player_id <number>)
No idea what it does

Death counter clear (doesn't seem to work)

It seems to be more to the dc command, but I don't know how it all works

Creates a grid on the screen providing a width, height and a color
grid ("+"|"-") w <number> [h <number>] [color <number decimal or hexadecimal>]
grid + 10 10 0 - draws a grid using 10 by 10 squares of beige color
grid - 10 10 - removes the previously created grid

test -1
Print how to use test. You must be in an on-going game for this to work

test all (value <number>) (repeat <number>)
test (begin_id <number>) (end_id <number>) (repeat <number>)
Not sure how these work

test ai_tgtprio
No idea what this does

ais_exec (player_id <number>) (bytes <number not sure if hex or binary>)
Not sure what this does

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 19 2022, 12:33 pm by NiceNowIHaveAName.


Mar 20 2022, 2:46 pm Nekron Post #13

Nice, it's good to have it all in one place for future reference. Thanks!

Mar 21 2022, 10:26 am NiceNowIHaveAName Post #14

You're welcome! :P


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