Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis
Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis
Jun 30 2009, 9:56 pm
By: payne
Pages: 1 2 34 >

Jun 30 2009, 9:56 pm payne Post #1


Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis
A scandinavian's mythology based RPG
by bg-payne

---Terrain [98%]
---Triggers [2%]
---Storyline [87%]

PLAYERS: 2 or 3 (not decided yet)
SIZE: 256x256

06/30/09: Thread and Terrain started.
07/08/09: Finished intro part 1's terrain. Added screenshots.
07/20/09: Finished the whole intro terrain plus some more things. New partner: MetalGear. Updated systems. Added 'credits' section.
07/21/09: First puzzle done.
07/22/09: Jump system done. Re-done puzzle because it was buggy. Moar credits.
07/25/09: Some sounds found for the map. Big progress on terrain.
08/06/09: More progress on the terrain (Forest done, which is around 1/6 of the map). I'd like to thanks all the members of SEN community which helped me out :D Also, I've done the first's boss area and it seems like MetalGear, my partner, is dead, so I'll do my own triggers.
08/22/09: Updated stats. Forest terrain finally done. Messing with some vision ideas. Added a poor test-map.
09/02/09: Lost a partner. Got a new secret "semi-partner". Nearly half done over terrain. Rough lines of the plot are near completion. New blends developed. Some stores done. Updated "Credits" section.
09/10/09: Most inns are done. 50% of the terrain is completed. Second puzzle in brainstorm session. First city roughly made.
09/12/09: Terrain done at 62%. Second puzzle + 2 cities completed.
09/15/09: Terrain done at 80%. Starting triggering very soon ;)
01/17/10: Moar terraining done. Searching for puzzle ideas. Updated DLDB's file.
01/19/10: More updates. Terrain at 85%. Fixed a lot of little blocky tiles a bit everywhere.
01/20/10: Removed lotsa unused High Dirt to try to fix some Nooks and Crannies problems. Added doodads in missing places. Also remade the Hermit's house. Added a new village. Very phew terraining left! :)
04/01/10: Did a bit of sprites managing to reduce its amount. Terrain done at 98%. Starting triggering.

[Features] (subject to change)
» Drop System
--- Similar to SpellSword's drop system

» Waypoint Casting system (WCs)
--- 3 spells per player
--- Each spell will be associated to a WC hotkey and a supplementary unit

» Equipment System
--- Similar to SpellSword's equipment system though it will be more "armor" related

» AI System
--- The 3rd player, which is a computer (NPC), will have its own AI which will permit him to have his own spells
--- Bosses will also have their own AI and spells

» Battle System
--- vHP for heroes
--- None for bosses
--- High control over the battle issues based off the armor
--- Spells casted (via WCs) will deal damages based off the Direct Damage system
--- Physical damages will be upgraded via normal upgrades (each consecutive weapon will need to better)

» Talk System
--- Not very well planned yet

» XP System
--- Normal one based off some custom unit scores

» Corpse (Death) System
--- Players' will need to bring a corpse to the nearest village so it can be revived. When it hold the corpse, it cannot attack and is slowed down a bit.

» Randomization (Spawn/Drop)
--- Not very well planned yet

» Mercenaries Implemented
--- Not very well planned yet

» Many Items (Normal/Magic/Unique)
--- Similar to SpellSword's item system

Storyline (long, yet still not so descriptive (ToG=Tree of Genesis)


---Lethal_Illusion [Storyline/Test/Triggers]
---WoodenFire [Terrain]
---r00k [Terrain]
---qPirateKing [Terrain/Storyline/Test/Triggers]
---Ocean_of_Fire [Bosses]
---MetalGear [Triggers]
---Fwop_ [Rain+Thunder loops]
---Stickynote [Terrain]
---samsizzle [Terrain]

* When writing Terrain, I mostly mean that I've taken some of their blends and modified them to my use

For myself

Terrain map:

Post has been edited 26 time(s), last time on Nov 21 2011, 5:20 am by payne.


Jun 30 2009, 10:37 pm killer_sss Post #2

honestly thats it? I mean all you have is story? What do you plan to use in your game? As in what cool stuff can we do? spells? systems? components? honestly i think this needs a little more work. One screenie shouldn't be enough for this to be posted especially since it contains nothing about the game except a line of text and a tree.

By the way your story is littered with mispelled words and poor grammar. Could we use spell check next time? To me it feels like you just emptied your head all in one post, quickly went into the editor made a simple piece of land and a text trigger and said "boom i started this map everyone take a look."


Jun 30 2009, 11:15 pm Kaias Post #3

That's probably what happened, and if you haven't realized already he isn't a native english speaker. I imagine it will have a lot of dynamics his scrapped Diablo 2 project had, though really payne you should elaborate.


Jun 30 2009, 11:54 pm Commanda_Panda Post #4

so this is what you were working on when you were too busy for me =)
seem interesting by the story, obviously you should go into more detail on spells/ideas/etc, as said in previous posts, and I'll be checking back to see that :)


Jul 1 2009, 1:09 am payne Post #5


In fact, I just wanted to be sure I'd have something with a minimum of depth to work with so I did the storyline. Next step is terrain; I want to be sure that I can make it fit the storyline and then, once that's done, I'll start working on the systems so yes, so far, nothing much planned for the interesting part for map makers, sorry ^^
As Kaias have said, I should use many things I had planned for my D2 map ^^
Sorry for posting something without many informations.

By the way, the tree in the screenshot isn't the ToG :P It's that I had found that the actual blend of this corner could act as a trunk.
The Tree of Genesis should look much more like something like this:

EDIT: Btw, spell check found no error in my text except "lol" and "ToG"...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 1 2009, 1:17 am by payne.


Jul 1 2009, 1:31 am ForTheSwarm Post #6

[quotepayne]A messenger of the King (name = ?) comes to query(1) each player at their living place saying the king is convoking(2) all his fellows(3) for an important speech.
Once arrived at the castle (separately: they don't know each other yet), the King's(4) has already started to speak: the sages are predicting an obscure(5) reign of terror all around the world because the Tree of Genesis is actually(6) unhealthy and its(7) getting worst and worst(8)![/quote]

1. Strange word choice since it means "to ask". If the king wanted everyone there, he would have commanded them, not asked.
2. Not a commonly used word, although it fits.
3. Since it is the king, the better term would be "subjects", since "fellows" makes it sound like the players and king are on the same level, when the king is likely higher.
4. Just "King" will do here. The 's should be removed, as it makes no sense.
5. Obscure = unclear. Not the most scary term. Try using a stronger word, such as horrible, horrifying, or devastating.
6. Remove "actually", it is unnecessary and somewhat confusing.
7. It's "it's", not "its". its = something that it owns, it's = it is
8. Should be "worse and worse", not "worst and worst".

I could find more, but I won't unless you ask me to.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 1 2009, 1:53 am by ForTheSwarm.


Jul 1 2009, 1:46 am payne Post #7


Wow... okay, I suck in english xD
Lets just not correct this rough draw but if ever I go in dialogues and all, I may contact you for corrections, are you okay with that? ^^


Jul 1 2009, 1:52 am ForTheSwarm Post #8

Sure, no problem. :)


Jul 1 2009, 3:08 am Tempz Post #9

Seems interesting, only problem is that tree is in the Diablo map.
Anyways I could make a tree sample if you like...
If not ill keep it for my own map.


Jul 1 2009, 3:13 am payne Post #10


Rofl, any help is welcome ^^
And I won't use that very tree, I'll use a new one, this one seems to have a hole in it :S


Jul 1 2009, 3:43 am killer_sss Post #11

Quote from ForTheSwarm
[quotepayne]A messenger of the King (name = ?) comes to query(1) each player at their living place saying the king is convoking(2) all his fellows(3) for an important speech.
Once arrived at the castle (separately: they don't know each other yet), the King's(4) has already started to speak: the sages are predicting an obscure(5) reign of terror all around the world because the Tree of Genesis is actually(6) unhealthy and its(7) getting worst and worst(8)!

1. Strange word choice since it means "to ask". If the king wanted everyone there, he would have commanded them, not asked.
2. Not a commonly used word, although it fits.
3. Since it is the king, the better term would be "subjects", since "fellows" makes it sound like the players and king are on the same level, when the king is likely higher.
4. Just "King" will do here. The 's should be removed, as it makes no sense.
5. Obscure = unclear. Not the most scary term. Try using a stronger word, such as horrible, horrifying, or devastating.
6. Remove "actually", it is unnecessary and somewhat confusing.
7. It's "it's", not "its". its = something that it owns, it's = it is
8. Should be "worse and worse", not "worst and worst".

I could find more, but I won't unless you ask me to.[/quote]

this wasn't at all to what i was refering. I didn't understand why he could use complex words but couldn't use basic ones. Tail was used to say he told someone a story. The correct word should be tale. He also used worst and worst for worse and worse. Those are just a couple of examples.

Wasn't trying to affend you. Keep working on your english you are doing well. try grammar checks if your program has them. they may help fix some of your problems. Spell checkers won't catch many of the errors you have. English language is a pain because there are so many rules. "i before e except after c" is the rule that tells it all lol. This is always try except in this case lol. stupid english.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 1 2009, 3:49 am by killer_sss.


Jul 1 2009, 4:02 am Commanda_Panda Post #12

Quote from killer_sss
Quote from ForTheSwarm
[quotepayne]A messenger of the King (name = ?) comes to query(1) each player at their living place saying the king is convoking(2) all his fellows(3) for an important speech.
Once arrived at the castle (separately: they don't know each other yet), the King's(4) has already started to speak: the sages are predicting an obscure(5) reign of terror all around the world because the Tree of Genesis is actually(6) unhealthy and its(7) getting worst and worst(8)!

1. Strange word choice since it means "to ask". If the king wanted everyone there, he would have commanded them, not asked.
2. Not a commonly used word, although it fits.
3. Since it is the king, the better term would be "subjects", since "fellows" makes it sound like the players and king are on the same level, when the king is likely higher.
4. Just "King" will do here. The 's should be removed, as it makes no sense.
5. Obscure = unclear. Not the most scary term. Try using a stronger word, such as horrible, horrifying, or devastating.
6. Remove "actually", it is unnecessary and somewhat confusing.
7. It's "it's", not "its". its = something that it owns, it's = it is
8. Should be "worse and worse", not "worst and worst".

I could find more, but I won't unless you ask me to.

this wasn't at all to what i was refering. I didn't understand why he could use complex words but couldn't use basic ones. Tail was used to say he told someone a story. The correct word should be tale. He also used worst and worst for worse and worse. Those are just a couple of examples.

Wasn't trying to affend you. Keep working on your english you are doing well. try grammar checks if your program has them. they may help fix some of your problems. Spell checkers won't catch many of the errors you have. English language is a pain because there are so many rules. "i before e except after c" is the rule that tells it all lol. This is always try except in this case lol. stupid english.[/quote]
It's ironic how you chose to spell "offend" lol


Jul 1 2009, 4:45 am killer_sss Post #13

was trying to make him feel more welcome :bleh: this is exactly why i don't like our complex language.


Jul 1 2009, 6:18 am Tempz Post #14

I've got a rough of the final copy although it took my a while to make this, it's still subjected to change.
Well Each Tree Took About 45 Mins deducting the time i spent watching tv (Total 2 - 3 hourish)
I'm still working on some custom blends for my own pet project(s)
So Far I've Got
(Warning Huge Pictures) Click On Pics To See Epic Image(s) ;)

Best Project So Far (Working on Larger Trunk) (8X9) (Still A Bit Chunky XD)"I Like My Soup Chunky", Chunky Sirlon Soup Fills You Up Right"
Collapse Box

Treeless (No Leafs) - Closed & Open Respectively (12 X 18) Pre 1 Tree
Collapse Box

Regular Tree (Leafs) - Closed & Open Respectively (12 X 18) Pre 1 Tree
Collapse Box

This Took Apx 1H 30 Mins ;(

Edit : Using the base idea from the other tree's i've managed to create another tree I'm still working on...
(Very Rough Stages) Even so ill give my older versions if you like so you work with it and see what comes out.
Sorry I Can't give it out though (If it takes me more then a few hours ill keep for myself) but ill give you another variation of it if you like.
Just because it takes so much work to terrain something this big.

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 1 2009, 7:18 am by Tempz.


Jul 1 2009, 6:38 am lil-Inferno Post #15

Just here for the pie

Just out of curiosity, is the tree supposed to be like the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time?

Jul 1 2009, 6:52 am Tempz Post #16

XD, as of now i never heard to Deku til I google'd it.
Anyways no because the top leafy part is too large on deku.
As well as the fact Deku has a face.

I was trying to go more of a "Baku Tree"
Baku Is more or less Deku's Rival - More ominous but there generally the same


Jul 1 2009, 7:08 am Vrael Post #17

Very long and interesting storyline. I look forward to this map's completion, and if I can be of some assistance along the way I'd be happy to help.


Jul 1 2009, 11:34 am payne Post #18


Anyone that wants to help me out might want to take a look here. ;)
And thank you for all your support :D I'm working hard to learn english well since it's so useful ^^ By the way, I can tell you French is even worse in terms of (so it's worse, not worst heh?) exceptions and rules :S ;P


Jul 1 2009, 1:47 pm xYoshix Post #19

Quote from Tempz
I've got a rough of the final copy although it took my a while to make this, it's still subjected to change.
Well Each Tree Took About 45 Mins deducting the time i spent watching tv (Total 2 - 3 hourish)
I'm still working on some custom blends for my own pet project(s)
So Far I've Got
(Warning Huge Pictures) Click On Pics To See Epic Image(s) ;)

Best Project So Far (Working on Larger Trunk) (8X9) (Still A Bit Chunky XD)"I Like My Soup Chunky", Chunky Sirlon Soup Fills You Up Right"
Collapse Box

Treeless (No Leafs) - Closed & Open Respectively (12 X 18) Pre 1 Tree
Collapse Box

Regular Tree (Leafs) - Closed & Open Respectively (12 X 18) Pre 1 Tree
Collapse Box

This Took Apx 1H 30 Mins ;(

Edit : Using the base idea from the other tree's i've managed to create another tree I'm still working on...
(Very Rough Stages) Even so ill give my older versions if you like so you work with it and see what comes out.
Sorry I Can't give it out though (If it takes me more then a few hours ill keep for myself) but ill give you another variation of it if you like.
Just because it takes so much work to terrain something this big.
Those are supposed to be.....Trees? :dontgetit:


Jul 1 2009, 10:01 pm Tempz Post #20

The bottom 2 aren't really tress... there just samples so i can get to the final project...
Top one is a huge improvment.
Quote from xYoshix
Those are supposed to be.....Trees? :dontgetit:
I'm still working on another version if you READ THE POST!11!!!1!!!!!111! ;)


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