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Final call for scmdraft
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Feb 27 2009, 10:47 pm
By: Suicidal Insanity
Pages: 1 2 317 >

Feb 27 2009, 10:47 pm Suicidal Insanity Post #1

I see you !

I am finishing my physics masters in two weeks, and probably will have some time to work on scmdraft before job starts, so this is the final call for requests / additions, and to report bugs (with steps to reproduce etc!).

I cant promise anything tho.


Snap to grid now works for multiple units.
Names of units may now be NULL (STF)
Opening read only maps works, obviously save doesn't because they are read only.
Doodads now are assigned to the active player, and the assigned player may be changed.
Clutter now is identical to staredit model (assuming I guessed correctly)
Classic trigedit AND text trigedit now has direct EUD condition available
Syntax: Memory(300000, At most, 1000);// (Offset is relativ to start of player unit death table)

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Apr 14 2009, 10:14 pm by Suicidal Insanity.

Feb 27 2009, 10:55 pm Heinermann Post #2

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

+ Any value for owner and race, just like colour. Warn on non-standard race when player is human. Add Random to the default race selections.
+ X/Y fields for unit positioning.
+ Full range of SIGNED values for classic trigedit actions. Unsigned for conditions.
+ Proper ranges of values for unit/tech/upgr properties.
+ Handle sprites like units(selection circle etc).
+ Fix multiple sprite and unit-sprite issues.
+ Fix sprite property flags. All flags except "Draw as Sprite" and "Disabled" are unused.
+ Add extended player options.
+ Unsort all dropdown lists. (Player, Switch, script, action, condition, everything)

+ Add raw access to all CHK sections in plugins.

Feb 27 2009, 10:58 pm Toothfariy Post #3

theres one thing that would help a LOT as far as triggers is concered

if there was a way to tag triggers without using strings, since theres often maps with way more triggers than strings allowed in the game. and then there could be some type of tree that they can be easily viewed and arranged

also regarding strings, in the string editor, the color codes are all correct. they are different in breifing and in game.

the terrian pallate is kinda bothersome. one, its too small when trying to do custom terrian jobs, i cant see any of the tiles up close. also, this is the same bug i have w/ starforge, when trying to set down ISOM water, all it does is put down lines of creeps and water in rectangles. so it makes terraining hard to work around

units sprites are also hard to view because they appear as a different unit, and i have to place them using starforge

otherwise, i'd say its a solid program :)


Feb 27 2009, 11:10 pm Lord Malvanis Post #4

I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT if you could make a option that allows you to use the same exact box as the regular staredit does, with the drop-down select for each thing. That would make my editing so much more easier than jumping through an endless list on the side of the screen


Feb 27 2009, 11:17 pm Lt.Church Post #5

text trigger autocompletion PLEASE!! its the only thing keeping me using starforge is that i can just type like "b(c,a,1,fi);" for "Bring(currentplayer,atleast,1,firebat);" it saves me ALOT of time and frustration as i dont like clicking a bunch of buttons to set up a single action :ermm: you give me this and i'll praise you :D.

Also maybe some work on the text trigger tree; as you can tell im coo coo for text triggers :lol: if possible make it able to write/view one trigger at a time and saving without having to press that compile button, it took me awhile to even find it at first i kept going like "WHAT? WHY WONT YOU SAVE?" after i kept typing a trigger clicking save and closing the popup.


Feb 27 2009, 11:18 pm Moose Post #6

We live in a society.

Text briefings that actually play back when you save them. :P

Feb 27 2009, 11:19 pm Suicidal Insanity Post #7

I see you !

haha DW and I discussed adding that for a long time but never got around to actually doing it ;)

Feb 27 2009, 11:24 pm Vrael Post #8
This of course, which you posted in so I know you've seen. I guess, could you make the plugin work then? It would be great to be able to utilize this feature.
But uhh, where is the plugin menu located? My SCMDraft doesn't have one I think. I don't see it at least:
"File Edit Options Display Options Scenario Advanced Triggers Windows Help Debug" No plugins O.o

And if it was incompatible with starforge/staredit, couldn't you save the comments in a separate .txt file or something, so that they're not actually part of the map and don't conflict with starforge/edit?


Feb 27 2009, 11:33 pm Excalibur Post #9

The sword and the faith

Re-size-able string editor window.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
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Feb 28 2009, 12:26 am NudeRaider Post #10

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Add features:
- Find and replace in the text Trigger Editor

- Find and replace for the String Editor

- A way to move strings around (so you can move important string to the top for quick access)

- When browsing the wav list, play the sounds on keypress (e.g. Space). It's annoying to always have to klick on the sound and then on [Play Selected] to check if it's the one you're looking for

- Option if custom unit names (new style) or default names (old style) are used in the Unit Settings list

- When editing properties of a group of units you can select which of those you want to be affected. Make this selection carry over to the selection (red circles) in the editor (Unit Layer). Sometimes I have 2 stacked units and want to delete one but have to delete both and recreate the other. Selection through the list would help there.

- Manual coordinate entering for units (like you did it with locations)

Streamline interface:
- Remove Select Profile screen / Only view when starting the first time

- Make the sounds quieter (e.g. kill unit). I do like them but I have them disabled because they are MUCH louder than all other sounds in my computer.

- Make default color for strings cyan (like in sc) instead of bright green in the String Editor.

Fix bugs:
- For some reason EVERY map from someone else is marked as being protected (and thus won't open). I have to open it in Starforge, save it, then it's accepted by ScmDraft too.

- Display correct color codes in the Classic Briefing Editor

- More accurate minimap/unit colors for extended colors. (If possible) Maybe contact Farty about how he did it in PColor.

Feb 28 2009, 12:36 am Kaias Post #11

Make it so if you edit a string in the string editor so that it is identical to another string it just removes it and references to the identical one, or at least a way to meld the references of one string into another. Also, make the text without any color tags in the string editor not green, but the actual default color.


Feb 28 2009, 1:00 am Suicidal Insanity Post #12

I see you !

send me one of those maps. (nuderaider)

- When editing properties of a group of units you can select which of those you want to be affected. Make this selection carry over to the selection (red circles) in the editor (Unit Layer). Sometimes I have 2 stacked units and want to delete one but have to delete both and recreate the other. Selection through the list would help there. <- shift delete or ctrl delete kills the select(ed) units in the unit properties window.

Feb 28 2009, 2:29 am poison_us Post #13

Back* from the grave

In the strings box, have the display show overlapping/invisible text properly:
as in "<r>asdfasdfdsaf <c>asdfasdfasdf" overlapping, and text after the invisible tag...invisible.

EDIT: What I meant by the overlapping is having a preview for it, so we would know what it's like if we tried that in Starcraft.

Feb 28 2009, 2:53 am FoxWolf1 Post #14

-Vastly expanded mirroring capabilities: mirror rectangular terrain/individual tiles, units, sprites, and locations.
-Ability to copy-paste locations and groups of locations.
-"Fit inverted to unit" option for automated creation of inverted locations.
-Auto-blend: scans the pixels at the selected edge of a selected tile, then searches the tileset to show all tiles that blend with it (to a certain % accuracy).
-Find/Change feature for terrain tiles, units, etc.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 2 2009, 11:31 pm by FoxWolf1.


Feb 28 2009, 3:00 am Demented Shaman Post #15

I've suggested this to you before, support for unit id's in text trigedit.


Feb 28 2009, 3:02 am NudeRaider Post #16

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

send me one of those maps. (nuderaider)
I don't think that's necessary. I think I finally found out why and when this strange bug is happening.
I noticed that when I click on a maplink and click "open in ScmDraft" the protection detection is triggered, but when I choose "save on desktop" and then open in ScmDraft it works with no problem (no matter the map).
After researching this behavior I found out that Firefox 3 (or Windows XP, or whatever program is responsible for it) saves the "open with" version as read-only flagged.

And maps that are read-only are recognized as protected by ScmDraft. I can use the explorer and remove the checkmark then the map opens just fine. This is just weird. Please just give a correct message and maybe even allow them to be edited. Chances are I don't want to write the file, just look at the map or would create a copy.

- When editing properties of a group of units you can select which of those you want to be affected. Make this selection carry over to the selection (red circles) in the editor (Unit Layer). Sometimes I have 2 stacked units and want to delete one but have to delete both and recreate the other. Selection through the list would help there. <- shift delete or ctrl delete kills the select(ed) units in the unit properties window.
Thanks that'll help.

As a related sidenote is there a complete hotkey list or something similar somewhere? I just keep on finding out more and more of those secret functions -.-.

Quote from name:Barack Obama
I've suggested this to you before, support for unit id's in text trigedit.
Indeed. It will lift mapmaking one step ahead when you're able to mass create EUD triggers.

Feb 28 2009, 3:03 am Morphling Post #17

Quote from name:Barack Obama
I've suggested this to you before, support for unit id's in text trigedit.
Yes! I hate when I type in ID:#### in the classic trigger editor and then want to go to the text editor and can't or I will have to redo the eud triggers again.Another thing I want, that people have mentioned, was being able to move a selected unit to x/y coordinate.


Feb 28 2009, 3:47 am Pigy_G Post #18

Make Scmdraft able to use Disable Sprites, like starforge. Make some way to comment without using up strings.


Feb 28 2009, 3:54 am Brontobyte Post #19

Quote from name:Andrew Jackson
Re-size-able string editor window.
You should make all windows re-size-able.

How about an EUD calculator built in, instead of the one FaRTy made? The only feature would be its convenience in the terms of you wouldn't have to download two programs.

What about a plug in that allows the user to input .bpm/.jpg/.gif/.png pictures into it and it will spit out the proper tiles for it. Also, one that doesn't just make a 188x128 map size. The map should be the same size as the picture, unless the picture is bigger then 256x256.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 28 2009, 5:54 am by NudeRaider. Reason: Cleaning up


Feb 28 2009, 4:35 am Falkoner Post #20

Clutter % when placing terrain
Multi-Selection of triggers with Shift-Click in Classic Trigedit, for easy copying
Multi-Selection of locations for movement
Arrays, like StarForge has, so you can place perfect arrays of units quickly.
In String Editor, have the colors change based on whether it's a string for a unit name and whatnot.
All that stuffz Heinermann said
Oh, and I keep hearing about the ability to link to substrings, so maybe that could be implemented into String recycling, see if it's a substring already.

Copy and paste units sometimes doesn't snap to grid properly
Fix the tree in TrigEdit
Organize/name Sprites like in SF
Make the window for Brushes not auto-lose focus when your mouse comes off of it
Make the Use Custom Unit Names thing actually work in TrigEdit.
If it's possible to fix the issues with the backup DB, where it has crashes if it gets too big, that'd be nice.
Organize AIs into proper spots, in the AI at Location and just AI

And SI, I just want to thank you, honestly, you revolutionized mapping, it wouldn't be where it is now without SCM Draft. Thank you.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 28 2009, 4:40 am by Falkoner.


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[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:59 am]
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[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
zsnakezz -- somebody gets it
[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
zsnakezz -- and its not all just numbers in my file screen
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- thank you for your comment though, good to know some people out there tried my map out
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- just kidding
[2024-6-02. : 4:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
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