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Starcraft Fan campaign Listing V3
Jun 20 2021, 10:11 am
By: Zincoshine
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Aug 25 2021, 8:39 pm Zincoshine Post #41

Quote from Nekron
Oops, my bad - I've been using "debacle" as a synonym for "debut" for years now, and apparently no one corrected me/made me check what "debacle" actually means before :) I meant it as their first adventure in SC2, not as a catastrophe.
Debacles often happen with debuts these days. You probably got this mixup from the diablo debut debacle at blizzcon. Probably it was reinforced by the cyberpunk 2077 debut debacle.


Sep 12 2021, 11:05 am Finally91 Post #42

Will Precursor Campaign by Blizzard being added to the list?


Sep 13 2021, 4:00 pm Zincoshine Post #43

might as well review that when I'm done with everything else

As for the spreadsheet:
- the legacy tab is no longer being updated and it will soon be removed and replaced with a hall of fame tab instead
- The order by score list is outdated but it will be updated eventually, probably once everything is reviewed.
- QA and testing of Vision of the future is steadily ongoing. Due to its size, it's going to take a while.
- Vanguard of Aiur has been added
- Nekron's fixes for Antioch chronicles have been added (actually it turns out they were already in the archive but I didn't know.)
- The score for starcraft insurrection has been bumped in light of recent changes.


Sep 18 2021, 6:59 am Bruce Post #44

Quote from Andrea Rosa
Quote from Bruce
Thank you Andrea for this detailed feedback, I noticed two files previously uploaded by Christopher have a different MD5 than the original .zip file that you uploaded. --> (1)Island Fling.scm and (1)Zerg Collective.scm
Can you please check the two attached files and compare with your original .zip file to confirm which of these two maps are in their final version?

There's no need to check them, the official version is the one I reported above, which Chris has now uploaded. The previously hosted version, which was retrieved from Pr0nogo's archive, was tampered with by someone who renamed the files in such a way that the campaign could no longer be played, probably making other unknown (and negligible) changes in the process.

May I ask you from when is dated the official version and where did you find it? Because I looked at the thread of this campaign here:
1.New Developments:
(Identical files as from your release)
2.Nexus Severed --> I didn't find the original archive.
3.Reparations --> I noticed your version of the map (1)Island Fling is more recent from this download link.
4. Triangle of War:
Here it is the contrary, the maps uploaded there were fixed approx two weeks (dated from August 14th) after the initial release (dated from August 1st in the link you shared previously with us), and looks to be the final version.


Sep 18 2021, 7:07 pm Zincoshine Post #45

OK Big update just before I go on vacation:

- 9 newly found campaigns have been added to the missing files section, you'll find them all at the bottom of the list with links in the event there were a few files found
- 3 newly found campaigns made in 1998 have been added to the archive. However, all three have been refused a rating as they are clearly abysmal.
- 6 newly found campaigns have been added to the spreadsheet under pending review. Unfortunately all but one of them were released in 1998 so my expectations are really low. The only broodwar campaign added is easily the worst of the six and it just barely made it onto the pending review list.
- 1 newly found spanish campaign has been added to the foreign language section, its a rather new one that was ignored and it's currently the newest foreign language campaign in the archive.
- the last map for brothers of liberty has been updated after finding the latest version.
- Terran prologue campaign corrected to terran prologue
- More info on Episode X has been added, sadly there are a lot more maps missing than was originally believed and we are nowhere close to finding them.
- Files for Legacy of the Confederation Episode 1 have been added to the archive. Since the mod files are nothing more than edits to the sounds, making the mod work for v1.16.1 was a very simple matter.

It will be a long time before I get around to reviewing the pending campaigns as the remainder of the VOTF series along with huncraft, inconsummate, and LotC are expected to take a very long time to play through. You can expect these new additions (including vanguard and precursor) to be reviewed and archived sometime next year. I expect to finish VOTF before Halloween and I hope to finish LotC before Christmas.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Sep 18 2021, 8:36 pm by Zincoshine.


Sep 18 2021, 9:44 pm Andrea Rosa Post #46

Just a glitch in the Matrix

Quote from Bruce
May I ask you from when is dated the official version and where did you find it?

Do you mean the exact release date? I'm sorry, I'm not able to go in such level of detail, even though I clearly remember that the first time I downloaded it, many years ago, it was from the old link you reported (

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Sep 19 2021, 3:40 pm Bruce Post #47

Quote from Andrea Rosa
Quote from Bruce
May I ask you from when is dated the official version and where did you find it?

Do you mean the exact release date? I'm sorry, I'm not able to go in such level of detail, even though I clearly remember that the first time I downloaded it, many years ago, it was from the old link you reported (

Indeed, this is what I meant, it is interesting that you downloaded your file from the same website as I did. It appears the file that can be downloaded here is a more recent update of "Triangle of War" from Varanus.


Sep 26 2021, 5:36 pm Zincoshine Post #48

I had a look at the link. Apparently, this is the first-ever usage of an insane AI. I've updated the files in the archive. I've also updated the score as the campaign was overrated in my list.

Aside from that, I'm back from vacation and as a result the playthrough of Visions of the future 4 has begun.

Edit: I have successfully cracked one of the corrupted zip files. The files for ATK are now available and the campaign name has been corrected to L'Union des Forces liberales. The second map is corrupt. The author is Allanthekiller. Unfortunately, I failed to crack the other two corrupted zips.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2021, 8:43 pm by Zincoshine.


Sep 28 2021, 5:05 pm Zincoshine Post #49

OK there has been another big update thanks to Fabrice.

- Tons of missing dates and author names have been added for campaigns that were lacking this info. Out of all of the rated campaigns, only one still has a missing date, the campaign with no name.
- It has been discovered that H-Dog Plague was in fact the first episode in a 3 episode campaign named H-Dog Saga. It was also discovered that the last mission of H-Dog plague is missing. The campaign has been moved from F-tier into the missing files section
- Campaigns that have been refused a rating are now labelled as "F-tier" instead of "refused rating"
- All of these updates have forced me to delete the legacy spreadsheet. It became impossible to keep it updated.
- Just one day after I cracked the corrupt ATK zip and I thought I had corrected the name and author of the campaign, Fabrice found a properly working zip file. It has been renamed ATK - Ressurection and it consists of 14 missions. The campaign has been moved out of the missing files section and into the foreign language campaign section.
- The missing campaign known as "the confederation" by Axellraff and the foreign language campaign "la confederation" by unknown have turned out to be the same thing. The two entries have been merged as a result and is now considered a foreign language campaign with a missing English translation. None of this should be confused with an absolutely terrible English campaign also named "The confederation" which was made by an unknown author.
- 9 more newly found campaigns have been added to the bottom of the missing files section. All files are missing for them except for the last two which have a corrupt zip and 1 map respectively.
- SC adventures: the insurgent has been moved from works in progress to the pending review section since it is believed that Luigi has finished his campaign. Unfortunately, the files are missing since luigi has scattered them all over the place and I have no idea how many maps there might be for this. I need someone to help collect them all for me.... for all languages.
- a campaign of unknown name by "fork" has been added to the pending review section although I expect it to be horrible
- Trinity by magic has been added to the pending review section. Since it is a modded campaign it could be reviewed pretty soon
- The missing files for SCRBIC have been found... but they are not what you think they are. It turns out the missing files were modfiles, not missing maps. The gaps in the map numbers exist because the author never released 4 of the maps of this campaign. This will be reviewed right after I finish with votf.
- A one map campaign named "the return" has been added to the pending review section as well.
- Eredalis's campaigns have all been marked green instead of yellow.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Sep 29 2021, 5:35 pm by Zincoshine.


Sep 28 2021, 11:06 pm Bruce Post #50

That is a pleasure to help you improving this great StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing. I will continue my researches on the wayback machine and hopefully will find more campaigns for the legacy and our beloved StarCraft community.


Sep 29 2021, 9:06 pm Luigi Post #51

In God I trust.

Quote from Zincoshine
- SC adventures: the insurgent has been moved from works in progress to the pending review section since it is believed that Luigi has finished his campaign. Unfortunately, the files are missing
There are many things I want to change about the campaign, so if you can wait for a couple of weeks I can personally send you the updated files for all languages.

Quote from Zincoshine
since luigi has scattered them all over the place and I have no idea how many maps there might be for this. I need someone to help collect them all for me.... for all languages.
The campaign is finished and everything has been posted about it, except the Readme file for the campaign and a cover.

I'm the creator of StarCraft Adventures.
For Spanish version "Aventuras de StarCraft":
Aventuras de StarCraft (blog)

Sep 30 2021, 12:32 pm Zincoshine Post #52

OK I have collected everything now :) In addition, I have organized the files in such a way that I can easily add more campaigns into your starcraft adventures series if you should happen to make more.


Oct 2 2021, 7:41 pm Zincoshine Post #53

Yet another update brought on with help thanks to Fabrice

- It turns out that the missing campaign "the confederation" by Axellraff, the campaign "the confederation" by unknown", and the french campaign "la confederation" by unknown are all the same thing. All entries have been merged. This means that The confederation by Axellraff is no longer a missing campaign and there are now only 3 remaining missing campaigns from the v2 fan campaign list that are still missing. The 3 remaining campaigns are Operation Bravo, Meridian episode 1, and Space Hulk.
- L'Armee d'ombre is no longer a missing campaign. The files have been found and it has been moved to the foreign language section. It looks like it may be a campaign with some substantial quality.
- 8 newly found campaigns with missing files have been added to the missing files section, 4 have all files missing while the other 4 have only 1 map found so far
- More dates and authors have been corrected, particularly among the foreign language campaigns.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 2 2021, 8:39 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 6 2021, 6:54 am Zergy Post #54


Late last Sunday I received a e-mail from the 90's Fabrice Leonard, and after some exchange with him, I end up there.

By exchanging with Fabrice, he told me he was looking for the some missing campaigns, after looking in my campaigns archives I build up over the years we were able to recover the following ones:
  • Dune [Brood-War 1.16.1, French, by Aldareis, Bashar Mentat Adab & Ivaldir] 13 maps, not sure if it's the latest version.
  • Accomplissement Novateur [Brood-War 1.16.1, French]
  • Central Research [Brood-War 1.16.1, French, by Pokix]
  • Les Dévoreurs [Brood-War 1.16.1, French, by Zanath]
  • Ectlasion - Chapitre 1 [Brood-War 1.16.1, French, by Licorne_enragee]
  • Over the Stars [Brood-War 1.16.1, French, by Special Agent PLE]

Aurore Mneminique [StarCraft II, French, by Team Ecko] Only the two first maps from May of 2011
StarCraft Reclamation

I also gave him my whole archive of maps & campaigns (2.1 GB), in the case their is something interesting for you.

By the way Fabrice contacted me first as I'm the creator of the French campaign "Chroniques de l'Alliance" (The Alliance Chronicles) and was looking for the latest version of the maps of this campaign, and also for the first version of it (yeah, he was smart enough to find out I made a first version of this campaign).

The first version of Chronique de l'Alliance (CDA v1) was made between late October 1999 and late October 2002, is 62 maps long and is "Meh tier". I was younger and not as good with Staredit, the scenario is a little messy and the difficulty isn't well balanced, but if you want to try, the campaign is still available (26 MB), but given "as is", I don't do any maintenance since somewhere 2005 on it, exception of a game breaking bug.

The second version (CDA v2) is a restart from scratch after the quite poor reception of the first shot in March of 2003, latest maps done in May or June 2012, and last updates in May of 2013. Sure, it's no a "God tier" campaign like "The Antioch Chronicles" (Still have to play it) as there is no mod or voice over involved, just a more "generic" campaign. It isn't finished, I guess I have to finish it now…
I was able to recover the latest version of every maps and uploaded them where it was needed.
For a better tracking of modifications, every maps have a version number and it date of update in it "Maps Properties" and every .zip file also include a SHA1SUM file with the checksum of it files.
As written (in French) in the "README.html" file given with it, this campaign is under the CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence, so, no problem if you want to translate it in another language, but as StarCraft wasn't ever done to handle multi-langage maps, so I guess it can be difficult. (No, don't mix StarCraft maps with Github, it's a bad idea…)


Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Oct 18 2021, 4:36 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Oct 7 2021, 3:49 pm Zincoshine Post #55

Oh WOW! This is amazing!

However, of the campaigns you mentioned we already have:
- Accomplissement Novateur
- Les Devourers (although the name was incorrect and the author name was missing, thanks for providing the missing info)

Aside from the other 5 mentioned, I found 15 other campaigns in your archive that are missing from my archive!

Thanks for the files provided! I will get to work on archiving this immediately.

Quote from Zergy
from the 90's
Life was much better back then anyway.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Oct 7 2021, 6:22 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 7 2021, 7:01 pm Zergy Post #56

I realize at your answer that Fabrice was quietly working at contacting the French campaigns creators and was waiting to have everything in order to give you it finds back.
I'm still communicating with him via mal to have everything figured out, I guess he want to be sure to have the last version of every maps which can be quite tricky to assure.

Archive reworked.
  • Non campaigns stuff deleted.
  • Files and directories with badly character encoded names renamed.
  • "Chroniques de l'Alliance" (versions 1 and 2) up to date.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 11 2021, 5:11 am by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Oct 7 2021, 7:56 pm Zincoshine Post #57

OK, the archive has been updated:
- Files for CDA have been updated along with its information
- missing info on les devorers has been added
- 13 newly found french campaigns have been added in the foreign language category
- 4 newly found unmodded campaigns have been added onto the pending review list
- 1 modded campaign, "Templar campaign", has been added to the pending review list.

In addition, when I finish reviewing the english language campaigns, there is now a possibility that a separate section for french campaigns will be made, complete with ratings. It depends on whether a certain someone is interested in playing through all of the french campaigns that aren't red.....

Finally, regarding the status of my QAing: Vision of the future 4 is taking a really long time, both because of its length but also because the mod has required a lot of heavy-duty work in order to get running properly on 1.16.1. Work on the modfile is now complete however so it is now just a matter of completing the playthrough of the campaign.


Oct 7 2021, 8:23 pm Bruce Post #58

Indeed Zergy I was waiting to have finished sorting and compared all the different versions of the campaigns I found to send the latest file version to Zincoshine to update the campaign listing.
Thanks for sharing your files with us, it is very helpful.
I sent half an hour ago an email to Zincoshine with 28 remarks such as new campaign information, authors names, discovery a few campaigns and found a few updates of the campaigns you shared recently such as the Dune campaign and additional maps of the Central Research campaign. The Central Research files were sent directly from the Author of the campaign.
Zincoshine will update the listing with the lastest file revision soon.

Some additional remarks:
- The author of the campaign "Périls" is Aldareis. Thread link:
- You wrote twice the campaign L'odysée de Nova in your listing
- The files shared by Zergy of the campaign "Accomplissement novateur" is a more recent version than the files we had so far.
- The campaign "WOD" is actually called "War of dominance", and the Author is: "Zpm"
- Zergy provided me this information regarding his campaigns :
1) Chroniques de l'Alliance v1 : From October 1999 to October 2002, author Zergy
2) Chroniques de l'Alliance v2 : From April 2003 to March 2013, author Zergy (But please correct me if I am mistaken but i think you officially released this campaign on July 2010 accoridng to this thread:
3) Libération : 2001, authors Nécrovin & Zergy

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Oct 7 2021, 9:22 pm by Bruce.


Oct 7 2021, 8:53 pm Zincoshine Post #59

Quote from Bruce
Indeed Zergy I was waiting to have finished sorting and compared all the different versions of the campaigns I found to send the latest file version to Zincoshine to update the campaign listing.
Thanks for sharing your files with us, it is very helpful.
I sent half an hour ago an email to Zincoshine with 28 remarks such as new campaign information, authors names, discovery a few campaigns and found a few updates of the campaigns you shared recently such as the Dune campaign and additional maps of the Central Research campaign. The Central Research files were sent directly from the Author of the campaign.
Zincoshine will update the listing with the lastest file revision soon.

Some additional remarks:
- The author of the campaign "Périls" is Aldareis. Thread link:
- You wrote twice the campaign L'odysée de Nova in your listing
- The files shared by Zergy of the campaign "Accomplissement novateur" is a more recent version than the files we had so far.
- The campaign "WOD" is actually called "War of dominance", and the Author is: "Zpm"
- Zergy provided me this information regarding his campaigns :
1) Chroniques de l'Alliance v1 : From October 1999 to October 2002, author Zergy
2) Chroniques de l'Alliance v2 : From April 2003 to March 2013, author Zergy (But please correct me if I am mistaken but i think you officially released this campaign on July 2010 accoridng to this thread:
3) Libération : 2001, authors Nécrovin & Zergy

- Fixed it now
- Well that's very embarrassing.... fixed it now.
- OK, I'll update the files in a moment.
- Thank god we finally have the real name of this campaign...
- Yeah I know, I've used October 2002 as the release date. I'll update the info on liberation.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 7 2021, 8:58 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 7 2021, 9:16 pm Zergy Post #60

Quote from Bruce
2) Chroniques de l'Alliance v2 : From April 2003 to March 2013, author Zergy (But please correct me if I am mistaken but i think you officially released this campaign on July 2010 accoridng to this thread:
The campaign was available through my website before July 2010, I just realized at the time that I didn't "advertised" it on Aerie's Guard who was for a moment one of the biggest SC campaigns directory we had in french.

We sadly lost the old version of the website who had all the campaign listing and tests, even if some can be found back with web archive.

French map maker, not really active these days.

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