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The Anime Thread
Nov 2 2010, 12:01 pm
By: MadZombie
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Nov 2 2010, 12:01 pm MadZombie Post #1

ITT: Talk about anime that you are watching, have watched, or want to watch. Animu Series, Movies, Mango, lolis, and Dating Sims.

So anyways, check it:

The World God Only Knows
One of this seasons anime. It's about a boy who only plays Dating sims on his PFP (Parody of a PSP) and is known for being the GOd of conquering woman on the internet. He claims to have claims over 1000 Virtual girls from his games. One day he gets an email on his PFP from a contractor that asks for his help in conquering impossible girls, he assumes it's a new game that hasn't been beaten yet so he accepts. Then a loli demon shows up and puts a collar on him and tells him that he needs to "Conquer" girls IRL because their are lost souls hiding inside some girls hearts and they can only be defeated if the main character kisses the girl. If he fails to fulfill this contract his and the loli demons head gets cut off. Through the series he applies his knowledge of stereotypes of girls from video games and uses it to conquer girls. Some Fan service here and there. Cool stuff bro.

High School of the Dead
comon guis. If you haven't seen this already you have to. Dangerous levels of Fan service and zombies killing shit. Season 1 is completed with 12 episodes though it didn't finish where the manga did so I'm assuming they are going to make a season 2 but they haven't announced it yet. As far as I know at least. Good stuff.

School Days
12 episode series based on a Virtual Novel. I'm sure everyone already saw this one but if you didn't you need to. Can't spoil it but you just have to man. You have to.

I just want to mention this Virtual Novel. It's like the whole reason I got into anime. Just do it man. Changed my life.

Also, the Evangelion reboot movies. Can't wait for dat 3.33

tl;dr recommended some shit. And then talk about it.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 11 2013, 7:48 pm by MadZombie.


Nov 2 2010, 12:26 pm Sand Wraith Post #2


Relatively comprehensive list of my stuff.

trippiest shit ever, lolis and violence and moe and jokes and lesyay

>Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
trippiest shit ever, blood, spontaneous killing

>Kodomo no Jikan
Anime about three lolis and their teacher. Sounds good already, I know.
First few episodes are pretty much all fan-service and jokes, but by the fourth of fifth episode, you'll be like

"i want to kill myself now"

(The change is pretty noticeable, but it ain't downer-ending type kill-myself-now.)

>Lucky ☆ Star
Jokes and moe.

About three sisters living in an apartment. Sounds good already, I know.
Lots of moe and jokes and traps and lolis andandandand WATCH IT,

>Sky Girls
Lolis and mecha. Super formulaic, generic, action TV show with jokes interspersed (not particularly well done). Engrish. Lolis. Mechas.
Lolis. Mechas.

Lolis. Mechas.
Lolis. Mechas.
Lolis. Mechas.
Lolis. Mechas.



Nov 2 2010, 12:32 pm Zycorax Post #3

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

HotD was awesome :awesome: Had an open ending, so hopefully there will be another season. I tried to read the manga a while back, before the anime was announced, but I just can't get myself to read stuff on the screen, I need hard copy.
Watched School Days recently too, pretty much just for the final episode though. The rest of the series was somewhat frustrating cause the main character is such and idiot.
Oh, and my recent favourite: Denpateki na Kanojo.

Currently looking forward to more of the Black Lagoon OVA (new episode tomorrow! w00t?!) and Evangelion 3.33. The new Evangelion films are epic! And I don't even like mecha.

I'm mostly watching stuff from the ongoing autumn season atm, including Index II, Bakuman, Ore no Imouto and Yosuga no Sora.

Finally, obligatory anime list links:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2010, 8:30 pm by Zycorax.

Nov 2 2010, 1:12 pm MadZombie Post #4

Can I get some Baw anime?

Amagami SS
it's a show that's based on a Virtual novel. Every four episodes is a new girl/arc. Still ongoing. First arc made me want to QQ. Nanasaki Arc is bro Arc. Some fan service.

Grave of the Fireflies
They should have called this "Everyone dies slowly: The movie". Fuck man. Feels bad.

Angel beats
Sorta QQ I guess. But not so much. Still waiting for the blu-ray secret episode to come out. ;_;

The girl who lept through time
Sorta baw ending I guess. Eh.

5 Centimeters per second
baw incarnate. Don't watch this movie if your a lonely fag who can't hold a relationship. You'll kill yourself.


Nov 2 2010, 3:57 pm Phobos Post #5

Are you sure about that?

>virtual novel
>virtual novel
>virtual novel
>virtual novel

Visual Novel man. Visual.

This man knows.

...I want to fill this thread with my own thoughts but... It seems somehow impossible to convey all of it into words. I guess I will wait until I have my desktop back and... And then I will see. Whatever, just have my anime list.

Oh, but how could I forget? Shinryaku! Ika Musume aka Squid Loli degeso~

Anime compatibility with Zycorax is:


this is signature

Nov 2 2010, 5:05 pm Azrael Post #6

MyAnimeList -

A few anime I recommend watching:

Spice and Wolf
Never known anyone that watched this anime and didn't like it. It's my personal favorite.

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Can't believe there are still people who haven't seen this. It's inexcusable. Highly recommended.

ef - a tale of memories
This is excellent in art, animation, music, and the blending of the three. There's also a great storyline and well-developed characters. The quality and style makes for a unique, emotional experience. Very highly recommended.

I'd say this is probably my highest recommendation. I don't particularly like the romance-type genre, yet this will easily always be in my top five anime. The best adjective to describe it is "stunning".

Nov 2 2010, 5:08 pm rockz Post #7

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Yume Miru Kusuri (The drug that makes you dream) - Pretty interesting VN. My first one too, only reason I played it was because I saw an image which mentioned "I'll strangle you with a LAN cable".
Doushin Same Heart - Hilarious VN, terrible interface.
School Days - only watched the anime. This was the most "lolwut" as I would put it anime I have ever seen. Moreso than NGE.
Tsukihime - VN with a (sorta stupid) story.
Kagestsu Toyha - sequel to Tsukihime. It's like the groundhog day of VNs.
Kara no Kyoukai - Anime spinoff to the Tsukihime VN. Sort of prequel, has little to do with the story, but is alright (it was actually made before Tsukihime). Although it doesn't seem like that awesome of a power, the ability to kill anything is truly fearsome. You really have to have played Tsukihime to get it.
Shadow Star Naru Taru - It was supposed to be more lolwut than School Days, but didn't turn out to be. It's quite hilarious though due to it being so completely misleading. I highly recommend you watch the OP: (it's almost like pokemon, but has a lot of adult themes)

shit I'm currently watching:
ore no imouto
index II (for the plot)
bleach (I was out of shit to watch, thought this would last a while, and now I'm pissed off because they STILL haven't killed aizen).
one piece (again, I was out of shit to watch, thought this would last a while, and then I find out that it's taken 10 years to get to 400 episodes.)
Fairy Tail
Motto To Love ru

I suppose I should make one of those anime lists so I can figure something else to watch.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Nov 2 2010, 5:20 pm Azrael Post #8

Of the anime currently airing, Index II is certainly the best.

Nov 2 2010, 8:35 pm rockz Post #9

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

I like this song better. I really wish I knew what Maiko Iuchi calls the song he made for the opening. Seems like the only people who get credit for this stuff are the singers, even though I've sound made the entire thing.

I also wish saten would show up at least once.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Nov 2 2010, 9:04 pm Zycorax Post #10

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Railgun > Index tbh. Has better characters imo, though the Misaka clones in s1 Index were quite amusing ^^

Nov 2 2010, 9:11 pm Azrael Post #11

Index > Railgun tbh. Has better characters imo, as well as being better in every other conceivable way.

LoTu)S -- Index II is so much better this season.

Azrael.Wrath -- I would say it's equally good as the first season.

Azrael.Wrath -- Both seasons are leagues above that Railgun shit though.


Azrael.Wrath -- Railgun is like Azumanga Daioh meets Magikano.

Azrael.Wrath -- Azumagi Kanoh.

Azrael.Wrath -- "Do you want Index but without any of the style or substance or clever plot elements and stripped of all the best characters but one?!"

Azrael.Wrath -- "Well you're in luck!"

Does anyone else think Saiji Tatemiya looks remarkably like Spike Spiegel? That's who he reminds me of.

Nov 2 2010, 10:02 pm LoTu)S Post #12

Fufufufufu, we have a thread now? :shifty:
I'll go for my top 3.

Fate Stay Night

The story takes place in an ordinary Japanese town, Fuyuki City. Hidden from society, there has been a deadly war going on in this town. Seven sorcerers known as Masters summon a powerful familiar called Servants and they all fight each other till the last one. The last one is said to attain the Holy Grail which will grant them a wish. Only a few knows when this War started and what the Holy Grail is, but the war was about to begin again this year.

Probably the first VN that I ever read. Its story is fantastic, the art is phenomenal, and you really bond with the characters as you play through 1 of the three routes. Took me about what...72 hours to finish all 3 routes? This game probably set the standards for all other games that followed it. For me at least.

Sengoku Rance

In the east of the continent lies an island country called Japan. Many feudal lords are fighting for supremacy in this country at this age of civil wars. Rance, who is called a brute and has done as he pleases in the continent, has come to Japan with his slave, Sill.
Hot spring vacation?
No. He is going to go to the hot spring, but Rance’s intention is to have sex with all the beautiful princess, maid, miko, and townswomen. He is especially interested in Princess Kou of the Oda family, the strongest force in Japan.
This is a strategy game where Rance fights in Japan.

More fun in this game. It takes some time to fully understand the mechanics. Once you get the hang of it, the replay value is endless. There is so much ero in here, and 90% of scenes will make you laugh.

To explain a bit about the game, this is a turn based strategy game where you control Rance, who is trying to take over all of Japan. You can wage war, construct stuff, increase affection of fellow commanders, and do much more.
If you haven’t played the game yet, just go play it. However, make sure that there’s nothing important coming up in the next several days because you will get addicted and will do nothing but play this game once you start.
In short, awesome addicting gameplay.

Maji de watashi ni koishinasai

The game is about a group of friends and their school life, with more in-depth story in each of the girl’s route. However, this isn’t an ordinary group of people since the girls are all fighters. The school isn’t ordinary either since battles and fights are permitted, so there’s a lot of action scenes in this game.
The story of this game is awesome. The game will give you laughs, tears, and everything else. It has a very good tempo, and the atmosphere within the game is great. The characters come alive, and every one of them is well-made. All the routes are good with hot battles in each one of them. The best thing in this game is the comedy, and the abundant parodies make the comedy top-notch. The game is really, really long, but the atmosphere is so good that you still want more even after you’re done playing the game.
The only complaint about the story is nothing to write home about and no part of it blows you away. And the battle scenes could have been better.

Voice actors

^ ^ ^ Most reccomended. ^ ^ ^
I'll stop here :ego:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2010, 11:05 pm by LoTu)S.


Nov 2 2010, 10:23 pm Azrael Post #13

I should mention that my top recommendations are not the same as my top anime. I try to make my personal preferences secondary in order to recommend what I believe other people are most likely to enjoy watching.

This is why I put "ef - a tale of memories" as my highest recommendation, yet it's not my favorite anime. It's not my favorite genre, but quality like that can't be ignored. It's the only anime I ever found to really be emotionally moving.

Nov 2 2010, 11:59 pm LoTu)S Post #14

For those Higurashi and Umineko fans.
Ookami kakushi

Summary: Ookami Kakushi is based on a PSP novel game by Ryukishi07, the creator of Umineko and Higurashi series, yes, so if you are thinking that you are gonna suffer from some Umineko withdrawl after the series end, think again. The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a student who settled in a remote village of Jogamachi, where it is separated between the new and old cities by a bridge. The serenity of the surroundings has its own roots of ancient traditions which Hiroshi will uncover and perhaps, the horror that lies within.

This winter. :awesome:


Nov 4 2010, 1:19 am ClansAreForGays Post #15

Gurren Laggen

Nov 4 2010, 1:55 pm rockz Post #16

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Gurren Laggen
Quote from wikipedia
Released only in the second movie of the series, titled Lagann-Hen [Ragan-Hen], this form was the peak of the aforementioned Gurren Lagann forms. After Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann had been destroyed by the Grand Zamboa, Team Dai-Gurren split its power and pieces to form their own separate Tengen Toppa Gunmen, including Tengen Toppa's head becoming Tengen Toppa Lagann. The rest of said team was composed of a Tengen Toppa gunmen for all surviving members as well as Nia [In the film, all members of Team Dai-Gurren who had died in the final battle other than Kittan had been spared]. Those who normally piloted Dai-Gurren in the first half of the series then worked together to pilot Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren, which was essentially the body of Dai-Gurren added on top of Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren with demonic features similar to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, holding the nose of Dai-Gurren as a weapon in its left hand and a Dai-Gurren flag made of spiral energy in the right. After a lengthy battle, Lordgenome sacrificed himself to create a mass of spiral energy, which Tengen Toppa Lagann split between the team and then used it to combine into Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. This being appeared as a mass of spiral energy in the form of a faceless entity resembling both Simon (the current main pilot of the Gurren Lagann) and Kamina (the former pilot of Gurren, creator of the brigade, and Simon's 'brother'), complete with crimson cape and glasses. Its size is approximately 50 times larger than its preceding form, with the Grand Zamboa and all the galaxies looking tiny in comparison.

Just as the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann contained all the smaller incarnations one inside the other, the final form does as well, with the original Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann restored and standing inside the head. During the short battle involving this form, its only notable attack was the powerful Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break, which appears to be many times larger than the Super Tengen Toppa itself, almost approaching the size of a universe. Said attack, when collided with a similar and equal attack from the Super Grand Zamboa (the evolution of the Grand Zamboa), caused the very universe the fight was held in to collapse on itself as a side effect caused by the ripples from their drills. A moment later the Giga Drill shattered, only to be replaced with a Tengen Toppa Giga Drill, then slowly downgrading until once again reaching simply Gurren Lagann, which alone gained enough power to destroy the massive Giga Drill created by the Super Grand Zamboa. In the end, the Super Grand Zamboa and Anti-Spiral are defeated by Simon alone, without his Lagann; in a fist fight with the Anti-Spiral, Simon uses some of his own blood to create a drill powerful enough to defeat the Anti-Spiral.
That anime is possibly the most ridiculous anime ever, and only because it's not supposed to be a joke (or the japanese have a weird sense of humor).

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is also 10 light years in height. I have to wonder how they communicated. Maybe by ansible?

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Nov 7 2010, 6:51 pm MadZombie Post #17

Anyone have some ecchi series with good plot to recommend? :awesome:


Nov 7 2010, 7:03 pm Azrael Post #18

Elfen Lied
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
School Days
Rosario + Vampire (first season)
Air Gear

Nov 7 2010, 7:08 pm MadZombie Post #19

Rosario + Vampire.
Torrenting the Manga for Season 1. I heard the anime sucks because they focus on lolcomedy more or something.


Nov 7 2010, 7:42 pm Azrael Post #20

First season has some pretty good stuff in it, though with a gratuitous amount of pantyshots.

Second season isn't worth watching. It is as you've described, hence the season specification.

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