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[2014-8-01. : 5:31 am]
jjf28 -- should I watch firefly? or will stopping prematurely in such an acclaimed series scar me for life?
[2014-8-01. : 5:22 am]
Fire_Kame -- you get it
[2014-8-01. : 5:21 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being dislike and 10 being absolutely bonkers in love, anti-fan I'd put at like the -7 to -10 range.
[2014-8-01. : 5:20 am]
Fire_Kame -- I do not actively hate people that eat bacon in front of me, and occasionally I will enjoy a piece.
[2014-8-01. : 5:20 am]
jjf28 -- :kame:
[2014-8-01. : 5:20 am]
Fire_Kame -- there's a difference between disliking and something and being an anti-fan. I find being an anti-fan borders on irrational.
[2014-8-01. : 5:19 am]
jjf28 -- and bacon?
[2014-8-01. : 5:19 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- i liked firefly ;o
[2014-8-01. : 5:19 am]
Fire_Kame -- Joss Whedon and The Big Bang Theory
[2014-8-01. : 5:19 am]
Fire_Kame -- I am anti-fan of only two things...
[2014-8-01. : 5:18 am]
Fire_Kame -- will you just stop before my opinion drops anymore
[2014-8-01. : 5:18 am]
jjf28 --
[2014-8-01. : 5:15 am]
jjf28 --
[2014-8-01. : 5:15 am]
jjf28 -- i don't understand, he loves passports?
[2014-8-01. : 5:14 am]
Fire_Kame -- that is not the sheldon I love
[2014-8-01. : 5:14 am]
Fire_Kame -- jjf we're no longer friends
[2014-8-01. : 5:12 am]
jjf28 --
[2014-8-01. : 5:11 am]
jjf28 -- bazinga!
[2014-8-01. : 5:10 am]
Fire_Kame -- I AM DYING
[2014-8-01. : 5:10 am]
[2014-8-01. : 5:08 am]
[2014-8-01. : 4:59 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I could have found out, but didn't. xD
[2014-8-01. : 4:59 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- What if in real life Roy is just like the most obnoxious, grating and juvenile person?
[2014-8-01. : 4:57 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Now I feel bad. ;o
[2014-8-01. : 4:57 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I didn't know, I never would have considered it had you not said anything. ;o
[2014-8-01. : 4:52 am]
Fire_Kame -- he's like anti-douche
[2014-8-01. : 4:52 am]
Fire_Kame -- I feel bad I called it douchey, because Roy voted as having one and he is not a douche
[2014-8-01. : 4:31 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Well I just assumed that was implied. :rolleyes:
[2014-8-01. : 4:30 am]
Fire_Kame -- "NudeRaider -- too few options kame -boo" at least I didn't call it "douchey goatee"
[2014-8-01. : 2:24 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I make enough to pay rent and eat and then some, so that's really all I care about. xD
[2014-8-01. : 2:20 am]
Jack -- I grew a beard over the last couple weeks, feels good man
[2014-8-01. : 2:19 am]
Jack -- Top 30 activity no veteran gg wp
[2014-8-01. : 2:19 am]
Jack -- Yeah but no monies
[2014-8-01. : 2:16 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I work 23/week. ;o 3 days a week is awesome xD
[2014-8-01. : 2:11 am]
Jack -- Yo Excal, how's life
[2014-8-01. : 2:10 am]
Jack -- That's 1.5 hours for one job, but I'm usually working minimum 16 hours a week overall, plus fulltime study
[2014-8-01. : 2:07 am]
Jack -- Hihi
[2014-8-01. : 1:58 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I want 1.5 hours a week
[2014-8-01. : 1:58 am]
Excalibur -- Miss you dude!
[2014-8-01. : 1:57 am]
Excalibur -- Jack! :O
[2014-8-01. : 1:55 am]
Jack -- what is this thing that says FRA Cngpu?
[2014-8-01. : 1:53 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I was a dishwasher, and that was like the coolest job ever if it didn't pay shit xD
[2014-8-01. : 1:47 am]
lil-Inferno -- I had a job as a busboy for like a month when I was 17. It turned out I don't like getting told what to do C|:^ )
[2014-8-01. : 1:42 am]
MasterJohnny -- thats because you have a job of entrepreneurship (You are your own boss)
[2014-8-01. : 1:30 am]
lil-Inferno -- I'm the only other ;-;
[2014-8-01. : 1:21 am]
Moose -- Of a 14 participant sample, which probably doesn't mean much. Also, SEN has been around a long time, the student crowd was probably bigger a few years ago. :P
[2014-8-01. : 12:37 am]
MasterJohnny -- wow only 27% of sen are students
[2014-8-01. : 12:35 am]
jjf28 -- "Xlil-InfernoDDD -- Yeah, like dying." :awesome:
[2014-8-01. : 12:22 am]
lil-Inferno -- Or smoking a lot of cigarettes.
[2014-8-01. : 12:22 am]
lil-Inferno -- Yeah, like dying.

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