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[2024-2-08. : 9:54 am]
Zoan -- .. raccoon city?
[2024-2-08. : 1:38 am]
Praetor -- any ideas?
[2024-2-08. : 1:38 am]
Praetor -- "the zerg would rush in waves where the red arrows are, you were terran and each player would take one of the lanes to push them back and there was a base that gave you upgrades after each wave in the middle probably a name with zombie/horde or something"
[2024-2-08. : 1:38 am]
Praetor -- i'm trying to find a map for a guy he says he played back in the day. he drew an illustration
[2024-2-07. : 7:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: brother some of us have been making games outside of SC for over a decade
[2024-2-07. : 6:00 pm]
Zoan -- I feel like anime training gear has been taken off
[2024-2-07. : 5:59 pm]
Zoan -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: brother some of us have been making games outside of SC for over a decade
;o where map showcase
[2024-2-07. : 5:53 pm]
Vrael -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: guys why don't we just make games outside of starcraft
[2024-2-07. : 5:41 pm]
lil-Inferno -- brother some of us have been making games outside of SC for over a decade
[2024-2-07. : 5:40 pm]
Zoan -- are we stupid?
[2024-2-07. : 5:40 pm]
Zoan -- like wtf it's so much easier
[2024-2-07. : 5:40 pm]
Zoan -- guys why don't we just make games outside of starcraft
[2024-2-07. : 5:39 pm]
Zoan -- btw I'm getting into using pygame
[2024-2-06. : 10:31 pm]
Zoan -- My impression of what i've seen (I haven't played) is that it's like SC 2 but it doesn't suck
[2024-2-06. : 1:56 pm]
Oh_Man -- and their creep is called shroud, and their aerial units can spread creep, but dont provide supply like overlords, instead, meat farms do, which are like undead graveyards from WC3
[2024-2-06. : 1:56 pm]
Oh_Man -- Terran have marines but instead they have swords, so kinda like zealots. And the other race has the drones that two for the price of one like zergling, but also wen u build building they die like drones
[2024-2-06. : 1:55 pm]
Oh_Man -- Echo
Echo shouted: Stormgate
I played the beta and it's no SC3. Feels like a step backwards to 2 in terms of graphical fidelity. I think the gameplay mechanics are solid though but very heavily inspired by WC3
[2024-2-06. : 11:56 am]
Tonblader -- any help ?
[2024-2-06. : 11:53 am]
Tonblader -- Mediafire can support imagehoster
[2024-2-06. : 9:46 am]
NudeRaider -- @MetalGear
[2024-2-06. : 9:45 am]
NudeRaider -- Mediafire is a filehoster. Try an imagehoster instead. Also a link to the map would indeed be nice.
[2024-2-04. : 5:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- l)ark_ssj9kevin
l)ark_ssj9kevin shouted: Zoan magic the gathering, kind of, although it's entirely unofficial
balancing can't be worse than their official cards, so why not? ;)
[2024-2-04. : 9:35 am]
zsnakezz -- maaan
[2024-2-04. : 3:41 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: what if there was a card game with a way to make custom cards as easily as it is to make custom maps in starcraft
magic the gathering, kind of, although it's entirely unofficial
[2024-2-04. : 3:40 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- hi echo
[2024-2-04. : 3:40 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- prolly not
[2024-2-04. : 1:58 am]
Echo -- Stormgate
[2024-2-04. : 1:58 am]
Echo -- Are you guys getting Stormgat?
[2024-2-03. : 10:25 pm]
Zoan -- what if there was a card game with a way to make custom cards as easily as it is to make custom maps in starcraft
[2024-2-01. : 3:00 pm]
IlyaSnopchenko -- bye
[2024-2-01. : 5:57 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- hi
[2024-1-30. : 3:19 pm]
Solstice245 -- hi
[2024-1-30. : 1:05 am]
RIVE -- hi
[2024-1-29. : 3:38 pm]
lil-Inferno -- hi
[2024-1-29. : 2:54 pm]
Corbo -- hi
[2024-1-29. : 2:00 pm]
Voyager7456 -- hi
[2024-1-29. : 3:50 am]
Dem0n -- hi
[2024-1-28. : 3:04 pm]
plandeki-tarasowe -- hi
[2024-1-27. : 6:27 am]
Corbo -- lmao
[2024-1-27. : 12:59 am]
Zoan -- my bet is it's payne's side hustle
[2024-1-26. : 6:32 pm]
Corbo -- i am considering insider attack tbh
[2024-1-26. : 6:32 pm]
Corbo -- they even manage to use color codes now lmao
[2024-1-26. : 6:02 pm]
Vrael -- oh I didnt click the link I assumed it would take me to a virus or some shit
[2024-1-26. : 5:50 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Their website kind of sucks, too. Like when I hover over "Our Products" list and then try to go down and look at one, half the time the menu disappears on me
[2024-1-26. : 5:41 pm]
Vrael -- I was thinking of getting an Outdoor Multiplay Station though so maybe effective?
[2024-1-26. : 5:27 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Weirdest advertising scheme ever, this particular company seems really determined to advertise on SEN. Wondering how much those poor saps are paying for this "service"
[2024-1-26. : 3:58 pm]
Vrael -- maybe its an AI bot
[2024-1-26. : 3:46 pm]
Zoan -- Brings me back to oldschool runescape days of doing like /wave2 Bank Sale or whatever it was
[2024-1-26. : 3:46 pm]
Zoan -- There's no way this bot figured out how to change the shoutbox text color. I'm actually kinda impressed.
[2024-1-26. : 5:31 am]
lil-Inferno -- now I continue pounding ur mum
[2024-1-26. : 5:22 am]
NudeRaider -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: NudeRaider just get over the fact I am banging ur mum on the regular
ok, I'm over it. What now?
[2024-1-25. : 10:47 pm]
Corbo -- :megathink:
[2024-1-25. : 10:40 pm]
lil-Inferno -- he ate a rooster
[2024-1-25. : 10:40 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I was talking about my pet donkey
[2024-1-25. : 10:38 pm]
Ultraviolet -- suspiciously silent on the subject of the cock that was in your ass :shifty:
[2024-1-25. : 10:28 pm]
lil-Inferno -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: lil-Inferno I think I got a fan. :D But seriously mate, I disproved one wrong statement of yours, that's not the end of the world. Just get over it... :massimo:
just get over the fact I am banging ur mum on the regular
[2024-1-25. : 9:00 pm]
Ultraviolet -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: cock in my ass
lil-Inferno shouted: jjf28 ya, just got done banging Nude's mom
sounds more like s/he was banging you
[2024-1-25. : 5:52 pm]
NudeRaider -- Could try Hearthstone. That's still active afaik
[2024-1-25. : 5:50 pm]
NudeRaider -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: They just got the maintenance mode treatment like HoTS
interesting wording. I thought the point of maintenance mode was no (minimal) treatment ;)
[2024-1-25. : 5:49 pm]
NudeRaider -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: You ever follow Legends of Runeterra?
Follow? No, but I have heard of it :)
[2024-1-25. : 5:48 pm]
Zoan -- The more I dwell on all the stupid things LoR did the more I want to make my own card game tbh
[2024-1-25. : 5:47 pm]
Zoan -- They just got the maintenance mode treatment like HoTS
[2024-1-25. : 5:47 pm]
Zoan -- You ever follow Legends of Runeterra?
[2024-1-25. : 5:29 pm]
NudeRaider -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Anybody here like card games?
I played Magic like 20 years ago :O
[2024-1-25. : 5:24 pm]
NudeRaider -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: jjf28 ya, just got done banging Nude's mom
I think I got a fan. :D But seriously mate, I disproved one wrong statement of yours, that's not the end of the world. Just get over it... :massimo:
[2024-1-25. : 3:23 pm]
lil-Inferno -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: Ultraviolet no, just nude's mom
ya, just got done banging Nude's mom
[2024-1-25. : 3:08 pm]
Zoan -- Anybody here like card games?
[2024-1-25. : 3:42 am]
jjf28 -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: getting pegged by your mom?
no, just nude's mom
[2024-1-25. : 2:12 am]
Ultraviolet -- getting pegged by your mom?
[2024-1-25. : 1:49 am]
lil-Inferno -- cock in my ass

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