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    <allpages gapcontinue="Resource" />
      <page pageid="112" ns="0" title="Recall Animation">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">The recall effect is the actual spell being cast by the [[Arbiter]], so it will move any units owned by the CPU player at the target location to the Arbiter. It will not affect enemy units, so you can use this to create a recall effect on top of the human player's units without repercussions.

Arbiter recall is the only way to move the various doodad units (Gun Trap, Flame Trap etc) - the usual &quot;move unit&quot; trigger action will not work on the doodad units.

You will need:
*Arbiter (non-hero) owned by a CPU player (not 9-12) with sufficient energy to cast recall (change spell to require 0 energy, or ensure Arbiter has required energy via setting energy or creating it with sufficient energy)
*Position of the Arbiter
*Position to recall


The CPU needs to control an Arbiter. You may like to make it invincible, depending on your needs. If you want the Arbiter to teleport the targetted units, it needs to stay immobile until the units have been teleported to it's location - if it moves (normally, or via trigger move action) the recall will be cancelled.


This animation has only two important actions. Set full energy the arbiter and cast the recall.

In only one trigger:

{{StarCraft Trigger
*Some CPU (not 9-12p)
*Whatever you want.
*Modify energy of Arbiter at position where you have it. Set to 100%.
*Run AI script &quot;Cast Recall&quot; at &quot;Where you want the animation&quot;.
*Preserver trigger. (or not, you choose)

The animation runs for 14 unit deaths under hyper triggers, or about 1.2 seconds at fastest. Casting more than one recall in the same place by the same unit will only produce one recall animation.

The arbiter, in addition, will only recall one at the same time. So doesn't matter if you use preserve trigger and cast recall a lot.

      <page pageid="27" ns="0" title="Regeneration">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">In [[StarCraft]], regeneration is the slow increase of a unit's health, shields, or energy.

===How It Works===
To understand regeneration, you have to understand that Starcraft hides data from you.  Health and Shields each are stored in memory in 4 bytes, however Starcraft only tells you the last 3 bytes.  The first byte is actually a hidden value which acts as a timer for regeneration.  1 byte = 8 bits, or 2&lt;sup&gt;8&lt;/sup&gt; = 256.

Each frame, a certain regeneration amount is added (or subtracted) to the first byte, according to values in the mpqs:

*Protoss Shields: 7
*Zerg Health: 4
*Energy: 8
*Shield Battery: 1280
*Recharge Shields: -640 (-632 net)
*Burning Terran Building: -20
*Medic: 200
*Personnel Cloaking(Ghost): -18 (-10 net)
*Cloaking Field(Wraith): -21 (-13 net)
*Heal: -100 (-92 net)

SCVs repair units and buildings in a similar way, based on build time and total HP. Multiple SCVs increase the repair rate by adding them together.&lt;br /&gt;
R = roundup(.9 * H/B)&lt;br /&gt;
where R = repair rate in 1/256 of hp per frame, H = HP, B = build rate in SCMDraft.&lt;br /&gt;
One important note is that R is a 2 byte value, which means that when R &gt; 65535, it loops back over to 0. Here is an example:&lt;br /&gt;
A Terran Barracks with a build time of 1, HP of 9999.&lt;br /&gt;
R = roundup(.9 * 256*9999/1) = 2303770. R&gt;65535, so it rolls over in multiples of 65535.&lt;br /&gt;
R = 2303770- k65535, R = 10010. Note that this is still fairly large, and means that each SCV will repair approximately 39 HP every frame.&lt;br /&gt;
A slightly more realistic value is that of the default battlecruiser with 500 HP, 2000 Build time:&lt;br /&gt;
R= roundup(.9 * 500*256/2000) = 58.&lt;br /&gt;

Building units follows the same formula, and this explains why some buildings/units come out injured, except they start out with 10% of the base HP, plus 1 frame of &quot;repairing&quot;, plus the time it takes to build. In the case of the terran barracks, it will build in 1 frame and come out with .1 * 9999 + 10010/256 + 10010/256 = 1078.1 HP.

===Healing Rates===
''The time used here is realtime.''
Since Starcraft is normally played on fastest, or 42ms/frame, we can calculate the approximate rates of healing:
*Let sp = shield points, hp = hit points, f = frames, ms = milliseconds, s = seconds, p = fraction of points
*Protoss shields use 7, (256p/sp / 7p/f) / (1000ms/s / 42ms/f) = 1.536 seconds per shield point.
*Zerg Health use 4, so (256/4)/(1000/42) = 2.688 seconds per health point.
*Medics' Healing uses 200, so (256/200)/(1000/42) = 0.05376 seconds per health point or ~18.6 health per second.
*Shield batteries use 1280, so 256/1280/24 = 0.0084 seconds per shield point or ~119 shields per second.

Other rates can be similarly calculated.