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Impossible SEN (lol pun)
Jul 27 2009, 5:00 am
By: CecilSunkure
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Jul 28 2009, 3:41 am LokiArexon Post #21

I was thinking of doing something similar with the nydus (units coming in on enemy death). I'll have to think of something different :P

New question: will all upgrades/tech be researched at start? Like, zergling speed/attack? Will there be upgrades at all in the map (like carapace?)


Jul 28 2009, 3:46 am CecilSunkure Post #22

Quote from LokiArexon
I was thinking of doing something similar with the nydus (units coming in on enemy death). I'll have to think of something different :P

New question: will all upgrades/tech be researched at start? Like, zergling speed/attack? Will there be upgrades at all in the map (like carapace?)
Well.. I would suggest that all upgrades be purchased by default for the human players, except unit attack and armour. Although for PC players, we could set the upgrades to whatever we need them to be.


Jul 28 2009, 5:31 am payne Post #23


Allow Broodling/Mind Control? Vote.
Jungle Tileset? Vote.
Upgrades (Attack+Armor / Researched spells)? Vote.
Units' names changed? Vote.


I'd say to not allow either broodling or MC.
Yes, go for Jungle, we'll get more epic terrain.
No atk/armor upgrade, but all spell researched (keep same stats!).
Do not change the units' names, please... it's so unprofessional! And it would confuse a bit the players...


Jul 28 2009, 5:38 am CecilSunkure Post #24

You want these voting categories in the OP?

I say all ups for humans, and customized ups for comps as we need them customized. I would like broods and MC for at least 1 of the comp players researched.

[Edit]I'd like having people choose 1 unit to bear their name.


Jul 28 2009, 5:55 am LokiArexon Post #25

Yeah, I'm all for the unit name changes.

For upgrades, I certainly would want the following things researched no doubt:

-Stim Packs
-Marine Range
-Zergling speed
-Zergling attack range
-Dragoon range
-Vulture speed
-Hydralisk speed
-Hydralisk attack range

The only ones that really come into question are mind control and broodling.

I would vote: NO on Mind Control, just disable it completely. Otherwise the game becomes "mind control assault" which I have never seen implemented well.
I vote: YES on Broodling. Maneuvering around computer queens can be a tricky part of any game.

As for the tileset, I'm largely indifferent. Lately I've preferred twilight but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to vote for it.

Instead of a vote for a terrain, can I have a negative vote? I vote NOT Desert, and NOT Ice. Both of those terrains destroy text and are annoying to work with. Also, NOT Ashworld, since the doodads and terrain is comparatively limited in my opinion.

Twilight or Jungle are both fine.


Jul 28 2009, 7:47 am Sie_Sayoka Post #26

INSTALLATION It is widely unused on many maps, specifically because buildings cannot be made. However you wont need to make any buildings so this shouldn't be a problem. And please people twilight and jungle and so cliche.

As for the hero's I recommend that we DO use them. Having normal units will usually clutter the map. Many of the maps that I have uploaded do have extensive use of heroes without modifying them.

Spells and upgrades should all be researched except for mind control.

To everyone please keep in mind that difficulty does not equate to fun. This can be most often seen in marine vs lurker or infested maps where there is NO room for error and everyone must work together perfectly. This is just frustrating. A good example would be the Impossible Ximp map that I have uploaded. This map was created for clan use however it is too difficult for the general public. Please leave some room for error and make sure that levels can be completed in a variety of different strategies.

Apparently you can only attach 10 files per post... But this will give you an excellent example of maps.

One of the reasons as to why many of these maps are great is because it offers you choice. In either choosing, random, or building your units as well as choosing the level (or if the levels are linear it gives you the option to skip)

Impossible Amalgamation 1.1.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 97.89kb
Impossible Choice (v1-3.1).scx
Hits: 0 Size: 62.96kb
Impossible Versalife 4.6.scx
Hits: 0 Size: 630.86kb
Impossible Crepuscular 1.3.scx
Hits: 0 Size: 152.7kb
Impossible Scenario Ximp.scx
Hits: 0 Size: 253.22kb
Hits: 0 Size: 142.7kb
Impossible Ineluctable 1.3.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 132.04kb
Impossible Scenario Grandm.scx
Hits: 0 Size: 73.32kb
Impossible Scenario Ximp.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 253.22kb
Hits: 0 Size: 121.02kb


Jul 28 2009, 8:54 am LokiArexon Post #27

Why do you want the players to be universally unable to build? Maybe someone wants to do an "impossible defense" type map where players fast build bunkers or something. Not that I was going to do something like that, just saying. And doesn't installation have a serious lacking in terms of ramps and bridges?

Installation is underused because it severely limits what you can do, also the "endless pit" terrain looks bad.


Jul 28 2009, 12:42 pm Queen-Gambit Post #28

I'd like the Matriarch(Queen) be renamed to: Queen-Gambit.

In this scenario, players are to eliminate the protoss temple and the Torrasque that resides inside. The impossible team consist of 1 Matriarch, 2 queens, 2 kerrigans and 1 infested kerri. Unfortunately, the enemy has established an IMPECCABLE DEFENSE to thwart your objective. The Imp team will have to cafefully use their spells and their limited attack power to reach the temple. Endurance is the key. All human units are necessary to keep alive. You will need an attacker to destroy the temple and a full mana Queen to finally brood the Torrasque.

General thoughts: Scenario level might be too big if not using at least 192x192. Diagonal terrain can be blended better. Preplaced units may be changed (not the humans). On a positive note, I only want 2 locations, one for the temple spawning torrasque and the other is for the initial human units.

Imp Sen Queen.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 48.93kb


Jul 28 2009, 1:00 pm Ahli Post #29

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I want the sunken colony because my name should appear in my level and I don't want to show that there are infesteds before you start the level :D
-> Ahli claims "Zerg Sunken Colony"

Jul 28 2009, 2:21 pm Sie_Sayoka Post #30

If we create several maps (ie impossible sen part1, part2, part3 etc) the size of the level will not be a problem. It will also open up more room for triggering strings and locations. Especially since there is a LOT of people wanting to join in I think this would be a very good idea.

Also we can make the different sequels in different tileset to satisfy everyone.


Jul 28 2009, 2:28 pm r00k Post #31

For the imp options idea, i dont like it, it takes way to long to choose.
Maybe with shorter ways and without that infested thing it could be ok.
The terrain is pretty cool, even in flat areas it looks really nice.

All Spells should definitly be researched for everyone, except maybe Mindcontrol for Players.
Impossible Sen Part1,2,3 is a nice idea, when Impossible Sen 1 is finished we should do Imp Sen 2.
But all at the same time ???

I started working on my Level, i call it Level 16, and will name all my Locations Level16...
Maybe that is a good idea for everyone, so you dont have to rename them later.
Just make a list with Name,Unit and Level so everybody can see what is still free.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 28 2009, 10:02 pm by r00k.


Jul 28 2009, 7:19 pm payne Post #32


I'm still against the renaming of units, but it seems like I'm the only one :P
As for the Mind Control, I don't think it should even be allowed to computer player. In Imp maps, the units to the players are really limited... And personally, I've never seen any Imp map with such a thing ;P
The Parts, I'm not sure. Lets just try to max out the most levels we can set into one map and if ever we have enough ideas, lets go for Part 2.
And talking in terms of Strings, it shouldn't be a problem...
And please, not all at the same time: it's like movies, sometimes, the sequel of a movie is already done when the first is out, but they wait for it to get popularity before shooting the sequel into cinemas...


Jul 28 2009, 10:14 pm r00k Post #33

Another Idea.
If there will be no Hero Randomization, maybe it is possible to randomize which Units you get, even if they are preplaced.
So if you play the map 2 times and you get the same units for the first level, you DONīT get the same units for the second level.
For example you play the first time and get a Goon in Level one and a Zealot in Level 2, someone else gets a Wraith.
The next time you play you get a Goon in level one, but a Wraith in Level 2 and another Player gets the Zealot.
Just a randomization before each Level starts, so you can play a thousand times, and never play the exact same Combination.


Jul 29 2009, 1:12 am Doodle77 Post #34

Count me in, i'll take defiler.

I vote yes for computer player mind control/broodling, yes for human broodling and no for human mind control.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2009, 1:17 am by Doodle77.


Jul 29 2009, 2:39 am Sie_Sayoka Post #35

The random units should be specific to the level that is being played.


Jul 29 2009, 3:28 am CecilSunkure Post #36

I agree with sie on everything except the tileset, and the multiple releases. Jungle terrain would be the most fun and professional looking, IMO. I want to just put everything we can onto one map, even if this means using 256x256, or even custom dimensions. Lets put all we can onto one map, and save making a sequel as last resort.

Though I strongly disagree with the use of heros, because I think it is more fun to just use unit properties native to starcraft to destroy enemies under the stress of small numbers and terrible odds, I will go along with the idea if enough people think it will be fun, and if enough people are willing to help test and balance all the levels with the modified heroes.

[Edit]When I say heroes, I mean modifying a unit's properties to make him bad ass. I am NOT referring to the heroes pre-made and in the editor ;o

About randomizing units, the only option for that is to randomize which unit each player can get out of a set list of units specific to each level, as explained in the OP and an earlier post of mine with an example map that I created.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2009, 4:01 am by CecilSunkure.


Jul 29 2009, 3:57 am LokiArexon Post #37

I think the conversation is getting a bit confused. I think everyone wants to *use* heroes (as in, Devouring One, Yggdrasil, etc.). If I'm following what some people are saying, the matter of debate is whether we want to take certain hero units and modify their unit properties. In any case, I say we take it on a case by case basis. If someone wants to take Warbringer and turn it into "REAVER BOSS 1!" then we just have to see if anyone else is using warbringer, and if not then it should be fine. This is pretty much what the first post said anyway, I think.

For randomization, if I have to I'll make my own randomized unit choice and probably end up using at least two more locations to do so. However, I think the idea of the original post basically works fine:

Player 1 chooses a level, and then:
0 - A switch designating that player's level is activated

1 - Unit options for that level are created in mutual unit spawn area. (example: mine will be a mix of zerglings, zealots, medics, firebats, marines, and vultures)

2 - The unit options are junkyard dogged and then moved to the pads where players can choose them. (example, player can choose between zergling and marine)

3 - Civilians or some chooser are created for the players to decide which unit they want out of two random choices. (If the player commands at least one civilian, more units are moved to the pad, in case a level is supposed to have more than one choice.) (example: player chooses zergling; the civilian dies, and the next civilian is moved to make the next choice. New choices are firebat, medic. Player chooses medic, and nothing more is moved)

3b - Units are moved to the player's level, based on which switch is set.

4 - Once no more civs are present, any remaining units (in case not fullhouse) are killed to keep the map clean

5 - When the level is completed, any remaining units and civs are killed (in case someone held onto a civ)

6 - Rinse, lather, repeat.

If we were to use a system like this, the big questions would be a) how many options do we want for each level (is 2 enough?). But, if you didn't want random units for the player on that level, then all you do is give players units at the spawn location.


Jul 30 2009, 5:11 am Urahara Post #38

Im gonna make mine where you have to strategically destroy a well defended Zerg base with 1 hero unit and 2 normal units like
T/Z Archon and 2 Archons
Hunter Killer and 2 Hydras
Infested Kerrigan and 2 zlings
etc. etc.
O)Archon claims the archon (:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 30 2009, 3:58 pm by Apocalypse666.


Jul 30 2009, 7:18 am MrrLL Post #39

I'd like to test this out. I have been a fan of the impossible map series since it started, although a lot of the recent ones are garbage. I hope you include some "separated" levels where players start in different areas but share an ultimate objective. Those are my favorites.


Jul 30 2009, 5:47 pm Heinermann Post #40

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

I'm also looking forward to a decent impossible scenarios map.

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[2025-2-10. : 12:20 am]
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