Impossible SEN (lol pun)
To keep things organized, I will post updates to this post with this color, except the lists at the bottom of the post pertaining to people signing up and so on.
Main Idea:
Sie_Sayoka and I have come up with an idea based off our love for microing, as well as impossible scenarios games. Sie came up with the original idea based off of Clan Ximp collaborated maps, then proposed that Orig makes one, then I proposed that we include SEN.
We want to put together an impossible scenarios map, where each person that contributes creates 1 scenario, and has a unit with their name on it. The first people to sign up get first pick on which units will have their name on them.
We plan to have about 30 or so different levels, and the triggering for the level picking system, and other general triggering (Such as the intro) will be done my Sie and myself based on popular demand, however if you join in on this you can complete your level in basically any way you want. Each person can work on a max of 1 level. Partnering up for a level is allowed. If you partner to create a level, you may not create another level, or partner on another level. We plan to have the map dimensions be as small as possible to accommodate everyone's level. Though, if enough people sign up, we will use 256x256. There is no set size limit, however, if your level is causing a problem due to sheer size we will moderate the size to accommodate the best interesests of the entire map. You must use SCMdraft2 to work on this map, as we don't want to have to deal with multiple editor incompatability issues.
I quickly did a calculation and decided that each persons' impossible scenario should be at a maximum of around 50 tiles by 50 tiles, assuming we use the 192x192 dimensions. That is over 2 screen widths wide, and about 4 screen heights tall.
Absolutely NO units' hp/shields/energy may be modified unless it is some sort of boss! Blizzard did a great job at balancing this game, and we don't need anyone tinkering with it

What is Expected:
Good impossible scenarios maps are as fast-paced as possible, and as micro intensive as possible. We DON'T want bound obstacles, and we don't want long levels. Create your level as unique, fast-paced, and challenging (but beatable) as possible. I will do the terrain for the borders as well as any terrain text.
If you do decide to join in on this map and create a level, try not to cover multiple properties and ideas. Leave room for other people to create their own level. You can include wavs to your scenarios, though they will be deleted if they are too large for obvious reasons.
Overall, we want UNIQUE levels ranging from assaulting bases to vulture microing!
Currently, the map has not been started, and a release date will be determined in time.
Map Detail Updates and Ideas:
Random specs:
-To clarify: Each person will have time to work on their own level, and do whatever they wish as long as it is as fun as possible. That means you can decide what to do with your terrain, any text being displayed, and the triggering during the play of your level. Please don't post asking us to create a level for you, this map is meant so that we can all contribute and create a fun map.
-Jungle terrain seems to be the most popular choice, and I agree with having a jungle type terrain for our map.
-I am issuing out 7 locations per level, based off of an estimate of 30 levels in the map.
-Issuing out deathcounts should not be a problem as long as we keep things organized.
-As of now, we have decided to have 5 human slots, and 3 computer controlled slots. [Edit] Player 6 is now neutral.
-I STRONGLY suggest we do not have any level resettable. This way we can create complex maps with little hindrances.
-To keep things organized, before we start creating levels for this map, we will have all needed deathcounts and locations set up, and properly labeled to allow for as smooth of editing as possible. Just remember, we want to keep all the units hp/energy/attack/armour/and shields at the original settings unless your level requires a boss or special unit.
If you have any problems or suggestions for the things listed above, feel free to discuss them in this topic.
Lets Vote for the Tileset:
Jungle 4
Twilight 1
Ice 1
Level Picking System:
-I would like player 1 to be able to choose a level with the description that Sie suggested: There will be a box with each of our named units junkyarded, and player 1 shoots one of these units to enter into that level.
-As for when a level is lost, a life system would be appropriate, so when the team of players loses a certain amount of levels, they lose.
-I would like to implement a randomization system for each levels' units to be chosen to play with. I suggest we allow each player a choice between 2 different unit groups per level, for a total of twelve different unit groups to choose from, with each person having two different choices. The units to be used in the level will NOT be randomized, what will be randomized is the two choices each person will get to choose from that level's specific set of units. If your level requires each person to have the same unit, we can have the players just start at that level with their units.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the ideas listed above, feel free to discuss them in this topic.
To sign up to help create this map, just simply reply to this topic. You're reply may be denied if you have an idea similar to what someone else has already proposed.
The current SEN'ers signed up are:
Sie_Sayoka - Infested Duran
CecilSunkure - Scantid
UnholyUrine - Hydralisk
O)Archon (Apocalypse666) - Archon
LokiArexon - Lurker
Ahli - Sunken Colony
r00k - Broodling
Norm - N/A
Kaias - Hunter Killer
lil-Inferno - Goliath
Dark_Marine - Marine
Payne - Terran Civilian
Queen-Gambit - Matriarch
Doodle77 - Defiler
Conspiracy - Kakaru
XGenesis - Ghost
Pyro682 - Fenix (Goon)/Tassadar (Templar)
Polkaman[NBM] - Siege Tank
Rockz - N/A
LolCakeLazors - Torrosque
Mneox - Alan Schezar
O)Spirit - N/A
Vizard_ - Zealot
Joshuawolf - Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon)
Artanis186 - Scout
25 Total
How to Edit the Map
In order to allow everyone to have a chance to fully customize their own level, we will each be taking turns editing the same file. In order to edit the same file, we will each have time to be the only person currently editing the map. To clarify, each person will have at most 50x50 tiles, and 7 locations to use in creating their level, as well as a single unit renamed to their own starcraft account name of their choosing. As for deathcounts, each person will post the DC's that they have used, and I will modify this post to contain a list of USED DC's, so to avoid any confusion. The list will specify under which player the DC is being used for. As for locations, name your locations whatever you want, and don't use more than 7, and everything will be fine.
In order to request to edit the current map file, simply post a request when there is nobody in the "current SEN'er Editing a Level" section. After your request is noticed, this post will be modified and you can edit the map to incorporate your level. Once you are finished, this post will be edited and the below slot will be empty, awaiting another person to incorporate their own level.
As for the randomization method, I will create an easy to add on to system for randomizing all the unit sets for a specific level. Sie and I will create our two levels before anyone else starts creating their own levels, so you can all see how to go about placing your units for players to use for your level into the randomizer. If more specific details or help is needed on adding your level into the system of triggers, I and Sie, as well as anyone who previously modified the map will gladly assist you.
The level picking system will be a box of junkyarded units that contain our names. Player 1 will be able to choose a unit to kill, which will send all 5 humans players to play the level of the killed unit's name's.
I will keep the most current map downloadable from this post, and I will keep all other files in a folder on my PC just in case we need an earlier version of the map.
The Current SEN'er Editing a Level:
The current Map to Edit and Download:
Post has been edited 39 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2009, 3:22 am by CecilSunkure.