First of all, ask yourself this question: Is it truly necessary to protect my map?
because protecting your map will stop people from editing and spreading your maps. Although that's what you seemingly want to avoid, allowing people to edit your map will make your map popular, as when they make the changes, they'll try to spread it too. If you're lucky, the editor will give you credit. If not... it's a risk you have to take...
Another thing is that if your map is super complicated (which I assume would be because.. well.. you're a korean-fanatic...), then normal b.netters won't be able to figure out ur triggers and edit it...
Finally, the one thing that makes people protect maps are people that take it and replaces your name with his... Now this is a sensitive area, as people would be very upset if the stolen version got spread, and no one 'acknowledges' your work... But you must first realize that if your map is very popular, then the original version shall prevail. If your map is unpopular, then no one's gonna steal it. It is the mediocre maps that are in danger... Now should u settle for mediocrity?

Good example would be you thinking "Hero Siege" was made by "Life2Death", an infamous map stealer amongst this forum... Oh btw, he's a smart guy.. He deleted the Warrior, hoping that some idiots will think that the map originally had only 11 heroes, and warrior was added by me and thereby stealing credit. (dude who makes a funky number of "11" heroes.. plus there's a fucking SPACE at the hero selection.. indicating it has ALWAYS been set up for 12 heroes) He also tried to steal my "Snowcraft".. which was kinda a joke as he was trying to frame people on this forum... fortunately I didn't care... as the map was unpopular.. so meh~...
...Also.. if people edit your map, that's probably the most sincere form of flattery, and you should compliment yourself if they do. ( <3 Moose)
Now if you still want to protect your map, do you reallly need a crazy map protector? For me, whenever the map's protected, whether if it's just Starforge protection, or a crazy hex protection, I wouldn't touch it, as 1. it'd be too much of a hassle to unprotect it .. 2. I respect the author's decision.
Usually if u just use a wimpy protector, most ppl'd just ignore it.. unless someone's really out there to get you.. o.O .. or if your map's REALLY good (but again, if it's REALLY good.. then the original ver will prevail)
why I typed all this? cause... i doubt anyone here know anything about korean map protectors....
Uberation's good enough for me