Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Having quiz game problems!
Having quiz game problems!
Jul 17 2009, 5:59 am
By: m.0.n.3.y  

Jul 17 2009, 5:59 am m.0.n.3.y Post #1

Ok, so I'm making a quiz game, where you bring a guy to a beacon and it shows the quizer the question + answer, and the people getting quized just the question. I'm using a death cycling counter system, but I think that this is not a good system because it moves to fast n stuff for triggers to detect. Umm, if you want more info, here's the "offical" link to the post about it. Quiz game thread

The problem:
When I bring the civilian to the beacon, the question shows up for the quizzer, but not for the people getting quized. I have no clue why, except for maybe a glitch in the death cycling counter system and stuff. So can someone help me!?


Random Question Quiz.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 45.22kb


Jul 17 2009, 8:00 am NudeRaider Post #2

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

First thing that bothers me is that you call it a death cycling system which might indicate that you don't understand how to use them. I didn't look at the map, but since your problem is pretty straightforward (however you still have to keep in mind a few things), I will just tell you how to set it up correctly.
And be assured, death counters (dcs) are the way to go here. They are ideal for what you want.

First of all create the display question triggers:

All Players

Current Player has suffered exactly 1 death of 'question'
Display text(A man steps into the bus, how old is he?)
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'question'

All Players

Current Player has suffered exactly 2 death of 'question'
Display text(A man eats a cake, how big is the pi?)
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'question'

... for all questions

The important thing is that you use Current Player. The trigger runs for everyone, and everyone resets his question dc for himself, after he got displayed the message. This will always work, also with and without hypers and can't be blocked by waits.

Then you need a similar trigger for the quizzer:

Quizzer Player

Current Player has suffered exactly 1 death of 'answer'
Display text(Between 18-120 years.)
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'answer'

Quizzer Player

Current Player has suffered exactly 2 death of 'answer'
Display text(3,1416)
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'answer'

... for all answers

So you need 2 triggers for 1 question and some more for randomization. (see below)

Generate a random number, With n switches you get 2^n results. In my example I will assume you have 16 question / answer pairs, so I will use 4 switches (2^4 = 16)

Quizzer Player (required)
Current Player brings at least 1 civilian to 'next question'
Randomize Switch 0
Randomize Switch 1
Randomize Switch 2
Randomize Switch 3
Move all civilian of Current Player at 'next question' to 'wait here'
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'question' (just a precaution)
Set deaths of Current Player to 1 for 'setup next question'

The last line "set 'setup next question' to 1" is an important marker, or the question dc would be set all the time even after the question has been displayed, so the question would show in a loop. In the next trigger you'll see why.

Now you need to transfer the switch combinations into the dc. What I show you will work, but I can't be bothered to explain from scratch, so if you're interested in the mathematical background, check the "binary countoffs" wiki. Then, if you still don't understand, feel free to ask.

Transfer Switch 0
All Players

Current Player has suffered at least 1 death of 'setup next question'
Switch 0 is set
Add 1 to deaths of Current Player for 'question'
Add 1 to deaths of Current Player for 'answer' *1)

Transfer Switch 1
All Players

Current Player has suffered at least 1 death of 'setup next question'
Switch 1 is set
Add 2 to deaths of Current Player for 'question'
Add 2 to deaths of Current Player for 'answer' *1)

Transfer Switch 2
All Players

Current Player has suffered at least 1 death of 'setup next question'
Switch 2 is set
Add 4 to deaths of Current Player for 'question'
Add 4 to deaths of Current Player for 'answer' *1)

Transfer Switch 3
All Players

Current Player has suffered at least 1 death of 'setup next question'
Switch 3 is set
Add 8 to deaths of Current Player for 'question'
Add 8 to deaths of Current Player for 'answer' *1)

*1) This line sets the answer dc for all players, but since only triggers for the quizzer exist that check for it nothing bad will happen.

The green numbers are the power of 2 of the switch number you're setting. You should be able to continue the system for more switches.
2^0 = 1 ; 2^1 = 2 ; 2^2 = 4 ; 2^3 = 8
And 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15. Meaning this generates a number between 0-15, which is 16 possibilities. So you need to add 1 to the dc in the final trigger that also resets the setup dc.

Finalize transfer procedure
All Players

Current Player has suffered at least 1 death of 'setup next question'
Add 1 to deaths of Current Player for 'question'
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'setup next question'

Just a general hint at the end: When you create a system that changes a Current Player variable (you need it for Current Player actions like display text, play wav or move screen) dependent on a global event (randomized switches, boss defeated, countdown timer expired) you must heavily work with death counters because of the order in that StarCraft checks triggers.
The order you see in the trigger list is NOT the true order in game, because first ALL triggers of P1 get checked (even those that are under force or all players) then StarCraft goes on to P2 and so on. It's also helpful to have a fixed player (required or computer) that is in front or after all other players, so you can do global actions (like randomize switches) with that player and you know that all players will run after (or before) it.

Good luck with your map! ;)

Jul 17 2009, 9:13 am r00k Post #3

I didnīt read what nuderaider wrote, maybe his suggestion is better.
Your problem was, that you removed the civ, before the trigger for the Quizey Players could fire.
What i did is, i just moved all questions (acctually only 10) into Force 4, and after the question is asked i made a trigger that moves the civ back to where he started.
So you dont have to add the move back trigger to every trigger that asks a question.

And i added a Switch (i used a death count, but a switch it is). I set the Switch(dc) to 1, when p2 asks his question,
and i check in the Question Triggers for force 4 if that switch is set (dc=1), instead of checking if the Civ is on the beacon.
When the question for force 4 is asked, i set the "switch" back to 0. I tested it and it worked, but you should test it again, as i was not willing to test more than once.

I made the Counter only run, when the Switch is not set(0) as soon as it is set, it stops.

Also i added a suggestion for the terrain, because there was none.


The Quiz.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 44.72kb


Jul 17 2009, 5:17 pm m.0.n.3.y Post #4

Quote from r00k
I didnīt read what nuderaider wrote, maybe his suggestion is better.
Your problem was, that you removed the civ, before the trigger for the Quizey Players could fire.
What i did is, i just moved all questions (acctually only 10) into Force 4, and after the question is asked i made a trigger that moves the civ back to where he started.
So you dont have to add the move back trigger to every trigger that asks a question.

And i added a Switch (i used a death count, but a switch it is). I set the Switch(dc) to 1, when p2 asks his question,
and i check in the Question Triggers for force 4 if that switch is set (dc=1), instead of checking if the Civ is on the beacon.
When the question for force 4 is asked, i set the "switch" back to 0. I tested it and it worked, but you should test it again, as i was not willing to test more than once.

I made the Counter only run, when the Switch is not set(0) as soon as it is set, it stops.

Also i added a suggestion for the terrain, because there was none.


I was thinking about that lat night when I went to bed and planned on testing it with like a switch or something. Thanks. But, the problem is still not solved...I was testing with 2 quizyes and only one of them could see the text. So, I guess the trigger cycles are just going too fast or something. Maybe I should take out hypers?

Srry, I didn't have enough time to read your post yet cause i g2g. But somethings you mgiht wana know are, my game is guna hvae about 1000 questions in it. p1 is comp. p2 is the quizer (he sees questions and answer) p3-8 are people being quized, (they onyl see question). But yeah, maybe that puts a difference in your suggestion? But i'll read it in a lil

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2009, 5:26 pm by m.0.n.3.y.


Jul 17 2009, 10:12 pm NudeRaider Post #5

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from m.0.n.3.y
Srry, I didn't have enough time to read your post yet cause i g2g. But somethings you mgiht wana know are, my game is guna hvae about 1000 questions in it. p1 is comp. p2 is the quizer (he sees questions and answer) p3-8 are people being quized, (they onyl see question). But yeah, maybe that puts a difference in your suggestion? But i'll read it in a lil
Please use English even when you have only little time, thanks.

That doesn't change anything (except 10 switches instead of 4) because that's what I assumed anyways.
If you don't have time to look at all the triggers I recommend you at least read the text in between. I roughly describe the process and point out tricky spots. With that and some experience you should even be able to write the triggers without looking at mine.

Oh, and another piece of advice: Unless you're a pro mapper don't try to get trigger work done when you're in a hurry. You will end up doing a lot of stuff that is prone to bugs or isn't working at all.

Jul 17 2009, 10:41 pm m.0.n.3.y Post #6

Death Cycling Counter

Is the system I'm using for randomization.
And so by dooing what your saying, using the current player stuff, I'll have to make a counter for each player. Because right now, I only have it for p1 (the computer)

Players: 2

Player 2 brings exactly 1 unit to Start Q
p1 suffered exactly 1 deaths of Randomization

Set deaths to 1 for Disruption Field for Player 1
Display Text "Blah"

Being Quized:
Players: Force 4

p1 suffered exactly 1 deaths of Randomization
p1 suffered exactly 1 deaths of Disruption Field

Set deaths for p1 to 0 for Disruption Field
Display Text "Blah Blah"
Preserve Trigger.

Players: 1

Player 1 has suffered exactly 0 deaths of Disruption Field

Set deaths for player 1 add 1 for Randomization
Preserve Trigger

Players: 1

Conditions: Player 1 has suffered atleast 1001 deaths of Randomization

Set deaths for player 1 to 0 for Randomization
Preserve trigger

I get what your're saying for the current player stuff. But then, i'd have to make a "Randomization Section" for each player right?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2009, 10:52 pm by m.0.n.3.y.


Jul 17 2009, 10:54 pm NudeRaider Post #7

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from m.0.n.3.y
I get what your're saying for the current player stuff. But then, i'd have to make a "Randomization Section" for each player right?
quick answer for this last question only (details on other following later):
When you look at the trigger you'll see that the randomization itself (action: randomize switch) runs only for the quizzer (or computer, doesn't matter) and that the assignment runs for all players/current player. That way you need only 1 trigger for every player, but of course still n triggers for 2^n questions.

Jul 17 2009, 11:06 pm m.0.n.3.y Post #8

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from m.0.n.3.y
I get what your're saying for the current player stuff. But then, i'd have to make a "Randomization Section" for each player right?
quick answer for this last question only (details on other following later):
When you look at the trigger you'll see that the randomization itself (action: randomize switch) runs only for the quizzer (or computer, doesn't matter) and that the assignment runs for all players/current player. That way you need only 1 trigger for every player, but of course still n triggers for 2^n questions.

Well, see, your method of randomization I still only partialy get, but I'm still researching how to do it.
But you're first two triggers in your above post should work with my method of randomization. So what I'm asking is, if I use your suggestion (not your randomization suggestion) and incorperate it with my Randomization method, will it work? Because if I combined the method I'm using for randomization and your advice, then I WILL have to repeat my randomization method for every player right? But I think it will still work out anyways.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2009, 11:50 pm by m.0.n.3.y.


Jul 18 2009, 12:41 am NudeRaider Post #9

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

ah, now I know what you mean with cycling... Yeah, it's probably easier in your case, although predictable to a degree.

And no, you can't use it because my triggers alter the randomization/question dc, which would interrupt the cycle, so questions with higher number would have a less chance to be selected. Keep in mind that it takes 1000 questions / 8 triggers per game second = 125 seconds = >2 minutes to get to the last question.
I will adapt your randomization and my display question triggers to make it work. I might "fix" things along the way which aren't broken since I don't fully understand what you're trying to do.

Players: 1
All Players brings at most 0 civ to beacon (this makes sure that when the quizzer asks a question that it doesn't flip over to the next question, but when watching correct order you could also use "always")
Set deaths for player 1 add 1 for Randomization (aka 'question')
Preserve Trigger

Players: 1
Conditions: Player 1 has suffered at least 1001 deaths of Randomization
Set deaths for player 1 to 0 for Randomization
Preserve trigger

Now when the condition "quizzer puts the civ onto the beacon" is true you give every player the question and the quizzer also the answer text. Then make the Computer P8 (needs to run last) and let it always reset the civ.

All Players

P1 brings at least 1 civ to beacon
P1 has suffered exactly 1 death of 'question' / Randomization
Display text(A man steps into the bus, how old is he?)
Set deaths of Current Player to 0 for 'question' (not needed anymore)

... for all 1000 values of 'question'

and the same trigger but just for P1 Quizzer and with the answer text:


P1 brings at least 1 civ to beacon
P1 has suffered exactly 1 death of 'question' / Randomization
Display text(Between 18-120 years.)

And lastly after the question has been displayed for everyone reset the civ:

P8 (Computer or quizzer player)
P1 brings at least 1 civ to beacon
Move civ to 'reset' for P1

I hope I didn't oversee anything since I'm pretty tired right now. But it should work.
However if it doesn't tell me which triggers you're using and what is (not) happening in game.

Jul 18 2009, 1:01 am m.0.n.3.y Post #10

K just read your post, and thanks for you're help, i'll try that out as soon as i can.
But I have a question. Does the computer need to be p8, or can it be p1? I'm guess the answer is yes, because of the way that triggers execute n stuff etc. But prolly the computer player needs to be p8 because of the way triggers execute downards and the way that they check players. It needs to be p8 so that it checks it last and resets the civ last (so that all the text is displayed before it is reset) Right?
(i tried to pm you but you are out of space) :-(

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2009, 3:21 am by m.0.n.3.y.


Jul 18 2009, 4:37 am NudeRaider Post #11

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

The civilian has to be reset after all other player's triggers ran.
The easiest way to achieve this is by having a P8 comp player that does it.

When you used Forces as trigger owners (which is the cleaner way), rather than ticking the individual players this is the way to go.
However if you would have to change a lot of triggers then it's easier to just introduce another switch or dc that simply delays the civ reset for 1 trigger loop.

And thanks for the info about PM space. Didn't know it's full, I deleted some messages now.
But that's not bad at all, because on topic discussions should stay in the topic anyway. There's no reason for PMs.

Jul 18 2009, 4:55 am m.0.n.3.y Post #12

Quote from NudeRaider
The civilian has to be reset after all other player's triggers ran.
The easiest way to achieve this is by having a P8 comp player that does it.

When you used Forces as trigger owners (which is the cleaner way), rather than ticking the individual players this is the way to go.
However if you would have to change a lot of triggers then it's easier to just introduce another switch or dc that simply delays the civ reset for 1 trigger loop.

And thanks for the info about PM space. Didn't know it's full, I deleted some messages now.
But that's not bad at all, because on topic discussions should stay in the topic anyway. There's no reason for PMs.

um, btw, it wouldn't work......Until I took it off of all players and switched it to players 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. And, it also wouldn't work unless the only things in the actions were display txt mssg and preserve trigger. Maybe, when I finish converting the 25 or so questions i have right now to the correct system that you helped me with, you could take a look at the map, and see if you see any potential problems in my triggers or something? I'm just a little uneasy that it'll work, cause it's failed me so many times, and now i just got it to work, but still.

Also, I think that's a good idea, if the text isn't appearing again, I'll just delay the civilian a trigger loop. And then it should work, but it's working fine as of now.


Jul 18 2009, 5:24 am CecilSunkure Post #13

I want to clarify a few things really fast.

Display text message shows text to current player, meaning the applied player(s) in the condition.

So if your condition is "current player brings at least 1 civ to location", action: display message, the only player that will receive that message will be the person that applied to the conditions.. being ONLY that person who put the civ at that location. In order to avoid this, just set deaths in individual actions to 1, for each player. As in:

Set deaths player 1, 1
Set deaths player 2, 1
Set deaths player 3, 1

And so on..

Now, you have a trigger like this:

Current player suffers at least 1 death, set deaths to 0, display text.

Now each player will have their death set back to 0, as well as have their text displayed.

Now, I don't know what exactly you plan to do with your map, but what you probably want to do is set up a mini-engine, make the triggers do as much work as possible. Once you have the system set up, you can simply add more questions to the system anytime, and modify the DC reset value (amount of questions represented as a DC).

I skimmed over NudeRaiders system and it looks pretty similar to what I thought of after reading the OP, if you are still confused about it, I can try to explain what I would do in a simpler way O_o

Anyways, how many questions do you plan to have? You want them randomly generated, right?


Jul 18 2009, 6:32 am m.0.n.3.y Post #14

Quote from CecilSunkure
I want to clarify a few things really fast.

Display text message shows text to current player, meaning the applied player(s) in the condition.

So if your condition is "current player brings at least 1 civ to location", action: display message, the only player that will receive that message will be the person that applied to the conditions.. being ONLY that person who put the civ at that location. In order to avoid this, just set deaths in individual actions to 1, for each player. As in:

Set deaths player 1, 1
Set deaths player 2, 1
Set deaths player 3, 1

And so on..

Now, you have a trigger like this:

Current player suffers at least 1 death, set deaths to 0, display text.

Now each player will have their death set back to 0, as well as have their text displayed.

Now, I don't know what exactly you plan to do with your map, but what you probably want to do is set up a mini-engine, make the triggers do as much work as possible. Once you have the system set up, you can simply add more questions to the system anytime, and modify the DC reset value (amount of questions represented as a DC).

I skimmed over NudeRaiders system and it looks pretty similar to what I thought of after reading the OP, if you are still confused about it, I can try to explain what I would do in a simpler way O_o

Anyways, how many questions do you plan to have? You want them randomly generated, right?

Yeah I know about the deaths and text stuff, and I could just use transmissions, I don't think there's really a point in that, since it will all coem out the same way.

Yeah, the 2^(some power) system I've heard about even before nuderaider but never really understood it. And I still don't really get it. I have a system the works for my map (so far) already set up but i'd like to know how to do the other system. If you show'd me how to do it or could explain it that owuld be great!

I plan to have 1000 questions and yes, they are all randomly generated. :sly:


Jul 18 2009, 12:33 pm NudeRaider Post #15

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Have you read the binary count-off tutorial? There's some math background you need to know to understand why 2^x things work the way they do. If someone knows how to explain it briefly, go ahead, but I don't. :/

And yes, cecil describes what you have to do when you have no computer P8. He just introduces a new dc which will be set for everyone if the civ is on the beacon and the civ will be reset at once. And then the players reset the dc for themselves individually. This is similar to my initial triggers where I used the "exactly 1-1000" condition to check for it.
Quote from CecilSunkure
Set deaths player 1, 1
Set deaths player 2, 1
Set deaths player 3, 1

And so on..
>Just "Set deaths for All Players to 1" is enough. In the same trigger reset the civ and have this trigger owned by P1 or P2 Quizzer Player.

Quote from CecilSunkure
Now, you have a trigger like this:

Current player suffers at least 1 death, set deaths to 0, display text.

Now each player will have their death set back to 0, as well as have their text displayed.
And yes, this is pretty much what I'd suggest, too.

Jul 18 2009, 6:15 pm CecilSunkure Post #16

Allright.. Let's do this. I'll show you two ways to have this done. Note: All triggers should be applied to each player, unless I specify otherwise (to save time on that darn trigger copying). So checkmark players 1-8, or force 1, or all players or something..

The trigger for when the quizzer steps onto the beacon (assuming all other players are allies):

Current player brings civ to beacon, set deaths for current player to 2 deaths "unit 1", set deaths for allies to 1 deaths of "unit 1", set deaths of current player to 1 "randomize things!".

So now, the quizzer has 2 deaths of a unit, and all quizzees have only 1. You also set the death "randomize things!", I'll come back to that.

Now let's assume you have 1000 questions already. What you need to do, is pick a random question from your list. Here is what the list of your questions will look like. Very simple:

Current player suffers exactly 1 death of "unit 1", All players suffer exactly 0 deaths of "Randomize things!", Current player suffers exactly 1 deaths of "unit 2"
Display Question
Set deaths of current player set to 0 "unit 1", set to 0 "unit 2"

This trigger will be shown to the quizzer:

Current player suffers exactly 2 deaths of "unit 1", All players suffer exactly 0 deaths of "Randomize things!", Current player suffers exactly 1 deaths of "unit 2"
Display ANSWER
Set deaths of current player set to 0 "unit 1", set to 0 "unit 2"

The DC unit 1, is being used as a "switch" to tell the players that they are being asked a question as a quizzee or quizzer. If the player were a quizzer, they would have their condition be "exactly 2 deaths of 'unit 1'". Now the part that says "exactly 1 deaths of "unit 2", I will be using the deaths of "unit 2" as a number for your question. Since this trigger had the condition of "exactly 1 deaths 'unit 2"', this would be the first question in your series of 1000. If this was the one thousandth question, the condition would be "current player suffered exactly 1000 deaths of 'unit 2'". And as for the deaths of "Randomize things!", I will be using this death in the trigger that randomizes which question will be answered. I want all players to wait until the randomization is OVER before they are asked a question, so I add into the question condition "All players suffer exactly 0 deaths of "Randomize things!". Note: Remember when we stepped onto the beacon? Only one person had a DC set to 1 "randomize things!" death, and that was the quizzer, just wanted to point that out.

Now for the trigger that does that randomizing. There are very very many ways to do this, and depending on how much you are willing to work, you can make your randomization very good, or very bad. NudeRaider's way would work well, but what if you add death counts and you go over 1000? Well then you simply reset the DC's back to 0 and reset the randomization trigger. But that means those last questions will almost never be asked, since the chance of going over 1000 while adding 50 something deaths is much greater than the chance on landing on the nine hundred eighty second trigger.. So what I will show you uses randomizing switches (of course), and will have take a second or two to complete. What I would want to do, is randomize say.. Let's do 4 switches. You will randomize 4 switches when the deaths of "randomize things!" is set, and then you will check to see if every switch is set, if it is play question 1. If it isn't, randomize the switches and play question 2. So if you have 4 switch randomizing, and 14 outcomes, your average time to hit the combination of switches where all switches are set, would be about 14/12's seconds. So everytime the switches are randomized, be sure to add 1 death to "unit 2", so you change which question you are on! Also, on average you will skip 14 questions, and hit about the 15th question after your randomization point. Here are the possible combinations of switches, O is On, and F is Off:


So once you hit the switch combination of OOOO, set deaths to 0 "randomize things!". It's that simple.

The downside to this system is the 1 second of switches being randomized. In a map I made, I had this many switches being randomized, but I would wait to move on until ALL the combinations had been hit, and it usually takes only 1.5 seconds, no big deal. But if you can't stand waiting 1 second.. Or think the sequence of questions being randomized is too predictable.. Then here is another way (I am only modifying the randomize things triggers, nothing else)! So, here is a way very similar to what NudeRaider described, which is what I recommend.

Option 2:

Allright, so instead of randomizing the switches waiting for a certain combination, lets set each of the switches to add a certain number of deaths to "unit 2". What this will do, is add a random number to which question you are on (remember that the question you are on is represented by the DC 'unit 2'?) depending on which switches are cleared or set.

Here is the trigger to start this randomizing process:

Current player suffers exactly 1 death "randomize things!"
Set deaths of current player to 2 deaths of "randomize things"
Randomize switch 1, 2, and 3
Set deaths of "Things are being randomized.." to 4.

This trigger simply randomizes the triggers, and then adds 1 death to "randomize things" so that the trigger fires only once. Then it sets 3 deaths to "Things are being randomized..". This will be used in the next couple of triggers:

These triggers will be adding random numbers to "unit 2", meaning it will change which question you are currently on, to a number above that which you are on.

Switch 1 is SET, Deaths of current player at least 4 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 1 DC to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

Switch 1 is CLEARED, Deaths of current player at least 4 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 2 DC's to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

Ok, so in this trigger, depending on whether or not switch 1 was set or cleared, we added either 1 or 2 DC's to "unit 2", and then subtracted 1 from "Things are being randomized..". We did this subtraction so either of these 2 triggers fires only once.

Now for switch two..

Switch 2 is SET, Deaths of current player at least 3 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 5 DC's to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

Switch 2 is CLEARED, Deaths of current player at least 3 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 10 DC's to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

Now for switch 3..

Switch 3 is SET, Deaths of current player at least 2 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 20 DC's to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

Switch 0 is CLEARED, Deaths of current player at least 2 death of "Things are being randomized.."
Add 0 DC's to "unit 2"
Subtract 1 death of "Things are being randomized.."

And there you have it! You just added a bunch of random amounts to the DC of "unit 2", switching which question you are on quite effectively. Notice that for switch 3, I allowed it to add 0 deaths to "unit 2", this way, when the switches are randomized, you have a chance to skip only a few questions as well as a chance to skip 20, just to make the amounts of DC's you can have vary from small to large.

Once all these switches are done adding deaths, you will have have 1 DC left over of "Things are being randomized..". So that means, whenever you have exactly 1 death of "Things are being randomized..", you will know the DC of "unit 2" has been randomized.

Here is the trigger to let the players know that the randomization is over:

Current player suffers exactly 1 death of "randomize things!", Current player suffers exactly 1 deaths of "Things are being randomized.."
Set deaths to 0 "randomize things!"
Set deaths to 0 "Things are being randomized.."

And now your question will be asked!
All you need to do from here is add some sort of delay, like a countdown timer, until the next question can picked. Once the countdown timer is done, and when the quizzer walks onto the beacon, just remember this trigger:

Current player brings civ to beacon
Set deaths for current player to 2 deaths "unit 1", set deaths for allies to 1 deaths of "unit 1", set deaths of current player to 1 "randomize things!"

But you should modify this to:

Current player brings civ to beacon, Countdown timer at most 0
Set deaths for current player to 2 deaths "unit 1", set deaths for allies to 1 deaths of "unit 1", set deaths of current player to 1 "randomize things!"

Now in the trigger of:

Current player suffers exactly 1 death of "randomize things!", Current player suffers exactly 1 deaths of "Things are being randomized.."
Set deaths to 0 "randomize things!"
Set deaths to 0 "Things are being randomized.."

Remember this one? The one that fires when the switches are done randomizing? Well in this trigger, set the countdown timer to something like 120 seconds. That way the quizzer must wait at least 120 seconds until the next question will be asked.

If you want to, change the randomization triggers like below. You can change the amount of DC's added until you find something you like. Another example:

Switch 1: Add 1 or 2
Switch 2: Add 4 or 8
Switch 3: Add 16 or 32
Switch 4: Add 64 or 0

Tweak the amounts until you find something you like. I suggest keeping these ones, as these numbers will allow you less anticipatable outcomes.

And for the last trigger......

If current player suffers at least 1001 deaths of "unit 2"
Set deaths to 0 current player
Set deaths (set the proper deaths so that the switches randomize again)

Just for when you go over the 1000th question.

Good Luck!

[Edit]..I was thinking, you can never hit any questions in the list with the DC of 21 or lower.. This is actually rather simple to solve. Start your FIRST question as the 22nd question. Now have a trigger like this:

Current player suffers at least 1 death of "unit 2", current player suffers at most 21 deaths of "unit 2"
Set deaths of current player to 22 deaths of "unit 2"

Now, you have a chance to hit ANY question on your list of 1000 questions. And just a reminder, if you use this trigger, your last question should end on 1022 deaths of "unit 2"

Good Luck!

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2009, 6:30 pm by CecilSunkure.


Jul 18 2009, 6:43 pm CecilSunkure Post #17

Quote from NudeRaider
Have you read the binary count-off tutorial? There's some math background you need to know to understand why 2^x things work the way they do. If someone knows how to explain it briefly, go ahead, but I don't. :/

I read that tutorial, and it looks like it is just transferring a counter from one type of data to another, as fast as possible. What this system does, is it removes x number of units from data type one, and adds x number of units to data type 2. It just takes an amount from data type one, and puts it into data type 2.

That's good for when you need to convert minerals to vespene, or kill points to custom points. You could use a trigger that always subtracts 1 from data type 1, and adds 1 to data type 2. This would get the job done.. Slowly.

What if you have 50 minerals? You would have to wait 50/12 seconds, approx., for that transfer to complete. Not much fun. So what you do, is you have some triggers that take away a LARGER amount of minerals, and add the same amount to the vespene.

So you have a trigger that will take 1 mineral and add 1 vespene, if that person has 1 mineral. Make sure to put this trigger at the BOTTOM of your list, so it will fire last.

Now have a trigger listening for 2 minerals, and adding 2 vespene. Put this trigger above the last one.

Now have a trigger listening for 4 minerals, and adding 4 vespene. Put this trigger above the last one.

Add as many of these triggers as you want. The amount of minerals being converted in each trigger should be twice the amount of the last trigger. Mathematically, if you set the amounts up this way, your minerals will be converted to vespene as fast as possible. The AMOUNT of minerals added/and subtracted can be represented with a mini equation like this (note that you don't need to understand this equation, it just represents all numbers that could be added/subtracted):


x represents which trigger in the sequence you are talking about, as in.. The first trigger (adding or subtracting 1 minerals/vespene), or the second trigger (adding or subtracting 2 minerals/vespene).

Lets try it out really fast.. How about the 3rd trigger in the sequence. Here is the third trigger:

"Now have a trigger listening for 4 minerals, and adding 4 vespene."

Lets try out our equation:

2^(x-1) = 2^(3-1) = 2^2 = 4

Hey, look at that! We added and subtracted 4 minerals and vespene! Hehe..


Jul 18 2009, 7:07 pm r00k Post #18

The problem:
When I bring the civilian to the beacon, the question shows up for the quizzer, but not for the people getting quized. I have no clue why, except for maybe a glitch in the death cycling counter system and stuff. So can someone help me!?

Thanks. But, the problem is still not solved...I was testing with 2 quizyes and only one of them could see the text.

Ok, its me again. I think i was the only one who throw an Eye on the map, maybe you should do that too.
I donīt know how far he took this by now, but all that i can say when looking through the triggers,
was that the main problem was not which is the best of the best of all the best randomization methods. It was more simple.
How can i make a Trigger that Displays the Question and !!! the Answer for one Player and only !!! the Question for all the other Players.

I mean 1000 Questions sounds a lot, but when you play often enough, to see some kind of structure in his randomization method, you will know all answers 10 times.
And i doubt that a random question Map for Broodwars needs the best randomization Method anyway.
Keep in mind , you have humans that ask and answer the Questions. It is pretty much unpredictable,
how long they will take to choose a question, and to answer it. So stop confusing with more and more facts you once grabbed and just open the map he posted, or take what i did,
make it work with the system he did, and post it again.
If you want you can after that open another post, called: "The best Randomization Method of the World in Broodwars Mapmaking."
This should be nothing against you guys, i just wanted to make clear, that his Triggerproblems are much more grounded than you might think they are...

Anyway, as i donīt know how far you have come with your map, maybe my entry here is a little out of time, but i just felt this way, so i thought i post it.


Jul 18 2009, 7:14 pm CecilSunkure Post #19

Quote from r00k
I mean 1000 Questions sounds a lot, but when you play often enough, to see some kind of structure in his randomization method, you will know all answers 10 times.
And i doubt that a random question Map for Broodwars needs the best randomization Method anyway.
Keep in mind , you have humans that ask and answer the Questions. It is pretty much unpredictable,
how long they will take to choose a question, and to answer it. So stop confusing with more and more facts you once grabbed and just open the map he posted, or take what i did,
make it work with the system he did, and post it again.
If you want you can after that open another post, called: "The best Randomization Method of the World in Broodwars Mapmaking."
This should be nothing against you guys, i just wanted to make clear, that his Triggerproblems are much more grounded than you might think they are...

Anyway, as i donīt know how far you have come with your map, maybe my entry here is a little out of time, but i just felt this way, so i thought i post it.

Money asked me to explain this, and I asked if they wanted me to before I did..

Quote from CecilSunkure
I skimmed over NudeRaiders system and it looks pretty similar to what I thought of after reading the OP, if you are still confused about it, I can try to explain what I would do in a simpler way O_o
(In the same post I also told why money was probably having the original problem they were having..)
Quote from Money
Yeah, the 2^(some power) system I've heard about even before nuderaider but never really understood it. And I still don't really get it. I have a system the works for my map (so far) already set up but i'd like to know how to do the other system. If you show'd me how to do it or could explain it that owuld be great!

If money doesn't want to learn this after seeing my post, they can just ignore it.. No biggie.


Jul 18 2009, 7:27 pm r00k Post #20

Well, which will not bring him anywhere near the solving of his problem...

As i said this is nothing against one of you, that brought up all the info, and i am pretty sure it will be helpful for other maps, maybe this.
All i wanted to say is, that HIS basic problem was NOT the Randomization. The system he used worked pretty good, if it was the best or not.
But something else didnīt work, and as i was not able to help, it would have been good if someone else could have done it.

The time, where i ran into basic Problems which most people couldnīt even see, cause it was so obvious for them how to do it, is not that far away,
and i remember that it was sometimes hard to get help because of this.

edit: sorry, i know my last 2 posts havenīt been any helpful too, but i had to write this.


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[01:12 pm]
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Heinermann -- egg
[03:05 am]
NudeRaider -- I will!
[2025-2-13. : 6:27 pm]
dumbducky -- Thank you come again
[2025-2-11. : 2:34 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2025-2-10. : 7:43 am]
NudeRaider -- true
[2025-2-10. : 12:21 am]
Ultraviolet -- or too much going on in too little space rather
[2025-2-10. : 12:20 am]
Ultraviolet -- they're also just too small to really be obvious what they are without looking really closely
[2025-2-09. : 8:40 pm]
NudeRaider -- I'm not an artist, but I made a better version
[2025-2-09. : 4:28 pm]
Ultraviolet -- yeah I don't disagree
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