Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: Drugs?
Jul 12 2009, 5:50 pm
By: ~:Deathawk:~
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Jul 12 2009, 5:50 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #1

I'm just curious, how many people have engaged in substances like weed, alcohol, etc? When'd you start? How often?

I'll start, I suppose..

I don't enjoy weed as much as everybody else does, it seems, but I smoke it from time to time. Worth a try, but I didn't find it too special.

Alcohol, on the other hand, I drink a lot more and I'd much rather do that than smoke. I drink probably every week, I've puked, I've blacked out, all that fun stuff. Recently though, I tend to drink enough to get me that warm and fuzzy feeling without being totally incoherent and retarded.

I smoke cigarettes/black and milds/cigars every now and then, but I don't enjoy them too much, don't buy them myself, and really only smoke them if I'm intoxicated already or if somebody's offering them.

I started all of these things this year, but I'm responsible for it and I'm able to keep all these habits on a low priority scale. Once school rolls around I don't plan on engaging on them all too much, but we'll see.

So what about you? Tell us!


Jul 12 2009, 5:59 pm MasterJohnny Post #2

I don't need,want, or use substances.

I am a Mathematician

Jul 12 2009, 6:03 pm JaFF Post #3

I'm 19. I don't smoke cigarettes at all - I find them disgusting. I drink... maybe once a month; not much though. Weed does not have much effect on me, so it's basically useless. I want to try Salvia.

And I don't drink coffee.

I guess adrenaline is my drug. When I get out of my house, there's no stopping me.


Jul 12 2009, 6:06 pm Dapperdan Post #4

I don't do anything.

Haven't we had this topic before? I'm almost positive...


Jul 12 2009, 6:08 pm Excalibur Post #5

The sword and the faith

Quote from MasterJohnny
I don't need, want, or use substances.

I'm too lazy to go find that pic that says 'Son I am disappoint' but it applies here Mr Hawk. :P

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
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Jul 12 2009, 6:08 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #6

I don't do anything either. I think anything that's smoked is absolutely disgusting to be around (it smells awful), so I try to avoid people who smoke.

I'm sure alcohol could be fine, but whenever I drink any kind of liquid I drink it in massive quantities, so yeah :P


Jul 12 2009, 6:14 pm Ashamed Post #7

Hear me Raor!!

lol i don't smoke cigarettes, but i will smoke from my hookah every once in a while, but i do smoke weed like everyday of my life ><! its mah medicine, i also will drink at an office party or a party everyonce in a while, but i hate drinking so thats not very often.


Jul 12 2009, 6:21 pm Dr. Shotgun Post #8

I'm relatively clean now, but I've done weed, shrooms, salvia, and LSD.
Also drank for a bit.


Jul 12 2009, 6:25 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #9

Quote from Excalibur
Quote from MasterJohnny
I don't need, want, or use substances.

I'm too lazy to go find that pic that says 'Son I am disappoint' but it applies here Mr Hawk. :P
I keep my habit under control, if that means anything. And honestly, I'd have to say one of the best decisions of my life was going to a party and doing what I did at the party. Not that I'm taking credit for it, since I was kind of intoxicated, but if none of that had ever occurred I can't fathom being as happy as I currently am now. So hey, give me a break ;) And hey, I've turned down harder drugs, so give me a pat on the back!

Also, totally forgot about the coffee. I'm a big coffee fiend, helped me get through school. I also dabbled with Adderal while taking tests in school. I didn't think too much of it considering if I wanted a prescription of Adderal from my psychiatrist I'm 99% sure they'd give me one, and I used to be on the stuff for years anyway.


Jul 12 2009, 6:26 pm Norm Post #10

Went through plenty of alcohol when I was younger, but one day decided it was stupid and haven't done anything in the vein of this since.


Jul 12 2009, 6:37 pm EzDay281 Post #11

Cigarettes are intensely gross.
I may be biased, as my throat is now in poor condition from a combination of living with smoking parents and in one of the lowest air quality cities in the US, but still...
Never smoked marijuana, though I have been offered the chance.
I do drink alcohol, but only in trivial quantities (i.e., 2-5 sips of wine upto a couple times a day - and I take small sips; rarely a similar amount of beer, if my brother's trying something interesting like apricot-flavored beer).

I drink tea and coffee not rarely, but... since when are they significant unless in huge quantities?
Then again, caffeine and sugar don't seem to have much effect on me at all - none noticable, atleast - so maybe they're just supposed to be bigger things than I realize. I once drank a 48?-oz, caffeiney soda over about ten minutes, without any apparent significance...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 12 2009, 6:42 pm by EzDay281.


Jul 12 2009, 6:50 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #12

I once drank a 48?-oz, caffeiney soda over about ten minutes, without any apparent significance...

If it wasn't Mountain Dew Live Wire, it's not going to. Although I guess I usually end up drinking caffeine-free soda..


Jul 12 2009, 6:50 pm Ashamed Post #13

Hear me Raor!!

you guys are all borring lol i spend like 100 dollars on weed a week thats how much me and my wife smoke it! Its a really cool drug/ when you have it under controll we only get high at night, and we make over 80k a year together... So i mean im not one of thoughs lazy stoners you see all the time.


Jul 12 2009, 7:17 pm ToA Post #14

Que Sera, Sera.

I've smoke weed kindof a lot, it's fun for me, but if i don't have it im not sweating it, weeds very fun for me.

i cant stand alcohol, never gonna drink it, tastes like shit.

i do painkillers from time to time, like oxycodone or vicodin, but i can never get my hands on them so i rarely do them, i love the high of these though, i'm more creative on these than weed. oxycodone was the first drug i did, then vicodin, then weed.

i used to hate cigerattes but smoking a marlboro red, light, or n27's are great, any cig other than a menthol, but i usually do that socially with friends.

i'd like to try a hallucinogen someday, preferably LSD since it's the weakest i know of.

i'd also like to try xanax or valium someday, but i cant ever get them so it's whatever.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 12 2009, 7:22 pm by ToA.

Jul 12 2009, 8:16 pm Ashamed Post #15

Hear me Raor!!

'd like to try a hallucinogen someday, preferably LSD since it's the weakest i know of.
... LSD is one of the worst hallucinogen.... LOL
if you want to try it and start slow, go with like Shrooms or salvia <-- which is legal and you only trip for like 5-10 minutes...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 12 2009, 8:42 pm by DT_Battlekruser. Reason: legal reasons


Jul 12 2009, 8:24 pm Moose Post #16

We live in a society.

Jul 12 2009, 8:30 pm Hug A Zergling Post #17



Jul 12 2009, 8:32 pm BiOAtK Post #18

I drink often (only hard liquors for me) and smoke weed about every week or less. (:


Jul 12 2009, 8:36 pm ToA Post #19

Que Sera, Sera.

Quote from Ashamed
'd like to try a hallucinogen someday, preferably LSD since it's the weakest i know of.
... LSD is one of the worst hallucinogen.... LOL
if you want to try it and start slow, go with like Shrooms or salvia <-- which is legal and you only trip for like 5-10 minutes...
LSD is the non natural hallucinogen but its the less intense, shrooms is shorter but more intense, salvia can be insane even though its super short.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 12 2009, 8:43 pm by DT_Battlekruser. Reason: legal reasons

Jul 12 2009, 8:44 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #20

I realize the comments were in no means serious, but I would like to remind people that many of these drugs are illegal and discussion arranging their sale or trade is a violation of federal law, for which we as a website are liable.

So please refrain from talking about giving people drugs, however jokingly.


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