Bible trivia cont
Mark 6:10; He said unto them, "wherever you enter a place, _____________________" (stay there until you leave the place).
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
Stay there until you leave? Isn't that kinda redundant? XD
I think I remember that verse, I think what it meant was something like if someone lets you into their home, don't go wandering around into other homes until you leave that town

"i think he would need to rephrase it to somthing like "Whats the max number of 8th notes you can put in a single measure if the time signature is 3/4?""
Quote Toothfairy
Yup that's what I meant and admittedly I could have phrased it better =)
And for some reason quoting won't work for me so I copied/pasted ur comment
Sorry but I wrote a bunch of stuff, but then my internet just shut down so I think I'll just write a shorter version. Anyways, thanks for all those questions, a lot of them are definatly some great ones, and I'll be sure to use them. Probably around 5-8. Thanks.
I've never been much of a bibal or religouse person, but if you'd like to, I wouldn't mind you throwing around some more religouse questions and info.
@The rest of you
Thanks to some donations for people already, I have a number of questions already done, and basically all the catagories that I am going to use, save for one. Anyone got an idea for the last catagory, or think that one of these catagories is not good? Your input is apreciated.
10- (Cherp cherp, cherp cherp)
-$EDIT: Ok guys, so i just thought of something that I didn't think of before becasue I'm really stupid. If I want to have 1000 questions, then I don't need 10 questions for each of the 10 catagoires, but 100! Lol, so now I really need help!
If you read the above edit, I think you can guess why I'm writing this to you. I need more music questions! Please. Lol thanks.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 15 2009, 4:39 pm by m.0.n.3.y.
Ok sorry for the double post, but I am finding that it is extremly hard to come up with 100 questions for each of the 10 catagories (making 1000 questions in all). I just can't think of enuogh trivia questions, and by the time i got to 100 for a catagory, I'm sure I will have exausted all the good questions, and they will start to become really sloppy. So would it be ok If I only had 50/75 questions per catagory, making the quiz have only 500 or 750 questions? Any thoughts on this?
About how many islands are in the Pacific Ocean? 20,000
What is the capitol of Norway? Oslo
What is the capitol of ______? (just use any country)
Win by luck, lose by skill.
Here is a database of trivia questions and answers. On the right side is a bunch of links to different catagories.
Ok sorry for the double post, but I am finding that it is extremly hard to come up with 100 questions for each of the 10 catagories (making 1000 questions in all). I just can't think of enuogh trivia questions, and by the time i got to 100 for a catagory, I'm sure I will have exausted all the good questions, and they will start to become really sloppy. So would it be ok If I only had 50/75 questions per catagory, making the quiz have only 500 or 750 questions? Any thoughts on this?
how bout you do 50 questions 20 categories. personally i think the more categories the better because one will generally need a wider base of knowledge just like real life.
Ok sorry for the double post, but I am finding that it is extremly hard to come up with 100 questions for each of the 10 catagories (making 1000 questions in all). I just can't think of enuogh trivia questions, and by the time i got to 100 for a catagory, I'm sure I will have exausted all the good questions, and they will start to become really sloppy. So would it be ok If I only had 50/75 questions per catagory, making the quiz have only 500 or 750 questions? Any thoughts on this?
how bout you do 50 questions 20 categories. personally i think the more categories the better because one will generally need a wider base of knowledge just like real life.
Because that's too much, 25 Q 20 catagory maybe. But for now, I'm sticking with 50/10
The String Limit for ScmDraft is 1024. Just keep in mind.
There is also another related limit, the Str Capacity limit
It is 65,555 characters or near that total.