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Selection Detection(EUD)
Jun 23 2009, 1:14 am
By: Morphling  

Oct 20 2019, 9:02 pm Zoan Post #21

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Hey, look, a thread from almost 10 years ago!

Anyway, I'm playing with the supported eud actions, and I realized that this particular address is slightly different than described (I think). I set it to have me select unit id 1 constantly, but instead of actually selecting it, it just made it so that all of my commands are issued to that unit. So I can order it around to move and attack while having an entirely different unit selected. Weird.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Oct 21 2019, 10:23 pm Roy Post #22

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Zoan
Anyway, I'm playing with the supported eud actions, and I realized that this particular address is slightly different than described (I think). I set it to have me select unit id 1 constantly, but instead of actually selecting it, it just made it so that all of my commands are issued to that unit. So I can order it around to move and attack while having an entirely different unit selected. Weird.
This address is exactly as described, which is why your commands are issued to the unit when you set its value. The reason it doesn't look like the unit is selected is because just setting the address value directly doesn't update any of the UI components.

In other words, when you select a unit in SC, the code updates a bunch of values to show that the unit is selected. Part of this is updating the selected unit group values (described in this thread). You'd need to update many more addresses to emulate what an in-game selection does.

Oct 22 2019, 2:38 pm Zoan Post #23

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Ah, makes sense. Any idea what address I should use to make it show me the selected units stats and stuff?

I ask because I’d like to be able to walk into fog of war without it auto deselecting the unit. When you do, as is it makes you unable to issue commands after you lose selection if the unit. I guess you technically have the unit selected through manipulating this address, but you can’t order it to move or anything without selecting another unit.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

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