Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Projects > Topic: Seacraft
May 27 2009, 3:10 am
By: RoryFenrir  

May 27 2009, 3:10 am RoryFenrir Post #1

Collapsable Box

Seacraft is a mod that me and Devourer thought up, I did some graphics for a friend, and then thought it would be cool to have an under water mod where you play as Sea Creatures. This is only a 1 race mod so far, but has some new and unique features, as well as new and original graphics. We plan to have a version finished for the contest, and eventually a campaign.

Full Tech Tree:

-Teir I
Scanty Crab- These worker units mine coral and are the basic builders.
Paltry Fin- The weakest melee attackers, but are powerful in swarms.
Cetacean- The overlords, can trasport only workers.

-Teir II
Slay Shark- Stronger melee attackers, main units for swarms. Will have an "Adreniline Rush" ability.
Cinderia- Jellyfish that have a ranged electricity attack, they are also the weakest spell casters.

Teir III
Kraken- Elite melee attacker, has some spells, fast moving.
Slaughteray- Stronger spell caster and range attacker, has support spells.

Teir IV
Tortice- Strong defensive unit, ranged attacks, strongest spell casters.
Valomin Claw- Giant crab, powerfull melee attacks but slow, can spawn small crabs.
Leviathon- Huge whales, attack with a swarm of Paltry Fins.
[Leviathons are created by two Cetaceans, one spawns the egg, the other insiminates.]

All units, except Valomin Claw (finishing up its graphics)

Economy and Structures:
The Pescaden (Fish) are based off the zerg, they have one central Coral Reef that has 4 different levels that it can morphed to. Units are mainly produced out of eggs, this is the easiest systemfor AI. The Teirs are each level of the main Reef. The main building also has two add- ons, one for research upgrades and one for tech upgrades. Each of these Add-ons can also be morphed to a higher level. You can build additional main Coral Reefs as well as three different defensive structures. We are also trying to come up with a diferent economy, the plan right now is to beable to mine Coral. Coral buys upgraded buildings, add ons, upgrades, and new buildings. The other resource will be krill, which is basicly food for your fish. We havent decided for sure but there will be a time and for every krill producing structure you will get an additional amount of krill. You will beable to build "Krill Coral" on vespine geysers, but you will not actually beable to mine from it. Units will only cost krill, maybe some will require some coral. Control will be from whales, they are basicly overlords. (This makes AI alot eiser to code)

A basic base.

Progress So Far:
The graphics are almost all done, Iscript, firegraft, game interfaces, wireframes are all pretty much done. Theres still alot to be done, finishing datedit, AI, triggers, plugins (these are being contracted out) and hopefully we will beable to modify the twilight tileset for a more undersea feel. This mod still has room for suggestion, but the graphics are pretty much set in stone, they are a little cartooney but I tried to make them all match, but I think they have turned out pretty good so far. All of the units are highly animated, movement, idle, attack. The jellyfish and small crab were particuarly complex. Some not so important graphics are left, building, morphing, deaths... but the main images for everything is pretty much finished.

We have thought about making additional races, mainly a human race of divers and underwater craft, but for now, at least untill the contest we are focusing on completing the mod with what weve started.

Please post any feed back, ideas or suggestions. We hope to have a demo for you to play soon.


May 27 2009, 3:20 am ForTheSwarm Post #2

Predators are least likely to survive an "armageddon", just so you know. :P

Otherwise, sounds cool. Is there player color this time?


May 27 2009, 3:26 am Sand Wraith Post #3


Your prologue... it rapes science. Please, stop -- you're doing it wrong.

In other news, I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS MOD. Just like how I look forward to YOUR MOTHER. TONIGHT. IN BED. SO WE CAN PLAY. THE GAME.

Oh, and I think that the sea creatures should die in explosions. It would be funner. And they should shoot light-amplification-by-stimulated-emission-of-radiations! It would be much funner.
ALSO: Does it or does it not make sense to say "lasers"? I just don't know. Maybe it just means "lights amplified by stimulated emissions of radiation". I dunno.

BTW: Krill coral makes no sense. It's like saying cats colonies-of-ants. NO. GET IT OUT. Try "sponges" instead. Or "Roe Mound". I dunno. That would be cool, anyway.

May 27 2009, 3:45 am RoryFenrir Post #4

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Otherwise, sounds cool. Is there player color this time?
Ya lol, i learned my lesson :)

Quote from name:New-.Hydrolisk
Your prologue... it rapes science. Please, stop -- you're doing it wrong.
I cant tell if this is a complement or not lol...

Quote from name:New-.Hydrolisk
Oh, and I think that the sea creatures should die in explosions. It would be funner. And they should shoot light-amplification-by-stimulated-emission-of-radiations! It would be much funner.
ALSO: Does it or does it not make sense to say "lasers"? I just don't know. Maybe it just means "lights amplified by stimulated emissions of radiation". I dunno.

BTW: Krill coral makes no sense. It's like saying cats colonies-of-ants. NO. GET IT OUT. Try "sponges" instead. Or "Roe Mound". I dunno. That would be cool, anyway.
Im planning the unit deaths to be almost identical to zerg air deaths, except i want to have a blood mixing with water effect, im going to try having the graphic, then making a seperate image that is the same graphic only cloaked, so it would give the blood a more diffused and rippley look.

I dont know about lazors lol, but ill think about it. I had something more in mind like acid spore and stuff, but i definatly want to do something cool for the range attacks.

Ya ill probably end up changing the name of krill coral, eventually i want to have an overlay of little black specs swarming around the coral, so the coral is attracting krill, and not made of krill :)


May 27 2009, 4:37 am bajadulce Post #5

Ahoy there mateys! The blue wireframes and selction circles add a nice touch. Graphics look cool too. especially since you built the models yourself.

Modifying a terrain as an aquatic environment will really help sell this. Good job.


May 27 2009, 3:10 pm Corbo Post #6


Quote from bajadulce
Modifying a terrain as an aquatic environment will really help sell this.
Let me repeat that

Quote from bajadulce
Modifying a terrain as an aquatic environment will really help sell this.
That's right.

Also, units need color.

fuck you all

May 27 2009, 3:56 pm Pigy_G Post #7

Leviathon- Huge whales, attack with a swarm of Paltry Fins.

First of all it's spelt: Leviathan

Second of all: It's not a whale.

Third of all: If I knew anything about modding I'd probably say this is epic, because it looks epic. But you're missing like a megalodon or something, needs more giant sea monsters. Maybe some mermaid spellcasters.


May 27 2009, 4:56 pm A_of-s_t Post #8

aka idmontie

It needs more Captain Nemo.

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Starcraft GitHub Organization - Feel free to request member status!

May 27 2009, 5:07 pm Devourer Post #9


needs more giant sea monsters
No, the problem is that we cannot outzoom, and giant monsters would just block the sight.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

May 27 2009, 5:14 pm A_of-s_t Post #10

aka idmontie

We technically could outzoom, but it would lag like a slug in summer.

Personal GitHub
Starcraft GitHub Organization - Feel free to request member status!

May 27 2009, 10:59 pm Sand Wraith Post #11


Well, some guys from BWHacks have gotten a higher resolution thing that runs near flawlessly (i.e. the only problems include CTRL+Select across "tiled screens", butt-ugly GUI that hasn't been properly adapted). I have it on my hard drive.

Giant sea monsters would be amazing. DO IT. (You can make giant sea monsters and buildings at the same animation level, and then make all other units -- okay, never mind.) YOU SHOULD STILL DO IT.

May 27 2009, 11:26 pm Hercanic Post #12

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Looks awesome! I was wondering when you'd unveil the source of your sig.

BTW, "beable" is not a word. =oP

May 27 2009, 11:55 pm UnholyUrine Post #13

Looks really fun :O ..
but I have to agree with New-Hydrolisk ... as your story TOTALLY rapes science...

FYI: Other than artificial and biological emission of CO2, Volcanoes are the only way CO2 is emitted back into the air from the earth. If you stop this cycle, there'd be LESS CO2, and therefore Less greenhouse gas, and thus, LOWER temperatures.

I stopped reading after that XD... as people wouldn't siphon lava back into earth anyway.. that's just entirely stupid.

Other than all that.... This looks really really awesome...

May I suggest some things from the real coral life that you may consider?
1. Clownfish - They are immune to sea anemones .. (i'm sure u watched finding nemo)... You can add that as a unit that's almost immune to your defense structures :O
2. Manta Ray - Think Protoss Mothership... but in all srsness, they ARE in the reefs. They usually burrow in the sand and wait for their prey.. i guess you can do something like that too :O.
3. Crown of Thorns - Right now, crown of thorns are an immediate danger to the world's coral reefs due to their sudden increase in population size. This is due to excess run-off of fertilizers from farms (i think)... They feed on Coral Polyps. So they actually EAT the corals...
U can add them as a strong, very tough melee unit with high dmg, but very slow.
4. Those Cleaner Shrimps - think Medic! (altho technically they only clean fishes).. Maybe u can evolve them from those tiny crabs :O .. and call them cleaner crabs (who'd know the difference? XD)
5. There are Tons of "filter feeders".. meaning animals that sits there, opens a series of gill like structures, and siths through the waters for food... you can use this 'unit' or building for your "krill resource" thing. There're tons of examples... one I like are the Sea Pens.
6. Finally, let's talk about the reproduction of corals... Corals are part of the Cnidarian phylum.. same phylum of the Jellyfishes.. they are actually a community of microscopic "polyps", or u can think .. thousands of jellyfishes growing on a skeleton tree.. When they want to reproduce.. they wait for one faithful day per year(? or was it month) .. and at night, Every Single Coral will release their sperm and eggs At the SAME TIME... in order to minimize predation and maximize chance of reproduction. You can add this as a spell for your "final" coral reef thing... maybe... where it can upgrade coral reefs beside it? I don't know XD.. but this is waht happens in real life =D


May 28 2009, 1:06 am FlyingHat Post #14

I look forward to more of your graphics Rory.


May 28 2009, 1:55 am ForTheSwarm Post #15

Quote from Corbo
Quote from bajadulce
Modifying a terrain as an aquatic environment will really help sell this.
Let me repeat that

Quote from bajadulce
Modifying a terrain as an aquatic environment will really help sell this.
That's right.

Theres still alot to be done, finishing datedit, AI, triggers, plugins (these are being contracted out) and hopefully we will beable to modify the twilight tileset for a more undersea feel.

They already know. :P


May 28 2009, 3:37 am RoryFenrir Post #16

Sorry for the scientific in acuracy lol, i forgot the aduience that im marketing this too, all of my friends that ive showed were thought that was awsome and acurate ish. The whole lava reactor thing is a little far feched...

On the note of more monsters, we have 10 right now and as is we will have a tough time finishing this before the end of june. There are nine that evolve from the egg, filling the menu, and that would mean two menues and stuff which would make it less convineint. I know thats a pretty lame excuse lol. But i was thinking if i was to make more units, maybe have a scourge like blow fish that self destructs, or one of those undersea dinosaur guys, Mosasauroidea, Ichthyosauria, you know, the dolpin like things that have giant teeth :) My other idea was to be a 3rd giant creature, a big lobster that would move slowly on the ground but would completely oblivarate any coral in its path. But we will see, its not too bad adding new units, but definatly an inconvineince.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Looks really fun :O ..
6. Finally, let's talk about the reproduction of corals... Corals are part of the Cnidarian phylum.. same phylum of the Jellyfishes.. they are actually a community of microscopic "polyps", or u can think .. thousands of jellyfishes growing on a skeleton tree.. When they want to reproduce.. they wait for one faithful day per year(? or was it month) .. and at night, Every Single Coral will release their sperm and eggs At the SAME TIME... in order to minimize predation and maximize chance of reproduction. You can add this as a spell for your "final" coral reef thing... maybe... where it can upgrade coral reefs beside it? I don't know XD.. but this is waht happens in real life =D
Ya I know, corals seed and break off and stuff, but i dont know how you would really simulate that accuratly.

Thanks ForTheSwarm for pointing out the already stated tileset thing, :) should have put it in bold

And thanks everyone for the support so far, well for the most part anyway :)


May 28 2009, 3:49 am bajadulce Post #17

I was reaffirming that a aquatic tileset was a good idea. Maybe I should have said: "Yes, modifying a tileset to aquatic theme is a good idea and will really help sell this. I agree. Sounds like a good idea. I think you should do that. Good luck editing your tilestet." :)


May 29 2009, 2:42 am RoryFenrir Post #18

lol ya thats what i originally thought, sorry for the miss conception


May 30 2009, 5:05 am Hercanic Post #19

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Beyond the graphics, have you done much modding yet? Awhile back, one of my pitched designs for the STF Humans involved their Hub being "upgradable", but I was unsure how morphing would affect an add-on. Have you tested out your dual morphing yet? My theory is that the add-on might become "permanent", meaning it will no longer become independent when the host structure is destroyed or moved. Building a second add-on on the same structure causes the effect, too.

May 31 2009, 12:04 am RoryFenrir Post #20

all the addons work, all the morphing, so far nothing crashes, the only modding really left to do is spells and attacks


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