Mar 7 2009, 2:31 am
By: Norm  

Mar 7 2009, 2:31 am Norm Post #1


This is a twisted experiment. An unknown party has left you stranded on a unexplored island. They tell you that you are not the only one they have taken here. The island grants you one power to aid in your survival. You are also told that the only way to earn your freedom is to be the last person alive on the island- which means you must kill the others who are stranded. But don't feel bad, they are out to kill you as well, with powers just as destructive as the one given to you. Diplomacy? You can team up with another person to try to survive, but who can you trust when only one person will get out of this alive. This unknown party has their eyes on you, maybe your safe as long as they need you alive, but maybe not.

The Mist
So what's so special about this island? Besides the extended terrain done by yours truly, this island is often covered by a thick mist. This mist has magical properties and is the source of these powers that you are given. The mist comes and goes at random times. When the sun breaks through to the island, it is impossible to hide. At least the mist gives you some cover from everyone who is out to kill you. Also, while the mist is think, your MP will regenerate, MP does not regenerate when the mist is not present. This adds strategy to builds that use their powers.

Territory and Diplomacy
The island is separated into different sections called territories. You can claim these territories to gain vision of the area and also to gain experience. You will gain experience not only from claiming territories, but also over time at an increased rate for each territory you control. Players can steal territories from each other by standing on a 'Territory Marker' for at least 20 seconds. Diplomacy can also be a large part of this game. Teams can be powerful, but also lead to your death. Remember that in the end, only one person can be alive, so you can't trust anyone. Each player has one territory defended by an Ancient Device (Cannon) with an Alter next to it. The alter can restore your HP to your current maximum, but it will need time to recharge after you use it. You will know the alter is ready to use by a visual cue above it.

One highlighted idea of this map is my hero customization and level up system that i plan on using. I want the players to really be able to diversify their builds. Unlike some games, Multiple players WILL be able to use the same skill set, but i want to maximize the possibilities for character builds to ensure that even two people who pick the same power can be totally different characters. One way I will achieve this is by breaking up level up bonuses into 5 categories. Players will receive a choice of which to power up with their newly gained level.

Vitality- Investing in this area will increase the maximum Life of your Hunter. This is important because once people start breaking out their final spells it won't take much to kill you at low HP. The maximum level for this stat is 15.

Strength- Investing in this area will give your minerals. Yours minerals are used to upgrade. You can upgrade the hydra range and speed if you wish, or you can put the minerals into attack and defense upgrades. Attack upgrades will carry over into your basic skills.

Skill- Skill points. Think Diablo2. Basically, you are allowed to put up to 3 skill points into each of yours spells. This enables you to have 4 levels total of each spell. Each level will increase the usefulness of effectiveness of the spell, but it will still be the same spell. The maximum level for this stat is 12.

Intelligence- Investment in this area will increase the rate that you regain your Magic energy. This may be important for builds that focus highly on magic use to damage enemies or any other effects their spells may do. The maximum level for this stat is 15.

Power- Your magical capability. Investment into this will increase the maximum amount of Magic energy your body can hold. Some builds may not invest much into this area because they could revolve around use of their first or second spell. The maximum level for this stat is 15.


To make it more realistic, there will be wild animals roaming around. These animals can be killed. Killing them then will gain you a little bit of EXP and a little bit of health. As of now, the only confirmed animal is BEAR; however, TIGER may be added as well.


Sense: Player is more alert of the surroundings.
Might: Player gains strength more rapidly.
Enlightenment: Player regains MP faster.
Evade: Player has a chance to avoid damage.


There are 15 different spell sets to choose from. In addition to these, there is one default skill set that coexists with the one you choose. The following is a list of available spells and their functions.

Spell Set(1): This is the K Hotkey no matter which power you choose.

Spell Set(2): Fire
1. Burn - Damages all enemies in the area. Upgrades increase the damage dealt and the duration of the spell.
2. Flame Aura - Emit flames that dance around you, harming your enemies. Upgrades will increase the number of flames and the duration of the spell.
3. Volcano - A powerful attack with a long and short range effect. Upgrades will increase this spells damage.

Spell Set(3):Lightning
1. Bolt - Damages nearby enemies. Upgrades will increase the damage of this spell.
2. Particle Storm - A static field prevents enemies from casting their spells while in the area. Upgrades increase the duration of this spell
3. Lightning - Damages enemies in an area. The lightning shoots in a (usually) downward direction. Upgrades will lengthen the duration and damage of this spell.

Spell Set(4):Time
1. Slow - Any nearby enemies will move slower. Upgrades will lengthen the effects of this spell.
2. Immobilize - Enemies will be unable to move, but still able to attack. Upgrades will lengthen the effects of this spell.
3. Teleport - This spell teleports you to your base. While teleporting, arrows are shot at any visible enemies. Upgrades will decrease the cooldown time required for this spell, and the number of arrows fired.

Spell Set(5):Energy
1. Heal - Heals some HP. Upgrades increase the amount of HP healed.
2. Laser - Damages a nearby enemy. Upgrades increase the damage of this spell.
3. Energy Field - High concentrations of energy paralyze enemies in the area. Upgrades will increase the duration of this spell.

Spell Set(6):Earth
1. Clay Golem - This calls a golem from the earth to attack enemies. Upgrades in this spell will increase the number of golems you can command up to a maximum of 6(it might be 8).
2. Petrify - Prevents enemies from moving or attacking. Upgrades will lengthen the effects of this spell.
3. Quake - A subterranean attack on nearby enemies. Upgrades in this spell will increase the damage dealt.

Spell Set(7):Death
1. Pursuit - Moves you to the location of the nearest enemy. Upgrades will shorten the cooldown of this spell.
2. Terror - Stops enemies in their tracks. Upgrades will lengthen the duration of this spell.
3. Hidden Blade - Damages enemies in your immediate area. Upgrades increase the # of blades.

Spell Set(8):Wind
1. Headwind - Heavy winds decrease the movement speed of all people in the area. Upgrades increase the duration of this effect.
2. Gust - This spell clears the mist from the island. Upgrades will decrease the cooldown time for this spell.
3. Tornado - This spell drags enemies toward it, hoping damage them when they reach the center. Upgrades increase the damage dealt by the tornado.

Spell Set(9):Water
1. Vortex - A vortex appears that drains MP from enemies inside of it over time. Upgrading this spell will increase it's length.
2. Torrential Rain - Strong currents damage nearby enemies. Upgrades increase the damage dealt by this spell.
3. Frost - Completely freezes all units in the area. Upgrades increase the length of this spell.

Spell Set(10):Light
1. Scan - Creates minimap pings that constantly follow an enemy hit by this spell. Upgrades will lengthen the effect.
2. Binding Light - Stuns enemies. Upgrades will increase the stun length.
3. Scorch - Drains the MP of all nearby enemies. More MP is drained with upgrades.

Spell Set(11):Life
1. Cure - Heals HP, more HP is healed with higher upgrades.
2. Shield - A shield protects you from damage. Upgrading this spell will strengthen the shield.
3. Tranquility - Protections from damage for a short amount of time. Upgrades increase the length of time.

Spell Set(12):Spirit
1. Introspect - You will be able to see through the eyes of enemies hit by this spell. Upgrades increase the duration of the sight.
2. Projection - Holographs of yourself will distract and confuse the enemy. Upgrading this spell will make the holographs stronger.
3. Backtrack - Same as the teleport spell, except a different name. Upgrades do the same thing.

Spell Set(13):Machinery
1. Obstruction - A metal object will obstruct the path of anyone pursuing you. Increased spell level yield a more durable object.
2. Titanium - A titanium shield will protect you from damage, but also slow you down. Upgrading this spell will increase the duration.
3. Metal Storm - Condensed metal ions from you surroundings rain down on nearby enemies. Upgrading this spell increases the damage dealt.

Spell Set(14):Dark
1. Fade - A Teleport-ish move. More info later.
2. Blind - Anyone hit by this spell will become blind. Upgrading this spell will increase the length of time enemies are inflicted with the blindness.
3. Shadow Flare - It hurts. Upgrading makes it hurt more.

Spell Set(15):Arcane
1. Blade Dance - Damages nearby enemies with blades. Upgrades will increase damage, duration.
2. Disable - Puts a curse on enemies that will not allow them to cast spells. Upgrades increase the duration of this curse.
3. Bleed - Inflict open wounds on the enemy, causing them to get damaged over time. Increased spell levels will increase the duration of this effect.

Spell Set(16):Gravity
1. Pull - This spell drags enemies toward you when they try to escape. Upgrading this spell will decrease the length of the cooldown.
2. Gravity - Same as headwind, except small amounts of MP is lost as well.
3. Black Hole - Drags in enemies from all over the island. Players are damaged if they get too close to the center of this spell. Upgrades increase the damage dealt by the black hole.


More to come.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Mar 16 2009, 9:51 pm by Norm.


Mar 7 2009, 3:30 am Empty Post #2

It would be nice if you used a unit construction based spell selection system rather than beacon, hotkeys are so much nicer than moving across a map.


Mar 7 2009, 3:34 am Norm Post #3

Quote from Empty
It would be nice if you used a unit construction based spell selection system rather than beacon, hotkeys are so much nicer than moving across a map.

Sorry i didn't make this clear, but there will be a GATEWAY cast system. The beacons are just to choose your spells at the very beginning of the game.


Mar 7 2009, 5:42 am stickynote Post #4

This looks like an arena map with a different concept. It's been a while since a new concept has arisen. So, to my understanding, it's a little bit like Risk, except that you gain experience and vision instead of troops?


Mar 7 2009, 9:17 am JaFF Post #5

I don't like that many of the spells do the same things. If you created so many spell sets, you must make them original, otherwise there isn't much difference between two given sets, just more work to trigger the different animations, which I assume you'll have for each spell. This just adds complexity without contributing to the variety and gameplay. I suggest you lower the number of spell sets and increase the originality of your spells.

I do like the concept of this, though.


Mar 7 2009, 6:44 pm Norm Post #6

First of all, updated the first post with a little extra information about the Wild Animals on the island.

@sticky: The main point of this game is to survive. However you want to do that is up to you. You can eliminate the other players, let them eliminate themselves, or keep to yourself and gain power and own shit towards the end. Other options include making alliances and backstabbing people you trick into trusting you. One way or another, your ideal goal is to have yourself alive when everyone else is dead. The territories, spells, ect. are just means to add strategy and depth to this process. Personally, i've never played risk, but since you are the 2nd person to relate this idea to risk - i would have to say that it might be similar.

@JaFF: TY JaFF for your input. Yes, 4 of the spells are basically clones of spells from other sets. This is tragic to me, and I would much rather not resort to this; however it actually does fit in pretty good here. Even though a few spells are clones of others, I have made sure that each spell set is unique by balancing offensive, defensive, healing, support spells in different amounts per set.

Of course, that doesn't really make the duplicated spells not exist, so I would like to mention that I am open to spell ideas if you have one that would work for my situation. The main one i need is a Life Level 3, but I am definitely open to suggestions about the duplicated spells as well.

@FTS's PM: Sorry, that idea will not work for me because this map does not have any area where the buildings could be constructed.


Mar 7 2009, 6:57 pm Biophysicist Post #7

You should add a few more passives. Like one that gives you a pet, for example.

Another idea for a spell: Create a duplicate of your Hunter. (Hero Hydra, maybe.) It might work for Life's Level 3.


Mar 7 2009, 7:01 pm JaFF Post #8

State Shift - changes your hero into another unit that is much more powerful. The duration of this spell changes with the spell level.

NanoRobotic Heal - Constantly sets your hero's HP to X% for N seconds. X and N can vary depending on the skill level.

Multi-Shot - moves N sprites on top of your hero to attack nearby enemies.

Radiation - constantly deals small amounts of damage and slowly burns mana to all nearby enemies.

If I think of more I'll let you know. I still think you should make less sets with greater diversity in spells.


Mar 7 2009, 7:08 pm Biophysicist Post #9

State Shift - changes your hero into another unit that is much more powerful. The duration of this spell changes with the spell level.
He's already said that he won't do unit replacements. As for why, I don't know.


Mar 7 2009, 8:22 pm lil-Inferno Post #10

Just here for the pie

I think that the diplomacy aspect of it will play a big role. It'll be fun when this happens:

Red: "Hey, teal, wanna team up?"
Teal: "Yeah, sure."

(They team up.)

Red: "Let's kill these bastards!"

(A few bastard deaths later, red and teal are the only survivors)

Teal: "Sorry, but I have to kill you."
Red: "OHSHI--"

Also, will it be that you only have one life and then you die? In my personal opinion, you should be able to modify the lives players have; perhaps the people that host the cruel game give you a free man :|.

Mar 7 2009, 8:35 pm Norm Post #11

The way i have respawns worked out is that the people controlling this experiment have an arbitrary amount of times you can die before they lose interest in you. (twice) So after you die twice, you no longer have the people behind this experiment reviving you to meet their needs.

(You will no longer be brought back to life)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 7 2009, 10:50 pm by Norm.


Mar 7 2009, 11:40 pm payne Post #12


I really like your story and it's very well integrated into the map.
Good luck with it! :P
If ever you plan making it look more like an RPG, you could probably submit it for the Last Stand 2009 RPG Contest.


Mar 8 2009, 12:54 am lil-Inferno Post #13

Just here for the pie

Quote from payne
I really like your story and it's very well integrated into the map.
Good luck with it! :P
If ever you plan making it look more like an RPG, you could probably submit it for the Last Stand 2009 RPG Contest.
He's already making an RPG for the contest... and how could you turn an arena into an RPG :wtfage:?

Mar 8 2009, 1:02 am ETEFT(U) Post #14

I am down to test. It seem's like a great game to play. I'll look over the screen shots again;[


Mar 8 2009, 1:14 am Pigy_G Post #15

I think it would be cool if you gave it more of a survival feel, and spell sets get boosts according to their type. Example would be a water set getting boosts near water. Fire near a burning tree or air in a big open space, death when a player dies dark and light according to the type of day, and this made their 'ultimate' spell available.


Mar 8 2009, 1:17 am Pyro682 Post #16

Or maybe when you use a fire spell near a tree, it sets it on fire, and THEN you are empowered by it.


Mar 8 2009, 1:43 am Norm Post #17

As of now I have no plans of environmental interaction beyond the Mist/No Mist system which I have now. Depending on how this project goes, that is subject to change.


Mar 16 2009, 5:52 am Ei47 Post #18

I still think you should add the smoke monster from lost :D


Mar 16 2009, 9:08 pm ForTheSwarm Post #19

Upgrades are either super-OP, or we just suck at using spells.


Mar 16 2009, 9:46 pm Norm Post #20

Quote from ForTheSwarm
Upgrades are either super-OP, or we just suck at using spells.

Neither, you just need to spend some time to figure out how to build your character... don't forget that spells can be upgraded too using the 'Skill' statistic. While upgrades might be the best route sometimes, they are useless for other builds. You just have to find out what works with what, and what is a good counter for your enemy.

Updates: Just finished the 'water' spell set today, Be warned that some spell info in the OP is inaccurate. Dark and Light spell sets are next on my list. =)


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