Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: Official Mystic Islands RPG Topic
Official Mystic Islands RPG Topic
Aug 29 2007, 2:07 am
By: Falkoner
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Aug 29 2007, 2:07 am Falkoner Post #1


Okay, this is the topic that I will be posting all the terrain from my map, I will be editing it as I move along, so be sure to keep checking it out. Tell me if you see anything that has another blend that could correct it, I know that some areas are blocky, and I hope to fix those before final release, so any help would be appreciated.

Aquarius Island

This is the island with lots of water, hence the name Aquarius. There is water flowing across the center of the island, it has docks with ruins and really shows use of bridge tiles.

Aquarius Dock Shop, here you can find where geysers are on the island, and get transported to the Space Bar, notice the lion face on the ramp:

River, this is just a section of the river that runs through the island:

Tunnel Exit, this is where you go from the dock town to the actual exploring areas of the island:

Large Image:

High-Definition Image:
Download here:
This image lets you zoom in close enough to see perfectly around the whole island.

Estrella Island

This island is like a home of an ancient civilization, it uses a lot of ruins, jungle, and cliffs. I think this one looks great!

Estrella Dock Shop where you go to do the same basics as the other shop:

Tunnel Exit where you exit from the tunnel that leads to the wild area of Estrella Island:

Estrella Pit Geyser one of the geysers in a pit:

Large Image:

High-Def Image:
This image is so high-definition that you can see the entire island in detail.

Ventisca Island
This island is a more foresty island, the docks are probably the best ones in the game.

Tunnel Exit, this is the exit of the tunnel that leads to the uninhabited part of the island:

Left Rise, the left side of the mountain

Right Rise, the right side of the mountain

Large View

High-Def Version:
This lets you zoom around the whole island in detail

Note: Any Dark Templar you see will be beacons in-game.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 13 2007, 5:10 am by Falkoner. Reason: Updating


Aug 29 2007, 4:56 am Sie_Sayoka Post #2


i like the verticle use of mud in the shop btw :)


Aug 29 2007, 6:27 am zornor Post #3

Very good use of tiles, I especially liked the little cave to the right of the 3rd picture, and the temple.


Aug 29 2007, 12:26 pm Kusion Post #4

Seems to be a lot going on, but it's really great - better than my noob skills.


Aug 29 2007, 12:49 pm Falkoner Post #5

I think the only real problem are the bridge to dirt transitions, otherwise there are almost no blocks.


Aug 29 2007, 8:56 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #6

Hey I thought you wrote, not terrain work! lol So its got it's obvious flaws like repetition and slight blocks here and there, but my only complaint is i'm not so sure all of that is origional work. No problem if you use my stuff or anyone elses for that matter but either credit them in the explanation or mention it somewhere at least. I know that little peice you've got that looks like a small house or crypt was on in one of my posts until it crashed so if you got that on your own, tight, but if you stole it from me and didn't give me zilch we've got problems :) Who knows maybe i'm just blowin some steam and I apologize in advance if there was not any malicious intent.


Aug 29 2007, 9:02 pm Falkoner Post #7

I got that house from a doodad database posted by WoodenFire as a open source, so get mad at him if you want to :P


Aug 29 2007, 9:40 pm Sie_Sayoka Post #8

i think i should say that there are a numbered amount of blends that one can make. and logically over time people will "create" the same blend. Most of this is all basic so i dont know why you are talking about stealing.


Aug 30 2007, 12:50 am Fallen Post #9

THe Castle to land is pretty nice man. The only thing that looks little wierd is that bride thast got cut in half by the terrian in the second pic seemed to be little bad. You defently gotta post the bridge from low to high on the bottom right cause that seems to done beutifully. nj man


Aug 30 2007, 1:01 am Falkoner Post #10

The bridge doesn't go from low to high, it stops at a bridge ending, goes underground, then comes back up :P

Also, if you want to see something not in the close-ups, just get the high-def version.


Aug 30 2007, 3:26 am Ryan Post #11

I like the 3rd picture. Idk why.


Aug 30 2007, 7:10 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #12

Hey Falk no hard feelings I was probably just over reacting lol! So this is in a mip?


Aug 30 2007, 10:22 pm Falkoner Post #13

None added :P

Yes, this is going to be in a map, here's the explaination of the map I posted on Maplantis:

Storyline: You are oil prospectors and are looking for oil, you are competing against eachother and a large oil company called Oil Tech.

You are a civilian, you will never command more than one unit on the actual map at once. You can purchase mercinaries, and a single vehicle at each island, mercinaries will not be controlled by you, they will follow you around using a complex follow system so that they stay moving while you stand still, they will also be walk-throughable. There will be 3 players, three main islands, and 3 private islands. The three main islands will have 3 geysers each, the private islands will have 1/2 of a geyser. Geysers determine income, for each geyser you have you get more income.

One person can own a geyser at a time. You can take over other geysers by force by fighting any defenses at the geyser. The owner of a geyser can upgrade defenses to maximum level of five, there will be random prospectors from Oil Tech going to geysers periodically, they will attempt to take over geysers that are owned by you. The longer they own a geyser the more defenses they add to it.

You will travel on five boats from island to island, if you die in a battle over a geyser you will be picked up by the Medical Transport the SS Celestis, and carried back to the docking area of the island after a brief penalty period.

The boats will go from dock to dock, if they dock at the island you are on you will be informed. Now, there will also be a space bar where you can purchase drinks, sleep to recover health, and gamble, this bar can be accessed from each island.

Private islands can be taken from other players after they have been bought by paying more money than the last owner.


Aug 31 2007, 12:51 pm Jello-Jigglers Post #14

Nice well that sounds like its going to be pretty sweet. It will be really cool when extended terrain is used on b-net because as far as i can tell no one on b-net has seen any of this stuff lol. Keep up the good work! :)


Sep 1 2007, 4:16 pm Zell. Post #15

hey your the guy that did all the terrain for the tileset... instalation? long time since i played SC hehe. I thought it was kewl your doing jungle. Tell me if you need help.


Sep 2 2007, 5:09 am Falkoner Post #16

Updated the main post with Estrella Island!

I love this island, it has a darker look, much less blocky and just looks better overall, thanks to WoodenFire for the interior of the shop.


Sep 2 2007, 3:07 pm Money Post #17

I like the second one better. It's great!


Sep 2 2007, 3:26 pm Zell. Post #18

hmm i cant tell how blocky the shop is but it looks good. i can give a blend for another island if i can find it. this map is taking good shape :)


Sep 2 2007, 3:40 pm Falkoner Post #19

Yes, I need to find some mood for the next island.. But I love this one, it looks great.


Sep 2 2007, 3:46 pm Zell. Post #20

Yea that WoodenFire's style. I can tell the difference between any body and his work because he thinks differently. Go with a temple theme next. Or maybe you could have a volcano.. just thinking about islands hehe. My SC is on a different computer so i'll send you some brushes or something later.


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