Okay, this is pretty off the subject of starcraft modding... but im making this Java game with a friend where you move a tank around with a mouse and shoot at stuff. Its pretty cool, i am using AutoCad and Gmax to do all the graphics and it is getting close to being done. Having modded alot a year ago, i knew how to rip sounds and graphics off of stardat.mpq so i now have a bunch of cool sounds.
Anyway what im really trying to do is get some explosion images. I have only found a couple of very good explosions via google and i need each GIF broken down frame by frame so i thought, hey why not get them from starcraft! But as i recall the explosions have a wierd color scheme when you decompile the.... ugh what were they called... GRPs!!! (it has been a long time) ANYWAY i was just wondering if there is a way to decompile all the RPG images with the true color OR if anyone has any good explosion GIFs that i could use.
(sorry if this is kind of the wrong topic, i guess it does have something to do with modding. And sorry for using the forum for something other than sc modding, but if it helps, after december ish i plan to finish my long lost mod that is so close to being completed...)
Use Farty's PalEdit2 and use the "preview" function to load the proper pallete into the explosion grp you wish to have. Additionally I think SFGRPConv would do the job if you use the right pallete.
fuck you all
PyMS and ProTRG developer
Yeah any GRP converter can do it if you use FaRTy's converted special palettes, get it in the PalPack.
k i thought it had something to do with pallets thanks
thanks, im actually getting back into sc. doing some terrain and i have a sweet mod idea that i would really like to start on