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.chk testing, phase 2
Sep 17 2007, 8:39 pm
By: Forsaken Archer  

Sep 17 2007, 8:39 pm Forsaken Archer Post #1

Post map and any information you know about it upon failure (? marks in force / player setup isn't a failure, just more of me just not putting values in).


Sep 17 2007, 8:46 pm Vi3t-X Post #2

I dont understand what you are stating


Sep 17 2007, 8:57 pm Money Post #3

Works great ^^


Sep 17 2007, 9:18 pm Undead-Fox Post #4

I just tried it with Black Hole Defense, and it seems like it got everything beautifully except for the Tileset.
It told me it was Badlands, when it's supposed to be Space.

Tested twice just to make sure. Same thing.


Sep 17 2007, 9:33 pm Forsaken Archer Post #5

undead-fox: try again and/or attach map


Sep 18 2007, 4:32 am Undead-Fox Post #6

Same thing happens. {I tried a Protected version and Unprotected version of the same map, and it still gets the tileset wrong.}

Anyways, here's the map.

Black Hole Defense2.0.scx
Hits: 3 Size: 45.9kb


Sep 18 2007, 2:18 pm Evien Post #7

Map Name:
Map Description:
Map Dimensions: by
Tileset: Badlands

? (zerg)

Map won't open in Scmdraft at all... (yea, I tried Osmap, but it says only map unprotected and doesn't change anything)

Hey, why I can't upload the map?

» File size was too big! (it is about 1mb, and I removed sounds...)


Sep 18 2007, 2:21 pm Forsaken Archer Post #8

i probably haven't changed the php.ini yet


Sep 18 2007, 3:43 pm spinesheath Post #9


Also, in response to Undead-Fox's post with the wrong tileset: Make sure that you bitmask the ERA section properly: Only the 3 least significant bits are used, the rest is ignored (should be 3... 2³ = 8 possible tilesets, right? Damn, I'm rusty).


Sep 18 2007, 5:01 pm Clokr_ Post #10

Quote from spinesheath

Also, in response to Undead-Fox's post with the wrong tileset: Make sure that you bitmask the ERA section properly: Only the 3 least significant bits are used, the rest is ignored (should be 3... 2³ = 8 possible tilesets, right? Damn, I'm rusty).

Yes, you can do (tileset & 7) or (tileset % 8) [respectively tileset AND 7 and tileset MOD 8), both will give you the same result. The second one is more intuitive though.


Sep 18 2007, 6:18 pm Forsaken Archer Post #11

All tilesets are going to be wrong because I didn't use the correct variable. Unless it's badlands. Because it will always show 0.


Sep 20 2007, 3:06 pm Undead-Fox Post #12

spinesheath, of course you can't open it in SCMDraft, because it is protected. It can be opened after unprotecting it with UUP though. Besides, it's not my map, precisely why I didn't post an unprotected version.

But it's Black Hole Defense, and it IS put onto the Space Tileset.

Anyways, yeah, that's the only problem I saw with the uploader. Tilesets were wrong on the maps I tried. [Pro'd and UnPro'd]


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