Is it possible to make a Psi Disrupter killable?
A psi disruptor (special building) is killable by default. If you're referring to a psi emitter, try placing a sprite-unit, if it doesn't crash it'll be killable. However you might not be able to pick it up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you make any powerup killable by disabling it's invincibility with the set invincibility action? I think you just have to manually use a+left click to kill.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you make any powerup killable by disabling it's invincibility with the set invincibility action? I think you just have to manually use a+left click to kill.
If thats the case than its probably because it's owned by Neutral 12. And if thats the case then you could give it to an enemy and wouldn't need to a click it.
I could imagine shooting at purple crystals...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you make any powerup killable by disabling it's invincibility with the set invincibility action? I think you just have to manually use a+left click to kill.
I thought this from the start, so im gonna try it.
Yeah all the powerups should behave the same. So there's no way to have a powerup killable.
You can place a buried unit under the powerup, and, when the buried unit dies, you can "kill" the powerup through triggers. They did this on the "melting ice" map for "melting" the ice (mineral fields) and it worked effectively (except for the fact that the ice was bleeding